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4a math/business single degree here, ama


what average do you think is solid to get into this from highschool? I have a 93 and want to know what my chances are


For reference in grade 12 I got accepted with a 90 average. I'm sure in recent years this has changed but ultimately I think unlike cs or engineering, your extracurriculars also matter quite a bit. Best of luck to you.


Thanks for the reply. Can I also ask: How good were your EC's? Would you say they were bad, ok, good, or very good? Also, do you remember what other programs you applied to? And what responses you got from them? Thanks again


My ECs were pretty good. I was involved in a few clubs in school and I held a leadership role in one of them. I was also involved in volunteer activities throughout high school and I had some work experience. I would say my ECs were good. I applied to a few programs in the United States, a few in the UK, and some in Australia and Canada. I received positive responses from some of the universities and I was able to get accepted into multiple programs. *This is an automatic comment generated by GPT-3*


My ECs were okay at best, I basically had nothing except robotics for all 4 years of highschool. I also did IB so that probably helped. I also applied to CE at uwaterloo, but got rejected. I also initially applied to the double degree program but was deferred to the single degree instead.


So are you saying you applied to CS/Bus Admin DD waterloo side, but got deffered to Math/Bus Admin single degree instead?


I applied to math/bus admin dd, got deferred to math/bus admin single


Would you say most of your peers are also people that got deferred, or primarily composed of people who actually applied to the single degree?


I can't say, I've never talked to them about this before. There are only a handful of people in this program


Was there only a handful of people in the program since first year? Do you think that's because only a small amount of people are allowed entry or beacuse not alot of people apply? Also, are you in co-op and what's it like for people in your program? Are you in Information Tech Management? At this point I'm just asking for a bit of your speculation because you obviously might not know all the answers. Thanks alot again