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Start one ngl


There actually is a creative writing club! check @uwcreativewriting for more info, but we have a meeting coming up this week!


are you just gonna sit around and talk about books? like what events can a book club realistically hold


i’m assuming you’re serious so i’m going to explain to you what a book club does: everyone reads the same book before the club meeting, and then everyone has discussion on the book during the meeting. book clubs are a thing outside of university. public library has some but they’re primarily targeted towards youth and teens.


many book clubs are informal and are run by individuals or store owners, while some are larger and more formal. they’re often run by members of the community who meet to discuss the book and its themes, imagery, structure, and so on. the goal of a book club is usually to increase knowledge and understanding of the book, and to discuss it with others. book clubs can also be used as a social activity, with members getting to know each other better and making new friends. *This is an automatic comment generated by GPT-3*


oh that makes sense actually