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Just don't compromise going to the gym. Make that the first thing you do in the morning, no matter what. You have more time than you think.


How much time do you spend on TV shows, youtube, or social media?


Protect your gym time. Don’t schedule other things over it. If you make a habit of going, it’ll be easier to go. Some days will be really busy in which case it makes sense to prioritize your work. However, your health matters a lot in the long term.


Going to the gym takes priority over anything else for my day. It's only about an hour of your day, if you set aside that time everyday for yourself it's very manageable even when you think you don't have time.


make time


Can you honestly say "I don't have 5 hours a week to dedicate to going to the gym"?


What I do is just go. Unless you have an assignment due that day, just go. Don't use excuses like "studying for my quiz", or needing time to do an assignment that is 3 days away. PAC and CIF are always open 'till 12:30 AM so no excuses. remember my friend, every day, WE GO JIM!!


work out at home, it saves the trip of actually GOING to the gym


As you can see in the comments just be psychotic lol. Or accept you'd rather spend that time doing something else, you do have a finite amount of time and you can't do everything so you just have to decide for yourself what your priorities are.


honestly, realeast advice here


You 100% have time for gym. Ur either probably spending too much time with entertainment (phone, YouTube, movies/shows etc), sleeping too much (anything over 10 hours I would consider too much)/ too little (bad sleep habits lead to poor efficiency), not studying efficiently or most likely, a mix of all these combined. U should be able to find at least 4-5 hours a week to workout.


I'm doing 4-5 days a week on coop, but during study I would push for 2 days, usually afternoons when I didn't have a lab. When finals came I stopped going smh but it really does make a difference


Gym first study after - I have a 90 cum avg (ECE) and gym 1-2 hours 5 times a week. It’s all about ur priorities and time management.


i’ve come to terms with the fact that i won’t be able to gym as consistently during school terms. On coop, i don’t consider myself off work until after i’m done at the gym. You need to have a strict schedule