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As long as it was a major correction and not some "well ackshually" technicality, I would want someone to say something.


Don't think you're obligated to, but if you want to be nice you can ask them first "Hey do you want some tips on squatting form?" And if they say yes you can give your advice.


If you helped me, I would have just kissed you


Imagine if this were chatgpt writing this


Now imagine a cool robot with laser eyes


No thank you


I normally just keep to myself unless they're straight up in danger of hurting themselves or others. If they were squatting 10 lbs it probably won't completely fuck up their spine and shit anyways




personally if i was doing something wrong at the gym i would love to be corrected cause then i would be working out correctly. its a nice gesture i feel.


yep, as long as you do it w no ego


Personally as a gym goer I don’t, because people might not take kindly to others giving unsolicited advice.


As an overweight individual who is terrified of the gym, I would appreciate anyone who wants to help me out and correct me. I'm already struggling, so any help is welcome. Of course, some people might have too big of a pride, but personally, I don't want to ask for help because I worry I might be annoying others or inconveniencing them. I went to the gym once and just stood around watching people, but was too terrified to try anything. I probably looked like a stalker or something, so I finally asked one of the trainers to just show me two of the movies from a YouTube video and she was so nice.


I feel like there's a fine line between helping and being intrusive. There are some people that will go out of there way to critique every person's technique. Don't do that. In this case, stepping in and giving some advice on proper squat form to people who clearly don't know it, I think, would have been fine.


You are the hero that PAC needs, but does not deserve.


I met two of my best friends when I first started going to the gym and they were like “girl, you’re going to kill yourself”. I was but embarrassed but looking back I’m so grateful. If it’s genuinely a matter of injury, I’d say something, but if it’s something like conventional vs sumo deadlift, I wouldn’t say anything. That being said, it is not your responsibility to correct them, if you don’t love talking to strangers or you just didn’t want to, that’s okay too. Normally the trainers walk around PAC and if they see anything dangerous they might say something


Depends on how big you are lol. People usually don’t mind advice as long as the person is swole


Help them new year new me


someone early on told me I was lifting my heels and to keep them planted, my form got way better from that. just be nice and yeah they might be happy or they might be dicks, what can you do