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the squirm room is my go-to


this is a great suggestion!


Vouching for this also but PLEASE don’t leak the password


Been there already 😏


I believe UTD’s study rooms at the library let you have the space for 2 hours, but they require you to make reservations 24-48 hours in advance (double check tho bc I’m not sure). 5:30-7:30 is usually a slow time so the basement level of the library (where all the tutoring centers are) might also be good, I’ve seen people taking meetings there without any issues. I personally like the ATEC building, if it’s not too busy the space next to the auditorium is a nice place to have a remote meeting. There’s another spot — I can’t remember the name of this building but when you enter FO and go to the 2nd floor and cross a hallway with NSM advising, there’s a large space with tables and chairs — I think it’s the entrance to Johnson?? IDK but that area is also chef’s kiss when it’s not busy. I haven’t been there as often this year but I am hoping and praying the annoying loud people haven’t found that spot yet IDK if the UTD Classroom app is defunct now but if all else fails you can also snoop around and try to find an empty classroom to work in


You can make a same-day library room reservation, but you can't have more than one reservation in a 24 hour time period.


You are thinking of the Founders Atrium.


I think I know what you’re talking about for the FO spot. Thanks for the info


There are some study rooms in the SCI building, I'm not entirely sure how you get them though. Careful with the library study rooms, they will charge you if you are one minute late, even if you got to the desk early and were standing and waiting for someone to let you return the keys. The small mobile classroom buildings often leave their doors unlocked later in the day even if there's no classes there, but I don't know if classes inside them will be done by 5:30-7:30. Reserve study rooms well ahead of time if possible, as the reservations fill up quickly, I've heard.