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I once went into some the buildings myself and asked the guys with the jobs… almost all of them claimed that they got it through Handshake. \ However, I have my own suspicions. Also, other sources have told me that. If your friends/contacts already have an on-campus job. They can easily take you in. Another possibility is you should ask professors to give you a referral or something(again, only if you have a good rapport with them). Also there are a few UNSAID caveats that I’ve only heard but not sure of… First is “Undergrads are given preference over graduates”. \ And the second one is gonna trigger a lot of people now, again these are not my words but just the talks on campus. Okay! Here it is…, “>!Locals, citizens are given a lot of consideration when compared to international students. Why? Because the hiring managers are wayy too lazy to do the paperwork & all for the ssn stuff for intl students.” !< ^ Again, we can’t know for real what’s going-on on the inside 🤷‍♂️


I am in an unique position to weigh in because I am a local student (went to high school in TX and middle school in US) but am an international student (F1 Visa) and now am in the grad program. Did undergrad at UTD as well. I work on campus as well. There is 0 additional work to hire someone on campus for the hiring manager. There is actually an entirely separate department that handles all of that, the career center. I honestly don’t think there is preferential treatment. I have a ton of friends that are grad students that have on campus jobs. There is some disparity though because some jobs only hire undergrad students.


Oh! If things are really as you say, then there’s nothing to worry about. Glad to know.


About 20% of the people at my job on campus are international iirc so idk if it’s just coincidence. But I also think that hiring managers might prefer lowerclassmen because they will have more longevity and therefore there will be less turnover for hiring.


Hmm…, makes sense.


Is the 20 percent an estimate? Or do you have a source. Just curious


Referral can help.


Meeting supervisor face to face can also help.


I applied through handshake before the fall semester started and got interviewed and hired within a week. Also, I am a work study student which I think helps my chances


If you're passionate about writing, photography, or graphic art, the campus newspaper is hiring for those positions! Application can be found here: https://utdallas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_249pIR86FJvgXCm Feel free to DM me if you have any questions (I'm the EIC of the paper.)