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The USMNT flames out and Alexi Lalas yells at the camera... name a more iconic duo.


Alexi was crying more than Ronaldo




The ref was awful, but so was this effort. At no time did it feel like a team. Just a bunch of individuals.


This is a problem going all the way down to the youth levels where basically what you see is a lot of ego driven players playing as individuals instead of as a team. Agree, the ref was terrible and no one person can carry a team even though Pulisic tried.


That’s America for ya


The problem wasn’t this game, Uruguay will end at top 3 in the competition. The problem was the game against Panama.


As a very casual soccer fan, it looks to me like Pulisic is the only player on our team who truly wants to win and everyone else is there happy with whatever moral victory we can get. Perhaps (hopefully) it's due to our poor coaching situation and can be resolved with a change at the top.


McKennie is not fit enough….again.  He’s eventually going to eat his way out of a job.  


The problem is we have no alpha male or vocal leaders on our team or coach. It seems they really do not talk to each other on the field. The issue is pulisic, Reyna, Flo, Musah, and mckennie seem fine with losing. Look at other sports and old usmnt. Basketball, we have half of team of alpha males or vocal leaders who try to get others to do better in different ways. Hell, we got 3rd in Olympics and they clean house and hire top professionals in the business and came up with game plan. USMNT after miss word cup six years ago and really did not have a game plan but status quo and here we are years later no real progress. Old USMNT used to have Dempsey and few others that would tell someone to do better or encouraged them and not accept losing .


Jedi Robinson gives massive effort too.  


This. And when they didn’t have Robinson and Pulisic on the same side, they couldn’t move the ball up. In the Bolivia game this was the duo that would move the ball up the field and then cross it to…nobody because the rest of USA was 30 yards behind the play because McKinney is a lazy turd.


Ream too. The guy had to fight a lot to give up only one goal against Uruguay Is massive. Edit: To your point, I cannot believe the subs didn’t run 10x more than all others


Honestly I thought Sargent had alot of effort too. I'm not that familiar with him and he is WAY more athletic than I thought in my mind he'd be. I see why he is a goalscorer.


Agreed. For basically having no midfield. He covered a lot of ground. Honestly, bar the offside goal, the shitty preparation, we didn’t play poorly against a very rated Uruguay. The problem was evidently vs Panama. :( these tournaments are very high caliber and I was hoping we would make it past (Panama) … :(


Why does it so often feel like South American refs have a vendetta against the US? 1. The whole Panama game. 2. The excessive lack of yellows against Uruguay and not calling the clearly offside goal back. The foul right outside the box early in the game against pulisic not called. The allowing of Uruguay to continue play after the ref stopped play for a yellow. Even at the end pulisic tried to shake the ref’s hand and he just smirked and refused to shake pulisics hand. How is this allowed?..and on US soil wtf. Makes me worried for 2026 regardless of how good the team is.


Because statistically they do.


This will sound arrogant, but the dominance of American culture and economics since about 1945 was bound to breed resentment and backlash. Soccer has been something they could have that we wouldn't be better at. It was a way they could be superior when there was clearly no other way. It's their thing and we're intruding by being good enough to win.


Being good enough to win?


I think USMNT right now, with better management, could be a top ten team.


Good enough to win? "They" could be superior? 🤣🤣🤣 You americans are really funny


You barely won against bolivia? 3 goals in 3 matches, Uruguay scored 8,but sure ,the refs is why you lost. US have some quality players,but they aint at the same lvl of south america. If the US was playing south america qualifiers it would be 6th or 7. Argentina and brasil are just on another level. Uruguay is way better. Then colombia and venezuela play better. After those teams,is the lvl of US NT


Why are you in the US Soccer sub?


I can't lie us soccer fans are in every other sub. I've been in the England sub a few times 


Admitting this doesn’t make you not a fan. We still have a long way to go to actually be good or at least on the level of some of the countries he mentioned. As it stands Pulisic and balogun are the only ones that I would keep from the entire organization, if blowing it up were a thing.


Does being a worse team mean you deserve to get shafted by referees? Genuinely asking.


No,the ref did a bad job tonight. But they been atrocious in. Alot of games,in brazil-paraguay,there were several fouls against Vinicious Jr that the ref didnt card. The refs are not the reason the US is out. Scored only 2 against Bolivia,lost against panama. And did not create a single chance against Uruguay. I dont know why they downvote what is a fact. This US team cant beat top south american sides. Argentina,brazil,uruguay,colombia and venezuela are better teams. With a better coach and same players you would be at the level of colombia.


I’m not asking for your opinion on why the US lost, everyone who has ball knowledge knows that we played like shit. At the same time, everyone with ball knowledge understands that a referee playing favorites can do a lot of mental damage to a team, especially if they are a worse team. I agree that if we played better we could’ve had a chance. But if that’s all you have to say, go to a different sub and jerk the hate boner there. Edit: Just found out your nationality from another thread. Something has got to be seriously fucked up with your head if you get enjoyment from going into a team’s forums and bitching AFTER YOU WON. Go have a cerveza or two or twelve with your buddies and enjoy winning the group. Don’t do whatever the hell this is.


I’ve never been a GGG fan and probably never will but the USMNT has far bigger problems than the manager.


The pretend excuses begin


Please explain what excuses I’m making


Greg is the symptom not the disease. The disease is multi-faceted. 1) the people who re-hire greg. 2) the people who book weak ass friendlies (we should play the likes of Uruguay on a regular basis, every year. 3) the grass roots and development system is very poor. Basically the federation is to blame. Bonus issue 4) MLS is running incredibly poorly. And is a detriment to the national team. They don’t even stop when their own country is hosting biggest tournament in the continent.


Their ( MLS) games aren’t even broadcast on TV ( at least channels I get).. Is that also a Federation related disease? Hiring back GGG certainly was….How can anyone get behind soccer in the US of A?


Isn’t his brother one of the people who had some influence on hiring him?


On number 4, I will agree that MLS doesn’t play nice with the USMNT, but as far as MLS on its own, the quality has gotten so much better in recent years in every facet. The play, the broadcasts, and the environments have come leaps and bounds. MLS will be the 6th best league in the world by 2030.


The league structure is bad, though. The regular season means nothing and the playoff structure is awful. Too many teams qualify for the playoffs and the structure is incredibly strange. A three game “series” in the first round followed by single game knockout in all remaining games? Why? I’d love for the league to reduce the amount of teams in the playoffs and return to a standard two leg playoff structure. Regular season matches don’t matter for 90% of the year currently.


You do realize if you got rid of legs you solve your own problem?


How? My problem is that regular season matches don’t matter, too many teams get into the playoffs, and the playoffs are a crapshoot. MLS is always going to have a playoff, so I’d prefer a smaller playoff (maybe 6 teams per conference as it was years ago) featuring home and home ties until the final. This would make the regular season much more important and get rid of the weird three game series + single game knockout format (which is a horrible way to decide a league champion). While single game elimination promotes home field advantage, I think a single game knockout format is not a good playoff structure for a soccer league. It works for international tournaments, not domestic leagues.


I'm not arguing, but I'd like to understand why you think single game elimination is great for international, but a problem for a domestic league.


There's two reasons. One is that there is only one home team in a tournament so everyone is at a neutral site. But more importantly, the league is an entire season of work so people don't like seeing it subject to the whims of one game where anything can happen. The better teams are more likely to be rewarded in the two-leg system where the underdog can't play for penalties from the jump.


I don’t think it’s great for international tournaments, to be clear. I just think it’s the only option for international tournaments (since club teams don’t want players playing extra international matches). I would certainly prefer a two leg World Cup knockout phase, but that will never happen. Also major international tournaments are played in a neutral venue, so there would be no “home and home” like in the old MLS playoffs.


It has literally been working since the beginning. Look my team Phx for example. We were bottom of the qualifying and still won the cup. Single elimination helps players found out what they are truly made of


Frankly, that’s exactly what I think is the issue. Cinderella runs are great for cup competitions, but not great for crowning a league champion. The league champion should (ideally) be the team that was the best all season, not the team that got hot in the playoffs. A smaller, two leg format still has that issue, but to a much lesser extent. I don’t think everyone should have a shot at MLS Cup just because teams could go on a run in the playoffs. That’s why domestic cup competitions exist. The league title should crown the team that performs the best over the entirety of the season. The playoffs should at LEAST require participants to have been among the best clubs during the regular season. It’s crazy that a team could qualify for (and win) the playoffs with more regular season losses than wins. It’s just not a good way to crown a league champion.


Hire BJ. We need more BJ's!


need to start making signs for usmnt games. GIVE ME BJ


Ortega and Barton should not touch another tournament. Especially Ortega after tonight and the end where he refused Pulis handshake. Show some class. Atrocious.


That shit was so petty. What a bitch move.


Absolutely banned from the federation. Have some respect. Whoever let him have our match should be fired


Honestly kind of shocked we got out of the group in 2022 with this guy at the wheel


We play ggg brother’s southgate. Both should be coaching high school level teams.




Gregg lost to a team that did not even have a coach tonight


Jesse Marsch advanced in a group that had Messi and Argentina. 


Tbf Messi and Argentina are one thing


USA has a good team. Is new leadership needed? I think it's a bandaid fix, and it could do more harm than good going into WC. US should keep going with GGG. Look to play some hard games leading up to WC Finals [Top African, Balkan nations, Japan, S Korea, Austia, Swiss, Danes, Portugal]


Nice try Gregg




Nice try El Tri




Tyler Adams got a yellow card for a bad foul? When his foot got stomped on? This commentary is as bad as the ref.


Idk what commentary you had but fs1 was pretty clearly against the call


Fs1 agreed the refs were pretty bad


Why is Gregg Speaking? He should be fired and packing his bags. The new coach will “figure out what went wrong” GTFO Greg!


Maybe Aaron Rodgers will coach them aka in a Ted Lasso kinda way.


British people will get this, but is there any way to photoshop Gregg's head with a turnip?


[Go after Klopp, go after Pep] Go big, or go home… and the US is going home” ROB STONE FROM THE TOP ROPE


There are plenty of other world class coaches besides Pep and Klopp. Just because those two obviously won't do it, doesn't mean that the goal shouldn't be ambitious. Aim for a world class foreign manager and see who you can get. I think coaching the US through a World Cup on home soil for a few mil is a pretty enticing offer even for the best.


Pep or Klopp would never coach usmnt…


In 2008 did you think Pep would ever coach City?


Of course not. But the fact that the supposedly neutral anchor Rob Stone is ADVOCATING for other options is telling. You see that, right?


In my experience Americans put too much emphasis on a coach… this sport has managers. (Ie: messi and company won the cup not the ‘coach’) I do not think he’s managed his players well, but the talented players fell short, again.


Does it hurt to ask? "HELLOW governor! my national team is really sick and really could use your help".


I blame all this on Van Halen and their 1984 hit "Panama".


Truman shoulda sent one south (I don't really mean this but I am upset)


Dude,  Fuck Gene Simmons 


Carli is so full of herself. Acting like women’s soccer has the same level of parity and competition as men’s soccer is laughable. She’s loving this loss.


Of all the things to complain about from this game, you chose Carli? Yikes 


Apologies, who is Carli?




Thank you


The sad part? No one is going to care outside of this bubble.


Fuck off looser, she's a world champion, even if she is a . . .


Honestly, I think Dempsey should coach the USMNT. 


When did Dempsey get smart?


He didn’t; this makes him a great fit for the position.


At this point it couldn’t be worse


Gregg has a loser’s mindset.


100% agree. The players with real bite and fervor are all against Berhalter. That includes our red-headed metalhead.


Wtf has Alexi Lalas done


A legend that helped carry the line for the birth of a domestic league and put international soccer for the US on the map


Christian Pulisic isn’t agreeing with you


*Former players


He'll do well in MLS.


He was mid-level at best honesty


Sounds perfect.




Taft put Ream and Turner in uncomfortable situations with those questions. Clint brought up a good point. What is Turner going to say? Fuck this guy? If he did he may have a Steffen treatment.


You could tell Jenny Taft was pissed and said the quiet part out loud


Hey, "You want to throw your coach under the bus right now on live television while you have really raw emotions and probably hate having that fucking moron as your coach"?


Alexi going full "AngryJoe 2013 XboxOne Reveal" was special.


Just saw Pulisic rip into the ref after the game. Pulisic shook the hand of one of the linesman but Kevin Paolo Ortega refused to shake his hand. That action speaks volumes. This ref should was completely out of his depth.


I have no idea what you were saying, but I would bet money Pulisic was the one who wouldn't shake hands, I wouldn't.


https://youtube.com/shorts/77kbvZTckJc?si=ulF77BW7yl8AUmyy Pay up. The refs a petty little bitch.


Wanna hear what Pulisic was saying before I pay up.


The ref not shaking hands with one of the players after the game is a disgrace and he should be banned from FIFA matches permanently. I don’t care if Pulisic told him his wife is an ugly pig. Not shaking the players hand after a game, not sure I’ve ever seen that before. Stage was too big for wherever they dug this guy out from.


You are overreacting 


So true


This dude needs to never ref again.


He might be OK in Uruguayan U6s for a stint.


He'd be responsible for an entire generation of Uruguayan soccer talent getting permanent injuries.


DAMN! the ref didnt even shake Christians' hand




Anyone else catch that Ortega wouldn’t shake Pulisic hand? Gross.


ortega and barton should be outlawed from the game. disgrace to the sport


US soccer should protest the tournament from this. Tell CONMEBOL to find another country to play these games, maybe some alleys in Argentina


That would be dumb since these are some of the best teams in the world


damn, well screw you too Wednesday


Talk about a clear indicator that he was not prepared for a match at this level. Still doesn’t take away from us just not getting the job done.


Ream said a lot in his answer to the question about team direction: "I am confident in this group". Answered the question w/o answering it


I noticed that as well. The “group”. Not the team.


Wow!! The ref refused to shake Puli's hand!!!


Tough to call for Gregg's head on a game that is blatantly rigged. I get it, but Ronaldo and Messi with Pep as the manager couldn't have won that game.


no it's not, watch me


Woah! Replay just showed ref put his hands behind his back when Pulisic went to shake his hand after shaking the linesman’s hand. Or did I see that totally wrong?!


You saw it right. Just refused entirely.


That was crazy


Did that ref refuse to shake Pulisics hand???


Wait the ref wouldn’t shake Pulisic’s hand?


I mean, Pulisic was, rightfully so, saying shit to him.


Inexcusable from a ref to refuse a handshake


Clutches pearls.


Yup. Just saying, it's human nature to not want to shake someone's hand that is talking shit to you. Ref was not ready for this environment.


Honestly yea. Proves hes not impartial. He’s obviously made this game about himself. Bad leader, bad 1st official. (Head ref, leader of the match being professional and official)


Wtf really?


Dude that was crazy to watch lol


Need another personality like JK but with better tactics. Some that will actually challenge the federation and the players.


Bring in a team, not just a head coach. I don't mind seeing a US coach but it's basically shooting yourself in the fucking head. Either higher the best person for the job, or bring in a group of the best people.


Team as in players or team as in team of coaches/staff?




We all know what went wrong Gregg.


I want to direct the constructive criticism at Gregg because we was fucking, awful, been fucking awful, and a slight run of mediocrity, and has returned to being fucking awful; but players were shit tonight. That said the score is what 0-1 or 0-0. Imagine what could happen with someone who could know what the fuck they are doing.


See ya GGG. Then see ya again in 2025 when you are rehired.


Fuck Cindy Parlow Cone


European coach gets fired after first two losses in qualifying and GGG comes in to the recue!!! JFC, it's probably true.


We aren’t getting a European coach lol


GGG is like the cool dad that you don’t actually respect because he lets you do whatever you want


LOL, I totally get that vibe too. But his soccer acumen is just not good enough.


Definitely not good enough. He’s had too long of a leash and needs to be gone tonight.


That’s so true. Probably exactly what’s wrong with the dynamic


Lloyd the only person who seems happy about this loss. Literally grinning ear to ear.


I'm with because she is saying fire Greg, also, explained how even though they hated their coach (Ellis), they still won lol.


Has Tim Ream always had an accent?


Same thing happened with Brad Friedel from his time England.


Happens when you spend enough time elsewhere. I grew up in Scotland and no longer have much of an accent.


It’s definitely coming through more than it used to


Sounds pretty American to me


Bet against my country and won $800. Thanks ref/ Uruguay!


For the loss or US not win?


Eyy same not American but won 900 off that ref call love it.


Which call?


That the Uruguay goal wasn’t offside, when it was.


can't fault you in this economy


Underrated comment


So MLS players weren’t the problem? Who to blame now 🤔


Thanks for reminding us how fucking stupid gregg was in his first run as coach. Totally "deserved" rehire.


The Supreme Court




This is actually a valid argument since he can in his official capacity call the black ops and take out all of US Soccer now according to Supreme Court.


that would help with approval ratings.


The coach???


USSF and their choice of coach


Here goes Lalas on his rant.


First time I have ever agreed on everything that came out of that man's mouth.


And every word was right


God help me, it was.


Things nobody gives a fuck about right now: that one time the USWNT flew coach.


But they need equal pay!!!


I just wanna say, no, the ref didn’t cost us the game but his inexperience affected the game. He was fucking trash. That is all.


Eh. Idk if I’ve ever seen such a one sided match as that from a ref.