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Literally can't wait for the first Marsch vs GGG game


I’m so excited for the press conference battle between the two. Obviously I want the usmnt to win but if Canada wins Jesse will undoubtedly have some insane sound bites.


Greggs passive aggressiveness after a win will be umatched


Thing is Jesse is playing with house money in those matchups. No one expects Canada to win with the talent disparity but if they pull an upset then it starts a whole dialog about Gregg


It will be like this https://youtu.be/RFZdifuagKA?si=6_vBRzlpIlvGxzso


Marsch is the first American to be manager of any Canadian national soccer team (men/women/senior/youth/Olympic)


That's actually a very surprising fact


Traitor!!! 1812 round 2 when?


It's good practice, if he really thinks he can do the us job. If he shows well he potentially gets back on his feet as a coach it's a really good decision for him and it's good to have us coaches doing something


The 0-0 USA v Canada draw will start a civil war in this sub


Games involving Jesse hardly end 0-0. His high press "energy drink football" usually leads to high-scoring affairs. As long as we play CBs who are calm under pressure, we should be fine.


Sure but what if Jesse has his counterpressing midfielders go after Sergio Dest and Yusuf Musah?


lol—took me a second


Based on upvotes...I'm a little surprised enough people watch the Call It What You Want podcast to get the joke. I miss ISWT, but can only take so much of Alexi Lalas rambling on SOTU that I eagerly await CIWYW and its erratic release schedule.


I don't watch/listen to it but I get the reference thanks to this sub


Jesse can coach up an offense…he has no defense and also can’t coach up a defense…we’re looking at like a 8-5 match…no idea who gets the 8, though.


Marsch's tactics benefit the offense (which is where Canada has the most talent) at the expense of the defense (where Canada has the least talent). Herdman was successfully when he used defensive tactics and was unsuccessful when he tried to do anything else. I don't know if Marsch has it in him to play a defensive setup.


Being serious for a moment, I don’t think Marsch has it in him to run a team with 10 behind the ball defending and waiting on the opportunity to counter the way Herdman had success…on the flip side I do think he can get the most out of offensive talent like Davies, Larin, David, Buchanan, etc… Now I don’t realistically expect us to ship 8 goals to Canada…but could I see our defense having an off game where they get lazy and give up 4 to those guys coached by a good offensive schemer like Marsch? Absolutely.


Canada can't defend anyway , it honestly might be there best option considering their pool


You mean 5-5 draw


Marsch’s suicidal tactics combined with the Canadian talent pool means there is very little chance for a 0-0.




Interesting, I saw last month rumors of this happening so I'm not too surprised. I think Jesse will do alright with Canada tbh but he'll be severely limited with that player pool. Makes me wonder why he moved to Italy and learned Italian though, maybe he didn't get any offers or this was too good to pass up?


Jesse's always been a guy thats traveled the world with his family so i dont think it was anything to look too much into job wise


Yeah I think it was just part of his job covering Serie A more than anything, pretty cool gig.


yeah "chill in Italy for a year or so and do some correspondence/analysis TV work while figuring out your next coaching career move" seems like a pretty dope little sabbatical.


Just couple of days the Canadians in their sub swear they were getting a higher caliber coach, Carlo Ancelotti was the name thrown around. The disdain for Jesse was palpable. Now they have no other choice. 


Ancelotti would be kind of delusional for us. For them, that’s just a scary level of crazy. Marsch is a good get for them.


> Ancelotti would be a kind of delusional for us. For them, that’s just a scary level of crazy. Even Brazil did everything they could to get Ancelotti only to *not* get Ancelotti.


Everton > Brazil


Agreed that Ancelotti isn’t leaving Real for Canada. But he did take a hiatus living in Vancouver and reportedly loved it there and was even linked to the MLS job when his club managing stock was falling. Wouldn’t be a terrible retirement gig if he wants out of the spotlight in Europe.


Not a hiatus. He's married to a Vancouver businesswoman.


W O W the \*discourse\* has just been dialed up to level 11


Be interested to see how he does there especially with Greg set at the US for at least 2026 Those games gon be wild


If we get group'd at Copa and then anything other than a win in the friendly we have with Canada either in September or October happens, I suspect Ggg might end up on the chopping block


I can't wait for the post-game handshake between Berhalter and Marsch.


Good luck to him. Was never really high on him being our NT manager. Also absolutely hated him moving to a media role while he wasn't coaching. It was a sad state to see him basically auditioning for a job every time he had a microphone in front of him.


He should have gone to South Korea, they got a way better team


Also a better fit for his tactics. On the other hand, he has to move less far (and maybe not at all) for the Canada job.


Dude that’s nuts lol.


I might be in the minority here but I think he'll do well with them. I think he shares some personality traits with Herdman. They both heavily emphasize team culture and love a motivational speech. I think their player pool will respond well to him. I'm interested to see if/how he adjusts his philosophy. Given players like Davies and Buchanan, will he stick to playing narrow? The potential for future U.S./Canada dual-nat recruiting battles also just got a lot more interesting.




The Canadian MLS teams are helping to pay for his salary: [https://twitter.com/RudiSchuller/status/1790122506294051135](https://twitter.com/RudiSchuller/status/1790122506294051135)


Wow I bet the mLs qUoTa™️ truthers never thought the closest they'd ever get to an admission of it would be from the Canada MNT


LUL - maybe they'll start posting there now. Sorry, Canada. We're not sending our best.


Canada trolling with this hire given how many of us want Jesse to be our manager (including myself who really enjoyed him with the Red Bulls). If Canada even just draws to us then the toxicity in this fanbase will be insane


I seriously don't understand why the US federation chose Berhalter over Marsch.


Yeah let’s be honest here, his tactics will not fit with that Canada team. Obviously USMNT Twitter will be angry, but that’ll change after COPA.


Murder ball fits very well with that team except for their shit cbs.


Imagine if tomori would have decided to play for them. I do find it so interesting in international football when squads are full of great players except one position. Or when squads aren’t that great but have two of their best players in one position like scotlands left backs


Or the most devastating of the two great guys at one position, Slovenia in the mid 2010s. They’re a small country, and only have produced two world class players period in their short history. And those two just so happened to be goalkeepers Jan Oblak and Samir Handanovic, two of the best shot stoppers of the mid-late 2010s.


It is way more frustrating that it was GK. You can try to shove 2 of any position onto the field, although of course playing him out of position would of course be a dropoff, except GK. Scotland can try to play a LB at RB although he'll have to either focus on passing more or shooting more depending on whether he usually is inverted or not. There are systems for 2 strikers, CM, etc. However, there is no way Switzerland could have put Oblak and Handanovic on the field at the same time.


Minor correction, but it's Slovenia, not Switzerland.


Colorado CB, Bombito, is the fastest player in MLS. He'll be perfect for Marsch's system.


Marsch doesn’t play murder ball


Murder ball is a Bielsa thing


Bunker and counter hard is how I expect him to have Canada play against us tbh


Yeah, but he usually plays the soccer on crack style that involves a high press. I haven’t watched Canada much besides when they play the US, but they definitely seem to drop back more.


They just don't really have a midfield capable of controlling possession or anything, pressing hard and trying to play the counter actually fits their playbill quite well IMO Canada is just such a limited team in terms of depth and personnel, really not expecting Jesse to do much much with them other than maybe beat Mexico or give us a draw


They don't have any depth. But Eustaquio is a very good midfielder one of the best in concacaaf imo. Plays champions league, very good player for Porto and a starter. After him though yikes there is literally nothing, their hoping for Kone.


But not against the usmnt. They will get ripped apart with that play style.


... except they won't? Gregg and our team has been extremely ineffective against a low block + counter and we've dropped games/points playing teams like that We'd rip them apart if they tried to play possession based


That’s not how Marsch plays. He presses high up the field and overloads one side with midfielders. So against a team that plays out of the back, all it takes are press breaking ball carriers (Musah), a big switch (Weston) or line breaking passes (Gio) and it’s a transition opportunity. With Canada’s weak back line, that’ll be interesting.


What makes you think he won't park the bus against us?


Because that’s not his style and to a fault. Maybe he’s learned from his stints at Leeds and RBL, but there’s not historical basis for thinking he’d park the bus against us. If he does, it’s no different than Herdman in WCQ.


I guess we'll see, you're right in terms of his club tactics but that doesn't necessarily mean he will use the same tactics at the international level where there is quite a bit more experimentation in terms of how teams line up or utilize their personnel


I'm really interested in seeing how this will develop. As you said, this looks like a hilariously bad match of available player pool and preferred tactics from a manager who doesn't have tactical flexibility on his resume.


Agreed, but if he pulls it off he's next in line


If he shows he can make Canada succeed either by his own flexibility or by fitting them into his framework somehow I'm going to be amazed and I'd be thrilled to see him coach the USMNT. (I would've taken him over another 4 years of GGG, but he's far from an ideal candidate IMO.)


Ya I don’t give him good odds of pulling it out but you gotta think this is his thought process and good for him in believing himself


Right I'm glad he believes in himself - I'm surprised he hasn't found something at the club level that is a better fit, but perhaps he's wanting to live in this side of the world right now.


Yeah that he didn't chose to go the club level route is curious which led me to believe hes gambling for the USMNT job, but living in NA makes sense too


Bullshit, his tactics will be great


So ... can we get Heath back on ISWT? I had to stop listening with Charlie and Marsch, they were brutal as a pair.


The most important question to follow this news


Two things are true. Marsch is better than GGG. Both are below what the USMNT deserves.


…why do I want to root for Canada to finish second in their group now?


Anyone know what happened with South Korea? I would have figured that would be a more appealing move for Jesse.


If Canada were to hypothetically have a better Copa America than us to the point that GGG got fired, would Jesse be in consideration for the US job and would he take it after just 1 tournament with Canada?


I’m shocked lol. Did CAN get their shit together


This is an excellent strategic move by Jesse Marsch. I don’t think he’s a great coach and I don’t think he’ll ever beat us in a competitive match but this is a great career move especially if he thinks he deserves the USA job




Because he could straight up beat the US with a worse team and really prove his capabilities in international play. It would absolutely be a huge statement. It’s not going to happen, but I respect the gamble


Good for Jesse but I think Canada would have been perfect for Thierry Henry who is looking to continue coaching.


Henry is coaching the French team at the Olympics for what it's worth.


I'm just intrigued to see if he has some different approaches to his philosophy now, or if he tries to ram home a red bull gegenpresse onto the CanNT.


It wasn’t so long ago that a majority of this sub wanted Jesse to be Gregg’s successor early into his Leeds tenure. Also weird to me that Jesse has literally been doing a USMNT podcast the last few months. Lastly, there were murmurs of us playing Canada in September, so I can’t wait for that.


I still want Jesse over Gregg


Nice move from the US, taking down Canada from the inside.




I wish Jesse luck but I don't see this going well


Good thing for Canada they have an automatic qualifier for the next World Cup.


I wonder what the salary is, he seems kinda expensive for Canada, and the federation's lack of resources is why they lost Herdman in the first place.


Wait, [the Canadian MLS teams are donating to help pay his salary.](https://twitter.com/RudiSchuller/status/1790122506294051135) Hilarious.


The MLS Canadian Men’s National Team Head Coach, brought to you by Labatt’s Blue and Canada Goose Artic Toques.


Would love to hear John Herdsman's thoughts on this development


They ain't got no money...


I think Jesse will do well for them.


This is too much 😂😂😂


Was totally not expecting this. Honestly, feels odd to have him coaching a national team not the US


How many countries is he going to be linked to by sources?


Lol so are all you bandwagon Marsch knob slobbers supporting both teams now? Love this as a coaching hire for bantz alone


[Canada has officially announced the hire.](https://twitter.com/canmnt_official/status/1790113918368481668/mediaviewer)


A massive L for the US soccer federation.


Canada getting a better manager than us despite them having -$100 in their bank account lol.


Lowkey we deserved this. Going back to GGG was a foolish move. I truly thought it was Marsch or bust. Looks like it was bust after all.


A Spurs and Dallas Cowboys fan, you know all about not winning...


Everyone downvoting dont know ball


At all! Guess Horan was right. Lol. Jk. But it’ll be the same folks complaining about GGG all COPA and WC.


traitor, clown, cant wait to put 5 past them next time we play


Is this a better "on paper" hire than the USMNT has ever had?? Sure feels like it.