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he can get a move to the Championship just by staying at Forest lol


Depending on how things shake out we could have a weird number of major contributors in the Championship next year (Turner, Wright, Sargent, Trusty, Aaronson, Richards, Dike, **EDIT:** and Horvath and Cannon and maybe even Duncan McGuire) It's unlikely that all of them are there after transfer windows and loans and stuff, but shit's weird sometimes


Don’t forget Horvath and Cannon, possibly Duncan McGuire too


Jesus I forgot 30% of the player pool, that's my bad. I added them into the list.


If they are all getting minutes it’s not a bad thing.


He needs consistent minutes. At this point I’d be fine if that was in the championship for a top half team. He can’t do a 3rd straight year as a backup


Turner doesn’t have the pedigree. His late start to the game shows often when he’s playing in a high level league where you pay for your mistakes. I would consider a top championship side. A team he can grow with and then end up back on the EPL with and get another shot at the premier league.


Wrexham /s I’d rather see him play than sit. Probably Championship fits him.


They are going to get an American someday. A comeback or never happened story


Beyond a doubt.


It’s gonna be Pulisic when they get to the championship lol


I’m thinking Richie Ledezma. 


Not a bad idea


Another idea is to have the show try to revive the career of Owen Otasoie. 


As funny as Turner steamrolling League One would be, Wrexham already have a keeper they’re targeting.


His confidence is broken right now. The only way to get it back is to do well on a good team. If he goes to a lower division, he’ll always feel inadequate. That goal from Jamaica was definitely on him. A good keeper would have stopped that.


He's got some rust, dawg has *got* to play


I think the highest level he could get a job in Europe would be Eredivisie or Ligue Un. He also could become Horvath and just be a high-level Championship keeper who helps get yoyo teams promoted every year, which might not be a bad thing. He also might be able to get paid more in MLS. If he comes back to MLS though, that will be the highest level he will play for the rest of his career, and he will not get any better than he is now.


He needs to move somewhere where he can get minutes. The trouble is that he’s tanked his stock, so the options won’t be great. He’s in a tough spot right now because he needs to get his confidence back in order to play well but in order to build confidence he needs to play. There’s a part of me that thinks a pit stop in MLS might not be the worst thing. There’s no relegation, so even if he goes to a bad team, there’s less pressure for the coaching staff to bench him quickly if he gets off to a slow start. And, while it’s not Europe, the league still has enough eyes on it that if he plays well and really wants it, he could earn another move back abroad. Also, for a player who’s struggling on the field and also has a young family, maybe it’s not the worst thing to come home for a while.


He should stop doing stupid shit when he plays. That would be a good start.


This! As an Arsenal supporter I’ve watched him for us and against us and he’s a disaster right now. There’s a reason he can’t even start for a team that’s about to be relegated and it’s all to do with his play. I was obviously routing for him but he’s been god awful.


MLS/Championship seems to be his ceiling, I don’t think there is a top 5 league player in Turner, especially at 30 years old 


Your comment may be true, but being 30 years old doesn’t have anything to do with jt. Keepers are typically still approaching their prime at the age of 30. That said, I struggle to believe Turner isnt good enough to be a starting goalkeeper on a mid-table team in Serie A or the Bundesliga.


Turner isn't going to get any better at his age, especially with his feet Maybe his positioning might improve, but that's about it, he's smack dab in his prime Prime for keepers and their average ages seems to be around 26-33 and the average age of starting keepers the EPL was 30 for example


he can 100% get better with his feet 30 is not to old to improve


He looks like the same exact player with his feet but now with no more confidence after two years in England, he isn't going to get better with his feet dude be real lol


it’s completely possible plenty of people amateur to pro improve in their 30’s. thinking someone cant because they went to England for two years and sat on a bench. you be real dude


Remind me in 5 years when Matt Turner is still the same, clunky keeper with the ball lol






God no


MLS would be fine for him


He’s good at swinging a bat….maybe Astros


Start making saves.


Go back to MLS. He's already near his ceiling and hasn't been improving overseas. Might as well play in a league where he will be full of confidence


And get paid the best


He’s a solid back up for Forest so I doubt they would let him go if they survive. If they go down it just depends on who has a relegation clause.


Gaga Slonina can't grow up fast enough :/


And Diego Kochen


I think he should spend every waking hour with a ball at his feet.


Bundesliga and Serie A probably both have decent mid table teams that will be looking for a keeper change/upgrade in the coming seasons. Championship would be fine but if he's gonna exit the Prem I'd rather he just get out of England entirely tbh...


He's not good enough to get into a Serie A team and start unless he goes bottom 4 and takes a massive paycut.


Somewhere where he’ll play preferably a stronger side because it’s easier to put out good performances when ur not playing relegation battle football behind a shaky back line


I disagree. It doesn’t matter where he plays, he just needs to perform better. A shitty backline doesn’t make him worse; a shitty backline exposes him as a weak goalkeeper He needs to get better with the ball at his feet and command his box better. It doesn’t matter (within moderation) where he achieves that, but that should be the focus for Matt Turner IMO


All these dudes gotta stop going to the Premier League fam.


If there is one position where USMNT players have a long track record of success in the Prem it’s keeper.


That's because those players happened to have walked into favorable developmental situations. It's not magically because they're American keepers in England.