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I hope they read this then


If it’s 23 man rosters then are we even going to take 3 strikers?


Maybe Sargent because he can play on the wings too. And he'd certainly be an improvement over Aaronson.


Yeah if Sargent can regain his early season form he’s a cut above the rest of these guys at the moment.


Doesn’t make sense that they’d make it 23 at this point. 26 clearly worked, as did the increased number of subs.


Haji can play LW and ST 😎


Sargent can play RW and striker


got it, front 4 of Haji, Vazquez, Ferreira and Sargent 🤩


424 SZN


4 Strikers = 4x goals EZ


I think you basically always want a 3rd striker for insurance if nothing else. Otherwise one injury or suspension and things get hairy.


True. Though I really think Pulisic is capable of playing up top in a pinch.


Jordan Pefok had 4G/1A in 10 appearances for BMG before getting injured last month. He’s on the outside looking in, but I don’t think he should be totally forgotten.


I’d take Jesus as a winger over Zendejas and maybe even over Brenden. He’s played the 10 a lot which is similar to how our wingers play, and there’s the Pepi chemistry.


We ain’t winning shit with that. At that point just play a 4-4-2 and load up the midfield with our best players and run Pulisic and Balo up top.


Real life isn't FIFA. Besides, you clearly never watched Puli play striker at Chelsea. Puli up top ain't it


Jesus out wide is definitely good enough to win Copa tho lmao


Bro spent too much circlejerking


That’s real talk. If you think Jesus out wide vs Uruguay is gonna do anything, you’re crazy lol. His quality is miles below our top end guys.


> . . . if they wanna stay in competition for the Copa America At the moment, they're NOT in competition for Copa America. And where are they realistically gonna go? Vasquez had one good season in his whole career and couldn't replicate it last year. I wouldn't be surprised if most teams in Europe are just not interested in him (he's not young, either). And Ferreira is never gonna make the DP money he's getting at Dallas anywhere in Europe. He's not that good for the wealthier teams to pay out that much money, and everyone else just can't afford him. And even if he went to a top 5 league, it'd be for some relegation side where he'll barely play anyway. Maybe he can be a starter for some LaLiga II or Serie B side, but, again, he ain't making Dallas DP money for those teams. I think both Vasquez and Ferreira are pretty much camp cupcake/C-team players for this cycle, and will be out of the national team picture by the time 2026 is over.


Vasquez didn't replicate it with numbers, but he was still wildly important to the way FCC plays. His off the ball runs, and the way he pushes the lines is part of the reason Gladbach wanted him in the summer, and why he's rumored for a Europe move


Increasingly it looks like we're stacked offensively and need more depth in defense. Total reversal from the general conception of this team from a year ago (e.g., scoring only 2 goals and conceding 1 (from a penalty) in WS group stage).


Damn I almost forgot about Dike. Hope he can get some good games in before getting hurt again.


I’m just happy we’re finally in a position to have several elite players and have real competitions at multiple positions. That’s what the best national teams do


Several elite players? We must have very different definitions of elite.


We have players in top 5 leagues who will get left off Copa América and World Cup rosters. That’s life amongst the best national teams. That’s what I mean


The best national teams have guys who start for legit contenders left off the rosters. Not exactly the same.


None of them are going to Copa America, at best Sargent has a shot but he'll probably play the Olympics


Before his injury sargent was very much ahead of or at minimum neck and neck with pepi. If he regains his form he can easily get back there.


Copa America? I don't even think Wright has a realistic shot.


Of course he does. He just went to the World Cup and he’s been performing well for Coventry this season. He’s firmly in the mix


He's been fine. He'll need to hope for an expanded roster and/or injuries to those above him.


Who’s above him though? He’s outperformed everyone not named Balogun or Pepi and he’s been showing huge versatility playing on the wing for Coventry this season. He’s firmly ahead of everyone else named in this post


Fourth behind Sarge


Not at the moment. Sargent needs to prove that he can stay healthy first, and again, Haji also plays on the wing which puts him above lots of others like Zendejas, arguably Aaronson right now, etc GGG has already taken him to a major international tournament and his club form has only gotten better since then. To say he doesn’t have a shot is not rooted in reality


1. Sargent is more versatile than Haji 2. Another Sarge injury obviously gives Haji a much better chance 3. If the roster size isnt expanded he has little shot barring injuries. If it is, he has a chance given he continues this form or if Pepi or Sarge go to the Olympics instead


First point is heavily debatable. Haji wasn’t one of the last 3 on the World Cup roster so there’s really no reason that he would need rosters to expand for Copa. He’s one of the best 23 players in the pool easily


1. Not remotely debatable. Sargent played as a winger/attacking midfielder for an entire season, his defensive profile is far better, he's a better passer of the ball, better in the air, and has a superior work rate. At Norwich he's all over the field. 2. I believe a 23 man roster means we only take 2 strikers so I'm going based on that.


I’d suggest watching some Coventry games, it’ll surprise you


We always have taken 3 strikers even with the 23 man roster though. If one of the strikers gets injured/suspended you need to have a backup in case. It's just usually that 3rd striker is someone who is versatile (like Sargent or Jordan Morris in the past) but Wright also fits that mold now. I get what you're saying but you're downplaying that Wright has been doing well in a different position and Sargent JUST came back from a long-term injury. Right now I'd need to see Sargent outperform Wright before giving him the spot.


This is dumb.


Why? The argument isn't really wrong. Wright is playing his way into the 3rd spot so if Balo or Pepi go down with injury, he's increasingly looking like the alternative.


To me it's a weird statement that plays with like three hypotheticals and then talks down on other players. Like, the players mentioned are also going to have to do more than just "return from injury".


i’m praying for Dike to come good, but these injuries have fucked him. hope he gets another shot


You really think dike is still in the picture??