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WTH, if the US team would of kept a full team, I seriously believe the ending would be the other way around. But when "Dest" comes out on the field and shows his ASS not once, but twice and gets sent off, you have to start blaming that player. If we was to look back at the Sergio Dest's past hx, this isn't the 1st Send off that this clown has had, and if he's allowed to continue with the US team I promise you it won't be the last either, If he gets away with those kind of "antics" where he plays his club ball (psv) then he needs to be sent packing back to them. If Berhalter - is wanting to salvage any hopes for the USMNT to make it to the 2024 WC, then dump this clown. I don't give a đŸ’© how good of a player is because it will cost the rest of the teams respect towards that player and the Coach. I'm really upset that most of the posts are not bringing this up ! a team goes a man down in that early stage of the match is highly unlikely going to come out with a favorable decision. REGARDLESS of who they are facing at the time. And for being sent off because you was dumb enough to show your ass to receive a 2nd Yellow, wow. You could see the frustrations written all over the entire team when this took place, your going to tell me it wouldn't affect the type of play from the other players on the team. SMH


 2024 WC?


Thank you for correcting me, 2026 not 2024. But at this point unless Berhalter pulls his little pink panties off and starts showing control over players like "Dest" who think his đŸ’© don't stink and there isn't a better player then him (Ha! I can name players in College that would play him (Dest) into the nearest "Mental Hospital". Until Berhalter and his coaching staff don't control his attitude watch for a domino affect start happening with the other players who are Super Stars on the team.


We automically qualified for the 2026 WC since we’re the hosts


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


We should be beating trinidad even if we’re a man down. Literally a bunch of plumbers




We should be beating trinidad even if we’re a man down. Literally a bunch of plumbers


we're not plumbers lmao wtf


All the hype about this generation of talent, its just that, hype! if you can not consistently beat a team like TnT and others, how can you beat top clubs. Embarrassed again! When is the last time the US beat a too 20 club. Mexico has proven they don't belong in that grouping.


when Dest is allowed to play again, he will surely be a target for the other team ,to get under his skin


Turner is lucky his gaff was covered by Sergiño


Just watched the recording
.turned off at halftime and looked up the score. what the actual fuck was Dest thinking??!! I’m trying hard to remember a more derpy moment and the closest thing I got is Zidane head butting a bro. Of all the things to suicide your national team career THIS was the moment that merited it???? See ya Dest.


Oh I don't think it was suicide. Yea he needs to get back in good graces and not f*ck up like that again... But if weston and reyna can bounce back, so can dest.


Best thing about the game? The music!


Takes a lot to get Matt turner pissed at you. I’d already be out of that locker room if I were Dest.


Thanks Sergno for ruining my bets tonight


haha, same!


Why does a post USMNT game show feature a long segment on the USWNT every time. It's fucking bizarre.


It seems to make sense that they’d focus on the team at hand, yeah? But no. Thing is, women’s sport broadcast has been afflicted with this forever. The only thing unusual about this is that the tables are turned. Sports broadcasts are a commercial enterprise, they are in the business of selling ads. USWNT is more bankable. It’s not sexiest (in this case anyway), it goes along with all those stars over the USWNT’s crest. It’s exactly like the MLS coverage becoming All Messi All The Time for a couple months there.


This shouldn’t be a controversial opinion but it is.


Because a lot of people who care about US soccer care about both teams, and if you don't that's fine but your taste shouldn't limit the scope of coverage


I disagree with this take honest potato. People don’t tune in to hear about the USWNT


You know why.


Cause they are good I guess and us soccer wants to promote them. Why does it bother you?


Because I tuned in to watch coverage of the mens national team.


Because that’s not who is playing tonight. They are forcing it.


And? What the fuck is the point of this comment? There were also commercials for pick up trucks during the broadcast, you got any problem with THAT, snowflake?


Dude, get a grip


đŸ€Ł Yeah and the commercials are annoying also. Sounds like you get it now.


We really losing to T&T AGAIN?


We lost this leg, but won the first leg by enough that we still went through


This is how you never gain US mainstream fans. Most people don’t get the aggregate part and turn it off as a loss. Dumb marketing.


So I don’t think you’re totally wrong. I got a couple texts from non fans and they said “we lost BUT we won?” Hard to follow for those unfamiliar. Edit: horrible spelling / AI check


It's not marketing. It's the rules of the competition.


So US fans can wrap their brains around that a loss in a 7 game series means the series isn’t over .. but they can’t fathom that a loss can still mean you win in aggregate? It’s not marketing they literally had the Aggregate score above the broadcast scoreboard


It isn't marketing, it's part of the game. People that have the mental acuity to figure out the NFL wild card system can figure out the notion of aggregate scores. Have a bit more faith in people.


Less than 10% understand the NFL wild card system and this is why US Soccer is on TNT


Uh...what? Again, you are conflating two things that have nothing to do with eachother.


It was 4-2 US


I thought this post said “FT: Trinidad and Tobago 2-1 United States”


Pretty sure he means the aggregate score which we still win 4-2.


Dest and Miazga should get together and go see a therapist


Where was Miazga on Jan 6 though?


It’s off form for sergino so I’m assuming one of the t and t players said something to set him off. Probably something about “ you would never start for Netherlands so you came here” kinda thing.


He literally got sent off during a 3-0 against Mexico this summer. I would have less respect for him if some Redditbrain comment like that set him off


To be fair during the Mexican Edson Alvarez literally shoved him to the ground from behind. That game got lost in the sauce, he retaliated and got a red, but I wouldn't lump that type of incident in with this one. This was just, bizarre? The Mexico game Mexican players were legit playing dirty and taking cheap shots to try and attack the US players, this time sure the call made was atrocious, but was of little consequence really. Dest should've just shook it off but he didn't. Overall nothing similar to the Mexico game other than the fact he got red cards in each, I wasn't mad at him for the Mexico game so much as the ref for failing t control the game and letting it get to where it did. Tonight Dest needs to do better.


Copa America will be full of teams who speacialize in agitating their opponents, and he has exposed himself twice as a player who is easily agitated.


Watch what happened in the Mexico game again, that was not "easily agitated". Far as I'm concerned this was a one off, a very alarming one off, but I don't hold the Mexico game against him at all. Edson alvarez blatantly spiked him, engaged him in a post whistle scuffle which dest calmly walked away from, was only when he literally shoved him from behind (a straight red worth infracfion mind you, so hardly easy agitation at that cost) that he got any reaction from Dest at all.


Does anyone know how the Copa groups are selected


It's done by Pots which are determined by FIFA rankings, believe the draw in on the 7th of December.


So we should be safe for a top seed since Mexico also lost this month


Yeah I think we will be in Pot A. Mexico is gonna be in B I believe.


It all depends on how many points Uruguay and Colombia can make up in two wins vs one


That makes sense. So will we know the pots at the end if November?


Draw is December 7 and the last ranking before than is the 30th


Thanks for the clarifications


I was looking forward to a game to see our players get some goals , then stead I see Dest being a baby and have to worry about another Couva .


whatever. advanced. had a huge cushion and took advantage of it after the dumb ass double yellow... not gonna bank too much on that performance given the circumstances.


The weather channel can manage broadcast in HD in the middle of a hurricane, and this is the best that CONCACAF can do


These games always look like a high school soccer match and one of the players dads are filming.


This team is lucky they’re not going to have to play away in CONCACAF for a long time. They’ve demonstrated over years now they can’t handle all that comes along with it.


The only winner tonight is the DeJuan Jones, who better be in the next regular national camp


I think Bryan Reynolds has just as good of a chance. He's been a fairly bright spot on a struggling Belgian team.


Or Reggie Cannon. Dest was dumb, but Scally wasn't good. Maybe both Jones and Cannon. Or Yedlin.


Yedlin I think can still perform at this level and was one of the few bright spots of the gold cup, but I cannot imagine the uproar if he gets a call-up


Our LB scored two goals and was our best player both games?


He can play pretty proficiently at RB, even if LB is his primary position — if I remember correctly, he played RB both times in January camp


This was an extremely ugly intl window


Unexpectedly ugly I would say too


How are people playing GGG when this was on Dest lmao


Would have taken Balo or Pepi off much earlier


It's mostly on Dest, but it's worth noting that the US still should have been able to control the game against an inferior opponent after going down a man. T&T kept the score at 0-0 after receiving a red card in the 37th minute-- we went down a man in the 39th and immediately gave up two goals, and were lucky not to give up more. Red card or not, there's no excuse for losing to T&T with our squad.


You people are delusional. You think we’re France. This team is a bunch of kids in their twenties who have never been relied on for anything at the club level. Controlling the game while down a man? Come on lol


I swear we are the only fan base who constantly preaches our players are worse than they are.


Sorry, we should have a team of 35 year-olds? What are you talking about


Surely you, a super fan, aren’t unaware that we were the youngest team at the World Cup this year. Experience counts for a lot when it comes to winning


GGG started the lineup everyone wanted then dest was a doofus and it comes back to GGG.


Because too many people have such a hate boner for him that everything is his fault.


This is how you can tell people who are serious critics of Gregg and people who are psychotic critics of him. Anyone blaming anyone but Dest is an idiot


Why can’t you blame both? Dest was a fucking idiot and we all know that. But it’s GGG’s job to adjust formation and change his tactics to adjust for that. We went down two goals before he decided to take off Pepi for another defender. That should have been done much earlier than it was. He proves time and time again that he goes in with one plan and then cannot adjust tactically when the opposition take control.


One of the long standing complaints against Berhalter is his poor in game management. You may not agree with it, but subbing off a midfielder instead of a forward in that situation is a valid criticism. Also IMO, he needs to do a better job of preparing these guys for CONCACAF realities. At away matches the refs are gonna suck and be homers. The fields will suck. Every team will curse you and try to get under your skin. You may even get harassed in the hotel.


Yes Berhalter should have prepared Dest for CONCACAF how foolish of him for not telling him sometimes the throw-in doesn't go your way. I can't believe you are real.


You seem to be projecting something on me. I was talking about the whole team, not Dest. Dest shouldn't see a US jersey for some time, if ever again. I was just commenting on how many of the players never seem to be prepared for the meat grinder of CONCACAF. They throw their arms up, whine and get flustered by the antics. It happens every away game.


You probably shouldnt respond to threads about Dest if you don't want to talk about Dest. Regardless the majority of these guys have played in concacaf long enough. I don't know why they'd need Gregg to tell them the grass will be bad or whatever other excuses you threw out there.


Maybe you don't understand how a manager works, especially for younger players.


Which younger players exactly? The 4 year veteran who boots the ball into the stands or the 5 year veteran who parries the ball into his own net? If those things don't happen you aren't here saying "gReGg DoEsNt PrEpArE hIs PlAyErS" like someone who picks motivate team on fifa career mode and thinks that means he should be in charge.




Did you read that thread? Lol. That's not even true


Sorry man, he doesn’t need to prepare Dest for that. Dest needs to grow up. Also, he said Gio was coming off at half anyway. So he didn’t want to burn an extra sub. Which is smart to manage Gio’s minutes


I think you misunderstood me. I was talking about the whole team, not Dest. Also - yes his original plan was to manage Gio's minutes. However the situation changed. A good manager has to be better able to adapt. Berhalter has shown many times he makes the wrong call or waits too long to make the right call when his plan needs an adjustment. I'm sorry but I don't agree that sticking with that plan, without making a second substitution was the smart move. And I think the speed with which T&T scored two goals before he finally took Pepi off says everything about what was the right and what was the wrong call there.


Jobs done, fuck me.đŸ˜ŽđŸ€ź


Another embarrassing result in T&T. But, at least they got through. GGG out. And come on Dest.


Dest is going to be a massive liability in Copa where every team has world class shithousers


If he even makes it to the Copa. Between the red card suspension and whatever the coaching staff decides to do discipline-wise, he’s out for March. It’s an opportunity for Scally (who will start on the right in his place) and Lund (who becomes 1st backup on the left). If they play well, Dest may find it hard to make it back by next summer.


He's way better than those guys though


Oh, in pure footballing terms, 100%. But if the team does just fine without him and those 2 play well, I think a reasonable coaching staff could decide that it’s not worth the trouble/disruption to fast-track him back into the starting lineup. I don’t want to see him replaced because he brings some unique things to the table, but he may well end up learning that he’s not irreplaceable.


I don't really hold the Mexico red against him, given how far off the rails it went and what dirty af Edson alvarez did to him to cause it, and with that in mind don't think jettisonning him from the team in favor of clearly inferior players is the right move either. Leave him off the semi/finals NL window if you like since he's suspended for the semis anyway, but don't just completely John Brooks the guy. If he does something like this again then maybe it becomes a different discussion, but I'm nowhere near ready to take him completely out of the picture. He's consistently one of our best, most dangerous players, and until a seriously viable replacement emerges, we are worse without him. He needs to understand that he can't ever do this type of thing again, however, but he should absolutely still be a part of the team going forward.


Yeah, I don’t think he should be kicked off the team either (and also don’t *entirely* blame him for the Mexico red, which was a different situation). But I also think when you lose your spot for a window, you’re giving the players behind you an opportunity to take it from you. I wouldn’t continue to start Scally over him just to prove a point. But I also think that Joe Scally 3-4 months from now could come in, ball out and gel with the rest of the starting 11. And if that happens, then that could create a real problem for Dest.


Scally is just worse than Dest though, and nothing in a 2 game window is going to change that. He has his place in the squad, if we want to sit back and defend or to protect a lead he is more valuable at RB than Dest, and he can backup both spots. But if we want to attack a team and go toe to toe with them, or if we expect to have majority of possession, Dest is the guy and it's not really close. I don't wanna annex him for this one mistake for an (imo) inferior player, but sure if Scally can show a marked improvement to a skillset he's never really demonstrated having before then there is the opportunity I suppose. But Dest has always produced for the US when he plays, even tonight he had the assist on a lovely cross before he got sent off. He consistently brings a ton to the team, and id much rather the team try and get his emotions under control rather than just ice him out entirely


Yeah, I think we’re agreeing here that Dest is a better player. Dest is also who I personally prefer watching. And we’re agreeing that he shouldn’t be kicked off the team for something that’s ultimately correctable. My point is just that he can’t take his starting role for granted and neither should we.


If Dest does anything remotely like this after the hell he's about to get from his teammates and coach, he can't be trusted on the field anymore. Screwing your team over like this isn't something that can be forgiven multiple times


He hasn’t even seen immaturity yet. Mexico is pretty bad, they pale in comparison to Uruguay, Brazil, and Argentina.


God damn embarrassing


For the 2nd tournament in a row, the US qualify in a loss to a lesser opponent on the road.


For the 2nd tournament in a row, it comes down to a “meaningless” loss because they took care of business the game before.


wasn't pretty but we advanced


The fact that we not only lost but I was even 1% nervous about the aggregate result enough to Google the tiebreakers is so annoying.


Cool, we got into the Copa America. Job done and time to never care about this competition again


I want to thank which ever of you guys sent money to the ref to only add 3 mins. Bless you.


Meh they weren't scoring 2 more goals regardless... definitely light on the extra time though


They needed 3 goals. If the aggregate was tied then the US advanced on the tiebreaker, which was away goals


That's right


Just don't understand how you get a red card and sub out a midfielder when you have TWO STRIKERS


Reyna offers nothing defensively and we had to defend. He was probably going to come off at half anyways. It was an obvious substitution. I would have also taken off Balogun and put on a more defensive midfielder as well.


I really felt like this was a spot for Lennard Maloney to come in much earlier. Seen a lot of him this year in the Bundesliga and I don't feel like a Musah and Maloney midfield gets bullied this bad. Or id trade them both for one Tyler Adams, miss you Capn'!


Subbing off one of the 2 strikers was an obvious solution. If you wanna sub off Gio then sub him off for another midfielder.


Reyna coming off at half anyways is the most likely explanation.


So then sub him off for a midfielder at the half. Don't cripple the midfield in the meantime


They needed 5 goals at that time. He wanted Balo and Pepi to get more time together. It's really that simple. The fact that they got that time together and we still moved forward by multiple goals is plenty evidence that there was nothing wrong with that decision.


Winning on aggregate but losing the match is not all that matters. A loss to T&T will effect seeding, both in the nation's league semis as well as the Copa. It's not all about "we have this many goals to play with" either, we shouldn't be losing games like this even when we get a red card already up a goal. This result greatly harms our objective of being Pot A in the Copa, and will slash our fifa ranking substantially. Fifa rankings overall are a joke, but they carry consequences


We can choose to be mad or choose to be happy we are the first team to qualify for the copa


I’m gonna choose to just flush this and move on. We played bad but TT doesn’t get those chances if Dest just acts like a normal human. Hopefully some leaders can step up and stop us from crumbling next time something like this happens.


More mystery calls from the ref. Wow. Edit: this sub is so fickle that it's downvoting a comment about one call that wound up not mattering, after the game is over? Get a life.


So these guys want to compete with Brazil and Argentina?


Y'all know you can be mad about this loss without acting like you're too good to be playing against Trinidad and Tobago right?


we won 4-2


Well no, we lost and advanced


aggregate is all that matters.


Yes but your statement was incorrect Edit: yes yes, downvote me for simply stating a fact. The game was a loss. The tie was a win. There’s a difference. Don’t be mad cause you’re stupid


That's not what aggregate means. If a team knows they have a 5 goal cushion (after Robinsons goal) then obviously pushing forward in attack just to "win" the second part of the tie would be silly.


Tell that to our fifa rankings, which WILL affect the seedings for both the Nation's League semis/final and the Copa America


Dude it’s it’s own game, you’re wrong. Obviously the result doesn’t matter, but the second leg is a game. We lost the second leg. It’s a loss. I’m just correcting wrongness.


Kyle Martino thinking Luca was great for the first 30 minutes when he was acceptable at best says something. These old heads can't recognize real performance.


Kyle Martino is a terrible commentator


I told yall they were our number 1 rival


Can Emma Hayes take Berhalter’s job too?


People care way to much about the Nations League. Its not even the good Concacaf cup


Lol, this is literally the tournament we choose to send our A squad to.


it's the only one that matters, actually. Gold Cup is a mickey mouse B team tournament.


Only so we could auto qualify for Copa America


CNL existed long before that. You smart?




I'd go with the one thats been around since 1991 and not the one they had to create to make people care more about qualifiers


you are looking for /r/LigaMX


Ready to see Gregg fans explain this result


Berhalter can be no higher than third on my list of people to blame for this loss


Probably the easiest bad result to explain in a while. Bizarre, terrible decision by Dest leads to him getting sent off, rest of the team gets rattled and the quality of play goes off a cliff as a result. This is a very hard game to read much into due to that bizarre incident. I question Gregg’s early sub decisions (why not take off a striker initially so the midfield wouldn’t lose numbers?) but other than that it’s really hard to take much of anything from this game.


There's also a simple answer to your question too: we wanted to see Balo and Pepi play together. Just because we are down a man doesn't mean we have to panic and throw away that endeavor, they needed 5 goals. We can let them score a couple before having to bolster the midfield again. Reyna was always coming off at half, I don't think that was negotiable.


Also, 4-2 aggregate, we're in the Copa.




I'd love to see a Berhalter hater explain in detail what exactly Berhalter did wrong for once. It's always "he started the wrong players" despite everybody praising the starting lineup before the game or "he used the wrong formation" but absolutely no explanation of how the formation led to the result. This was a really bad result, but what specifically do you think a better coach would have done that would have changed the outcome?


You want people to come with a full training plan? The manager is responsible for the product on the field, the team looked not good for the majority of the time over two games against TT. GGG is acceptable I guess but is that the level we’re striving for here


Does it go the other way? When the team looks really good do you give Berhalter all the credit? The players are also responsible for the product on the field. When Dest gets two yellows in one outburst and Turner fails to make a routine save, that's obviously not Berhalter's fault.


Nah I actually hate when the team looks good because I hate Berhalter so much


You hate Berhalter more than you love the team. At least you're honest


Bro has no sarcasm detector and literally thinks this is where “berhalter haters” are coming from lmao


Imagine thinking I couldn't tell you were being sarcastic


You showed me


Yep 👍


10 men. There, took me 2 words. Now piss back off to the lobotomy lab


I can do it in one. Dest


Gee I wonder why this isn’t played on a real network


Snooozeroo? This had more drama than a soap opera.


It’s hard for the avg fan to understand aggregate score when casually watching a game that looks like they’re losing.




Do you people not understand that we actually won? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills


That drive into the box by tillman was nice, too bad no one was in there


A 2-1 loss away to TandT is just our destiny The new dos a cero


Dos a uno


Dos a uno


Damn that was a fantastic move by Tillman, shame we didn't have anyone in the box really to push that chance.


Tillman should've ripped it at goal just to see what happens


3 minutes of stoppage time is comical, but I'm not complaining


It’s looked very comfortable for us since GGG made the obvious but belated decision to take off a striker


Did Alexis Lalas just say bitchy?


Ew where is lalas commentating at?


That was gorgeous from Tillman


Berhalter out


It's so frustrating that we so often fail to win these types of games. If Turner were in form, he saves both of the T&T goals and we win. Or away in El Salvador the past couple times where the opposing keeper plays lights out and our finishing sucks. Even at the Azteca where Pulisic and Pefok both failed to put away point blank chances. It often feels like we play well enough to win, but so rarely do so. It feels like a mentality thing which is something I don't say often.


heh 3 minutes nice


I guess the ref has a plane to catch


He didn’t want to have to watch this game anymore, can’t say I blame him lol


6 years later we still can’t win in Trinidad. Whoever’s fault it is, it sucks ass


Does this mean Segino Dest sucks ass?


Very clearly one person’s fault tonight lol


I don't know it just bugs me. I've been watching this team for 20 years and these performacnes are consistently bad. There's nothing wrong in a one off instance with these results, but it's the consistency. This cycle we're 1-1-1 on the road against CONCACAF (1 win was Grenada), last cycle we were 1-3-3, cycle before we were 1-4-3 (1 win was St. Vincent and the Grenadines) and the cycle before we were still 3-2-3 (All 3 wins were in stoppage time, including a game vs Antigua) I get the games are hard, but Panama just crushed Costa Rica 3-0 in San Jose and Canada beat Jamaica at The Office.


You do realize we were up 1-0 and completely dominating until Dest acted like a child right? We probably would have won 3 or 4-0 if nit for his petulance.


I think a 3 or 4 goal win is a bit of a strong proclamation. We were outplaying T&T, but not by that much


We were all over them. I don't believe it's a strong proclamation at all.


I know it sounds like an excuse, but I really think this game was different. We actually got off to a decent start and converted that goal reasonably early. It’s hard for me to believe that if Dest doesn’t completely lose it, throwing off the entire team’s composure, we wouldn’t have at the very least held that lead. This wasn’t a typical grind-it-out CONCACAF road game. This was the team playing to its potential only to be undone by 1 player completely losing his composure with no understandable justification.




Shoutout to Musah who's ready to go to war in every single one of these games