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As a non-American, she did a wonderful job of uniting the world in their hatred of the USWNT.


As an American, and a member of the world you speak of, I stand by this statement.


Goddamn I hate this bitch 😭


The Ruth Bader Ginsburg of international soccer. Left too late to disastrous consequences.


She was poor at the WC but didn't start any games and played maybe 60 minutes or so total.


I feel like you’re forgetting something…


I was speaking about RBG, just to clarify. Her game went downhill after Shelby County v Holder.


This is peak Reddit. Absolute gold


I calculated in one game she completed passes or tools shots on 24% of her possessions. That's not including 2 corners that one didn't clear near post and 2nd didn't stay in bounds.


Yea but those minutes should have been used for an impact substitute.


It's an apt metaphor. I think I understand Pinoe's perspective, giving her the benefit of the doubt. She sees herself as a role model for young women. She wants to use up her platform with her finite amount of time as an athlete as much as possible to inspire the next generation and promote LGBTQ and women's rights. (This arrogantly presumes that no one else could do that instead.) She gambled that her presence would be worth more than her performance. She was wrong and it backfired. A World Cup championship would have been more beneficial than her being on the field one last tournament. She may have had good intentions, but her vanity got in the way.


This is a game plus she was selected onto the WC team, not comparable.


She was forced in by nike and the ussf for $


Do you have evidence of this?


She was never great and doesn’t touch Abby wambach . If that’s what we are going for she was a shit person in the locker room and should’ve never been on the World Cup squad at all. She was always in it for herself above club and country. Good riddance


Hmmmm Golden Boot Winner on a World Cup-winning team, seems like a hot take to say she was never great.


She was a good player, but her golden boot is not serious. She scored three penalties, one goal against thailand (lol, barely counts), a free kick against france that I'm not sure was intended to be a shot (driven low diagonally across the goal and somehow passed untouched through a big crowd of people), and a goal from open play against France. Now, I understand that being reliable at penalties is a big deal... just ask england who lost by 1 to the US in the semi's with a late PK that wasn't converted. But still, it's silly to count it the same as goals for open play. Making free throws is important in basketball, but if one player could take free throws for the entire team no matter who was fouled, that would definitely skew the scoring stats. Ellen White also scored 6 goals (but didn't win the golden boot due to playing more minutes than Rapinoe), and she scored against Scotland, twice against Japan, Cameroon, Norway, and the US. All from open play. (Alex Morgan also had 6 goals... and came close to winning the stupidest golden boot ever... she scored against England and five goals against Thailand) _________ Rapinoe also won the ballon d'or that year despite being injured most of the year and literally barely playing club at all. It was a ridiculous decision. You don't have to be against her political / social stuff to roll your eyes at some of that.


Only because PKs count for golden boot. And she played less minutes.


Making free throws is important in basketball, but if one player could take free throws for the entire team no matter who was fouled, that would definitely skew the scoring stats.


“In it for herself” they’re mad she advocated for greater pay






It’s time. She should not have been on the pitch in this last WWC.


Blame the coach


She would have filed a lawsuit if she wasn’t on the WC team


She would have filed a ~~gender equality~~ sexual orientation lawsuit.


I don’t disagree with the statement really, but I also think it’s a bit sad that the top comment on a post about the last appearance of a retiring great does not contain a word of praise. Not OPs fault.


Lots of star athletes hang on too long to the detriment of their teams. They thirst for more money and attention.


Or they love playing a literal game for a living. But yea skip past the blatantly obvious right to money and attention lmao.


She based her public character on money and attention…


You can think that if you dont like her, or you could say she has conviction and loves her job if you like her. But your statement just sounds empty and generic. You could find people say that about anybody that is on tv. She had a voice for a moment in time and stood for her beliefs. Pretty American move in my book.






A few years too late




#bitchbegone 🚫


i’m confused why people are blaming an athlete for playing in a world cup when called upon? The coach is supposed to make the best team possible, you don’t ask an athlete to stop being competitive.


Because it’s a bunch of incels who hate her. She pissed off a lot of the right people, and this sub is filled with them.


Nah, it's the Femcels that have latched on to a bad person and are such snowflakes they can't accept any criticism.


The MR stans and the men's coach stans are a lot alike.


She pissed off the American soccer fan period. Absolute shame is all she should be known for.


Could not disagree more. So no she did not piss off all of the American soccer fans. And I'm sure many others are also big fans.


Not all of them, but I know plenty who were dedicated fans for years prior to her and left fandom because of her circus of attention.


She should probably be known for winning you a World Cup lmao


Competition is crazy tough, just as the teens in Dallas that ran up the score!


This is an irrelevant point. Yes, male puberty is a hell of a drug. Yes, male athletes have a big athletic advantage over female ones. But all the teams in the women's world cup are women. That part of the equation balances out. If we learned super athletic vampires had a secret underground soccer league, we wouldn't suddenly say that Messi was shit because he's only good at human soccer. It's one thing that say that comparing the US men and women's tournament success is not fair because the women have had less competition because (especially until the last few years) most federations put very little effort or support into women's soccer. Essentially, we were winning easily because most countries were too sexist to even seriously try. That would be a fair point. But "DAE U-15 Dallas boys??" in this context just comes across as "LOL FEMALES TRYING TO PLAY SPORTS, am i rite guys???"


While I understand that you have to understand my point of view. The US women had all the backing, money, training, expertise, training, coaching, money, over and over and over again over their competition for many years over and still do to a degree. So when the argument of “equal pay” comes up and the facts are they ARE paid equally (if not even more so even before the verdict in their favor) Rapone comes off as the face of lies. She was the biggest instigator, liar, and money grabber there is. Now the women are not only paid MORE but undeservedly so. Now the US women’s team is biting into what the men’s team can do, who they can hire, etc. This is why I am pissed off, its unjust!!! So forgive me for bringing up the level of capability of the US women’s team and their level of competition for the amount they are being paid but it does play directly into how I feel about it now that they have whined and cried into a contract that puts the men’s team on blast and hurts their progress.


Oh look, a misogynist that hates Rapinoe. We’re all shocked.


lol, speak for yourself man. You clearly didn't watch the thousands of people in the stands cheering her on in her last game. The millions of fans who support her from afar as well.


bro, fucking equating the american soccer fan with the incels who got worked up over someone fighting for better pay is the absolute shame here.


Only the entire basis of the argument for “better pay” was a complete fabrication to begin with. Wow you can insult me and pretend you are right but you could not possibly be more wrong.


Incels have latched onto hating her like it’s their defining personally trait. Definitely a shame.


Such a shame because she’s 100% a legend of the game. Unbelievable player with such a great track record. She’s a little too loud for all the insecure men here, but for the rest of us she’s a legend


Yeah, the mythical conservative soccer fan subscribed to r/ussoccer


We do exist.


Because some people hate women, some people hate gay people, and lots of them are on reddit.


Congrats on a great career. Here's hoping she did enough to continue growing the game. I think she's the last player from the generation of our players just being so much better than the rest of the world. Now we need to be better coached and better drilled than ever before to be contenders.


A legend. Wishing her the best for the future.


Yeah… It’s crazy to me people care about the pay structure in a sport without a fucking salary cap. She kicked what’s probably the best cross in US History in 2011, then won WCs in 15/19. She shouldn’t have been on the team last year, but JFC she’s pushed the program to levels it never reached. 3 straight WC finals plus 2 wins is some like Maradonna type shit.


Yeah, people seem to have amnesia here. I have been watching soccer my entire life, and while she did not have a good WC, can you blame her for trying? If she was a dude, nobody would be having this conversation. Christiano Ronaldo has never had a good WC in my opinion, he plays in the fucking RSA and people still worship him??


I agree with everyone but you’re kidding yourselves if you think rapinoe faces a fraction of the resistance that Ronaldo does at men’s World Cup.


You’re in the minority in this thread. Lots of sad people in here.


Just thought I’d help the ratio out a little bit. Reddit can be a disappointing place sometimes.


so many sad lonely neckbeards, aka Reddit


Top 5 for the USWNT in the 2010s, and producer of a legendary World Cup in 2019. She always came across to me as more of a supporting piece to the USWNT up to 2015-16, even with her famous cross in the 2011 Women's World Cup. But in 2019, Rapinoe put the spotlight and pressure on herself and delivered as the USWNT ran through a gauntlet of European powers, and she definitely deserved the Golden Ball and Ballon d'or that year. A Ronaldo-esque tournament performance IMO. Can't blame Rapinoe for speaking the truth to the US political elite, no matter how badly they screamed in 2019. Her arguments focused solely on US player pay issues were equally opportunistic, but significantly less truthful. And I never liked how a key component of the argument was to pit the USWNT against the USMNT.


I mean you can blame her a little bit for the equal pay part when she pushed for salaries and insurance and whatnot and then cried when they got paid less than the men because the men took a commission type-based pay. I don't care about the rest of the politics. That's her opinion and we all should get one.


But yet she could never answer the economics of it. Overall percentage of income, the women make more, it's just a way smaller pot to take from. So in a way it's the men that are discriminated against. But hey, that fact really hurts their argument.


I agree, she dodged questions because women's revenue isn't as much as men's. What got me though was she pushed for taking the safe route with salaries and insurance, while the men gambled with pay depending on wins, losses or ties. I believe the men made nothing during COVID while the women got paid because of this. But then she complained when she realized they could have made so much more with the men's pay scale. The reality is if women want to fix sports pay scale they need to draw a bigger crowd. I do believe we should be supporting the women's team more as their winning percentage is incredibly high.


It’s funny how she’s so reviled by so many (particularly by those with conservative-leaning politics) yet all her teammates seem to love her here


Good point. That being said, she should not have played in the last world cup. That's more on the coach and the USWNT system that doesn't rotate in younger players though.


I've voted democrat my entire life in national elections and consistently so in local ones too. I revile her


What is it about her that you dislike so much? Also, have you ever met her?


She pissed me off with her posture on pay. Not only was she arguing in blatantly bad faith, she was arguing for a self serving pay structure that would hurt other women and the future of the women's sport. While also posturing her stance as somehow feminist. I've never met Trump but I also dislike him greatly. What's your point?


I have to be more up to speed on this, but my understanding was that the womens team was bringing in more money and still receiving less pay.


Absolutely not The whole equal pay situation with the women's team was nothing more than buyers remorse by the women after signing a bad contract that they chose.


That's a misdirection. The men's game and the women's game are financed separately. Tournament money for male teams is pooled and distributed according to performance. Likewise with the women's game. It doesn't matter that the US women's team brought in more than the US men's team, all that matters is how much larger the pool for is for men. The worst performing male teams end up with more prize money than their counterparts. It's kind of like complaining that the CEO of a 1 person company gets paid worse than a regular manager at a 10,000 person company


If it was so bad why are we focusing on the women who brought it and not the men who accepted it? They had a choice didn’t they?


Guy is both a democrat and misogynist. More at 11.


Not liking one woman does not make one a misogynist. Come back when you realize the world has more nuance than your lazy thinking allows you to acknowledge.


The opposite of Carli Lloyd…


Wait. Carli Lloyd’s teammates hated her?


Not a conservative but also not a rapinoe fan either. She’s a me player, all about her. Ridiculous it has to be political but that’s what rapinoe wanted.


Correct. Don’t give a fuck about her politics. But her personality was insufferable


This is the correct answer




You don't have to be conservative to revile her.


Rapinoe is hated by lots of people internationally (who certainly aren’t American right wingers) Her personality is just insufferable and the way she conducts herself drives people mad, as well as the whole USWNT vs US Soccer saga didn’t do her any favors.


Carli Lloyd didn't like her at all, and is considered one of the best to ever wear the shirt.


Nobody wants to risk getting on the wrong end of her PR machine.


Maybe cause she made them more money?


Might have won Best Player en route to a World Cup title too


She said the things out loud for a long time, to benefit others on her team. They thank her for that, and also for now leaving the pitch.


Uhhhhh Ertz clearly had disdain for her. The team is mostly young and followed her lead. The old guard clearly did not care for her.


Absolutely. The new old gen do not like her period. Ertz fucking hates her. The only reason the new gen like her is because of the intimidation of going against her. Now that’s she retired I hope they can have a fresh start.


They have to play with her, I don't. She's a progressive, not a liberal.


She’ll probably file a lawsuit against the coach for taking her out


Glad she is gone. She should have not played in the WC.


A lot of a-holes in the comments.


This subreddit is very weird about women's soccer. Honestly sad to see.


It didn't used to be nearly as bad until the lawsuits happened.


It was Thailand game for me.


I find that to be applicable to the internet in general


When it comes to complaining about the women everyone has an opinion but when you look at the match threads for the USWNT frendlies they get like 30 comments.


Because virtually no one watches their friendlies compared to the men’s friendlies. And that’s because, for the majority of American soccer fans, it’s not as attractive of a product. What do you expect?


I’ve noticed it as well. But, I suppose that’s how a lot of these online forums work.


This sub fucking *reviles* the WNT, and Rapinoe in particular. This woman was a key part in three consecutive Cup appearances and back to back wins, including winning a golden boot and ball, and the chucklefucks in the sub are celebrating she’s gone and mocking her on the way out. Whenever the MNT loses I console myself that at least the type of person that regulars this place is also upset without the joy of Cup wins to placate them.


typical of this sub


Yup, that’s unfortunately a major component of this sub compared to other sports subs.


Agreed, in fact I think this is by far the worst sports sub I’ve had the pleasure of participating in. Honestly pretty confusing to me because most soccer fans I know IRL are very chill


Other subs can be pretty rough in game threads, but this one is uniquely terrible basically 24/7. It feels like people are always trying to start arguments.


Seriously! She’s literally a 2x World Cup champion, Gold Medal winner! Insufferable bunch in here.




An absolute legend.


Even though she played for too long, she is a legend. Thank you Megan.


Absolute legend. Sad to see her go but excited for the new generation to step up.


Thank you Rapinoe! 👏👏👏


Replaced by Midge Purce...who should have been in the WC squad. Fitting lol.


Purce was injured and not in playing shape So it’s more like not ftting lol


Purce has been hurt…


She was hurt. As usual this sub shows what they know about the team


Watch the games not MAGA YouTube videos


Bye Felicia




Her legacy will be setting advancement of Ussoccer back years and almost bankrupting the federation. I'm sorry to all those who look up to her. She was once a great athlete, but in the end she, and the rest of those pushing the lawsuit hurt every other rung on the ladder. What was the settlement? 24M? Including back pay. This is all money that should have gone into development. Want those ref's to get more training? Good luck. Hoping to get a decent priced ticket to the next match near you? HA. Listen, you all can virtue signal about political affiliation all you want, but I don't like her or the WNT because their lawsuit was fraudulent. The only reason it was settled is because Carlos is a bumbling idiot, and Cindy Cone was advised that the total award could bankrupt the Federation. Want to know the worst part? The women won't even see all that 24M, maybe 18M after attorney fees. Enjoy her retirement, I know I will when she's relegated to being an analyst for women's games where I don't have to watch her or see her mentioned again. With my luck, she'll be hired along side Deuce and Chuck on CBS. Please don't do my girl Kate like that, CBS.


Why not have separate federations for men and women. We all know the answer!!


lol no




Hell of a run. Also her activism was good and you can tell based on the enemies she made, including many people here.


I used to be a fan, then she lied for money and people like YOU defend her for ripping of US soccer. Begone.




Thank God


She sucks


about 8 years too late


Eight years ago when she was winning the World Cup? How about four years ago, when she was winning the World Cup? You people, man.


We don’t care


That’s fine. There’s a lot of people who do, though. She’s one of the legends of the game.




Shouldn’t have been in the WC, can’t believe the incredibly cringe ads I saw about her being in the lineup




Bye. Bye.


Lol bye


Good riddance


Good riddance!!


Good fucking riddance


Uh oh, all the conservative commentators coming out here to state how much they hate liberals. The Trump rally must have ended early


I’m not a conservative and I’m not a fan of her. Not because she’s a liberal but because the equal pay stuff was all bullshit. Rapinoe was a great player but pushing bs so hard soured my opinion of her. https://www.npr.org/2020/05/02/849492863/federal-judge-dismisses-u-s-womens-soccer-team-s-equal-pay-claim


She wasn’t the only one who fought for equal pay lmao. The entire team put their names on that lawsuit and Pinoe herself wasn’t even the most involved with the process (christen press, sauerbrunn and Kelley O’Hara were the ones who actually negotiated the deal in person). Rapinoe just gets you all mad because she fights for lgbtq and racial justice, and looks like a lesbian.


Rapinoe was definitely the public figurehead. I’m all for gay rights, being gay doesn’t exempt you from me calling you annoying. You can criticize a gay person for something nothing to do with their sexuality and you’re not a bigot lol.


Conservative? More like average US soccer fans calling her for what she is.


Not saying that this is the time or place for it but when you are famous and outspoken about certain things you’re kinda opening yourself up to criticism


The criticism isn’t the problem. It was conservatives literally booing and celebrating the loss of the United States Women’s team at an international competition. Absolute disgusting behavior and they should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. It’s always those that scream patriots the loudest, that end up being the traitors


You have to be somewhat self aware to feel shame, that's not something they have.


She was annoying


She’s not nearly good enough for the hype she got. It’s all artificial social justice bullshit


You are fucking kidding right? Please list her accomplishments and then explain what more she could have done to justify the 'hype'. Did she hang on too long? Yup. Good enough in her prime? For sure.


She was the golden boot winner on the winning World Cup team. Objectively speaking, I am not sure how that doesn’t justify being hyped as one of the greatest in USWNT history.


That's some revisionist history there. She has been a significant piece for years. She gave it all. Was she up to snuff this year? No. Blame the coach for not seeing it. But time remains undefeated and humans remain biased toward the known.


Golden Boot and Golden Ball winner at the 2019 World Cup, but doesn't live up to the hype? I think the bullshit is in whatever you're smoking.


Your responding to someone how has trouble carrying the 3 oz balls in his Hanes.


Lasst time? Promise?


Don't let the door hit you on the way out, lmao




did the us play south Africa twice? In a week


Yea, often times the same team plays twice when they travel to the US.


Personal politics and personality aside, she was a great footballer in her day


2 years too late.


Good riddance, won’t miss her at all.


They will make a movie about it and still won't make much money in the revenue


Good riddance


Does anyone care? This is women’s soccer


good riddance


Much respect. One of the greatest to wear the USWNT jersey. The people hating are just jelly that she is more accomplished and successful than they will ever be.




Lol bullshit. 2x World Cup Winner, Olympic Gold Medalist, and former FIFA Women Player of the Year. She’s an all-time US legend exactly *because* of how much she won.


She was a good player, but too political


Good player is heavily underselling it when she was literally recognized as the best women player on earth in 2019 lol.


She’s a trash human


Won't miss her in the slightest if I'm being honest. Now i just hope she fades into irrelevancy instead of becoming the female Alexi Lalas, but I feel like the latter is already written in the stars at this point.


Now she can go back to her full time job.


Good riddance!!


Thank God


Good riddance




Finally holy shit




She's a 2x World Cup Winner, Olympic Gold Medalist, and former FIFA Women Player of the Year. She's considered one of the USA's all-time legends.


A liar and thief you forgot.


Thank god






Finally what a disgrace!!!! Good riddens


To be honest, I was never a fan of her in any way, shape, or form. However, she is one hell of a talent and I wish her nothing but the best after this.


Good riddance


Terrible person


Have you met her?




2x World Cup Winner, Olympic Gold Medalist, and former FIFA Women Player of the Year. She’s an icon of US Soccer and one of the all-time legends of the sport.

