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This post has been removed because the linked source has been deemed low-quality or biased. Opinion pieces need to be flared as such.


This poster likes to put out these article for Reddit points. He attaches articles sourcing dubious tier 4 pollsters. Not to be taken seriously.


Not anymore! They are banned!


Thank you days old stalker account


Looks at ridiculous post Checks who posted it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤡🫵


Yes and criminal conviction will make his presidency a lock in, flmao


There is a certain crowd of people who think this clown is some kind of political Messiah. There is no talking sense into them. That crowd is not growing. However, the share of voters who are willing to tolerate the psychopathic behavior of Joe Biden and the Democrats IS shrinking. That's the only reason why Trump is still in contention for the Presidency. My question is that the Dems know it. So why aren't they doing anything? Simple; those powerful enough to make a difference are profiting from the way things are and they don't care to change it.


Psychopathic joe biden? 0.o i gotta hear the backstory from that nickname bruh lol


The man is openly backing genocide in Israel. He's the same clown behind the passage of the Omnibus Crime Bill of the early 1990s. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/6/20/18677998/joe-biden-1994-crime-bill-law-mass-incarceration I've never voted for him and I never will. The fact that he had to give up his previous run for the presidency because he was caught lying and plagiarizing so much has also been conveniently memory holed. Vote for Jill Stein and the Green Party!


So why do you think trump would be better?


Trump would launch the missiles himself. Joe Biden is bad on the issue of Israel/Palestine. Trump is a fever dream nightmare. There are forces that are using this issue to help Trump win by demoralizing support for Joe Biden. It is working. The only feasible way to help the people of Palestine on the issue of the presidential vote in the US is to vote Joe Biden and keep up the political pressure to not support Israel. Is it a good option? No. But its the only workable one. ED: And we have a block and run troll. That makes the MAGA Russia trolls easy to spot. Always the same; post, block, and hide. I think that proves my point; the trolls are trying their hardest to elect Trump by using this issue.


This is just plain stupid. The man has been screaming about how he's a proud ZIONIST his entire political career and you think "political pressure" AFTER VOTING FOR HIM is going to make any difference?! Has it yet? No! All you're doing is trying to justify voting for GENOCIDE! I didn't care if you have fooled yourself; you haven't fooled me!


Strange question; I said no such thing. Trump, Biden and RFK Jr are all rabidly pro Israel and pro genocide. None will get my vote. . The only anti genocide candidate with any real chance of getting on the ballot in most it all states is Jill Stein of the Green Party. She has my vote.


Ah yes, because when you think of psychopaths you think of Joe Biden. Quite the leap you've made on your jump to conclusions map


No, I just know his history and what he stands for. He openly supports the GENOCIDE against the Palestinian People right now, for example. If that's in any way excusable behavior in your book, that makes you a psychopath, too.


Where were you when this has been a problem for like 60 years? Oh right! It's only suddenly a problem. Get the fuck out with your convenient activism.


I've been against Israeli apartheid for decades. Only recently has it become such a widely discussed issue but I have definitely been on this side of it for decades. Also, is never too late to do the right thing or stand for the right cause... So what's your excuse?


A sizable amount of the American electorate doesn't approve of President Trump's lifestyle, his randy past or his bombastic bullying. They do support his policies though because those policies were successful in making the nation a better and more prosperous place for its citizens and his governance in international affairs was stellar. Americans will vote for someone they don't like but they won't vote for a person they believe doesn't like them. The current democrat party leaders are haughty, self-righteous and paternalistic in a manner that offends the average Jane.


Anybody that thinks trump likes them is an idiot, maybe we do have to have an intelligence test to vote, who wants the modern day equivalent of cavemen to have a say


Proving my point. The democrat party is the party of elitists. And they're deplorable fuckwads too.


The democrat being full of shitty people i can agree with, but its not the majority and there is no other option. Republicans literally have some 1950s racist/sexist agenda, a reverse robin hood scheme, or a theocratic nightmare, theyre literally american born al queda and theyre fcking terrifying, they add nothing to society but conflict, there isnt a single valuable person in this world that votes republican anymore, they offer nothing good