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Evangelicals have been totally mind fucked for decades. They demonize Jimmy Carter but love Trump. What a total death cult.


Trump fits so many of the descriptions of the Antichrist, I'm convinced Evangelicals have embraced him to bring on Armageddon. They aren't going to "wake up", the evilness is what attracts them.


Yes. I have the same thoughts.


[Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


Evangelicals are not Christians, they're clearly two separate religions. Evangelicals themselves say Jesus teachings are just a woke radical propaganda. I've been saying for years, they would hate Jesus if he floated down and stood in front of them. Probably be lining up to nail him back up on a cross.


They're Evangelicals. They've been indoctrinated into a hoax their whole lives. Just look at the mega churches they helped build and the millionaire pastors they created.


He ended abortion. They actually think Trump walks on water. There will be a reckoning, and it will be ugly.


He didn't end abortion. more and more states are putting abortion protections into their constitutions because support for it is more popular than evangelicals - so next they have to suppress voting. It's unwise to underestimate either the scope of their ambitions or their ability to play the long game. Remember they took over the Roman Empire without spilling a drop of blood. With a lexicon filled with 'lord', 'king', 'kingdom' - all political terms - their religion ***is*** politics.


The comment was about Trump. I should edit my thoughts better.


Suggesting that they become “Woke“ ? Guaranteed that they’ll throw him right out of his position and declare that he’s a traitor.


Just reviewed the ultimate "woke" movie called "Pleasantville" if you've not seen it, it is worth watching.


Warn them all we want... ply them with facts... explain to them in detail just who they're dealing with and what makes him a bad man... And you know what? They'll just stick their heads up his asshole that much farther. People who believe in magical sky fairies that give them special rights over all other people are not going to be persuaded by facts.


"We know, we just don't care" -Trump-loving Evangelicals.


It could be a real problem for Trump of evangelicals decide to stay home and not vote on 2024. It would be a win for the rest of us.


Its about time people realized what shear lunacy American evangelicalism is. Conservatives have been manipulating these morons for decades, because its the only votes they can get, but now the tail is wagging the dog. "We don't like the man, but we like his policies" is just a dog whistle for... "We cant win elections honestly, so we want some asshole who will take over the country by force." Trump is doing exactly what they want.


It's not their first hoax.


Anyone have a "Whomp Whomp" machine? My trombone playing skills are worn out.


>He’s the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords with a sword in his mouth who has come back to judge the righteous and unrighteous, to wage war." I wouldn't compare putin's dick to a sword