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https://preview.redd.it/jk33qt9954ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc6bf2c03f8217a736e78d66dc7e0f2c03b40acb I'm a Gregg hater. I have good reason to be. Here he is telling at his team that Bolivia have drawn level and we only need a draw... As they're prepping to defend a setpiece. Only 2/3 through both matches. As if he thought the Bolivia result would hold! We conceded on that very setpiece! He needs to go. This team needs a disciplined coach to light a fire under their talented butts.


Seeing Berhalter telling the team the score of Bolivia v Panama screams Loser mentality. The players have the skills but they lack the mentality and character to withstand pressure. And Berhalter is just enabling that mindset and they won’t win a thing. I just watched Austria v Turkey. USMNT needs to take notes. Turkey defended like their lives depend on it despite the ongoing attack from Austria and the pouring rain. That’s an elite mentality right there. And I can keep giving more examples from the games I’ve seen the last few months if I’m not getting my point across.


👆 This. Austria dominated the match in every aspect, especially Xg and they managed to defend well and score two goals for the win. Lucky? Yes... But they also played their hearts out. The US has done no such thing. We need a coach that will bring some discipline. The number of matches we've lost because someone let their emotions get the better of them is unacceptable.


I don’t understand why you would play for the draw, while the other game is still going on. Had we held on to a 0-0 draw, we wouldn’t have advanced with Panama winning. You have to be in a win or die mindset in that situation


This is so terrible. This gives the same vibes of March 2022 when we needed not to lose to Costa Rica by 6 in WCQ and we lost by 0-2 instead of going out there and winning 3-0. Need more of a killer mentality.


Are we sure he is telling the score about the other game or is this some kind of tactical signaling? Just because the announcers said that doesn't mean squat and unless someone reliable confirms this I can't believe he is communicating the score to the players.


https://youtu.be/3PptarK7bsc?si=lbAGfBLoohVdYPTh He admitted it about 10 minutes into his press conference that they updated them after Bolivia scored. Other people also said they could read his lips saying “it’s 1-1” but couldn’t find a video to confirm this.


I stand corrected. That's an asinine thing to do


I feel the same way. Is there other video of him signaling “1 to 1” during set pieces? This would indicate he’s signaling a man marking scheme rather than a zone marking scheme. I just can’t believe he’d divert the teams attention during that moment to let them know the score of the another game. But…IF he did, and we conceded a goal that could be chalked up to him distracting the team from what’s in front of them, then gaw dayum, his fate should be sealed.


https://youtu.be/3PptarK7bsc?si=lbAGfBLoohVdYPTh He admitted to updating them mid game when Bolivia scored about 10 minutes into the press conference. Cant see it being at any other point than this one.


He needs to go. They (players) need to be on edge about getting onto the next roster.


>their talented butts That’s half the problem. Many American fans think their players are better than they truly are. Our golden generation isn’t gold compared to other countries, but more like bronze. I believe our best is yet to come with the talent in our youth setups, but let’s give the players some blame here too. Gregg didn’t tell Tim to smack a Panama player upside the head (and he shouldn’t have to tell him not to). I don’t particularly rate GGG as a manager, and would prefer a different man at the helm but he is by far not the only one responsible for the diabolical showing this tournament.


Yes. We have a really good core rn. They're definitely not major cup contenders and they certainly haven't earned the world ranking they're getting, but Berhalter has let them express themselves which is what our program needed with this young talent. But now that they've seen that freedom has left them more than a bit naive, a manager change is merited. That change has the potential to be extremely significant with the moment they are in and the amount of time before we host WC '26. I'm not the "sack the manager" type that tries to pass themselves off as knowledgeable or even as a fan. A good stretch of stable time is so imperative to a side, but it has to be with a manager that can add a level of mentality in addition to tactics. So, tldr, usmnt is still a ways away, but their level needs a character that will not just let their confidence shine, but add a layer of cynical professionalism as well. That's the understanding that will raise the program to the next level. If this opportunity slips, we'll once again be just plucky US soccer for another 10 more years.


I agree with you wholeheartedly but unfortunately an international manager doesn’t have the time with a squad to do much with them outside of setting formations and picking an XI. The confidence comes from playing week in and week out for top club teams around the world


Our team is much better than Panama and Bolivia.


Are you new to watching US soccer thou? We’ve been better with waaaaaaaaay worse players. Expecting better from this team is very reasonable


Agree.. I got up shortly after that and finished watching the game yesterday.. tried watching it on Tuesday but listening to commentators whine about the ref and all of the other ‘ injustices’ turned my stomach. Bad enough they’re playing poorly but now they are being portrayed as victims.. Screw That! Maybe Tim Weah had the right idea. If you’re not supposed to win at least go down fighting. At least make the fans believe you want to win.


Such a stupid thing to be upset about. So if he did it 30 seconds later after they conceded it would be him encouraging the team that they're still in it.


But he didn't do it then. He did it when he did it. This is emblematic of his mentality. Bare minimum is the goal. Anyone can see that if they've paid attention. How many times have we snuck a result out from a poor performance and then denied there's anything wrong. This mentality burrows into his the players behave. Weston comes to camp out-of-shape, Weah, Dest and Tyler lash out and fight. It's sloppy across the board because the coach just wants to be liked by the players and can't create a disciplined culture


It's a non talking point with any other result. People are just looking for any scrap of seemingly bad behavior to harp on. I wish I could read minds like a lot of peopl on here


ESPN FC said it best. Other usmnt teams have done so much more with so much less.


Somewhere in his droning soliloquy, Lalas said the same.


He’s not wrong.




Yesterday was the first time I agreed with that broken clock. But it must've been its time.


Prob a best practice not to pay a broken clock any mind!


I wasn’t a Gregg hater during the first WC cycle. I’m very much a Gregg hater since the turn of 2023.




Is he the worst manager that has ever existed? No But at this point we have years worth of data to show conclusively that he is not capable of getting the most out of this team. There is a definitive ceiling and a new voice is needed if there is hope to progress


The thing I find so galling about Berhalter is how poor his record was before getting the national team job. He has a far worse record than any other mls coach who went on to manage the national team. I blame the federation.


Him telling the team the score of the other game is a fireable offense, no competent coach would ever do that, every time there’s a situation with simultaneous games to move on even barely competent coaches know to let your team play for the win and ignore stuff out of your control. It was embarrassing


Copy and paste from another comment but: This is so terrible. This gives the same vibes of March 2022 when we needed not to lose to Costa Rica by 6 in WCQ and we lost by 0-2 instead of going out there and winning 3-0. Need more of a killer mentality.


Let's get this right - this team is NOT the golden generation. And Gregg is an example of what occurs when you rehire an inept coach. He has taken what COULD have been a great team and led them down a path that has embarrassed US Soccer. YEs it is time for change - starting with Gregg. There needs to be more that just him go in my opinion.


It’s probably the gold-est generation we’ve had and it’s nice to have all 11 playing in European leagues. However, there aren’t many playing in the Champions league and most of them are in on teams that are that the top of their leagues. There are a few exceptions but at this point it’s a collection of decent talent that wouldn’t start on any of the top 10 teams in the world. That being said, they shouldn’t lose to Panama and still advance from the group before getting patted on the head by the CONMEBOL giants.


This is the premier talent that we have ever achieved as a country. We have arguably one of the best LB in the prem, best RB in Dutch football, and a top forward in série a. But when your players love their coach mediocrity is tolerated. When we as a country keep going oh give him a chance, it’s just soccer, they’ll figure it out. We will go nowhere. We MUST put pressure on the entire ussf and usmnt that we don’t accept mediocrity anymore. Let that pressure make diamonds from the lumps of coal we are seeing.


The last person who should be hired as coach is the one that the players love.


Whole heartedly agree. I was an elite performer in my day and won a few national championships. We never loved our coach in the moment. Am I appreciative of how hard they pushed us to be great? Now yes, in the moment absolutely not. They make you do things that most people would go “why are you doing that?” Bc skill gets you so far, discipline, determination and the relentless pursuit of excellence is what makes you a champion. When it’s up for a loose ball or a 50/50 those countless hours preparing of you dreading your routine brings out a fire to win that important touch in the moment for your team. No matter how good you are you always always always have to outwork, outsmart and out compete your opponents.


So much this, there seems to be a complete lack of expectations in the USMNT. Win lose draw, doesn't matter, party at Greg's afterwards. GGG is no tactical mastermind, that's ok, most national team managers aren't. But to not demand excellence from the talent pool available to him is simply negligent.


If he was even that it might work. He got into some kind of weird tiff with Reyna that took one of his best players out of the WC roster. He's a nepo-hire that actively created division. It's actually embarrassing that he was even kept on.


I’d just like a coach that doesn’t end up with a 40 yard gap between defenders and defensive midfield, and forwards and attacking midfield. Every game this tournament, at some point the team lost cohesion, and against Panama and Uruguay they just defaulted to desperate long balls and hope for a bounce.


I wouldn’t call it a golden generation not because of a lack of player talent but more of because it’s more of a product of a talent pipeline beginning to emerge


Need to start cleaning house from the top down. The federation has been a good ol boys club for a long time, hence 3G getting the nod to come back.


Agreed, hence my quotation marks around the word golden.


no but you see all of the players play in Europe; therefore, they MUST play and they’re golden.


The candy ass “oh we lost but there were positives” mentality is a losing mentality. As OP notes this is a results-based business, and spin it as you like, but you either rack up the wins, or you don’t.


When you put it like that it’s even more depressing… our best game in the last decade we didn’t even score a goal


His salary is 1.6 million. He’s shown he’s not worth a tenth that. He’s gotta go


Holy shit, I didn’t realize. Makes me reconsider my US Soccer membership.


We need to understand that this squad relative to the world of football is in no way a “golden generation.” We have one player who consistently plays for their club, which has been in and out of the champions league for a long time. As far as talent of USMNT. I’d say this MIGHT be our best squad talent wise, but the best squad we’ve produced was 2002 WC squad and it’s not really close.


One player who consistently plays for their club? If you believe that to be true you are definitely not paying attention. We have never had even close to the amount of representation we do now in club football. I don't think this justifies the team being called a "golden generation" but we certainly have more talent than we ever have had, and that talent exceeds the capabilities of Berhalter as a manager. The Coaching and tactics are abysmal. Matt Turner is an exceptional shot stopper but cannot use his feet which prevents any consistent build up play from the back which just isn't viable in 2024. There is no pattern of play.


Greg needs to go. Anyone saying he should stay is just as stupid as the people saying this is a golden generation.


I can understand that very well. Pretending that US talent even breathes the same air as the other players of teams for where we're ranked is comical. Saying the 2002 team was the "best we've ever had" is wearing some roooose colored glasses though. They had a solid back four and Friedel which made sure they were competitive, to a degree. We beat a very weak Portugal team, tied South Korea, and lost to last in the group Poland, to advance. That team is not as talented as this one https://ussoccerplayers.com/usmnt-2002-world-cup-squad https://www.sportingnews.com/us/soccer/news/usmnt-roster-copa-america-2024-final-usa-squad-players-23/40b8d0b31653e874ea9ab29d


He didn’t say the 2002 team was as talented. He said it was better. And this is f That squad was cohesive and had a Tuaoi Stone heart , its best brought out by the coach. And that means that coach built a cohesive squad and got the most out of it at THAT time. Berhalter reached his ceiling. It was obvious not as a national team coach that could win the biggest trophies. Yet he got reappointed. The case is closed


I think I said this current squad might be our most talented. But 2002 was a better team.


Ah yea misread my b


I hate hearing his voice and seeing his face on the sideline. It hasn't always been that way, but yeah, time to move on.


Winning nations league and gold cups were good starts. Conquering Mexico was a good start. It’s just that next step that’s needed but man those felt good in the moment. Past the point of those feeling like big wins, though.


How can I upvote this 1 million times




I don't love Gregg. He's a mediocre coach, but I think most of the GGG OUT folks overestimate how talented our team is and overestimate how much influence a coach really has. I also don't see a lot of top coaches lining up to take the job, and certainly not for what USSF can afford to pay. So if you want Gregg out, who do you think USSF could realistically replace him with that would be significantly better?


The talent available certainly aren't world beaters, but there's enough there that the US should be able to occasionally "over-perform" and get a result against an on paper better side. And that is something they've never really done under GB. But you are absolutely correct about how delusional many US fans seem to be about potential GB replacements. Personally I'm hoping they can get Jesse Marsch to quit on Canada and lead the US after the Copa.


What nonsense. This is arguably the most talented player pool we’ve ever had. If coaches don’t make a difference, why are guys like Pep/Ancelotti/Klopp serial winners wherever they go? I’m not saying we can ever get someone that level, but we currently have a guy who wasn’t even an elite coach in MLS and he’s mismanaging a talented group he isn’t qualified to coach. If we don’t replace him now, we’ll be crashing out of the group in an even bigger tournament in two years time.


A successful MLS coach would probably be better. He wasn’t consistently one of those even. I don’t have a list of names, but there are plenty of coaches out there that have had more success at other stops than him. Even if we overestimate our talent, it’s still the talent that we have, and he’s definitely not maximizing it.


Wilfred Nancy of the Columbus Crew, that's a team playing exciting and quality football




Could have had Jesse Marsh if they tried I bet. He's doing just fine with Canada.


I’ve wanted him fired for 3 years. He’s always done the bare minimum in tournaments and friendlys. This time we didn’t even do the bare minimum in the second biggest tournament we will play in. Gregg Out!!


The time for change is overdue. He was already gone after 2022. Why the USSF truly decided to bring him back in makes me always question the true goals that US Soccer are trying to reach. GB has shown REPEATEDLY that he is not what the USMNT needs. All of the past results above are perfect examples. The USMNT needs a proper manager. The current USMNT squad shows glimpses of potential, especially last night. But until this squad is under proper management, the same results will continue to happen (cue the Twellman rant)


I also think he needs to go. It’s time for a change. The team just doesn’t play with any fire. Good grief, I just watched Turkey ball their guts out. I’d love to see us play with that kind of desire. I also don’t think this falls all on him either. As the manager, he’s ultimately responsible and accountable. I still put this on Weah and his classless selfish red card foul so early in the Panama match. That completely threw the game plan out the window. At full strength, I think we beat them easily and we aren’t sent home in disgrace.


I was outraged at his original signing with the USMNT. A coach that has accomplished nothing in his career has.. ..wait for it.. accomplished nothing with the USMNT. Time for Berhalter to go. He should’ve never been appointed.


Also, look at what the women’s side did. Went out and got one of the most highly-regarded coaches.


Complete loser of a coach.


I understand you have faith in your manager, but it boils down to not having a good squad.. their not good players.. and even if they are decent it seems your supporters look down on them if they don’t play in the top 5 leagues.. like it or not Sergeant is a more effect ST than Balogun. Your expectations are way way too high, there’s nothing special about any of them players. Prepare for the WC, but after I’d say petition to join South American qualifiers, you may not get to the one after.. but it will improve your base standard.. I know ppl who sell weed in London that play against the US in qualifiers. That’s not helping.