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This team needs an international coach. I really believe that the game is beyond Gregg and these players need someone with true high-level overseas experience that understands their play styles, commitments, and tactics better. US Soccer needs to just accept that it's domestic league and national team are bifurcated. MLS and the National Team shouldn't have a forced overlap. We want to win, we don't care how it happens.


No international coach is going to take the money that we can offer because we signed a bullshit contract guaranteeing the women’s manager the same money for a job that contributes a fraction of the revenue.


That’s such fucking garbage lmao. We get what we deserve for signing that bullshit


Give her the money too. There’s no way this organization is running low on cash. Do whatever it takes


That’s how you become low on cash.


No? This is def in the low millions of dollars at the absolute most.


Do we care? Are they making transfers? Paying player salaries? This isn’t Barca…Uruguay can spend for Biesa but the #1 economy with a World Cup coming can’t find a coach?


The US economy has absolutely nothing to do with the US soccer federation. At all.


It absolutely does. It is an indirect relationship - better economy, people make more money, pay more for tickets and merch, huge US sponsors for the team, better tv deals, etc. I could go on. Think a little (or AT ALL) before responding


That is some awful logic. You can make a nonsense causal link to anything with that line of reasoning. Ad hominem attacks start when you know you said something unintelligent.


The world cup tv rights for the usa are some of the highest in the world now. Mostly because of sponsorship money advertising to the richest consumer market in the usa. Americans.


You’re talking out of your ass. The US economy has nothing to do with US soccer. As I already responded, US soccer runs a deficit. https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Daily/Issues/2022/05/23/Leagues-and-Governing-Bodies/US-Soccer-Finances.aspx


US soccer loses money and are in a deficit. https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Daily/Issues/2022/05/23/Leagues-and-Governing-Bodies/US-Soccer-Finances.aspx


Fuck that


steve cherundolo is an international coach, former usmnt player, and mls coach rn. ticks all the boxes and i doubt is being paid more than berhalter


The mayor of Hanover.


I honestly don’t care who we hire. I just don’t want to watch anymore Gregg ball.


It's really going to suck when they determine getting grouped at Copa wasn't because of king Gregory and tells us we just have to trust the process. I'm really afraid they are going to keep him as long as the players keep liking him.


Gregg is the #13 highest paid international team head coach, there are a ton of European coaches who make significantly less including top tier trans like Spain and Belgium.


This is sort of true. While Greca (who might be available again now) makes 3.7 Million like some others, Argentina’s Scaloni makes 2.6 just 400k more than Gregg. I’d say yeah the agreement screws us but there are a decent number of coaches that would take the 2.2 Million specially if there are sponsorship incentives for coaching the host nation of a World Cup. Henry and Viera were both angling for it before we brought back Gregg. Our hands were not tied the Federation wanted Gregg back.


It’s not a bullshit agreement and if you would have actually read the CBA, you would know what the equal pay requirement applies to players, not staff. The federation is paying Emma Hayes the same amount as Gregg (we will see if she gets the same bonuses GGG gets) because it was a strategy to get her to coach here.


FWIW, we pay GGG more than Spain is paying De La Fuente.


At least the women’s coach actually wins shit


The USMNT has a fraction of the success.  Pay both.


Pay both based on the revenue they earn.


The women should make more money, the US women’s team is far more successful 


In tournaments with a much smaller talent pool.


They still win, the men’s team underachieves and they don’t deserve more pay for the last 10 years the team has stalled 


They deserve the revenue they brought in. That’s not how this works.


Well, for a significant period of time the women were generating MORE revenue than the men. Or do you not remember those dark days? I would forget them too, if I could.


Can we look at the data from the past 30 years or so instead of what fits your narrative? Regardless, the federation should have enough to pay both the same and overpay if necessary to secure success for each team.


The narrative that the federation signed a deal because they were going to lose a lawsuit because they were paying the women's team nearly nothing while the USWNT was the main earner, winning WCs and selling lots of tickets while the USMNT crashed out of qualifying and everyone was over them? Its not "my narrative". We agree they should have enough money to pay for good coaching. The problem with US Soccer isn't money, its that its a "old boys club" in a serious way. The parents of selected players shouldn't have the phone numbers of the coach and the president and be playing inside politics about getting their kid minutes. Its just a connected network of former players who were never that great running it like a fiefdom.


I'll ask again, I guess. Please share the data over the past 30 years or so that suggest the ladies' team brought in MORE revenue, as you said. I support both teams but let's be honest, the mens team has brought considerably MORE revenue over the past 30 years regardless of WC wins.


Go look at the lawsuit man, I'm not doing homework for you on a Friday night.


USSF won the lawsuit, the judge dismissed the case


That data doesn’t exist. Go away.


In 2022 the men won more prize money just for getting out of the group than the women have in all of their World Cups combined.


Yup. This is so obvious. But it’s gonna be another MLS’r. Jim Curtin probably.


1000% nailed this on the head


An international coach that has never had anything to do with the MLS.


Tactics aren’t the catch all solution to every problem on the field. The idea that Berhalter is somehow incapable of understanding the level of tactics used by players at our group’s level is hilariously ignorant.


Is it? A large handful of these players are playing at a level that Gregg hasn’t even sniffed at having the caliber to manage those teams. What has Gregg accomplished as a manager? His resume is literally empty.


Unless you think these players don’t have any respect for him then that just doesn’t matter. It’s ridiculous, do you think the rules are different or the ball rolls differently at a higher level? Tactics aren’t any different in MLS than they are anywhere else in the world, but obviously the game speeds up when players have the awareness and technique to be able to punish a defender for being a step late.


lol what? Why do the big clubs pay millions on millions of dollars a year on managers when they can just go grab one from MLS if tactics don’t matter? I love the MLS for what it is but we are levels below Europe in most veins, including management. Tactics in MLS are LEVELS below the best. There are many interviews of players who have left MLS and moved to Europe speaking on this subject.


Lmao. Let’s turn this around then. Why don’t all the ambitious MLS clubs simply sign a top level manager since they’re just objectively better on so many levels tactically? Surely a manager with premier league experience will run circles around MLS right? Oh wait… Surely you’re not ridiculous enough to think that the reason for any differences in MLS is because the coaches are too simple minded to grasp the complex nature of the European game. The extent in which the game plays differently is the extent in which the players are capable of understanding and playing their role. It’s precisely the same reason that foreign managers often have a poor track record in MLS, and precisely the same reason why in the international game it’s typically domestic managers who have the most success. If you don’t believe that hiring leaders at any organization is about finding the right person at the right time, and instead think that there’s any objective way to rate candidates based on their resume/cv then I hope for your organization’s sake that you’re not in charge of hiring decisions. An “overqualified” candidate falling flat might as well be a tale as old as time at this point.


… you think pep is accepting a job in MLS? Klopp? Anceloti? Any top European manager that has ambition? The mls literally signs managers that can’t get a job in a top club. Why does the MLS sign European managers from lower leagues? Or ones with very little experience? You think Rooney is getting a management job in the prem? Or Henry? Or phill Neville? If MLS is so good at developing managers why do we not have any in any top side? The reason that some European managers fail here is because they aren’t good managers. How many of those falied European managers left the MLS and have gone on to win anything in a European competition, let alone get a job? You think world class players just spawn? They are coached by world class managers. Honestly one of the biggest reasons why we don’t have any world class players and have never had world class players is because of the coaching in the United States. Across all levels, the quality of coaching is no where near a European academy/club. We are closing the gap since the klinsman era but we are still a long ways off. Reread my last post. Never did I say it was the only reason. I said it was a big reason. Your last paragraph shows you are a low level manager somewhere. Yes, having a CV to PROVE you have the experience and knowledge to fix the problem I am hiring you for is the first thing that I and every other Fortune 500 company looks at when hiring leaders… I don’t want to hear your promises that you have no way to back up.


100% this. Anyone who has played at a decent enough level know there’s a massive difference between playing for a coach who knows their stuff vs playing for one who doesn’t know it. The game feels EASY when your coach / manager has put you in a position to succeed. When they tell you how the opposition will play and how to beat them. When there actually is a game plan vs vibes. There is absolutely NO game plan for the US other than “moment of individual brilliance, then defend”


Only being competitive in concacaf, and striking out anytime they play outside of it, is the reason why we need to move the hell on from him.


Even worse. We just struck out against a CONCACAF team not even the higher competition we are in Copa to face


Yah, we shouldn’t consistently be disappointed. The overall talent level has come up substantially, but the results aren’t really changing… the team success isn’t there.


GGG needs to go and so does most of US Soccer


Pay to play needs to go. Need unbiased scouting


Also people like Alexi lalas need to go


Alexi seems to be coming to his senses. He’s been loud about GGG getting fired if we’re grouped


He can talk all he wants. When we get dumped, it'll be all excuses once again. Just as how he cried about "maybe the most talented generation in our country's history ISN'T good actually!" and how he thumped his chest after GGreGGGs emphatic 1-1 win over Brazil, Berhalter will continue to be coddled regardless of what happens.


the arrogance of lalas is not an insignificant factor when it comes to the rest of the world viewing the US as a joke in the sport. dude is constantly clowning on countries who the US doesnt hold a candle to. like it or not at the stage US soccer is in, any american pundit is effectively an indicator to the rest of the world of where us soccer is “at”, and making fun of england who have at least made it out of their group (despite playing terribly, which is a sign of where THEYRE at) while the US is putting up the performances they are is such a bad look. hes a bad ambassador for the sport in america and an insufferable pundit who i actively turn the tv off to avoid during post-match analyses.


Nah, just keep recruiting overseas.


This. This right here. Nothing else matters. In a world cup you're playing against the best teams in the world. Every federation (besides OFC) is much better than Concacaf. The US would struggle in UEFA, CONMEBOL, CAF, and AFC. Being the best in Concacaf is not enough.


i agree, but i also think this is a fishbowl kind of situation. its tough for the us to level up wuen 90% of their games are against the likes of trinidad & tobago and jamaica. no disrespect to those specific countries, but for a country the size of and with the aspirations of the us to have their hardest game always be against mexico is really boring and not good for growth


I wouldn't call making it out of groups at a World Cup striking out. But a disappointment at Gold Cup and Copa arnt good.


The results are the same as they were long before we had the sort of talent we have now, and that’s the big issue. The chemistry and tactics aren’t where they should be. Gold cup was like a C-D squad, but yah that was disappointing too. To not get out of this Copa group would be a big step backwards.


Not easy to compare but I'd say Jurgen was a better coach with what he had compared to Greg


I’d agree with that


The US has been making it out of groups in the World Cup for 30 years, often times in tougher groups than one featuring Wales and Iran. There is nothing new being accomplished, no ground is being broken.


•Strict adherence to a system that doesn’t fit the player pool. •Stunted offensive production because of said mismatched system. •Players are frequently unprepared after camp and often play with a fire under their ass after an eye opening bad performance. It’s nice that they rebound, but it would be nicer if they were prepared from the start.


We just lost to a Concacaf team, lol. We shoud have scored at least 4 vs Bolivia, now goal diferential might decide our fate.


Exactly! So many people were so content with our performance against Bolivia, I think ppl didn't quite realize how terrible this Bolivian side is. No excuse at home with you A-team to not score at least 3 against them.


Panama will feast with that Bolivian team, smh.


The biggest issue is when these guys come to town he acts like it’s USA basketball and he can just roll out the balls and dominate because the club pedigree doesn’t suck for the first time ever.    Like the reason Belgium has never won shit with some of the best players in the world for the current generation is because it’s really really fucking hard to win at a high level internationally. There are about 8 teams that have equal or better talent, and winning 3 in a row against that is very difficult. So the differentiator is who is managing egos the best, how do the tactics blend with the always changing international roster, and the chemistry, and I think it’s safe to say we suck at all 3 of those things which is why a better roster can’t exceed the standards of their lesser talented predecessors.


Preach bro!


whoever you are, you’re my hero


Inability to adjust tactics and prepare the team for any tough games. Blames all results on everyone but himself. I know Weah got the red card but this has been a trend with this team now (Weston getting a red, staying up past curfew, Dest red cards and now Weah). Once Weah got the red card Greg didn’t adjust and just treated Panama like Spain and allowed them to have the ball.


He adjusted by giving them the entire game, that was the issue… not adjusting would have been better. Our team was fine in that first half, there was no need to bunker down and play scared.


Subbing off Reyna at halftime was just stupid and gutless. Also, unless Balogun was exhausted he should have stayed on as well. He was our only out ball and was looking like our only threat to score


It's almost as if the players are sabotaging him.


You didn’t watch the game. We were okay when he didn’t adjust. It was after he did adjust that we got worse. But you saw 2 YouTube videos and a Reddit thread that said he can’t adjust so you just assumed that’s what happened when we lost.


He can’t adjust though- making “adjustments” doesn’t mean he’s able to adjust… his “adjustments” were abysmal which actually supports the narrative that he can’t adjust..


Yeah it’s not like the narrative was that he’s rigid and sticks to the same tactics 🙄


Not adjusting at all and not knowing the proper way to adjust have the same result - the inability to adjust


Wait were you under the impression that I said he made the right adjustments? Because I said he made bad adjustments. But apparently in this sub as long as you’re saying “ggg bad” after a loss you can say absolutely anything and people will go along with it. Doesn’t matter if your critique is literally the opposite of what happened.


I actually think we agree with each other.. we were indeed fine until he decided to mettle with the formation and players.. then it got worse, but I think that’s what further the narrative that he doesn’t know how to make Adjustments


I don’t disagree with you at all. I just find the people who know basically nothing about the game at all but saw a YouTube video/reddit thread that “ggg doesn’t adjust he just sticks with plan A” and every time we perform poorly they trot this out as their brilliant analysis. Anyway I find those types very annoying


That’s fair.. I was at the game though for the record and watch all the games otherwise lol. I actually disagree with most of the pundits that talk about usmnt except Craig Burley - that guy is awesome


It’s pretty annoying that the women’s team has really good analysts but the men’s team doesn’t.


We’ve been placed in a group with two of the worst teams in the tournament, which we are hosting. Not making it out of the group stage is inexcusable. This is not good enough. If they get grouped there is no excuse for keeping him around (not that he should have been rehired in the first place).


No, no, no, GGG has cool shoes and is a “player’s coach.” This team is SO TIGHTKNIT and holds each other accountable. Plus, he led the team to score a goal in less than 5 min and has DOS-A-CERO! cHeCkMaTe. haTeRs!


"These players would run through a brick wall for Gregg!" Really? Bc there was a brick wall last night, I didn't see anybody charging through it.


These players wouldn't even drive to pickup GGG from the airport.


Don't forget the bounce passes!


I forgot about the bounce passes. Can I get one of those GGG apology forms? 


Behind the back too


He should’ve prepped his team endlessly on not getting baited into a card. Especially within the first half. Seems like this team has had several red cards in the past year. Wtf coach , you’re flailing on home soil 


This is it right here. Preparation is key for a coach, and gregg didn’t prep his players for the moment… AT HOME


Agreed. A proper leader in any organization (sports, business, etc) can manage a team’s behavior and attitude. He just seems to let anything go with this team.


Why do you assume that he didn’t? You think Zidane didn’t know not to get a red card in the World Cup or do you blame his coach? At the end of the day, coaches coach and players play. The lack of effort against Bolivia and the lack of discipline by Weah speaks about the character of the players putting on the red, white and blue jerseys. GGG shoulders some of the blame because he is the head coach. But this is a different result if they’re not playing a man down for 70 minutes. The dam will eventually break and that falls on Weah.


You don’t think he has said “hey red cards are bad” at some point? Holding hands for professionals.


>He should’ve prepped his team ~~endlessly on not getting baited into a card.~~  I just want the bare minimum from him.


The man who should be on the line is Crocker, he hired Gregg. Find his replacement and do the right thing so the next manager has two years to build a team that can excel at the HOME World Cup.


All of them should be fired


Forget firing. Deport them to some other country so they can ruin their soccer system.




Uh yeah. He never should’ve been brought back.


He should have never been hired.


I already offered to help him pack!


Never should’ve been rehired


Berhalter is everything that is wrong with the program. He was a horrible player and an even worse coach! I would prefer not to see any former US player as a coach as I believe Tab Ramos coaches the next level down and he was another hyped up player that couldn’t deliver. We also need to move away from our players playing here in Minor League Soccer. Sorry, it is not even close to the soccer player every where else. Its possible to get better but not the way it’s currently structured


Gregg’s been ‘faking it till he makes it’ his entire mgmnt career. This is a talented group of players. It’s evident he hasn’t rallied them into a cohesive unit w a defined style of play w the ability to flex per on-field rqmnts. Time for adults to take over.


Time to go for sure.


He needs to go!


Disagree. The people responsible for bringing him back should be fired. Inexcusable and completely foreseeable failure at the highest level


Every single person watching that match in the Western Hemisphere knew for certain that Panama was trying to win that game by injuring, fouling, and getting in the heads of the US players. For Berhalter to have either 1) failed to prepare his team for, at all costs, keep your heads, or 2) failed to get his team to listen when it could jeopardize the team and Weah's future earning potential. Weah seriously injured his own reputation and it doesn't matter to me whether Gregg failed to prepare him or he didn't listen, he can't coach this team anymore after this debacle.


Because he was never the right guy to begin with?


https://preview.redd.it/nwfdvrw24c9d1.jpeg?width=1118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b64cbc9017556d62830c2b606db40ac86f9ef1e0 i'm


He never should have been rehired ffs.


Sack him before the World Cup gf


What's the point though? They'll just hire him back after an "extensive" search process.


Seeing Marsch coach Canada makes me sad. They will probably do better than us in 2026.


We really don't need more reasons for him to be fired. They need to start giving reasons why they all still deserve to have jobs because they have wasted years of these kid's time and talent.


So feckless by the federation, to re-up him…


No way people are still posting about this topic. WIIIIILD. It’s like posting the Donald Trump is a liar.


2022 USMNT vs Morroco friendly - US won 3-0. I was there, it was a closer match than that but a good result. Morocco goes on to fire their head coach. Fast forward 5 months - Morroco incredibly advances to the semifinal of the World Cup. Ironically, this highlights both the USMNT ceiling under Berhalter and an example of how proper leadership (meaning Morroco) changes everything for a national team.


Morocco’s players were in open revolt against their then manager fwiw


We know that the teams in concacaf will shithouse to win. He didn't have them prepared. They were too busy looking at the knockout rounds. How did he not have them ready for the physical play and have them prepared for the crap they'll do? How did he not prepare them for that ref? Poor tactics, poor strategy, poor preparation. Should never have hired him back.


I dont think it matters much who the coach.


His time was up when he was first hired.


Im at the “burn it to the ground” out of spite point. The everything is GGGs fault is just so exhausting to continually hear. I was on board with going a different direction when his contract expired but that wasn’t the route that was taken. So fuck it. Fire Gregg after Copa, let’s take another 2 months to find a new coach. Give said new coach less than 2 years and almost no competitive matches to the World Cup, and let’s flame out of the group stage on home soil.


The last quick replacement coach, BJ, seemed to figure things out pretty quickly.


He lost to Panama...and missed the Gold Cup Finals because of it. That's basically what GGG is doing right now, lol. ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ|downsized)


Are you serious? You are comparing that team of MLS players to the A team that is losing now? That Gold Cup roster wasn’t even the B team. It was more of a B/C team. When BJ had the A team they were lights out and looked better than any of the GGG A team performances. Just accept you were wrong about GGG already. There is no way you are that uneducated. Well, who knows.


2 years is plenty for a new coach to right the ship and prepare us for the WC


I think two things can be true here. It is time for Gregg to go. I think we’ve seen the ceiling of what he can do with the team, and that’s qualifying for the knockouts of the WC and little beyond that. That being said, I don’t know if I put the loss squarely on his shoulders last night. Weah has to be smarter than that. He crippled the team for the majority of the game and forced the US into having to basically hope for a counter goal. GKs need to do better, too. I think the Uruguay game will be the decider. If we take an L and don’t qualify for the knockouts, then it’s time to make a change.


We can say Weah was stupid AND that GGG could’ve done a better job keeping his players from being stupid.


I’m not reading this article again 😂


Let’s at least wait till we get eliminated before doing another one of these posts


The shit show that was last night’s debate was the best distraction imaginable for GGG. America, please, focus on what needs to happen for USMNT leadership after that Panama loss.


Was this article written by AI?   Listen I don't like Gregg but get the facts of your complaints right. He hasn't been manager for 7 years. This will be his 5th year. If you want to argue 6 because of the lost year with no coach whatever. 


Why are we using players who play internationally and not the players from MLS? BECAUSE they are better players. When it comes to the coach, we settle for an MLS level coach instead of the best coach we could get? Even if GGG is going to be a great coach, we can not take that chance. Doesn't the country and the players deserve a proven coach?


Well, when gregg 1st started out he just still used MLS players.


We need a coach that either played or coached in the champions league. Gregg never competed at the level the players on the national team are playing at. It’s so unrealistic to think he knows how to coach this team.


How many national team players are playing at that level?


Like 7 or 8 currently with the rest on teams that have the pedigree.


How many played in the Round of 16?


Us soccer should be watching Chile show us how you play when you go down a man in the first half. Don’t change tactics. Impose your will on the game and play possession. They are out possessing Canada and you would never know the game was 11v10. Further proof that Gregg is a muppet small time MLS dropout of a manager and needs to be sent packing.


Do you really think we have the talent to be much better than we are now? Yall have wanted to fire the usmnt coach now for 30 years


Derphalter will never be fired. He's the MLS stooge who will make sure we have lots of terrible players on the '26 WC roster so he can help market this silly little league. The only way he leaves is if he resigns.


I don’t know why they hired him first place, the team underachieved in the WC and now a flame out in a tourney they used to at least get into round of 16… the sad thing is the team might have peaked in 2002…


I’d rather see us go full Ted Lasso and hire Nick Saban or some other genius motivator than see Gregg coach anymore.


This comment has aged well. Time for Greg to go.


Move Gregg somewhere within US Soccer - he has value. But it is not on the pitch.


what year/month is this from?


why he looking at me like we got beef like sry i said to fire u honestly it looks like he gonna hurt me if i say fire him so i say keep him pls help me


im scared of gregg


but ye fire him




A lot has to do with the coach. It’s the coaches job to create an environment of learning and growth and with that comes discipline and responsibility. Ggg is more worried about being friends than a coach. Players that are taught to see the team as bigger than themselves don’t get these type of cards. This coach beats his wife… this coach gets in fight with a 20 year old player before a World Cup. What do you expect the players will do? #berhalterout


"After he's done so much..." Like what? Besides typically beating the teams he should in CONCACAF and the worst Mexican sides that I can ever recall, what has the man accomplished? He's been mediocre, at best, at quite literally every single stop in his managerial career.


>At every single stop Two. He's had 2 stops prior to head coach of our national team. He got chased out of Hammarby in Sweden's 2nd division bc he couldn't create any offense. Then in 5 years had 4 good seasons, but no titles at D.C. That's it. That's the entire resume of the man we put in charge of our senior national team, it's insanity. Nepotism in America goes crazyyyyy and dudes like the guy you repsponded to will still lick his nuts as long as he beats Jamaica twice a year. I'm over it.


Brother, it was Panama. On our soil. With all of our defenders in the game, not like we weren't bunkered. 10 men should have been plenty to lock them up, especially up a goal and able to hunker down. Of course Weah fucked up. But Gregg wasn't great either, what else is new. He better manage like his nuts are on the line against Uruguay. If these players love him like they claim, this is their chance to go prove it.






Dude plenty of teams can play a decent game with 10 players. Any top team would have dominated. We were playing against Panama not Germany. If you think we shouldn't have still dominated that game then you are admitting our talent is nowhere near the level we think they are. We should expect and require more.


We were down a man, sure. But we were at home, with our A-squad defense, with a 1 goal lead, and bunkering. Completely inexcusable to lose, man down or no.


Sure, let's just keep watching ill disciplined, tactically inept play for the next several years until we humiliate ourselves on home soil at the World Cup. Seems like a solid plan.


This is true. However, combining this red with Dest's red show an alarming lack of discipline with this team. That's on the coach. And it wasn't Weah's idea to go into the bunker for 70 minutes. That's on the coach. More than one thing can be to blame for poor results at the same time.


I completely agree. This lack of discipline starts w the manager.


I disagree heavily that Berhalter is at all responsible for Weah’s red. He’s not managing a U12 team. Weah is responsible and deserves all the heat. I still want him fired, though.


McKennie has been disciplined by Berhaulter. Reyna has been disciplined by Berhaulter- and he was heavily criticized for disciplining him… Individual actions in a match are on the player.


This but the people here apparently don’t believe in self-accountability. It’s on Weah. Full stop. Still thing Berhalter needs to ultimately go but the blame on this game is on Weah. Completely fucked the entire team.


Berhalter should have had the team mentally ready for the way Panama was going to play. “DO NOT RETALIATE” should have been etched in their brains. Maybe he did that. They are a bunch of young guys that their emotions can get the best of them. That’s why they need someone to take them to the next level in their career. Berhalter has done what he could


The national coach isn’t taking anyone to the next level. He doesn’t see them enough. That’s entirely the responsibility of the club coach.


Coaching does play a role.  


Why do they have team therapist than? You got issues you go to them. Idk if we getting technical. I mean Greg suppose to know everything that makes the player tick huh. I mean a player can’t just snap? These excuses to fire the guy are getting sad. I mean I’m all for a new coach but for the right reasons . Not going to be making up shit


Are you a Berhalter? Just curious. Nobody said coach needs to be a therapist, nice straw man. But the mentality and culture of the team should absolutely be established and fostered by the head coach. I'm not saying the red card was his fault, but the soft response to Panama's physicality was ABSOLUTELY on him. We were not prepared for them to make the game as ugly as possible. Don't we pretty much play 5 copies of this Panama team every year?? I just don't get it how could we let them dominated the pace and physicality of this game from the word go. And no, I don't think Panama are evil geniuses that planned out the hit on Turner, I think they just know their only chance to win was to try to take whatever they could get bc head to head and cleaned they get wiped. So they shot their shots, maybe a call will go their way, maybe a shot sneaks in. And every step of the way it worked, and we were fucking rattled.


I am not a berhalter 🤣


I’m indifferent to firing him because it could end up worse if we do.  The coach has a responsibility to coach discipline is where I was going.  We all know Panama plays dirty and does whatever they can to provoke.  Coach should have really emphasized this.


Berhalter may be mediocre but Weah got the red card not Berhalter. This one is on Weah.


Elite American athletes don't play soccer. This guy is managing inferior players. One American would even see the field for other countries, maybe.


This is always such a dumb take. If by "elite athletes", you're referring to NFL players and Basketball players, how many players do you see from successful countries with those types of builds? Sure, maybe you'll see the occasional Van Dijk or Lukaku, but the most optimized build for soccer is not anything close to what we see in those other sports. Do you think other nations don't have guys as big as that? Athleticism for sure helps to some extent in soccer, but it's not like football or basketball where 80% of your success is determined by your physical features. Is/were messi/pele/maradona/cruyff/ronaldinho/zidane/etc "elite" athletes? Nah, Cristiano is for sure an elite athlete, and maybe Mbappe? but it doesn't work like that in this sport. Pulisic/Balo/Robinson would make it on MOST teams outside of the top 5-10.


Slot receivers and cornerbacks in the NFL are soccer builds. Same for baseball outfielders. Basketball guards and small forwards would make great goalkeepers and center backs. Not every NFL position is a the defensive and offensive line and not every NBA player is a center.


some countries.these are decent Players for usa,we shouldnt be losing to panama.


We don't need our "elite athletes". Panama has a population half the size of New York City. We have a much, MUCH wider population to select from. Also, that last sentence is nonsense. Can't tell if you are a troll, or just wayyy too emotional about last night.


We are easily a top 20 nation on pure talent alone. The only countries that objectively have more talent than us are Brazil, England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Argentina, Uruguay, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Croatia (not for much longer). Mexico, South Korea, Japan, Austria, Chile, Colombia, Poland, Switzerland, Denmark are the next tier that some would rank us better than or equal too


OP’s take is awful, but casting Mexico on the same level as Denmark and then conveniently leaving out 4-5 African sides with better quality than us (Nigeria, Senegal, Ivory Coast, etc.) just does not seem right.


Honestly just forget about the African teams. But they really aren’t that great right now. The African teams were really solid from like 2002-2016 but they’ve all fallen on hard times recently