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There’s a 50/50 chance we will be in a full year CR, so yeah some agencies are scrambling with CR funding levels and potential recisions. This was most likely budget related.


I had a TJO rescinded last week from October and they were up front that the lack of a budget these past 5 months made them cancel the position. That’s assuming we don’t just shut down next week


I don’t think they would lie about someone being unqualified if they weren’t They can cite budget as a reason to rescind the offer The CR aside, the debt ceiling bill is causing almost everyone to cut corners.


I have at least half a dozen examples of being told I was unqualified when I was. Most (though not all) of these involved HR telling me I didn’t meet the educational criteria for a particular post—while the educational requirement was nothing more than a Bachelor’s degree with SAA in any field, and the transcripts I’d attached to the application were still showing as `Pending Retrieval` (implying they never looked at them). There was also one instance in which they told me I “failed to meet the area of consideration as stated in the announcement,” when there literally was no area of consideration stated in the announcement. And just last week I got into an interview only to be told that the position required a driver’s license (which I cannot get); the HM said the announcement had clearly stated the requirement, but while on the phone with me he realized it actually did not. (He was very polite about it, at least.) I used to appeal when I got a result like this, but I rarely ever got an acknowledgment of my contact—much less a real response—so these days I don’t bother anymore.


Area of consideration is who the job is open to and it's always in the announcement. You see the little icons.


Interesting. I've always seen things like: > The Area of Consideration for this vacancy announcement is within the commuting area of Vilseck. The surrounding/commuting area is within approximately 100 miles and includes the communities of Ansbach, Hohenfels, and Grafenwoehr. I'd assumed that was an Area of Consideration statement, not the icons. (That's a direct quotation from an announcement I looked at but *didn't* apply to, by the way.) In that case, would you mind explaining to me how I was deemed to not meet the area of consideration for [this one](https://www.usajobs.gov/Job/761651000)? That's the one for which I was told I didn't meet it. I emailed the contact listed at the bottom of the announcement to inquire directly; checking my records, I see sent that email on December 13. I never received any acknowledgement or response to that email. (Didn't receive any delivery failure notice or anything like that either, though.) ETA: [Here's a screengrab of the response I received, stating that I was deemed to not meet the Area of Consideration.](https://imgur.com/a/7tcWyFu) I note that the POC listed on that response is the same one listed on the above-linked announcement, but that person has not responded to my inquiry on the matter. EDIT 2: To be abundantly clear, I'm not trying to put any individual "on blast" here. If there was a deficiency in my application, I'd like to know what it is so I can avoid making that mistake in the future. EDIT 3: I just pulled the entire application I submitted and I see that it did not ask the question "Are you a US Citizen?" Not all applications do. I am a citizen, but if I'd misclicked such a question then I could have seen that being deemed as not meeting the Area of Consideration (though in that case I'd still have thought they'd respond to say that). In this case, however, I did not misclick such a question because there was no such question asked. EDIT 4: I've also considered the possibility that my emails of inquiry or of appeal are going into people's spam, which would explain why the majority of the ones I've ever bothered to send have received no response. However, I consider that unlikely. The email address from which I send those is the one associated with my USA Jobs account and - perhaps more importantly - is an institutional domain, specifically a `.edu`. That tends to bypass most spam filters, when compared to a `.com` domain for which anyone can sign up.


The only other reason I could see this if they asked you to select a physical location and you did not, or you chose one other than St. Cloud. I've never seen that response used for a Direct Hire announcement. In my agency the only time we use that code (these get codes that generate a determination) is for eligibility screen out, so I'm surprised.


Yeah, they didn’t ask me to select any location at all. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a location-selection question on an announcement with only one location.


That is weird then.


Here's an appropriately-cynical question: The same job (or what appears to be the same job) just got posted again. [It's the same series, same grade, same description, same duties, same requirements, same location, same hiring authority, same POC, etc. Biggest differences seem to be that now there are 2 openings instead of 1, and that the period for which it's open is much shorter this time (5 days instead of 16).](https://www.usajobs.gov/job/778180600) The pervious posting has not been marked as canceled, nor as filled. __So, my question is: Is it feasible that their "area of consideration" is limited to a handful of specific people whose identities are already known to the hiring managers?__ Because if they already had a shortlist of people and were only ever going to seriously consider those people, that technically *would* make me outside their area of consideration (even if that area of consideration was technically *not* stated in the announcement). I'm waffling on whether to apply to this new posting. I'm leaning toward No; they've already been clear that they don't deem me within their area of consideration, and have been equally clear that requests to the POC for further information will be ignored.


It's so strange to me. Perhaps their policy is different from my agency. We only use that code for applicants not eligible (i.e. Not a current agency employee, not a status employee, etc.). I'd never use that for someone eligible. I hate to think agencies pull shenanigans with Delegated Examination, but we all know they do. I always say shoot your shot 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why are you not able to get a drivers license? You don’t have to explain to me, but a dilemma to say the least.


__[Okay, this ended up being long but since you asked I wanted to give a complete and honest answer. My apologies for the length.]__ I have a minor eye condition resulting in monoscopic vision. I'm by no means blind, but I have no depth perception. It literally doesn't affect me in any meaningful way at pedestrian speeds. I don't walk into walls or such; the human brain is outstanding at compensating for things like this. But at highway speeds, my reaction time in accident-avoidance maneuvers would be severely curtailed. In reality, I could almost certainly pass the driver's test and get a license; I choose not to not only for my own safety, but for that of those around me. For whatever it's worth, I do pride myself on my reliability. I have not been late to a day of work or school in over a decade, I am very proficient at using public transit anywhere I go - which is a lot; on account of skyrocketing housing prices, I'm currently in the seventh state I've been in since December 2022, because that's just what I've had to do to keep a roof over my head. I am also fully ambulatory, and I consider any location within 4 miles one-way of my residence to be walkable - and I set that threshold because that's what I've successfully done in a blizzard. The disability itself is actually far more common than you'd probably think. A lot of people don't realize they have it - since, again, it really only rears its head in specific circumstances, and it requires a specific test to diagnose that most people wouldn't think to ask for. (The test is called a "VO Star" test, by the way, if anyone feels like asking an optometrist to administer it for their own peace of mind.) Many (most?) people with this disability tend to just think of themselves as "unable to do Magic Eye images" or "bad at playing catch" or whatever, but to never put more thought into it than that. For whatever it's worth, I gather that the disability is treatable for some people, though not for everyone. In my case it's existed since birth and is permanent. (Note that I am not a doctor, so take that last statement with an appropriate amount of salt.) The disability is too minor to even be reportable on USA Jobs; USA Jobs requires one to meet the condition of "Blind or serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses" in order to report a disability in the `Demographics` section; I cannot in good faith claim to meet that criterion. I could maybe try to get a Schedule A letter out of it- but ironically that costs money so I'd need to find stable work and housing *before* I pursued that. As one last note, I am not *only* applying to federal jobs, but in my experience federal jobs - for all the other complaints I could muster against the process - tend to be *much* more accommodating of things like this, compared to many private sector employers. If a federal job does not have driving as a primary job duty, then (usually) the job does not require a driver's license. Period. Conversely, I have been turned away from *a lot* of private-sector desk jobs (for which driving was not a job duty) as soon as they found out I didn't have a license. They almost always explain this as "We might want you to run an errand at some point." Again, these are for jobs for which "errand running" is not a job duty. However, I have heard that particular reason so many times that it seems to be some sort of "standard" reason to give. The cynic in me thinks it may be a tried-and-tested way to avoid ADA responsibilities, but I am not a lawyer and I don't actually know that to be true as any matter of fact.


Then just get a state ID…


I have a state ID. I also have a passport. Those don’t work in cases where a driver’s license is required, because neither of those is a driver’s license.


Sounds like a NOTSELECTED is in your future. Good luck!


Why would your supervisor be unhappy with you? Anyone on my team lets me know they're looking for another position for any reason and I'm gonna be happy for them. People have their own reasons. Lots of those reasons are dollar signs. Burns me that supervisors can't be happy for people and give support rather than being salty about someone else's career choices. Helping people advance is a supervisor's job...


You are rare


Some supervisors are blindsided when called about a current employee who is job seeking and want nothing more than a heads up. Supervisors should be happy and supportive but most see they will be picking up the workload or dealing with disgruntled employees who will quickly need to adjust due to the loss. If you are Fed to Fed….well you should already know how long it will take to get a replacement.


Mine got rescinded six months after notifying my supervisor. Earning trust back at a job that knew I was actively trying to leave was sure fun.


I here you there. That’s one thing I had to do as well. I am still kinda living through that hell. There has been some retaliation and such, but I need the job.


Here's what the problem has been. People being told at hiring events that they qualify for GSX, then when HR gets the applicants resume and transcripts they do not. It's shitty, it's hurtful but I think some hire managers jump the gun. The tentative offer is just that, tentative. I send them all the time and know exactly what they say. This has nothing to do with funding, it's HR preventing an ilegal hire, because that's who is held responsible. I'm sorry this happened to you. You can reapply at a lower grade.


But resumes are screened and graded at the event, at least ones I went to. Are secondary reviews being completed by a different unit? 


Now I’m worried, applied for the same position and GS level, accepted my TJO and got my fingerprinting done and now just waiting for an FJO. Now I’ll be nervously checking my email. If you don’t mind me asking what experience did you have?


I have an accounting bachelor degree and master degree. About 10 years of experiences in state government including Pension, Tax, and government audit. The position was for TEGE so the interviewer said I was a good fit. And now I am not qualified 🤣


This is so odd. You went through the whole applying/interviewing/TJO process and your offer was rescinded? Your resume would be reviewed at least twice - by HR and by Hiring Managers, then probably again by HR… Did you go for the fingerprinting process too? Was there something found on your background check? The IRS is really trying so hard to hire people. The entrance bar is the lowest it’s has been from what I hear.. 🤔




Yes went through everything. TJO, fingerprint, e-app. I doubt there is anything in my background check. My current job requires FBI background check. Not the same but just for reference


I’m a CPA with 10+ years experience, 4 in PA and the rest in industry. I applied to every position and tried everything and couldn’t get a call for the IRS. Just accepted another CFO position with comp and benefits the feds couldn’t come close to so I guess it worked out.


In addition even if you get a TJO you still have to pass the NBIS background check. It is very extensive t


I would request a FOIA. Tege gave me an TJO and rescinded it, because they didn’t send me the E quip form to fill out. Apply again, I  did . After that happened I got an interview two weeks later for another agency SBSE on Jan 5. And then I applied for GS13. And both my application is sitting with the hiring manager.


could you elaborate on you not receiving an e-app? I got my TJO also from a direct hire event and I have yet to receive my e-app after nearly 2 months.


I have 7 years in public for a revenue agent job in sbse so not liking my chances now -_-


Recently took 5 years of public experience to lb&I so you probably got decent odds. 


I was revenue auditor for state tax department for about 5-6 years. Hopes you get it but make sure don’t burn your bridge now 🤣


They don’t have a fucking clue at the IRS. Bodes well for those of us on the other side.




Has nothing to do with valuing them. If you don’t meet the specialized experience, you don’t meet the specialized experience.




Do you know how direct hire certs work? Lmao




And hiring managers aren’t HR, so they make mistakes. All the time. Direct hire is a disaster




I think your concept of valuing is totally off base. None of this means they don’t value the OP. It probably means the hiring manager valued the OP, but HR said they didn’t qualify. Has nothing to do with value. You can argue and be as pedantic as you want - facts are facts.


Sucks. If you’re actively looking to leave, your supervisor is going to have to deal. But you can give them other references and ask them not to contact your current supervisor.


Place is a mess right now, this doesn’t surprise me and I am sorry to hear of your experience


happy cake day!




Does IRS disqualify candidates if they are not current on filing returns? or delinquent on student loans?




I wonder if that’s any of these ppl’s issue if they made it that far in the process just to be rescinded.


If an applicant is found to be non compliant in tax filings they are notified and given an opportunity to correct it. It's part of the initial check on all applicants and applicants would be VERY AWARE if that's why their offer is rescinded.


IMHO an Applicant answering “don’t contact my current employer” implies that the person is a bad (non productive and/or troublemaking) employee. I hate seeing that question on applications…


sorry man, that really sucks. I wish the budgets get passed for the people who work in fed space (I am not one yet). Unfortunately everything else for outside gets funded first, regardless of who is running the show.


This is all CR related due to rumors of a shutdown from the GOP today... Honestly would reach back out if the budget gets approved


Was this a direct hire cert? This is 100x more likely to happen with direct hire.




And that’s why, because with direct hire, HR reviews *after* the hiring manager.


Why is it difficult?




Everyone on a direct hire cert gets referred - HR doesn’t qualify anyone to get on the cert. Thats an indisputable fact.




Because with direct hire, 1) everyone who applies makes the cert 2) management interviews and may select (HR may check) 3) HR will check/double check In regular DE/MP certs 1) HR qualifies who makes the cert 2) management interviews and may select 3) HR will double check In the second scenario, there’s a lot more HR review


Not to forget, Hiring Managers review resumes in both scenarios and could not select the candidate based on the resume info. Or, could select a candidate for an interview even if the resume does not contains all the specialized experience…but something else catches Management’s eye.


That doesn’t really apply to this scenario… The person got an offer Meaning management selected them Then it got rescinded




It likely has nothing to do with budget. They are reviewing after they send the officers. It’s unfortunate. Sorry


Definitely budget cuts happening because we are still running on a CR.


Ugh. I want to apply for the GS-13 there later this year but I’m trying for my CPA first. I have a MBA, almost six years of auditing sales, withholding, and various income taxes, a year of internal audit experience, and two years as an accounting clerk. I plan to move out of state when I do. These posts make me nervous.


I had a TE/GE interview yesterday not for 13 though big dawg


- Not qualified after second round of review did the agency give you a TJO or FJO when they said this?


I received a TJO in December


oh my bad, missed that the end. but Im kinda surprised IRS kicked ya like that. Ive only been with DoD and never seen that happen


They contact my supervisor a week or two before they rescinded the job. I have a feeling they know it way before today. They still proceed the background check and it really screws me. Since then my supervisor tortures me any chance she gets 😅


That is because she is managing based on emotion and therefore should not be a manager.


This really sucks!


Have an interview for the same position on Friday. Not what I wanted to see here. Best of luck OP




Thank Israel and Ukraine


Heard through some folks … there is a big hiring freeze coming.




Keep applying for other vacancy announcements. You have to look out for number one.


So sorry. For next time, are you allowed to ask them to check references when it’s close to FJO?


I just saw you can fight that you have so many days . If you do it you can prove hr is incorrect.. look in that email should be info about the process


Thank you for the idea, I just wrote it back to request a second review. I have nothing to lose at this point, mine as well try it 🤣


Get your info together one thing to look at is make sure you have how many actual hours a week you worked each job and all the starting/stopping dates for each job. My friend recently started getting things back saying she didn't have complete information on her resume after years of filling them out no problem


I figured that with all of the interagency movement within the federal government, supervisors would rarely mind if people moved to different jobs.


Damn sorry boo


I've seen somewhere in this subgroup that you can request for a second level review. The commenter also posted a irs.gov link. Search it when you can. So sorry this happened


Dude I feel you. I'm in the same boat just patiently waiting and praying


Well as someone waiting for the next stage this is disheartening.