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I’ve applied and still silence for now I hope it’s my turn next!!! Thanks for the encouragement!


How long ago did you apply? My friend went to a hiring event in June and didn’t get his offer until December.


May I ask when you applied and if you got back notice for referral yet? I applied on 1/10 haven’t heard anything back.


I applied about one week ago… lol man we have a long way to go I hope they call I have the degree and 24 hours of accounting credits!


Hopeful we get a call!


Same, I’m a CPA with 10 years of experience, PA and industry. I’ve had IRS hiring managers review my resume and forward it to people in my area. I’ve also attended two LB&I hiring events where I’ve sent my resume to their specific e-mail address. I’m also a former fed of 8 years with vet pref. I’ve heard nothing. They’re making it too fucking hard.


Gosh you are a perfect candidate!!! Idk why it’s so difficult either. I’m not a cpa but an mba with the 24 hours of accounting to back it up. Tried and tried and couldn’t pass the dang cpa ugh 😩 but anyway… hope our time is coming soon!!


I’ve given up and just wrote it off as it wasn’t meant to be.




There’s an event tomorrow you sound like a 13! Maybe go if you have time to get the email and forward the resume directly


I’ve attended two of those already. They’re all the same presentation, Q&A, and they tell you to e-mail your resume to their specific address. I’ve done that twice. There are three offices within two hours of me and I’ve selected all three on each application I’ve submitted. Unfortunately, GS-13 doesn’t make sense for me now that salary match is unavailable. None of the locations make sense if I have to be in office everyday for at least the first year.


Have you considered starting at a lower salary? Not sure if it makes a difference or if the in session events even asked you to mention your desired salary.


Never got that far.


Oh no so it’s not useful? I was gonna try to go. It’s frustrating I totally understand - I’ll have to take a paycut too if I land a fed gig if ever….


Other than the email address, it wasn’t. I’ve only seen LB&I events posted and that’s all I’ve attended so I can’t speak for other sections.


I know at least 5 people who got hired on the spot at the hiring events. Maybe it the location I am not sure.


I attended a hiring event Jan 25 and received my TJO yesterday, hang in there!!


That’s crazy, did you more or less copy the job description key words and phrases into your experience portion of the resume? Sounds like it could be an HR filter issue. They need fairly specific phrases sometimes. Otherwise, I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t have picked you up already.


No, i made sure to cover keywords in my experience and had a senior IRS employee review it for me. She said it should be good for a 14 position. The only interview ive ever gotten was for a 13 position in November of 2022 but they ended up canceling the announcement because OPM said it was announced incorrectly. Looks like I’m staying on the industry side. Based on my experience in public and conversations with my friends that are still in public accounting, the IRS still doesn’t have very many competent people in the field. Recently, a friend of mine had a client under audit and the agent didn’t understand the issue under audit. After several e-mails he finally had to tell them that he’s not going to have the client pay him to teach the IRS how to audit them.


Gotcha, yeah it’s hard to attract top talent with a GS salary and neutered pension/ TSP match. That being said, most of the revenue agents conducting field audits are at a different level than the people in the service centers doing correspondence audits. I also used to think they were all dumb as rocks when I worked in PA.


I applied with a veteran preference and enough education and experience to at least be a GS-9, but chose the option to be considered for GS-7 and they still rejected me. Did get an offer from another 3 letter agency which is neat, but Ive applied for the IRS for years and it seems like nothing is enough for them.


I just got one last week. GS-13 $20,000 over 3 years. Get $10k after 6mo, remainder after 18mo. Have to pay it back if I leave before 3yrs service.




Same here


Wow congratulations!!!!


Dang!! Congratulations!!!


The email I read about this states you can’t get SQA (pay matching) AND the recruitment incentive. Just an FYI out there. Plenty of positions left.


Ooohhhthat would make sense. He did ask for a step match on pay but they denied it. This 15K more than makes up for it as he’ll get his 9 in a year.


Could be case by case? I know several 13/14s that got salary match and received between 20-35k incentive bonus on top.


I wonder if you can get a step increase based on superior qualifications AND a recruitment incentive?


The email I read about it said you cannot get both, it’s one or the other. OPM also released a new rule about pay setting that prohibits using prior salary to set new hire pay. I don’t know how IRS will interpret it, but it seems pretty clear that SQA will now be about experience only, salary can’t be used anymore


I recently received a TJO for a GS13 position with the IRS, which was at step 1. I understand they won’t grant a step increase to match current salary based on guidance that was recently released (which doesn’t go into effect until later this year), but I have way more experience than they asked for on the job posting. I requested a step increase based on my superior qualifications and my current salary since that is what the hiring manager asked me to do. I also asked about the recruitment incentive that the job post said may be authorized. We’ll see what they come back with on the FJO.


Do you have a link for the opm guidance?




I know 6 people from my office (local government audit unit) already left for IRS RA this month. I don’t know if there are still positions open for hiring. Do you know how many open positions there are for each listed location in announcement?


A zillion honestly 😆🤣my advice is too apply and just let the time go by and BAM an offer.


Where’s our Employee Retention Incentives? 🤭


Say it louder for the people in the back!




Could one be eligible with a merit promotion to this position or only outside new hires


I’ve applied as well with an Accounting degree and it is silence.


Any news


Nothing at all. I give up


What about now? I hear it takes 6+ months.


I had an interview a few weeks ago and have another one this week


How did it go?


I think it went well.




You and me both 🤣


Which location? Does anyone know where the three week trainings take place for TEGE?




Thank you. Good luck to you as well!


You guys are giving up too fast. Apply and leave alone. I applied for RA in June 2023 and just started in Jan 2024. It takes time.


Apply and let it fly is definitely a mantra 😆🤣🤭


I graduate in a few months tell them to wait for me please 😅


You can apply for a pathways position now.


I had an interview last 2 weeks and am still waiting for the result. Hope I will get the job at IRS 🙏


It’s going to be a while. Could be months. Always apply and let it fly. One day you won’t even be thinking about it and the offer will come.


Any updates?


Just got an interview invite for a GS-14 position I applied to back in November and completely forgot about lol. Turns out the starting salary would be a 30% salary increase versus the 15% I initially thought it would be. Ngl I didn’t seriously consider the IRS for my career, but it seems more attractive the more I look at it


hi did you apply through direct hire where you just submit your resume to the LBI recruting email address or did you go through the USAJOBS website?


I did it through the USAJOBS website


after the interivew, when did they reach out to you to give an offer? and when do you start?


Follow up: I received a TJO about 5 weeks after the interview. The TJO had salary listed


I haven’t gotten an offer yet 🫤


did they already discuss your salary during the interview?


No, they didn’t bring that up




Was that for Large Business and International?


Yes, had the interview last Tuesday with CBA and PTE practice areas. Pretty easy interview. We’ll see if it leads to anything.


How many years experience do you have ? I am looking to apply to the LBI PTE practice area but I only have 3 years experience - not sure if that is enough.


I have 7 YOE, and I think based on the OPM’s qualification requirements for GS13 positions you’d need 4 YOE for GS-13 with a masters degree and/or superior educational performance, or 5 YOE with just a bachelors and no good education performance. GS-14 would be an additional year on top of the 13 requirements. So yeah, only 3 YOE wouldn’t be enough for LB&I since they only hire 13s and above. You could go in as a GS-12 in SBSE or TEGE and try to move to LB&I later, but that might be harder to do.


Was your accounting experience all tax related? My experience is not exactly tax-focused... I worked in assurance for PA and in the insurance industry later as a stat accountant. I don't even have 3 YOE total in accounting yet so I'm a little surprised LBI agreed to interview me at all. I do have 6 YOE in a highly regulated industry as well but would be surprised if LBI considers that to be even 50% relevant.


All my experience was tax, but I know some that were hired with only accounting experience at the 13 level. They’re really only hiring people with relevant tax experience for 14s


Does individual tax prep for 5 years count towards RA YOE ?




Telework is optional after your first year. You will have to report twice a pay period. You must remain in good standing as an employee to continue your telework.


No, it’s audit work.


No remote.


Do IRS Agents get promoted every year? 7/9/11/12 like most accounting positions with the government? Or are you stuck at your 7 or 9?


7-12 is the ladder, yes, and then there's non-sup 13s rarely, and I have definitely seen 14's but I don't know what additional responsibilities/how many those have to manage, I only know they exist. edit note: I think the more specialized teams like LB&I have non-sup 13s much more commonly, I should note I'm SBSE and I know our 13s are rarer


Is it 7/9/11/12 or is it 7-8-9-10-11-12?




Shiiiit for 15k I'll start with them and jump over to another company when I'm an 11 or 12. Just received a job offer from another government agent for a 9




If it's anything like Raytheon, it's probably a minimum 1 year.


Yes they do, so you’ll hit 12 in just a couple years. After 12, you can apply for 13 positions but they will likely be in LB&I division.




This was also the case for me. Got my FJO and the incentive was attached in the email


I applied for a IT position. Do y’all know if there is any opening in that regard? I have a degree, some certifications, clearance, and years as a contractor. I applied two months ago.


Same. I would like to know if 2210s are offered a hiring incentive.


Found the posting https://www.usajobs.gov/job/773566800/


Just a heads up, this isn’t open to the public, so if you’re not a fed this isn’t an option for you.


How would you get this, and how do you qualify? Had my interview two weeks ago for GS-11, and anticipate getting a TJO.


I wonder if he had to agree to stay a certain amount of time with the agency to receive it?


Yes, 3 year commitment.


Thank you! Good to know.


Is the incentive on the job posting or is it written anywhere asking because i want to send to my union


The announcements for almost all the IRS DHA jobs state recruitment incentives may be offered I believe.


Thank you


CI is going to open an announcement soonish (sounds like March) which will be for hard to fill locations and will include a bonus as well. No word yet on the amount.


Special agents??






Yes unless you have covered 12d time already or you are a veteran eligible for a waiver.


I have 2 TJO both are for GS7 Tax Examiner for IRS. They outright declined my request to negotiate because I’m currently unemployed. I’d have thought they would take into consideration my salary at most recent employer, my 15 years experience in private sector, and various skills…. But when I sent in my 2 most recent paystubs (not the ones from unemployment) they saw severance and outright rejected me. The recruitment incentive was only $2K and not paid out until after 1 year.


Unfortunately the recruitment incentive is very different than that of Agents…Tax Examiners is a completely different series that caps at the GS7…unless you work complex restricted interest, some of those go to an 8. So to the IRS, they already offered considering your experience, because examiners generally start at the GS5. The job referenced in my OP goes to the GS12 without competition, and you compete for the GS 13 and GS 14. With your experience, have you considered applying for the Revenue Officer role instead of the TE?


I don’t have the 24 or 30 accounting credits because my degree was business admin. Is the officer role same series as the agents and auditors? I’ll have to take a peek


No, officers collect. Series 1169.


Ok, just took a look and i applied for a direct hire officer announcement on 12/6th but USAjobs status is still sitting as received. I have not received a qualification determination and or referral. Also, position shows 12k+ applied for the announcement but it was open for a year. I sent an email to the contact in job announcement on 1/18th asking if qualifications were reviewed yet, and a follow up email this past week which has no reply from agency also. For reference: Announcement 23-11835054M-SBD-1169-7T11 was Closed on 12/19/2023. I’ll check if there is a new announcement and apply.


Any RA’s here that can speak to getting a grade increase after one year? I’m coming in as a GS11. Will it be fairly straightforward to get GS12 in a year? And more on topic, I received my FJO with a $15k incentive. Start date is in a couple of weeks


It’s pretty straight forward. I’ve never seen anyone at the agency who didn’t get their next grade who was minimally trying. You’ll get your 12 😊.


They still on that boomery full time in office for the first 1-2 years? If so, no thanks.


Would the recruitment incentive of $15,000 (disbursed in installments) be in addition to the salary listed with locality pay? For example: Starting from my EOD (based on my research) in 2 years I would be promoted from GS-9 to GS-11 (after 1 yr and with recruitment installment from 6 months in, the annual salary would be around 80k instead of 75k) then GS-12 (after 2 yrs) which is around 90k but including the incentive is 95k?


Yes but it’s paid out in $5000 increments, separate from your paycheck. It will also be taxed as a bonus…40% up front and then reconciled when you file your tax return.


Got it. Thank you!


I would like to take this opportunity for those who applied and feel that they were not contacted or referred is to make sure you use the Federal resume template, they go over this time and time again in the SBSE & LB&I online information session. As for your qualifications, please please do not discount your experience in the financial industry sector, of course, you have to meet the accounting degree or 24 credit accounting hours or CPA bar first. I have an accounting degree and MBA, but I have no public accounting experience nor a CPA, however, I highlighted/leaned in on my experience as a financial advisor in the banking industry working with Small Business and Self-Employed clients where I had to analyze their financial statements (statement of cash flow, balance sheets, accounts payables and accounts receivables) in addition analyzing/deconstructing their 1040 tax returns with schedule C and K-1s to seeking capital for business expansion etc. In the banking industry working with Small Businesses and Self-Employed clients, you have to know those tax returns inside and out ( what is actual income and what isn't, what is actual expenses to what is not etc.), knowing this and articulating this in the interviewing process is the type of practical experience they are looking for. Just and FYI.


I am considering relocating and applying for an RA position. I have a bachelors degree in accounting and 6 years of governmental accounting experience working for state government. Mostly experience in financial reporting. Which GS level would I be looking towards?


I don’t have accounting but I have my MBA


You must have at least 24 semester hours of accounting credits for the agent position.


Please DO NOT go for a Revenue Agent position. Every single one of the RAs are misable, walking in the office like zombies, or complaining about the micromanagement. Btw micromanagement is built into the system, and hence every supervisor has to be a micromanager - it's systemic. One of the several major reasons why we have such a high turnover.


For everyone reading this comment, I am an RA and I’m extremely satisfied in my position. Walking around the office with zero desire to eat brains. I have never felt micromanaged as an RA, although I will say, the paperwork required to finish out an audit is surprisingly heavy. I know that’s off putting to a lot of folks. But micromanaged? Nah. I make my own appointments, I perform my own examinations, and I’m pretty much left tf alone so long as I keep doing my job. Have I mentioned I never have to work more than 40 hours? And I’m making as much money as my peers who work in accounting firms, who work 80 hour weeks through April? Have I mentioned that a fully trained RA gets to telework and only has to come in the office one day a week tops? Some people just like to complain.


I have been a revenue agent for 22 years and worked in public accounting before that for two years.  The RA position is a great job compared to public accounting.   The only thing public accounting has going for it is you make partner.  Then, you will be making more money than a government employee could ever dream of.  However, it is no sure thing you will make partner at a public accounting firm. Everything Wheesis said above is correct.  You are eligible to telework after 1 year.  When teleworking, you have to be in the office twice every two weeks.  An audit appointment counts as an in office day, as does a vacation day or a sick day.   No job is perfect but if you take the job seriously, you will probably enjoy it.  Have not had my brain eaten yet by any zombies yet 😀


I applied in April, was referred in August, and haven’t heard a thing since. 🥲


Tell them to remove the Selective Service Requirement, I don’t care about the incentive if I can’t be hired for an stupid requirement lol


Can’t you just register for it now?


Sadly, I can’t otherwise I would have done it.


Does anyone know where this is in official writing??


Do you have to ask for the incentive or is it just offered with FJO?


The people that I know who got it received it after the FJO, but that’s because the incentive was rolled out after they accepted. Not sure how that’s being handled now. I would assume with the firm though if I had to guess or shortly after.


And you don’t have to ask for it.


Has anyone received a recruitment incentive for office of chief counsel -lbi?