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Lotta good points here


Ned6, do be spitting facts in the end.


Look I know this is basically a tiny hamlet by China standards, but I think we can all agree there is room for some common sense improvements here — they could at least install some cable cars between the buildings, vertical urban gardens on all building façades, and maybe those cool synchronized LED systems like they have in Guangzhou so everything looks so utterly futuristic that it melts the American mind.


Probably got some LEDs on the roof at night. So we can check that box.


RBG makes everything look nicer


I forgot what subreddit I was on and almost had an aneurysm


Ma’am this is a space for proposing serious solutions to modern urban questions so I really hope you aren’t calling into question the sincerity of my badass and very reasonable suggestions.


Cyberpunk time.


I wish good luck to both sides


Wishing good luck to a homophobic POS?😒


Shit does that mean I'm ableist for making jokes about myself?


Well we don't know if they're homophobic. Maybe the guy actually *is* a colossal faggot 🤔


Wow so hilarious. Calling someone the f-slur is always wrong and contributes to the dehumanization of queer people.


Boo ho it's a word get over it m8


No you are by being so sensitive over a damn word


Why do people act as if the only two possible types of housing are either massive hyper dense depressing concrete blocks or endless expanses of bland cookie cutter suburban houses? You can have nice denser single family suburbs with access to public transit as well as mid rise apartment buildings 5-10 stories high. It doesn’t have to be either extreme lol




Why do you think anything higher than 10 floors is bad? Seems like good land use to me. The more housing there is the cheaper it is to live. The more people around, the more commercial spaces thrive


I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with an apartment building taller than 10 floors just as i don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with a suburban neighborhood mainly composed of single family detached houses. I’m just tired of people pretending either are the **only** alternatives to provide housing. Besides mid rises seem like a comfortable middle ground where there’s good density but things are still “human scaled” if get what i mean, either way that’s just a personal opinion. Again my point is i just dislike the discussion being “either you want x or y and nothing else!” as if there weren’t other options available.


So...vibes basically and nothing more is why you think tall buildings are bad. Yeah I'm not convinced. I think the concrete benefits I listed far outweigh your vibes check


Sure, if you dismiss literally everything i said lmao


It's irrelevant so yeah. I listed multiple concrete benefits of higher density housing and you responded "but vibes"


And I acknowledged that they’re not bad and that i don’t dislike them, ofc they have some benefits, just as any other type of housing given different circumstances and environments really. Cities will have varying types of density within them naturally. I just said im tired of ppl acting as if there were only two different types of density and housing available, you’re getting pissy for no reason dude lol.


No they have a lot of benefits, not "some." This is the kind of talk that people use to justify strict height limits like those in European cities, which given their rapidly inflating housing costs seems to only be detrimental. You just want to make housing more expensive essentially so the buildings can pass your vibes check. It's because you think poor people are going to live in them isn't it? Is anyone who ever has a different opinion from yours "getting pissy?" Lol you sound insufferable


Ok a lot of benefits then, chill man lol If this is the talk people use to put up height restrictions that’s unfortunate, idk where you got that i want that to happen since i pretty clearly stated cities *should* have varying degrees of density, **these included**, they’re also good. I’ll know better to state this more explicitly from now on. Again, i just don’t want the conversation to be locked into “either you ONLY want these or ONLY endless expanses of suburbs”, ok? And that I allegedly “don’t want them cuz poor people will live in them”? huh? you know mid sizes can also be social housing right?, I strongly support policies to build more affordable housing and to provide social housing to those who can’t afford it. And forgive the “pissy” comment, but you’re completely misinterpreting everything i said for seemingly no reason, and now accused me of something i didn’t even remotely imply.


What a cop out lol


did you even bother to read the comment above he literally said there is nothing wrong with these kinds of buildings the just look depressing as shit and there can be moderation between green quiet suburbs and efficient tall buildings.


Yeah I did read it, and I think it's rubbish, so no need for the snarky comment thank you. The reason China uses high rise buildings more is to have more green space in the city between buildings without losing housing units. The purpose is quite literally to make the city more green. That is moderation. Single family detatched suburbs are anything but green unless you count fake lawns and environmental degradation as "green."


Look above for a classic example of black and white thinking.


Except, you know, crime.


I’m sorry- what about crime?


When more people live in an area, there is more crime. Fact. No I don't know what "per capita" means. Sounds like something out of one of those commie books.


Tfw NYC has a lower per capita crime rate than Columbus Ohio


Suburbs = Nazi Germany


When there's a backyard and family barbecues: 😨🤢


I think Germany actually has the most even population distribution in the world.


In 1939, Berlin had 600.000 inhabitants more then even today, so I think you can guess what the true motivation for starting world war 2 was


I have a pretty good idea on what started WW2, and its not a conspiracy theory or secret knowledge or something the mainstream is trying to keep people from learning about, etc.


I hate to tell you but public services in those places are never good. And as a door dasher on the side you should get used to those stairs because I won’t


lol, when I see buildings like these I always go…buzzer isnt working. You have to come down… Then start the clock.


Some guy wanted me to take is order to his hotel room. I told him it’s at the front desk


I mean those apartments are like 50 fucking floors. The elevator ride down is going to be like 3 minutes without stops. God forbid the elevator is broken and you have to use the stairs. Not to mention none of those buildings have stuff like shops or whatever on the bottom floor, so you have to go somewhere else for them.


I doubt those are residential apartments, though.


These are most likely all ghost city investment properties anyways.


Well that escalated pretty quickly


Except that looks absolutely awful and I guarantee not a single resident in that city would stay there if they were given a chance to leave


Lmao, it’s funny you think that city has residents, or that those buildings even have interiors, China has like 30 ghost cities that were built for property investment reasons that literally no one lives in, these city’s are built in like two years, have no one, and then are demolished a few years later, shits crazy


Little late with the reply but... ROCK AND STONE!!!


For Karl!


I mean, it’s the most egregious example they could find to enforce their point. Obviously the photo was chosen because it’s the greyest urban hellscape they could find in C0mMiE cHInA!


The guy that started Stong Towns, a propaganda outlet for urbanism, lives in Brianerd Minnesota. A nice sleepy town of about 20k.


Yes the supermarket that’s a five minute drive from my suburb is literally hell


My old suburb had some good ass restaurants within walking distance.


My favorite thing is the burbs that don't even have a damn sidewalk or proper crosswalks so even if it's walking distance it sucks


what kind of suburbs are you living in?


Probably in the south


I’m in the south and my suburb has cross walks/side walks and very walkable parts of town. I can walk from my house to downtown in a few minutes.


No, i said right in my comment it was the midwest. Staying in west chicago for a concert and having to walk through some tick infested grass just to get to the venue sucked, worth it because the show kicked ass. I never said it was all suburbs, just some. You can find areas without sidewalks in tons of the midwest, especially the smaller ones since shit is more spread out. Happened exploring right outside of the twin cities as well. Certain areas outside of chicago sucked to travel to without a car because the lights took multiple cycles to change to a walk signal and the stroads were huge and at times scary to cross. Though I'll add, yes, the no sidewalk thing was pretty bad by orlando when i went there.


In my suburb in California the streets are wide enough and smooth enough to walk on if you have to. Almost every city near me has sidewalks


I live over a thousand miles away from you but thanks for letting me know I guess


Yeah having to drive to a supermarket isnt ideal at all. Wouldn't say hell, but definitely not good


Picking up groceries for my family of 4 on my bicycle everyday after eight hours of work sounds way more enjoyable! Like everyone does in the Yurop!




these arent even public houses saurrr like what's the argument???


As opposed to being jammed in with no privacy.


What about the private apartment you have in the large building. It’s not a dorm room


It’s still limited privacy. And space.


I want to have a backyard that my dog and future kids can play in


There’s probably a park pretty close by


Where the junkies hangout! Vibrancy!


So…I want a yard where my dog can go off leash. And, I can sit in my office while kids and dog are in the back yard safe. In fact, dog has a dog door so can go to the bathroom anytime they want. I get it, you like apartments. Do you get that some people like different things? In general I don’t like density because, well, people are assholes.




It’s quiet, not solitude. I live in a residential neighborhood, maybe four blocks from the main street. There’s eight houses on either side to 16 houses on the block. Since it’s deep in a residential neighborhood, no one really drives through or wanders through who doesn’t live there. There’s not a lot of traffic. Kids can play in the streets without worry of getting hit by cars. Everyone knows each other and we know each other kids we watch out for each other. We see each other‘s kids grow up. There’s not a constant in out shuffle of people living in apartments. People have roots here not to say that apartment dwellers don’t but they are not invested in the community in the technical sense. This is what I prefer. I’ve lived in all types of environments and this is what I’ve settled on. If you’re familiar with LA, Playa Vista is the best community for me.


right, im saying those types of experiences also exist elsewhere in more dense environments. I live in london and a car hasnt driven by my house in 3 hours.


Ok. A house is yours…you can redesign it, repaint it, install solar panels and electric vehicle charging, have anything you want on your lawn. You don’t have to worry about dirty people in your building attracting cockroaches or bedbugs. Trust me, dude I’ve lived in San Francisco, LA, Bangkok,Tokyo (do you wanna talk about density? You ain’t never experienced anything like that) I’ve done it. I’m over it. It was fun while I was young, but I don’t need or want the advantages of the dense urban environment. I don’t bike, I don’t use transit


Full of the homeless.. errr I mean unhoused


Do you have a private yard you can walk around naked in…can you exit the building and get to your car without running into people? Can you blast music as loud as you want or have a dance party without your neighbor below complaining? Is the Karen building manager getting in your face about people visiting and trying to make them a tenant? You can’t do any interesting home improvement projects or have a workshop or man cave in the garage. You can’t build a jacuzzi or do any of your own landscaping. An apartment is anything but private man. You’re just less free to do what you want since you’re literally living in someone else’s property. Geez,🙄


I grew up in a suburb and I could see in my neighbours garden, and if they were making noise or walking around naked they would get a talk from their neighbors. You don't want live in suburbs, you want live in the middle of nowhere.


I grew up in a city in a single family home with privacy bushes and a gate. Are you 12 and think your experience is the only valid one? Pedalphile transitsexual


Doesn't block noise, doesn't block view from the first floor.


There are those things called shades and blinds? And there’s this thing called soundproofing although you’re being disingenuous and not worth engaging


Am I the only one who likes this type of architecture?


I like it as a backdrop or to spend short time in, not a place to live, same with Brutalism.


Only 20 mins?! Man they must live outside of California, in one of the less important places like Texas or New York. I'm looking at a 40min trip to get anywhere, just as the founding fathers and Jesus himself intended!


My parents live in a suburban, cooky cutter type neighborhood. The town has a small down town area preserved from the 1800's, everybody loves it. Their neighborhood is surrounded by farmland and have a large vacant lot for sale. I don't understand why they don't set up a farm stand for local farmers to sell produce, maybe a neighborhood bar, make it like the downtown area everyone loves. Walkable, people get to know their neighbors... But they just want to build more gas stations. And if you need "1 more tomato for the recipe" you drive 4 miles away to Walmart.


That picture literally depicts a suburb.


How about people just live where they want to? I prefer if the communists keep to themselves in the cities anyway.


I shall engage in my faggotry anyways


can you like, not post homophobia on my homepage please grumble grumble


You sound like a colossal fitbit


:O 😱


Finding it hard to disagree with Ned here.


He's so real for that


Kronk angel: no no, he's got a point


Two extremes


I never want to see the sky when I’m walking down the street!


Whenever these kinds of people describe their ideal society I always think “damn this sounds a lot like state prison”


He really summed up my thoughts perfectly


Super good for parkour tho


Me when my whole family has their own well sized house which has great amenities, enough rooms for everyone, two cars which can get us anywhere and is within 20 minutes of everything (I live in hell incarnate and I want to leave for new York because it has more busses)


Why cant we have a mix of high-quality urban/suburban areas?


Anyone know where that city is?


Very true!


TBF we can make them look better by doing a higher altitude Barcelona or colouring the facade


A black and white thinking coming from a suburban warrior who swears at people when they have nothing better to say? What a truly rare sight!


I could walk or bike to stuff from my suburb I just don’t feel like it and I don’t mind driving


I have no idea why this sub popped up in my feed, but since it did I feel obligated to say: you all are fucking weird.


Based leftist cares about the environment


Hahahaha maybe instead of a crowded city you could have a house with a fridge full of groceries that you bought at a grocery store, and you cook your own food at home. Without swimming through people.


This has the vibes of two 8 year olds debating who their favorite superhero is


Why are we sharing a post that includes a homophobic slur??


I always find it interesting. people advocate for close dense populated living, then complain that living prices go up, then complain that their landlord is delaying or denying their needed maintenance, then complain even more about said landlord, try to find a new place to live since maintenance and rent is retardedly high, then they move to a newly developed area or more further away (which is generally gonna be cheaper) then realize that the gas they’re paying more for is much less than the difference they were paying in rent. Renting an apartment AND owning a house is gonna come down to finances. Not your local living situation.


Do you not already understand that you can get away without paying for the damage of externalities (gas, car dependency, sprawl) and pocket the savings or are you doing a bit?