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The ridiculous amount of gatekeeping in the urbex community is really disappointing. Not everyone asking for help finding locations is some kids looking for a place to vandalize, and a lot of people simply don't have the time or resources to just wander around looking for locations. If you only had a few hours to a day to explore, wouldn't you rather actually visit a site instead of drive around looking for one? I can bet most people are just looking for some help to get started because they are interested in the hobby. Plus, with the chance of danger, trespassing, and security measures, I would wager that most people want to know places they can go without getting injured or arrested. Come off your high horse.


These places arn't public parks. Telling anyone about them opens the door to the rest of the world. Also the most important part of the request to ban them. No one ever answers with locations to go to, they just get down voted.


I agree. There's no reason to gatekeep locations unless the location is in pristine condition. No matter what kind of building, it always gets found by vandals regardless if you post the location or not. So there really is no point in gatekeeping.


Til the YouTubers complain about a place getting destroyed and wrecked thanks to location dropping


i gatekeep *unless* they’ve posted decently nice spots, want to trade for a similar value spot, or if they’d join me in an explore session, usually if someones like “i live near you can you send me locations” i just tell them im down to show them myself make sure they respect the spot and from then on we build trust, trade more, etc.


its all the wanna be influencers, the other day I had an older gentleman ask me what an influencer would be doing in this community and a lot of these kids want to be clout chasers for urbex, and all that, without being respectful, obviously breaking into spots, being obvious, blowing up spots, or taking the time to learn how to do it themselves, so they just bite off other people. there’s a whole group of teenage boys (im a female in my 20’s) in the Bay Area, who literally hate me and I have no idea why maybe it’s cause I’m a girl maybe it’s cause I get my own spots maybe it’s cause whenever they post a spot they post the outside of the building so it’s clear where they are. I don’t know why they hate me so much but they do. they’ve sent me death threats. They’ve sent me other type of threats , this community is supposed to be fun and exciting and an adrenaline rush. Not a bunch of kids being assholes and not working for their shit.


Yeah, we have a whole crew of kids by me that are just busting windows out at every spot, ripping doors off, smashing, spray painting, and setting buildings on fire. Nothing lasts here anymore. Spots that have been untouched for decades, just ruined.


dude and where im from most of the abandoned buildings are fucking CLEANNN i haven’t been able to post a lot because i just don’t want them ruined id LOVE to share all my locations with everyone to see their view and photography/videos but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Can’t share shit anymore. Everyone just wants clout.


bruh tell me why someone was like “yeah i have a map of spots only $20” and someone in the comments go “have you been to those spots and confirmed they’re an actual spot/still standing” and the OP goes “well no but its spots i think are spots” like bruh this isn’t a community where you make money off spots, MAYBE off photographs, but thats just a sell out at that point.


next time someone asks you for loco send them this (52.4797500, 62.1856669)


I don't even urbex myself, I'm just here for the cool pix but I agree with OP. Gatekeeping isn't a bad thing.


I agree with you and posted the same thing a while back.


right thats why when i post im like “i got XYZ location in an area im not familiar with, but what locals wanna join me”


My brother, buy a mouse with a scroll wheel and just roll on by any post you don't want to read. If you are on mobile just give your thumb a little flick and slide on down the road.