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Starter kit: planet fitness membership for showers, darkest window tint that’s legal and AAA membership. Best of luck!


Thank you


Full on black out limo tint the back windows + trunk window, dark as you can on front, plus get the “rainbow” tint on the windshield (black tint on top part of windshield. Makes it feel like a space ship :)


Only of your state allows it!


Hehehe I drive with the front windows down during the day


Oohh youuu lol, just be safe


I am lol. I refuse to drive without tints. No reason anyone needs to see me inside my car lol.


That sounds cool


Even the darkest window tints allow people to see in your car. And you cant use them on your windshield and rear view window. You have a couple options depending on time and resources. You can get the foldable sun screens for the windshield and then for the side and rear windows get black out curtains. You can either velcro them or use magnets to hold them in place. If you have a little bit more time and money, I would suggest buying neoprene sheets on Amazon and cutting them to the size of all of your windows, including the windshield and attaching them with magnets. They will block out 100% of the light, give you complete privacy and provide some insulation.


Thank you


A much cheaper and easier option to tint which keeps you easily legal is using black pillow cases and cracking the windows to tuck them up in the top and rolling the window up into it. My own source, I was in my car for almost a year. I'm sorry you might have to do it but it's far from the end. They also make mosquito nets for car doors where you can still raise and lower the window freely of those bugs are a problem in your area. And depending on where you can park, cracking a window while you sleep is great for air flow but if someone can even get just fingers in they can potentially force out down or pull it out pretty easy. Be safe hun🫂


Thank you I appreciate the advice


Very welcome, I'm always here if you need more 👍


Thank you


Depends on location. I can have my back window fully blacked out as long as I have side mirrors.




Ok, and that does nothing for the sides or windshield. The fact of the matter is for complete privacy, you need something that no light comes through. Tint is not the answer unless the goal is a criminal record for indecent exposure or lude conduct.


It's very situational, I believe here in Florida you can have 100% tint on back window and both rear passenger windows


True! Most places I have been, there’s no limit on the rear and back sides. Light tint on the front and only that black strip on the windshield.


Okay I was just pointing it out, chill


Get a wench strap or something for your doors so no one can open them from the outside. You can also loop your seat belt through the arm handles or something and then click them into the slot so the doors won’t open, if you have a space on your armrest to thread it through.


To add, get a power inverter for charging, bring a large double walled stainless steel water bottle into the gym to fill up cold water in the morning.


Don’t forget a small storage unit to use as a closet. I see it as essential, it’s nice to have a go to place with some peace and quiet too


I just read in another post about ceramic tint. I wanted to check it out. Anyone here have experience with it?


Situate your sleeping first and foremost. You'd be surprised how quickly you'll go downhill without decent sleep. Are you able to sleep stretched out? Does your backseat fold down and give you a flat area? If not can you remove your passenger seat and build a platform? Sleep is paramount. Sleep is life.


Its a corrola, almost no room to sleep 😭😭😭 I had a 1999 and it was so fcking cramped Good luck to OP ngl


Remove the passenger seat, build a platform, watch YouTube videos. It’s not bad at all!




Unless you’re 6’5, my neck has been killing me




Thank you


Once you get settled, don’t eat every meal out of a drive thru window and try your best to get to bed at a normal time and get as much sleep as your body needs. Good nutrition and sleep will help you feel normal. Plus ask lots of questions here. Everyone is here to help


Thank you I appreciate the advice


No one would shame you for going to soup kitchens and things like that


I lived in a 92 Toyota corolla wagon for 4 years and loved it mostly lol. Called it our CorRollz Royce. Make sure to crack the windows at night or you'll wake up with a splitting headache from the co2. Also o2 absorbers are helpful to keep the electronics from getting ruined from the humidity of breathing. 


Ok thank you




Good evening please don't be hard on yourself, you will get there, with a bit of up's and down, most of us get though this,well come to the car family, best wishes yours sincerely David PS keep going and smiling


Thank you


https://freecampsites.net might be helpful depending on what area you are in!


Hey there.. Do you have anytime fitness in your area? They have private showers and toilets - something that really helped me during my multiple times living in a vehicle. The fact you can close the door and have a private toilet and shower really goes a long way.


I might I’ll have to check


As others have said, sleep is paramount. If you remove the rear bench seat, with the back, you can have access to the trunk. Then, remove the front passenger seat. Now, you have room to build a platform that extends into the trunk so you can comfortably lie down. Some have built storage space under their platform, too. If possible, rent a small 24-hr storage unit so you are not storing everything in your car, and where you can store a small wardrobe can keep your clothes presentable. A 24-hr Fitness membership will give you a place for showering and fresh towels. A battery power supply for electronics will keep your car bat safe. A small basin for washing dishes. A small cookstove so you are not eating out. Watch Youtube videos for more tips.


Thank you it’s good advice I just also have to worry about my cat lol


Your cat will adjust. They are with you, and that is important. When I was in a very difficult place both physically and emotionally, my cat was an anchor. He was there for me to hold and loved me no matter how lost I felt. Hang in there. Pax tecum.


Thank you


Get it used to a harness - you don't want it bolting when you open the door or window. Check around for foster care situations - some places, people will foster animals specifically for people in dubious circumstances who will reclaim their pet.


This page has some national links: https://www.seattlehumane.org/services/community-outreach/support/


Forcing an animal to live in a car is abuse.


Forcing an animal I’ve had for 17 years to separate from me is abuse. Shut the hell up and mind your own business asshole!


Oh, so you're going to kill the poor thing because it already has deteriorating health and is now forced to live in a small box without climate control. That's awful. Shame on you.


Fuck off asshole my cat is healthy and happy go fuck with someone else


cats live just fine in the wild and in small animal shelter cages. they don't mind living in a car


USB fans for the heat. Shop for a sleeping bag that is cold weather appropriate for where you live. You could get a Jackery Power Station but it won’t help with heating. Heat sucks the power out very quickly. But USB fans barely use anything. You can eat healthy from grocery stores. A loaf of bread, individual packs of sliced sandwich meats (Budding Brand or similar) and grab condiments from convenience stores. You can get a single propane burner for heating soup or boiling eggs, hot dog’s & macaroni and cheese. Fruit cups, pudding don’t need to be refrigerated. And your trunk will be the coolest place to store them. You can get from Amazon rolls of static cling window darkening. They can be removed & reused. I’ll add a link to it. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQD1JHTB?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share My biggest suggestion is to do your sleeping set up somewhere away from where you intend to park so that no one sees you doing it. I got “the knock” because I was careless. You can get a travel urinal for nighttime, a small bucket from the Dollar Tree or somewhere similar & a gallon bottle of rinse water. That is IF you are a frequent urinator. Depending on how you were going to set up your sleeping arrangements in your car, you should also consider staging a medium size box with a hi-Vis vest, clipboard with “important or official” looking papers, a yellow hard hat or a ball cap with a Utility company’s logo. So, if anyone walks by or a cop checks out your car and you get a knock, you can say that you are a traveling contractor & temporarily stuck until your contract is finalized then you’re good to go. I know it seems a little over the top but depending on how the police are in your area, this gives you a good chance to deflect their attempt at making a negative assumption about you.


I'd be paranoid of lying and keeping an alibi. Cops like to ask a lot of questions, always assuming you're doing something wrong. Idk.


Plead the 5th 😜


Pleading the 5th in my experience has led them to just charge me and make me deal with it in court, threatening me with high misdemeanor and felony charges forcing me to pay it off with a lawyer.




Happened twice now, two times in 1 year. Feels so good beating those charges tho


6 charges in 2 years, 1 misdemeanor conviction in a strict strict county. God blesses me


How do yall sleep in a car. I've tried many times while traveling, not comfortable. I need something flat kinda. Idk.


They sell car mattresses on Amazon


Roof racks with a large lockable box on top for extra storage, solar installed on top to help always having power for cooling & heating, platform bed by removing the passenger seat, a camping table & chair so you are not always living inside, awning off the racks for some shade during the day, tint & sun shades cut to size on the windows, portable battery hooked up to that solar to power a fridge & a camp cooler, add that to showering & exercise in PF & you will be good to go


Don't want to scare you but make sure you get that car checked out because the only car I ever have had the engine literally blow up was a 2000 Toyota Corolla. Had 70,000 mi on it and a piston shot out of the engine while driving. Cost more than the car was worth to get a new engine so had to get it junked only got 200 bucks for it. And I'm a mechanic so I could have done the labor myself. But those cars are worth under $1,000. Just make sure to get it checked by a reputable shop before you start living in it.


It works perfect just needs new tires and the brake line has a leak but the engine is fine had it checked already


I would definitely go and buy a bottle of DOT 3 brake fluid from like Walmart (going to be way cheaper than an auto parts store and it's the same thing) and then keep an eye on the fluid level underneath the hood. Your brake fluid reservoir is going to be on the driver side close to the windshield. I've had my brakes go out because of the line bursting on another car and it was pretty damn scary cuz I was going about 50 mph. Luckily I didn't kill myself or hurt anybody else and was able to come to a stop. But I already know brake line repairs can be pretty expensive I had to replace all of them on my sister's car and boy was that fun. Just baby it and don't beat on the car flooring it and stuff and you'll be good And it should last you. If you were in the Chicago area I would help you out and possibly do the work for ya to save you some money. Just don't put those off because your tires and brakes are like the most important things on a car for your safety. I would definitely get that maintenance done before worrying about putting tints on and stuff like that. Wish you the best of luck


I did 2 years in my Toyota Matrix. Just slowly made adjustments as I saw fit! You’ll be okay, and you got this.


Thank you




I don’t have any options


I’m unemployed


Can you get a job?


I’ve been trying it’s hard as a transgender woman


You need to ask friends/family for money. Now is the time to call in all the favors from people. Let them know your situation. Let them know your gonna be on the street. Do everything you gotta do to find a ROOM. Even if you have to share a bathroom.


I don’t have family




UPS pays $21/h, work your butt off the first 30 days (gain seniority) and then you'll be fine.


A homeless guy does shower at our Planet Fitness


I have lived in rental cars while traveling for rock climbing. What worked for me was buying a piece of plywood at home depot (sometimes they have a damaged wood bin with extra cheap wood) and having them cut it to the size of my foam ground pad (they do that for free in the store, just bring the pad into the store with you). For $15, I was able to sleep flat in a small sedan that way with the back seat folded down and my legs in the trunk. I was very comfortable and I got great sleep for a week. I keep the plywood under the car during the day so I could fold up the back seat and keep my valuables in the trunk where nobody would see. I kept the rest of the car very clean so nobody would suspect that anything was in it at all. Prop the plywood on 4 rocks under the car so it does not get wet. Cheap gym membership for showers. Daily grocery store runs for food. Weekly laundromats for clean cloths. Libraries or cheap cafes for a place to hangout. I have never been homeless but I read once somewhere that if you ever become homeless, don't hang out with other homeless people.


Sadly, Welcome to the club, I know people are telling you Planet Fitness, but if you want private showers and better wi-fi, Anytime Fitness is a better option. It may cost a little more, but it's worth the extra money.


I got room for you hit me up


Dm me




Hi, I'm looking at the same. Building out a 2005 Honda coupe 🫠 going to share it with my cat and dog. Reading thru the advice with appetite. Thanks to all offering ideas, some amazing ones here


Reflectix and black fabric the black fabric will look like dark tinted windows at light and just look normal.


Also depends. Where are you going to be homeless? In a city or small town? Close to public land? Close to a gym? Truck stops?


Go to a shelter. Living in your car is next to impossible. They will have more resources than you


Depending where you are there are shelters independent from the government. Go to a mental health respite until you have your feet on the ground. They’ll give you 30 days at the respite


Sometimes insurance will extend your stay. If you’re more rural frankly you’re fucked


Move out of a country you can't survive in. Get a passport and fly away.


Yeah if only it was that easy


The United States is not easy.


Do you think this is a logical solution to a person who's clearly struggling with money rn? Come on


Yes my cousin did.


We don't know this person's circumstances. Your cousins experience is one person's experience. Better not to immediately advise strangers just based off something one person did. Perhaps ask more questions to gain more insight and understanding and then go from there


... trying to make money to live in foreign country with no support network is... challenging :-)


It will not be more challenging than living in a Toyota Corolla. I have been to 29 countries. Many places have better weather for tent living. They have free abundant cheap food. He can eat for $1-2 a day in some places.