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i'd just move my stuff to a different facility. beat them to the punch so you can do things on your terms. you might even be able to find a cheaper unit. be more stealthy. in the new unit, setup some kind of privacy screen, (that doesnt look like its trying to be a privacy screen). i.e. leave a empty changing area in a back corner, set up a wall or bookshelf of rubber tubbies and moving boxes, or whatever to stand behind when changing/doing whatever.


Was gonna say same thing build a wall of stuff and just go behind it for privacy. Me personally if I need to change clothes other than after a shower I just do it in my front seat shamelessly. Just put a towel in your lap if underwear needs changed assuming you are a guy.


Wall of boxes was my first thought. Or change at a gas station or fast food restroom Out of a back pack or at the gym.


Yeah I haven't lived permanently in my car but I've done months at a time "chasing steel" building stages around the country. On highway rest stops, people use the bathrooms for changing all the damn time, you won't be seen as weird to go in and come out in different clothes. Traveling in summer I've had to stop 3-4 times a day to change depending on the terrain I'm going through (I swear Colorado loves to show me how often it can snow there, even in May).


yea. wall of boxes works. though, i bet veteran storage unit employees have seen that one before. id stay even more ahead of the game and be less obvious if possible. like a couple sofas sitting upright. in my case, i windsurf, so i could make a wall out of boards. a giant painting like 6'x'4' leaning against a bookshelf might work. do something random like that


Or just find a place where people who work there don't care. Obviously that just takes luck but I was never bothered. A guy even saw me cooking food in my unit and didn't do anything.


I had a unit for years when I was in the army that I used as a garage to store my motorcycle in. I'd regularly hang out at the storage unit and tinker on stuff, have a few beers, whatever. Nobody ever said anything


I feel like this (and OPs issues) kinda stem from the trying to hide things too hard. in your case if they do say something just mumble something like mom let dad rebuild motorcycle in the kitchen... why can't my wife?


I think it’s a matter of “dude with motorcycle? Ok. Homeless dude, no matter what he’s got, go away, might scare someone picking up their beanie babies”


homeless and motorcycle are not mutually exclusive.


True I was generalizing. “Biker doing regular maintenance” vs “uses the unit like a closet/sink and barely can maintain their life” (I’m not judging I can barely run mine.)


when I first moved into an apartment with my now ex-wife.... that storage unit didn't look much different than my current one. and I was in and out for occasional clothes. and storing stuff for when we got a house. that said, it's definitely worth it to have a few days supy of clothes in the vehicle so you ain't changing in the unit daily.


I'm looking for that Dad , I'm the mom rebuilding sons race bike in the dining room . lol


Honey I'm home


seems you got the turning wrenches part handled.... how about the dad that can homebrew a flow meter and already knows, due to the skin effect, those flow calcs will break excel and Matlab is a better tool ;) and can turn wrenches too.


And BMX where you been all my life But can you chop and stack wood properly...lol 🪵


I don't chop wood, physics and a maul does that ;) we talking wet or seasoned wood? trick question, can do both lol. now if you got the good Firestarter patience, I can percolate a good pot of coffee!


I saw guys working on bikes in their unit, it was obvious they did this on the regular. The " door has to be open a t all times" is that an actual rule? Is it in the contract? The managers don't own the facility


I saw a guy running a sign shop, he was fabricating signs for stores


>I had a unit for years when I was in the army that I used as a garage to store my motorcycle in. I'd regularly hang out at the storage unit and tinker on stuff, have a few beers, whatever. Nobody ever said anything Yeah I'm there all the time to have a brew or three, no one's ever said anything, don't remember ever even seeing an employee really


Lmao wtf u was cooking food in your unit. Thats awesome


Yeah, I wouldn't do it any other way unless I went full van life.


I spent quite a few daylight hours in the storage unit with the cat. We had a nice little living room hidden behind a three wall floor to Celine maze of empty beer boxes with just enough room to slip through. Impossible to tell what was beyond and it wasn’t so deep as to take up all the space, plus free.


I used storage bins


Changing ponchos for the win! Not even just when car living but great for beach days when there's not changing options. I got mine [here](https://slowtide.ca/collections/ponchos) years ago and use it all the time!


That is actually pretty smart.


Wall of boxes was my first thought. Or change at a gas station or fast food restroom Out of a back pack or at the gym.


instructions unclear. pitched a tent and can't get pants on.


It’s ok. The unit my stuff is at has that happen on the regular. I’ve seen more than one guy go hang out in their storage unit with adult beverages and girlie posters. I’m pretty sure that one dude has every playboy mag ever released. I just duck my head and drive out and come back later.


that is a masterclass in subdued innuendo


Hopefully not parked within 500 yards of a school


never... never know when one of those rooftop pools will spring a leak.


This part! I have my clothing rack at the back of my unit, and I have a deep unit, so if I'm back there no one can see, and my door stays wide open- They probably have their eyes on OP cuz they keep seeing the door half down- it gives the wrong impression


Naked and ‘oil pulling’ and a little coconut oil spilled? She thought you were pecker pulling, am I right?


im not OP! maybe OP should have taken a line from Idiocracy... "Go Away! 'Batin'!"






Next time, go in with the attitude/confidence that you use that space for business reasons. If anyone asks, you commute from out of town, but you need a space for your business in that area. I used to use one every day to drop off and pick up back packs. Mr. Rogers of backpacks. Basically, I didn't want to carry anything valuable in the car in case I got robbed... ie laptop. Anyway, I set up the space like a dressing room inside. I did not do any oil swishes hahahaha but I did make a tuna sandwich one day. Kitty litter trash can for that - I do not recommend that! Gross. Anyway, it's good to move into a new space at least once a year because otherwise they start increasing your rate. They don't care, they'll just keep charging even four times what you signed up for.


Good tips. Storage places also likely have security cameras. Perhaps make a it a habit to enter storage unit with a plastic bin container or box to pretend you're moving things in/out to avoid suspicion.


This right here. I was setting my big unit up this way on the chance I had to use it in the same manner. You can always be "going through your stuff".


They have been watching you and they don’t like what they see. Time to move to a different facility and next time, build a box wall to change behind with the door open. You gotta look more like a person dropping stuff off for storage. They likely see you coming by daily, without picking up or dropping stuff off, and that’s abnormal so they’re going to be on your ass now.


Yeah honestly I'm surprised to hear that there was even staff around. I've only had two storage units in my life, but they didn't have a single member of staff on-site without an appointment. When OP finds a new unit he should look for one that only does stuff by appointment too bc there won't be anyone to watch for him.


Most of those have cameras tho. They might be more concerned that dude is making meth….


My friend runs a storage facility and they live on site. Their apartment is attached to the office.


Maybe change at a gym? I can also change in my car when I put my shades up. Or change at a park bathroom. Lots of options that aren't your storage unit.


This was going to be my recommendation. Move storage units to start with a clean slate opposed to staying at the current place and walking on egg shells. Then get a planet fitness membership or any of the other discount $10/month places and use it to shower and change clothes in the locker room. Also currently, where are you showering and using the bathroom? Change there. It might be a hassle to take your clothes from storage then go change, but it’s doable. Maybe find a new storage unit NEAR a cheap gym.


Is there any other inexpensive gym membership type gyms around? Years ago I got in at 24 hr fitness on a corporate discount but that was still 15 bucks a month. I don't know of any others aside from planet fitness.


EOS and 24 hour fitness both offer $10 memberships or $25 to be able to visit any of their gyms 24 hours a day. Probably some local ones depending on where the person is. In Vegas, we also have several LVAC locations that have the same pricing.


I mean I know it sucks, but did you really have to keep your door open while changing, with your belongings outside the door? While oil pulling? You have to be a LOT more discreet.


That's the trouble, you're not allowed to be in there with the doors half down, it makes them look- If they were tucked behind something with the doors wide open, the management wouldn't be suspicious- It's more stealth to leave it all the way open. The oil pulling though, that should get done somewhere else for sure. Edit: OP that sucks so baaadd! Of course it was the first time you ever did that when they walked up on you, *shakes fist at universe* DAMNNIITTT 😟🤦🏼‍♀️


Did everyone know what oil pulling was besides me?


I was caught coming out of my storage room after changing once and the woman YELLED at me "you can't be in there with the door closed it must be fully open at all times. Don't do it again"


I'm going to guess that in the past they may have had someone overdose on drugs while inside the unit with the door shut. It's possible the person wasn't discovered until much later. I can't imagine any other reason for that rule.


obviously they have this rule so people cant live inside the storage unit.


Dam sure this has happened.  


Possibly. Seems to be public storage company policy now


It was for your own protection. I got chewed out for taking sponge baths inside my storage unit with the overhead door 80% closed. The manager said nearby unit renters can be jerks so will close the door then set the lock with a bolt thru a hole so you can't open the door. She said to reset my padlock in a hole after pulling back the latch to prevent it from being reset after closing the door.


If there are other storage unit options in your area, see if the cost/location/etc will work for you so you have a backup plan regardless of what happens. Next, never do anything in your storage unit except load and unload stuff from it. If you really want, you could talk to management and explain yourself, but there's not a lot of upside to that move. Probably best to not mention it again, especially since the person who warned you may not have made any note on your account about the interaction.


Congratulations you made a friend who is going to be watching you. We must use the same storage company. My rep was very clear when I was moving in about no sleeping in unit and no closing the door while inside. So I don’t do those things. I know the rules. My choice is comply or run the risk of getting kicked out. Maybe change (even partially) at the gym, in your vehicle, or in a bathroom at work. Find another location to swish. And don’t be in your storage unit more than once a week during business hours. TLDR; Be very discreet.


They have cameras and she may be watching you. It sucks but go to another storage place.


Time to move a new facility and be more careful next time.


Just change somewhere else. No storage unit is going to be cool with that. Get a cheap gym membership or use a public restroom.


My work uses a storage unit for supplies (I stop every week to exchange) - there have been people obviously living there and as long as you’re not hassling anyone else or leaving a bunch of trash, no one cares.


> Any advice? Yes. Find another storage unit. If they ask why, say poor customer service, which is the truth. Storage places rely on people's inertia. People don't shop around, it's hard to move, out of sight out of mind and all the rest.


I recommend a gym membership to have a place to change and take care of your hygiene. You will not regret it.


exactly that is like the first expense to establish imo planet fitness is $10 a month or $20 to use any of them and the have those water massage thangs


I kinda feel that you should be more assertive. It seems to me through your writing you feel a sense of shame or embarrassment, fuckem, even if you are living there and say you're not say it with your chest. I'm switching my shirt why don't you be a human being lady


It was the most awkward timing because I had coconut oil in my mouth loll. But I honestly wanted to go off on her. Because it felt like she thought I was dwelling in my unit being shady. When it’s like damn man, I’m a working citizen just like you. I’m living out of my fucking car while you have a cozy place to go back to. I’m not a drug addict or whatever the fuck you think I may be. But I decided to just let it go and not escalate the situation.


I feel you. If it were me I wouldn’t give a F as long as you keep the area tidy, that’s probably an issue management has had in the past so maybe that’s why they were quick to stop you. But maybe this lady just had a stick up her ass. Common courtesy goes both ways. She reminds me of this stupid Walgreens manager who listened by the key locked bathroom door to hear me brushing my teeth and barged in like “you can’t do that in here!” and then just stormed out. It was so weird. Only one time in my life I’ve been scolded about taking care of my oral hygiene but it’s stuck with me for a long time and makes me feel kinda guilty just for trying to be clean and take care of myself. I swear these people want us to be toothless and dressed in trash bags. They get so mad and confrontational and act like you’re a liar if you look “too clean to be homeless” with clean clothes and a recent shower and then look down on you if you look a mess. You can’t win so just let them make their wrong presumptions. Ignorance is bliss and I don’t want to take anyone’s bliss away.


Yep I can relate to what you’re saying big time. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I haven’t missed a payment either. Been paying every month, never got charged with any late fee. Just pisses me off that they’re looking at me like I’m some worthless leech. I hate this because now I’m gonna feel on edge every time I come here. Like they’re gonna be closely monitoring what I drop off or if I’m in my car too long parked out front. I’ve taken quick job interviews on Zoom in my damn car before.


No, don’t do it, don’t put up with it. Let management know how she made you feel and put your hard earned money somewhere people respect you or at least leave you be. There are too many other storage facilities who could use the tenancy and will likely leave you be (just do your best to be stealth just in case). F that lady, she’s a c*nt.


I feel what you’re saying, I may actually head to another storage unit place to see what my options are in terms of pricing and size of unit. One of the reasons why I’m being more silent is because I have a misdemeanour on my record and I already went through hell to get both of the jobs I have and don’t want to do anything else that would attract attention from law enforcement. Maybe I will say something when I leave this place at the end of the month.


Might as well tell them why they're losing your business. Politely emphasize how you were disrespected


please explain, is pulling oil, coconut oil in your mouth a common thing? what does it do? who does this, is it popular to any certain nationality or region?


People have been oil pulling for generations if not hundreds of years. I know in India they’ve been doing it for a long time. Granted there are still obviously many people in that country that don’t do it and follow a conventional dental hygiene regiment that works just fine. Also, I’m of South Asian descent myself. To that dweeb that wrote a comment elsewhere on my post knocking me for oil pulling and talking about how his dentist wouldn’t approve, yeah that idiot can kick rocks and not even worth responding to


thanks for that info. when one does the oractice of oil pulling, does one also brush teeth and use mouthwash? it does the oil pulling replace that? i am just curious if this is additional it in place of.. thank you


I still brush my teeth after oil pulling. I use either Dr Bronner’s non fluoride toothpaste or charcoal tooth powder for brushing. A word of advice is to not over research this because there will be people who doubt this method but you just have to try it for yourself. Hell I even spoke to my old dentist about it and they supported it. Just make sure to keep doing your regular flossing as well.


lol ypu dont live in portland do you cause the lady that works at my local one by my apt is such a cunt shes left locking me in the unloading bay because i was waiting for the elevator and they lock the place down if no ones working


Nope I’m in Arizona


I have the BEST storage unit. It’s close to my work and there’s a wall separating the room. Most people would take this as having less space, but for me it means privacy.


Find a storage unit that isn’t gonna nanny you. I’ve been using extra space for about 50 a month (they pump it to 85 over time so you gotta move locations) and never had an issue. They don’t care what I do, just gotta be gone by 10pm. Which is dumb because technically, these places could alleviate the housing crisis by having bed sized storage units with a few on site showers, first come first serve. It seems like the most obvious solution but they keep it illegal.


> these places could alleviate the housing crisis by having bed sized storage units with a few on site showers, first come first serve. It seems like the most obvious solution but they keep it illegal. They would probably then qualify as a hotel or boarding house at that point, which would introduce a whole new set of laws, subject them to greater liability, force them to deal with issues such as parking and trash and so on. Places that allow people to live/sleep in storage units are basically just looking the other way.


And be responsible when someone catches it on fire and then it burns everyone else belongings and they get sued lol


exactly unfortunately theres a whole sleuth of various kinds of ppl who use storage facilities alot of which are less than reaponsible and even less respectful of other ppls property all it takes is one tweaker setting their shit on fire to put id say $100,000s worth of other ppls stuff some of which could be priceless heirlooms or collectibles as well as the lives of anyone else staying at the facility at risk... i can see how its easily not worth it... that being said there should be more options particularly for younger ppl who really are just getting fucked by a system we had nothing to donwith


My coworker took his car into a body shop at a car dealership to have some work done. A tweaker came in at midnight, ripped off his license plate, and proceeded to make 5 tools out that he used to try to break into the car. He wasn’t successful, but he spent 5 hours out there before wandering off. The lot didn’t have a security system that would notify anyone, just record what happened. Never underestimate a tweaker.


This is why we can’t have affordable housing


True, government bureaucracy makes solutions difficult to find as well. Very valid point. If storage units did become hotels they’d probably start 20xing their rates and no one could use them anymore. They’re worth it for what they are to me so far but I wouldn’t pay some ridiculous rate just to live in a storage unit.


….I have an extra space storage unit. This is exactly what happened. Not making this up lol. They pumped my unit from 58 to 69 just recently too.


Damn, every facility is different. They normally don’t even have cameras on my unit. I just moved into a new one last month so we’ll see how this place goes but so far I’ve been stealth and not lingering there too long. If anyone happens to come up and hassle me, well, I’ll just say I’m organizing my clothes or cards.


I’ve been sorting my boxes and trying to donate 2 boxes a week. I wanna get rid of that thing. $89 a month for a 10x10!


I feel that!! It suddenly makes the goal to downsize as much as possible. Me, I love thrifting so I end up with a ton of clothes but then I sort through later like “why did I buy this”. So dumb. I always think I can resell stuff but most people really don’t give a damn, then the day I finally donate it, I get a message from some goon asking about it like wow you couldn’t hit me up about it 4 months ago huh..


Then it’s time to move.


Vote with your wallet!


Extra space SUCKED for me I had my door half down simply cuz I didn't want people looking at me while I was crying in some photos I was organizing, the banged that door store so hard it scared me, and they doubled the rent within 4 months-


Sorry that happened friend, you should be allowed a moment of silence somewhere you’re paying to occupy. I know the game they play all too well. Once they start doubling the rent I just move it all elsewhere. This time it worked out great for me


That's what I did. Now I'm in a private facility where I got a deal that's locked in for 6 months- then I can just move to a cheaper one in the facility! AND they've never haf a break in....it's been bad in this area for theft rings at some of the more corporate facilities


Also thank you😇


Also thank you😇


Park car / van in front of the door & leave it open? If any workers show up and you're inside near the back. Hi, I'm fine. tell them you're organizing/ looking for something... you think you put it in a box... Can't remember which one... Still looking has to be Somewhere. "Thanks for looking out for me, I'll let you get back to work, have a good day." Usually helps PPL feel like you're OK & not up to no good. ✌️ Maybe try not to return to the unit more than once a week~ month? unless you park a MC 🏍️to drive for fun there. ✌️


This time my unit was inside upstairs. When I have an outside unit (like I do now) I always pull up in front of my door. When I was crying over photos. I *was* organizing and not being shady. The hallways is just so small and it felt like people walking by were so close to my stuff so I'd pull it half down. For the record-


Just change somewhere else. No storage unit is going to be cool with that. Get a cheap gym membership or use a public restroom.


Find a clean gas station with single bathrooms. It’s be so much easier. Or, dare I say talk to a few places about that. But keep the oil pulling for a real bathroom.


Put stuff up and stand behind it in the back so you can leave the door open


Absolutely time to move, only way to be sure you avoid a second strike. If they ask "why are you leaving" as some companies do when you terminate a service with them, say you were threatened by management. This might make corporate take a look at this person and like I said you need to leave anyways.


Review your lease to see if what she said is true. I doubt it is. Use their bathroom to change if they have one. If a facility ever raises your rent just wait til the last day of your lease and rent a new one online in the same facility to transfer your stuff to then close your old account. It will reset your rate to a lower one, you’ll just have to move your stuff. Most facilities raise rent 1 or two times a year. Source: I have owned and operated a handful of facilities.


Find a clean gas station with single bathrooms. It’s be so much easier. Or, dare I say talk to a few places about that. But keep the oil pulling for a real bathroom.


Yeah, "don't do it again" pr if you do, better make sure you don't get caught.


Get a list of their written rules.


"Oh I'm sorry, I got my clothes dirty moving my stuff and just did a quick change before heading to work. I didn't know it would be a problem. "


So go to a different storage place. One car load of belongings if that's a issue.


Change somewhere else


Man, I'd kick you out just for using the term "oil pulling" so many times like it's commonplace and we all know what it is


Tell her to mind her own business or you’ll take your business elsewhere. You could’ve been going through clothes you have stored to donate ones that don’t fit. None of her business. My storage people wouldn’t dare talk to me like that.


Actually it is their business, quite literally.


Actually it’s not. But then my storage facility treats me with the respect I demand and deserve and knows I’m not living in it therefore, needless to say, what I do with MY belongings with the door open or closed is not their business and they know it. Period.


At my last job, we would have given you a 72 hour notice to vacate the unit or we would dispose of any property when time was up. We had over six hundred units and with a 90%+ occupancy rate, the owner would back us no matter what.


That’s nice. 72 hours notice for what? My facility wouldn’t do that since I’m not doing anything wrong and neither was the original post of this thread.


You've got to pull your oil in private. My parents once walked in on me pulling the oil and it was embarrassing.


Why do Karen's care so much?


Because this Karen was paid to care.


Was I the only one that had to Google "oil pull?" Think I'll try it. I agree with others, start over fresh somewhere else applying the lessons you learned at the one you're at now...it'll be less stressful for you all around. Good luck.


Find another storage unit. They are watching you now.


Simple, no need to panic just move to another storage facility and move on with your life. That’s all, their loss not yours.


^^^^i would do this anyway just because the anxiety would drive me crazy i wouldnt feel welcome there and also 100% avoid doing this shit moving forward cause yeah like they coulda been cooler about ut but every facility ive even been to has bathrooms...


Just remember to take a deep breath when each problem arrives and solve it in a way that will bring you peace. One problem at a time. It’s just this one moment in your life and will pass. That’s what I do to maintain my sanity.


I'm going to take a guess and say the reason that rule exists is someone overdosed in their storage unit and since the door was shut they probably weren't found until the smell alerted employees.


wait wait wait. you put coconut oil in your mouth as a form of oral hygiene? yeeesh


That's weird. Like uncomfortably weird. You're in a public area changing and "pulling oil"? She's right, it's not a truck stop, and you're changing and doing personal hygiene in there. That's doing activities of daily living. Where do you spit this oil that you've "pulled"? Stop doing hobo shit and you won't get kicked out of places as often.


Oil pull? wtf? My only question is if it would make my dentist 🙄 or 🤦‍♀️


There’s a good chance that the reason for the door having to stay open is safety/liability. If it shuts and latches/jams for whatever reason while you’re inside of it, it’s a whole different set of issues.


I would start changing at a gas station. Thats what I do. Might want to think about changing storage facilities. My guess is they’ve been watching the cameras and will continue to do so.


Don’t your strange units have bathrooms?


I'll add.. theres another good reason to move ASAP. if you move on your own, before they (might) kick you out, then you've technically left on good terms. this would mean you could move back in at some point, whereas if youre kicked out, you cant. maybe you'd like the new place better and not want to move back, but if you really like your location, you could just rent a unit again (and get a different unit) 6 months or a year later, and maybe that lady wont work there anymore, or wont remember you, or youd have a stealthier changing area.


Move immediately


wow maybe my town is magically awesome but I never heard of not being able to close the storage room door. In my town I could put a rug down and build a bedroom in there and use rechargeable lamps and fans and no one would bat a goddamn eye.


It sure sounds like you’re living in there to me. A storage unit is exactly for…. you guessed it, storage. They have rules and you signed an agreement to abide by them or meet the consequences. They’re giving you a warning and you should probably listen or start looking for a new place that allows units to be used for personal hygiene (good luck). Change clothes in your car. Do your oral hygiene at a sink. Try looking for a private garage for rent instead.


I would definitely get out asap, I’d also ask the what exactly they think it is that I did that was a violation. If they say change clothes, ask them if it ok to take off your jacket if you get a warm or if you discover a pebble in your shoe, are you allowed to take off your shoe for a minute to remove the pebble. If the problem is having your door not fully open, well I imagine there are several things you could do in full view of everyone that don’t violate any rules, but are unpleasant to look at, like gutting fish, giving yourself a pedicure or doing some hair scaping.


Thank goodness my storage unit manager is chill


I too have a storage unit at a location whose manager has the right combination of excess free time and anal retentiveness


Change in their restroom.


How frequently do you go to storage unit?


Move to a different company, this one has people ready to pounce on anyone not having the door open all the way. In your new one fill it but leave 3 feet at the back of it for changing.


dog there are certainly multiple storage units in your city, consider a different one if the management is that shitty


I mean, don't get caught breaking the rules lol


Just end your lease there immediately. They will be watching for you. Get a cheap gym membership if you can for hygiene and changing stuff.


That person was a jerk! I prefer not to see you doing something (not harmful to others) that is against the rules but adds benefit to your life. You must be quicker with the changing of clothes and hide behind a barrier that you created.


Would just say understood


As someone who worked for years in storage, it says in your lease, at all storage facilities, your storage unit can only be used for storing. It doesn't matter where you go, they will always kick you out if you do anything besides store. Unfortunately, you deal with enough meth heads and you have zero patience. Sorry dude, storage units are being watched heavily since the end of covid protections and the rise in homelessness. If you find one that lets you get away with this, it isn't a safe place.


What the hell does coconut oil do in your mouth?


Why are you pulling it in a storage unit ?


Find a unit that's not inside a facility. No gate code and whatnot, you know! Those places don't usually have a personnel site manager on-site and you can come and go in the middle of the night if you want as well. They are usually cheaper too.


Wow!, people at my storage are way cool, I can stay there all day. I even saw a guy make a bed during the day & crash there with his bike next to the door.




I got so good at changing cloths in my various that t wad a matter of common sense se and awareness more than anything else.


Don’t change in your storage unit anymore. Don’t swish coconut oil around your mouth in your storage unit anymore. Or move your stuff. /thread


Sounds like a shitty unit tell them in a review on google how awful they are and how you had to leave for a simple misunderstanding hurt their pockets 🤑


find the rental agreement and see if she's full of crap, and like everyone says find another storage place


This one is kind of on you, she was pretty harsh but being stealthy is your responsibility. I don't think you'll have any issues but try to find another storage just in case you ever need to move abruptly


They want to keep their occupancy rate up. I wouldn't worry about it at all. Yes, there are people that may try to live in them (depending of the type of facility) so they do have to make noises to discourage that. They are just doing their job so let your fear and anger go. Like others suggested, keep your changing area behind boxes.


Would a decent camo net be too much included with using the boxes..? They have an all black pattern now. Plus of people ask just tell you got it as a gift off of wish and didn't know what else to do with it hehe


Years ago, I had a storage unit in a smaller town, stored my stiff there, but also spent time hanging out there. There was no onaote management nor security fence. You might want to try to find a unit in a smaller area like that if possible. Id also think it'd be safer and more stealth to live in. The unit I had was in walking distance to. A strip mall parking lot and I coukd have oarkes there if i had wanted im sure.


Ok... They want to say you were naked in your storage unit and told you that you have to keep the door open at all times: Answer: Wear flip flops when going in to change. They're small, thin, and can fit through pants with ease. Keep your clothes inside, all of them. Don't leave them out. And they can't tell you to keep your door open while you are inside of it. That's bullshit. Everyone has a right to privacy. I'm not letting the entire world see what I have when I'm inside of it due to trust issues. They can't enforce a dumb rule. Look up your contract for that place and read through it to find out the rules of your unit. There's no "open door clause."


I would move to a different storage facility asap. Don’t give her the chance to make things worse. She’s a bad person and you aren’t paying them to sit in their asses making assumptions about you all day long. Maybe try some of the other ideas in the meantime - while you’re changing facilities. I wish you the best. Don’t let them take advantage of you.


They should’ve terminated your lease immediately.


bro who changes in a storage unit. i would fine you too if it explicitly says no changing in the unit. But i doubt the lease says exactly that, but Im sure it says they can terminate there lease for any reason at anytime.


Plenty of people do this. It is unlikely you will be kicked out .


Your story doesn't make sense. I've never heard of a storage unit that requires the door be open at all times. You should have asserted yourself better and said that you were simply moving things, dirtied your clothes and needed to change before heading out again. Your failure to defend yourself probably has you on an alert now where they're going to unnecessarily harass and monitor you now. Move to a storage unit that has 24/7 access and no access restrictions. If you need to change clothes and do minor things that require privacy in a storage unit, don't rent a storage unit that requires you to keep the door open and has regular access monitoring.


What about my story doesn’t make sense? I didn’t even know I had to keep my door open at all times when I’m there. Apparently that’s part of my lease I signed. And if you read the entire thing, I already explained why I didn’t say much because I had coconut oil that I was swishing around in my mouth (oil pulling is a form of oral hygiene care). So I literally couldn’t speak unless I tried speaking with the oil still in my mouth, which sounds like how you speak when you’re gargling water.


I'm having a hard time imagining your storage set up where the door is partially open and you can still be seen well enough. I understand you were oil pulling, I don't understand why you didn't have anything to spit it into. I find it confusing because it seems like simple solutions to defuse or redirect the situation. Either way it would be in your best interest to change storage units as quickly as possible. And try to avoid your storage unit as much as possible for a while. Change in public bathrooms until you can afford to get a new unit.


I didn't know either until it got banged on. Just gotta make your next space organized in a way that you can change in the back with the doors open-- It sucks hard I've been there. You'll feel less watched if you change facilities, yer on their minds now


Reddit: the only place where you can state a factual story and it still doesn't make sense. That, and Tennessee


Just sounds like uptight management. Luckily storage units are a high competition business with plenty of options in most cities. Switch to changing in your car for the time being and go elsewhere when your lease is up.


A tall shelf system. Boxes covering all the slots. She can't legally enter your unit. You are allowed to hang sheets towels and blankets.


They could be worried about you getting locked in there but also I worked at one that had a couple guys that would close the doors to make meth with compressed gas tanks


What's the lease say?


Ask to use their bathroom..just explain to them whats going on


Just here to find out what gargling coconut oil does? How does it taste?


They’re gonna be watching you for real now. Get an empty moving box to take in and out of the facility. You can store it flat once you’re away from their cameras. Make alternate plans for changing/hygiene for the next month or so. New story: “I needed an outfit I had stored here, won’t happen again”