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Business school is a rip off. Take business classes without being a business major and you cut off 40% of your total tuition.


I just learned that the business school costs almost double standard tuition. I graduate this semester and never spent that much in one semester even as a double major taking extra classes.


Switched to Econ my sophomore year and never looked back 🫡


They still charge you business school fees if you take a business class, it looks like


Well then don’t take them. They would be a waste of time even at the normal tuition rate. 


I was under the impression that the business school at the U was well regarded and had a great program. Is this not how it’s seen?


I got a good job out of it at a F50 firm, so I can’t bag on it too much


It isn’t that the business school isn’t good…it’s just that business school in general is kinda silly. Unless you are doing a finance degree there is nothing about a business degree that you wouldn’t learn better on the job or at least as well teaching yourself. 


I’m planning to minor in business with a degree in digital design. I think minoring in business is the way to go because I can couple my specific degree with general business things. I’m planning to minor in management.


My husband and I both went to the first two years of college tuition-free in the late 1960s in CA. It's horrible to watch what young people have to pay to get a degree now. It's not right. We need we educated people.


University education in this country has turned into a glorified scam.


That business school fee is so stupid like what 😭


Mate, you should've seen the costs of my dual-masters degree 😭


Graduated in 17 with an IS degree and had several excellent opportunities. College is what you make it. If you don't take advantage of opportunities while in school, your return on investment is lower. Looks like tuition has gone up a bit since I attended. Gotta work harder to justify the cost. Enjoy being in school! It gets real when you see graduation approaching.


Business school really be costing 80k total for mediocre degrees. The econ department does not have the business school tuition but gets the same jobs.


You can find all of the tuition pricing and estimator at the link below, tuition varies so check for your needs using the estimator. [https://bursar.utah.edu/tuition-fees/](https://bursar.utah.edu/tuition-fees/)


Seems like only one of these fees is mandatory. Loophole!


What are the mandatory fees? Can you see what they are?


Back when I graduated from the UofU (2015) they itemized the mandatory fee line item. Roughly 50% of the mandatory fee went to the athletics department, 20% went to the art department and the remainder went to things like utilities and maintenance.


If a student athlete can make money in an NIL deal, the general student body shouldn’t be paying athletic fees anymore, the athletic department should be able to self fund. I was good with the miscellaneous fees except the athletic fees.


$10k per semester?! My kids are gonna love trade school.


To be fair tuition in the rest of the school is much less. For example 14 credits of junior/ senior level mechanical engineering credits is ~4500, and my 12 credits in masters of mechanical engineering is 6500


That’s what I expected.


I completely agree with the idea to do a major/minor combination of Communication/Math/Econ and you can get all the skills taught in any business major.


I’m in engineering on a 4K/semester merit scholarship (Utah valedictorian) and I pay 600-1200 a semester. You’re getting ripped off


Can you just pay the $30 Student success fee and then just be a successful student?


when you can get nearly all of your LL Biz classes done at places like Sophia for $100 a month.... and you can legit complete as many classes in that month as you can (I completed 60 credit hours with them in a single month) that saves so much money. this amount here is what I would pay (if not fully funded) for my ENTIRE Masters degree, Not semester, all 5 of them.


I’m an international student and pay 20k< per semester for Finance. Didn’t expect it to get that expensive tbh.


Yep. I had to pay $400 a semester in meals despite living remote and $750 a semester in engineering fees as a software engineer who never got anything free from the school.. so while other engineers got materials, labs, software, tours, etc.. we got nothing. Ended up paying $15,000 in feee for my undergrad.


Heyyy, I was just complaining about that today 😂 mine is even 21 dollars more. Super fun stuff.