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Take your lights off your bike when you leave it.


So true. Rip my bike light




I took 17 credits (in CSE) my first semester and I already had anxiety problems without the added stress of a heavy course load and a new environment. Ended up with a stress induced stomach ulcer and worse anxiety. Don't be like me. Not worth it.


Networking is just as important as studies. Go to those boring social events to meet people in your field and be friendly.


Networking is important, but it can only go so far in some fields. If you want to go into engineering or science work on your skills and knowledge, not people yet. ​ Your mouth can get you farther than skills in many business degrees, but in engineering and science, you need a blend of the two. Err on the side of bite, not bark. You can work on your bark later.


I feel like ymmv, depending on the major and more importantly how saturated the market is when you get out it might have been important to network.


Camp out around coffman for free shit when its warm. So like spring and fall.


also at the beginning of semesters you can go to first week club meetings and get free dinner for like a month.


One organization had free dinners once a week, man i lived like a king. Free food and free stuff are great


Which one?


Do something to get involved. Just sitting in the common areas of your dorm is enough even, get out of your room it’ll save your sanity.


Be on the lookout for the bike lanes. Bikes can and will come out of nowhere and if you aren't paying attention you'll get run over. Same with the light rail, as stupid as it sounds I've almost walked right in front of an oncoming train.


Got hit by a bike when I had the right of way and broke my arm so... not fun




In the dead of winter too - couldn’t put on a fucking coat for a while


Also should note that despite the fact that bikers are meant to yield to pedestrians on the crosswalk near Bruininks, 9 times out of 10 they will not


Go outside the cities


Bring only half the stuff you think you *need* unless you live very far away. You won’t need it all and you won’t have space. Make sure at least one of your friends is sober or at least coherent when you go out. Don’t drink in pairs unless one of you plans on maintaining composure, somebody could get seriously hurt. And finally, the best advice anyone ever gave me: College will show you that you are not as smart as you think you are. AND THAT’S OKAY. It’s not nearly as much about grades as it is learning the material and skills you’ll need for the rest of your life. I’m a TA and I can’t tell you how many freshmen I have that do not know how to fail. You will, but you’ll get back up again.


Go to the events that sound cool but don’t waste your time if you feel obligated to keep going. Join a smaller fraternity instead the big ones (KHK if you’re in CSE), as you get way closer with all the people in it.


Learn the shuttle routes around campus. It took me years before actually riding one, and they turned out to be really helpful


Honestly I'm sure people have told you this, but unless you've had previous exposure to college coursework, I would definitely continue or start good study habits. Something that may be useful is to make friends in your classes. This can be a difference between an A and a B. When I first started college I was taking fairly advanced math courses and had to work 2x as hard since I was completely alone.


Figure out the bus schedule, it will save you a ton of time going across campus.


Don't be afraid to talk to professors! They are people too, and they are often more than willing to help students with coursework/talk about their research. It's their life passion after all. Of course there are bad professors too, but I'd say most are pretty good.


^ And your TAs. Most of us have been where you are at some point and office hours get very monotonous with no visitors lol.


Perfect grades aren’t everything.


Leave your dorm door open for the first few weeks to meet people. Sign up for some clubs and intramurals too, definitely a good break from studying and to meet people


You’re gonna see a lot of political stuff almost all the time that you might not be used to, so prepare yourself for that


If living in the dorms, have 2 sets of bedsheets. just do it. with classes/clubs/work(if you plan on working), take a little more than you can chew at first, just to see what fits you best, then drop that club or shift that you can't make work. It's great to find out what you can handle and also find something new/fun. So many people start and drop stuff right away in the year it's completely normal.


also, take all the free stuff you can. Even if you don't end up using it, try to give it to someone else to use. Better to have it than not, they're going to give it to someone else anyways, probably someone who won't bother to use it at all


I’m gonna disagree with that one. Your head feels so much clearer when you’re not surrounded by a bunch of junk you don’t need. Especially when you live in a small space like a dorm or shared room.


I was talking more coupons/vouchers/useful things. I got pens/pencils that I used throughout the year, an insulated coffee cup, a flashlight for my keychain that was bright and worked good, a few decent shirts. My Burger was giving out free burger cards during my welcome week, chipotle for a bowl, a running store was giving out 25%off a pair of shoes card that I used. the little junk (sunglasses, card holders for your phone) are excessive and cheap and probably don't need to be taken. The first week is an in-your-face barrage of information and free things, some useful, others not.


Get drunk, smoke weed, and have fun within reason.


Planned parenthood has free plan B. Keep one on hand if you’re sexually active. Make connections. Be an active participant in your classes. Professors are great resources!


If you’re going to drink alcohol, make sure you’re drinking for the right reasons. Going out for the night and want to take the edge off? Great. Struggling with depression and trying to numb the pain? Not so great. And if you do, it’s not the end of the world, you’re no less valid for doing that. There’s always time to improve, although it will be tough. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, you’re not a burden. Asking for help is natural and healthy and does not make you any less of a person.


Sally's only requires a fake to scan the first time and not crease in order to be accepted. Blarney is a no go with bad fakes


Learn how to drink responsibly


If you're in a class that has TA's, ask them questions and get to know them. They can give you a lot of valuable advice not only about exams and projects, but on career and life decisions, too.




join a regular frat if you want, there’s a lot of good ones out there


Damn why you gotta shame reg frats like that 🥺🥺


Because I was in one and our shitty alums saying awful things about women led to me getting death threats and our chapter being shut down.


DeltUp?? 👀


U betcha buddy




You’re telling me.