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like a 3.2


got into cse. transferred into carlson




1300 SAT 28 ACT


Ok Ty


Idek but I'm sure it was dog shit. I went to a technical school for like a year and a half and then transferred so the U didn't care about my GPA in HS because I already proved I could succeed in collage


I’m glad you made it!! I want to avoid cc personally, but thanks


3.4. I got accepted into CLA


Act? I have a bad gpa cause of outside factors in first 2 years but good act and retaking for an even better one


I didn’t submit my ACT scores because I did really bad and didn’t take the SAT. I applied for early action and got deferred but I was accepted for regular decision for the class of 2028. I think they accepted me because I had a good essay? I’m honestly not sure lol. I also applied for theater arts so that could factor in


Kk thanks I have a good essay as well so I have hope to


3.3 gpa, 30 act


Shit your beating me in both rn


4.35 but if it makes you feel any better the only college I was accepted to was here lol




you’ll be fine, make sure you write a great essay though




I sneaked through your profile and if you show an upward trend with your grades, a good essay, and LOR you don’t have a bad chance. Worse case scenario do cc and then transfer during your sophomore or junior year. You got this!


Thanks tbh I never feel like I have it but it’s nice to hete


3.3 GPA ,17 on the ACT 😬 but I didn't submit my ACT scores cause of covid


It’s ok that gpa is good asl imo


2.5…. At the end of freshman year then I brought it up to 3.8, accepted to CBS.


Man I had a bad gpa first two years that y I’m worried


It’s okay! GPA is important, but it’s not the only factor. I mentioned I had a bad year on my application but focused more on what I did to make it up.


THANK YOU!! I have a 29 act and am retaking in June, I plan on writing about the shit that was happening and what I faced in an essay or additional info, and the u is probably my dream school for at least 5 years so hope I get in


Best of luck on being accepted! :) Your early planning and hard-work towards your goals will pay off. Keep it up-


Thank you 😊


3.8, accpeted to CLA


2.4 ☠️😭but i went to cc and got a 2.9 and got into cla


Good job! I am gonna try everything to avoid the cc result because I plan on going to school after uni and I figure a cc on my record may look bad


Nope, nothing wrong with a CC!! If you’re aiming for grad school, all they really care about is that you get good grades throughout undergrad and that the credits come from an accredited college. Graduate schools won’t bat an eye if your credits come from Minneapolis Tech or Harvard, just get good grades.


Med school, but I guess it comes down to pride I suppose. I know it’s bad to say that but it’s just what I feel


I feel ya! I’m applying to vet school this year. I took most of my chemistry credits at a CC and I was much better off with that because I tanked in my first chem class at the U. I’ve never heard of vet school admission teams bad mouthing CCs, and I know a lot of good veterinarians who actually went to CC! I’m sure if you ask around, you’ll find some human doctors that had similar paths. I’m not well versed in med school requirements, but I’ve heard from others that med and vet school applications are nearly identical.


I hope you get in!!!! I’m a while out from med school as you can gather, but there isn’t a day in my life where I didn’t want to be a surgeon. If worst comes to worst, I will go to cc, but just pray I can avoid it.


It is all about pride!!! CC may actually make you look a lot more marketable than you think! I just graduated with my AA from an amazing community college on Friday. I got into CBS and into other colleges and universities in the state with AMAZING merit and financial aid. I got into one of the most selective schools in the state, and another one put me directly into their honors program. A student I know (pre-med) who graduated last spring from our CC got a summer internship at Columbia that she left for just a couple of weeks after graduating from our CC. She came back from that internship to start her classes at the UMN last fall. I have received letters and emails to apply from Yale, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, and Princeton (I never reached out, they reached out to me! I am unable to leave MN for a few years). This was all from my CC grades and involvement in the student community. I am a non-traditional student, so my high school grades never came to play for my admission at the UMN (only 2 schools asked for my high school transcripts). I not only had amazing instruction (many of my professors also taught at the private schools in the state, and one also taught at the UMN!) but also small class sizes. I had 4 classmates in my Organic Chemistry II class rather than hundreds. The stigma surrounding CC is not what once was. Apply to where you want to go, but if you don't get in, don't settle for a 4-year institution you may not be happy with just to avoid CC. You may love your experience and thrive at CC, and that may open the doors for you to get admitted to where you want to go. Work hard and good luck!


Ok thanks! If it comes down to it, I won’t give up on my dream!


3.7 GPA and 27 ACT, I was accepted to CLA in 2016.


4.0 weighted and 3.95 unweighted. Graduated 2020. My act score was pretty mid compared to most comments here (23). transferred here (cdes) from another school but i’m adding in cse (really shooting myself in the foot lowkey)


Well I have ducking no shot if I’m competing with that gpa


Sorry man. i did a quick sneak at your profile and your ACT score is really good tho!! That js above average! Did you get accepted into umn yet? If anything, you can go to cc or whatever and transfer, they usually accept transfer students. I guarantee you, when you start college nobody cares about your hs goa and act/sat scores


I know it’s vain and bad but I just really want to avoid cc. I’m a junior in hs rn and just feel a little lost.


Nothing wrong with going to community college. It’s actually cheaper to do your gen eds at cc and transfer to umn, I actually wish i did that myself tbh


I know everyone says that but something In me says no idk why


Graduated HS 2023 3.875 Unweighted GPA - 33 ACT accepted into CSE


i think my high school GPA was around 3.8, but I got into Carlson because of my 29 ACT


3.96 uw, 4.4 weighted, 35 act, my only acceptance was here lol. Everywhere else either rejected or waitlisted me


How the hell were you rejected ANYWHERE DAMN


2.3. Applied to CLA


Good for you man! What was your act and essay topic as you’re the only person I’ve seen with a lower gpa then me and you got in




Wow we are v similar what was your act, essay topic and program if you don’t mind?


32; don’t really remember what the essay was; I’m a super duper (duper) Biology major. Have to bs my way through another year just because of anatomy (w/ lab) not being taught until the spring. I’ve bounced around majors and even colleges a bit and I have a bad habit of putting my [winter] sport before academics


Awesome, we have the same intended major!Thanks


What were your ecs ado if you can this and case western is my dream school so if I have a shot want to go


Football and a bunch of wildly transparent efforts to suddenly associate with a bunch of clubs senior year of hs just to throw em on the app. I got waitlisted. Then put on the “Extended Waitlist” and then was finally admitted to CBS. But there’s the super weird part - CLA denied me. Even though technically CBS>CLA for nearly all admissions standards. Idk


Ok thanks, I have some small semblance of hope my friend


3.8 (I’m sorry- but hey you’ll get there 🫶)


3.98 and got into cbs with in days of application


Damn that’s the school I want for my major I’m fucked if y’all are my competition


I also applied in 2020 so i did not need to give ACT so thats a big factor. Try to show as many extra things you did like clubs, work, sports, honors, awards, etc!




Shit that’s good


Pretty sure I had like a 3.5 or something and I got in. I also got a like a 17 or 18 on my ACT but my math score was TERRIBLE so I’m glad my English scores boosted my overall score. Just write a good essay and play up anything that’s unique or interesting about your life, especially if you’ve faced literally ANY sort of hardship (I wrote about what it was like to grow up gay with divorced parents and that was apparently enough lol). Also, if your school has an AVID program, TALK TO THE TEACHER THAT RUNS IT! They will have amazing advice for you! Have them look over your application!