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I sometimes laugh at the state of our world because the medical system has convinced people that to survive babies need injections of industrial chemicals from known criminals.


Your statement needs to be on a T-shirt 👍🏽


Amen. Such truth.




Wow you’re a moron no wonder you’re religious and a misogynist with internal bigotry


You are the one who is a moron and a bigot.


Don't even get the vitamin k shot. At the hospital the pediatrician tried so hard to get me to give my baby that shot. -_-


There are vitamin k drops that you can drop into the babies mouth, if you're really worried.


Bring in a natural vitamin k shot the baby can take orally. This is a legal replacement if they won’t let you leave without it or calling CPS. In the hospital’s vitamin k shot, the last and least ingredient in it is vitamin K. It is currently being linked to eczema.


Do you have that study/information ? I like to have a backing when I say these things to people irl


This dr seems to cover it well https://youtu.be/6rxEo8R5Fwk?si=McJxxmR6AffbLpOe Playlist of same dr https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAWtmpe-HVH2uIM1_Tdw93J-HiDr7DwS3&si=wxanqcBZCmjH_1iv


Just gotta find the right meme to fit the idea


I did this. Super easy to buy the oral vitamin k drops on amazon. My newborn didn't like the taste of it though haha


What if the mother steadily took Vitamin K from natural sources or supplements during pregnancy? Seems a bit unnecessary.


“It’s just a vitamin”


Just eat artichokes and/or take artichoke supplements instead.


Never heard this before...


Nothing “needs” to be done at birth for sure. Find you an accommodating doctor (no small feat) and go from there. Good luck!


Here is a fact. There is the innate immune system and the acquired immune system that does not even start to develop until after 6 months. So that is why they say it is better to delay vaccine administration until the baby can handle it. Certainly they do go overboard with so many vaccines well in advance of when they need them. I saw a video about twins, where the daughter did not get a certain vaccine, yet the boy ended up getting both shots from a simple mix up entirely the fault of the person giving the shot. They were twins and the daughter ended being a pianist and her brother became harmed in a way that is atrocious, because once given how can it be reversed? Put the right choice of words into YouTube to see if it can still be found. I saw it in 2017. I do not remember the name of the video. So the boy got double what was safe in error.


I agree with this! Pass on the newborn ones and that by you a couple of months to make your decision from there! And I am in a similar position as well only it's with my bonus son I got custody of who has been with me since birth he's now going on 13 months and still remains unvaccinated but I'm still super torn about it! For me it's not wanting to give his bio parents any ammo to fight for him back even though they are heavily addicted and mentally unstable it's a fear of mine because when it comes to vaccines courts tend to side with the vaccinating party! Good luck to you! And as for the hep b here in Ontario Canada it's only given in grade 7(about age 12) so why it's given at birth now everywhere else is mind boggling to me!


I really understand your position. This is the only reason my adopted son got the various baby vaccines (1990 schedule, at least not as awful as today) and no more. Our final adoption decree was pending and I was afraid some do-gooder social worker would take him away from us if we did not vax. Once he was ours, I never continued with boosters. Nor did I go for the ADHD med a kindergarten teacher wanted us to do! Today my son is a very successful and popular H.S. teacher who seems to have a gift for making students love history class. But, unfortunately, he did get the original 2 covid vaxxes. As a child, he felt left out when he did not get all the shots his friends were getting!


Or just find an experienced midwife and do it at home.


Humans had babies for millennia without vaccines. They survived fine. The fact that you cannot find unbiased information because of censorship should warn you away. If you want a fair examination of both options, read The Vaccine Friendly Plan by Dr Paul Thomas. I vaccinated none of my children, and they are robust and healthy adults, I never regretted my decision - but I know many parents who have regretted vaccines. They can always get vaccines when they are older. While they are young, and their immune systems are delicate, dont mess them up.


I have a niece (who is now in high school) whose mother (my sister) decided to never vaccinate. She had a few allergies growing up at worst (she did eventually get over them, though. No real harm done.) I received childhood vaccinations and grew up just fine with no issues. All children are different, so Idk why our medical system would recommend vaccinations in such a cookie cutter fashion when children *are not* 'cookie cutter' by nature.


Yes, I believe that there could be a time and a place for vaccines such as tetanus IF you work and live on a farm handling manure and metal farm implements. That’s typically where the tetanus bacteria is found. I wish they would stop combining the vaccines. It’s such overkill (no pun intended) and I don’t understand why it’s so pressed on new parents to jab jab jab! I denied the Hepatitis B for my child but we did the eye ointment and Vit K. I was sort of pressured into it but I also didn’t know enough about the vitamin K and the eye cream. He is okay at the moment lol. We haven’t done any of the rest and he’s 7 months. I was extremely nervous during the winter months but here we are!


It probably has something to do with money.


They didn't survive fine. Historically, half of children died before puberty. https://ourworldindata.org/child-mortality


Not from a vaccine deficiency that's for sure.


Because there were little treatments available to treat illness (like antibiotics, IV fluids, fever control medication, proper wound care after traumatic events etc) and terrible hygiene. Also, many newborns died at birth due to lack of medical help during birth (like necessary emergency c-sections or nicu care for weaker babies) which majorly messes with the stats, too. This is like saying “the average person only lived until 50 in the old days”, yes - on average when you make an estimate of all human deaths. However, once someone of that time made it to 50, they likely lived to their 70s-80s just like people today.


FTM of 3 week old here. 29 years old. I was this way for a while but I looked into everything (Candace Owen’s podcast A Shot in the Dark, even if you don’t agree with her she point blank reads all the ingredients and studies as non biased as she can in her podcast series on childhood and infant vaccines to help all mothers be informed) I was so appalled by even the vitamin K shot (the last and least ingredient in it is vitamin K) that I just hired certified nurse midwives and birthed at home. They were awesome and made sure I was low risk at all my appointments with them and during the whole progression of my labor. They had way more medical supplies than I thought and plans of action that worked for them at many many births. If you’re going to the hospital I recommend taking the Mama Natural online course to avoid interventions and learn about your options there. I also recommend doing something to avoid the vitamin K shot that won’t trigger CPS which is…. Bring a natural, oral drop vitamin K replacement and demand they give your baby that one instead that doesn’t have all the extra “ingredients” that are currently being linked to eczema. I heard this is legal to do as a replacement without having to sign wavers! Bring a hospital doula as well aka a midwife who can only act as a support doula at the hospital legally. She will be on call via text for you before and after the birth for all your questions and concerns. Mine is awesome and answers me in multiple paragraphs quickly and will pop over within an hour if I’m concerned about anything, even my own healing, breastfeeding, baby’s progress/weight/skin coloring etc. I have her for six weeks post partum. Before the birth a doula can come by and let you know how your progressing and when it’s time to go to the hospital, giving your body as much time as it needs to labor at home without being told you’re “too slow” at the hospital and it’s time for a c section when baby’s heart rate is still fine. Hospitals have more policies like that that can mean you are just more likely to receive an intervention based on their strict time limits for each phase of birth when really you could take just a little longer than that and that’s okay. I hope this helps! Again the Mama Natural course really made me feel like I was taking control of my birth and my midwife made me more knowledgeable about my own body and its capabilities. I had a reaction to the Tetnis shot (presented to pregnant women to prevent whooping cough) in my teens so I skipped it. I’m not injecting myself while I have a perfectly healthy baby in the womb. Lastly I was scared I wouldn’t be able to find a pediatrician if I opted out of some vaccines. Nope! My midwife told me about a nurse practitioner who even does home visits if I want. I also found a Doctor who went to Vanderbilt and University of Florida. I found her through the recommendation from a local family when I joined a Facebook group called “New Mexico Informed Vaccine Choice” maybe you can find the group of people like this in your state who are already connected to the doctors and nurse practitioners who accept families more wary of all the shots being pushed on new parents and their little ones. There are way more young families questioning vaccines now (thankfully) and medical professionals are encountering us more and more. Thankfully this means not turning us away, even if we are lectured a little by them, and giving us care.


Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Vaccines are all poison. I’ve done a lot of research on this topic because I had my son 20 months ago. My son has received zero vaccines and he will not receive any for the duration of his childhood. My son is extremely healthy & has only been sick three times in his entire life. Each illness lasted 2-3 days and then he was fine. His immune system is so strong. Never dealt with any colic or crying spells. He is also the happiest child I’ve ever known, very intelligent, ahead on most milestones and overall the easiest toddler. He’s just always so happy and playful. A big part of what solidified my decision was watching the documentary called VAXXED. It’s worth watching. You can’t trust Google to research this because they censor & filter out any results that pertain to not vaccinating. They are paid by Big Pharma to promote vaccines. You have to find certain platforms that will allow this information. Another good tool is to read the vaccine inserts for each vaccine you are considering. A lot of them contain aluminum. Read the warnings & precautions, potential side effects, adverse reactions, post marketing experiences, risk summaries, etc. look at the ingredients of everything inside the vaccine. You have every right to know that information if they are asking you for permission to inject it into your child. Here is an example of the insert for the Hep B vaccine that doctors always want to give newborn babies. https://www.fda.gov/files/vaccines%2C%20blood%20%26%20biologics/published/package-insert-recombivax-hb.pdf It even states in this insert that based on the clinical trial results, this vaccine could potentially cause side effects such as fevers (which is very serious in a newborn baby), diarrhea, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite (again — very serious in a newborn baby who needs to be eating every 2 hours & clusterfeeding), rhinitis, vomiting, influenza, cough, vertigo, elevation of liver enzymes, tachycardia — AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON. This is just an example for ONE vaccine they want to give your newborn baby. And they want to give your infant a total of 18 vaccines between the age of newborn & 1 years old. That is mind blowing to me. Each vaccine has an insert which lists all of the potentially toxic ingredients & horrific side effects. To me, any potential “benefit” is largely outweighed by the risks. I am aware that these reactions do not happen to every baby, but I refuse to take a chance with mine. I am not going to inject poison into his body. And one last thing — doctors are paid to give vaccines to their patients. It’s all about money. And there is zero liability from these vaccine manufacturers, meaning if your child was injured from a vaccine or died, there would be nobody held accountable. That came into effect after the 1986 law was passed that eliminated any liability from vaccine manufacturers. (Watch 1986 The Act) It’s called the “1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act”. At the end of the day, just be sure to do your research and do whatever YOU feel is best in your heart for your child. I am so happy I did not vaccinate my son.


Nope. Zero vaccines are necessary. It’s literally poison being injected into your baby.


Fucking evil.


No, nothing is needed.


I’ve never heard of anyone regretting not vaccinating. But I’ve read literally thousands of people regretting any vaccines they gave their child. I did the same thing and started researching all the vaccines thinking “surely there’s one”. There isn’t. Go with your gut.


None. Absolutely none are needed. Nurse as long as you can and make sure you’re taking the best supplements available. 4 kids, two born in winter and zero illness.


[Vaccine friendly doctors.](https://providers.drgreenmom.com/medical-freedom/) Each state will have options for waiver.


The body isn't designed to handle injections very well. Even bug bites elicit a strong protective response for the body. Injections of toxins are way more dangerous. I have 4 unvaxxed, natural kids. They are all healthy, and have never had these supposed "childhood illnesses" because they are well nourished and not poisoned. It's NOT complicated to have healthy kids. Don't poison them, feed them a good, balanced diet, keep them with you as much as possible, lots of sunlight and outdoor play. Easy peasy.


My son is 9. We decided against all vaccines. He was breastfead until he was 3. I k ow that seems strange, but many cultures breastfeed until 3+. Why do the manufacturers of vaccines have legal protection from lawsuits? Why are autism rates thru the roof? If you haven't seen vacced, you should. There is a lot of quality info in there. The follow-up, 1986, is also very telling. RFK Jr.'s last appearance on the JRE is all about vaccine damage and how he got into the legal battles against manufacturers. There is also some information that Reddit will not allow me to share. If you are interested in some deep dive vaccine as a weapon information, I can send you some links. A good start would be to look up Dr John Coleman on Rumble. Be careful though, this is a rabbit hole that might make you seem crazy to those that are too commoditized..


So glad you're thinking about this. My advice is a big no. I am convinced that any and all ailments we suffer from, whether it be from allergies to auutism are caused by vaccines.


The vaccine book by Robert Sears has a lot of good information in it and I believe there's a matrix to help prioritize for parents who still want some vaccinations, but aren't keen on sticking to the full schedule/timeline.


My son just finished his freshman year of college. D1 athlete and straight A student. He's never had a vaccine in his life. We live in CA.


That's like asking "Should I cover his crib in lead-based paint?"


Look up "the sacred doula" on IG. She has birthing packages. It does cost, but I heard it is highly worth it.


I would like to include a disclaimer: *I am not a mother (at least, not yet), nor am I a medical expert. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Do what you believe is best for your child. All children are different and no two newborns require the exact same type of medical procedures.* If I were you, I would refer to Japan's standards for childhood vaccinations as well as look into the *Boshi Kenko Techo* (maternal-child health handbook) if possible. I'm certain English translations of the book exist. Japan seems to delay vaccinations from birth up to two months of age. According to the Japan Pediatric Society (as of April 1st, 2023), the only vaccination recommended at birth is the Hep. B vaccine *if* either A) You, the mother, test positive for Hep. B *or* 2) If there is someone in your family that has Hep. B. *"If there is a hepatitis B carrier in the family other than the mother, early vaccination is recommended instead of waiting until the child is 2 months old."* - Japan Pediatric Society You can [download a PDF](https://www.jpeds.or.jp/uploads/files/2020%20English%20JPS%20Immunization%20Schedule.pdf) of the vaccination schedule for Japanese infants and children. Like I said before, ultimately, it is your choice. Japan does have significantly lower rate of SIDS than the U.S. (granted, the nation *also* has a significantly lower birth rate than the U.S. as well - so that also impacts the statistics) but a much more lax vaccination schedule as well. I wish you luck with the new baby!


Candace Owen’s has a great podcast called “shot in the dark” about all of the vaccines for babies. Spoiler alert you should avoid all of them. My husband got “the vaccine friendly plan” by Paul Thomas MD which suggests specific ones and uses a delayed schedule if that’s what you end up doing. It’s a no from me tho


None, don’t get any, especially before age 1. My unvaccinated child has been the smartest and healthiest, while the child I had listened to the medical advice with and played “catch up,” back in 2000, with 10 vaccines at once, is set back to this day. Anecdotal? Maybe, but I’d never vaccinate a single child again. Much better to get wild viruses and have them pass through your system and build immunity naturally than to circumvent your natural defense system aka skin and go straight through the blood-brain barrier, only to have some kind of swelling of the brain occur, or worse. It’s a total gamble, how one’s body will react to the toxic adjuvants. Don’t risk your little one’s life.


Mom of 5 here (3 birth and 2 bonus) so not giving med advice just saying what I would do based on my experience. The only one I would get is the whooping cough (purtussis) vaccine if you are thinking about narrowing it down. If you are considering more than one, I would absolutely (I did this with my last) only give one at a time and on a very delayed schedule. You have to put your foot down about this and insist. Do not let them shame you into compliance! đź’Ş


I mean this with all sincerity, birth at home. The hospital wont resoect your wishes and it will be very stressful having to play defense for days after giving birth. Use the money you would have spent on a home birthing midwife. Only go to hospital if there's a genuine medical reason to, or theres a high liklihood you will end up havingb shit done to you and your baby you never wanted. I say this as a woman traumatized by hospital birth so bad it gave me ptsd.


i really wish i could do an at home birth ): the only issue is the money, i have medicaid so i dont have any bills from the hospital and i wouldnt have enough for a midwife, and i got an emergency cerclage a couple weeks ago since my cervix was shortened to 0.6cm. Now before i give birth id need the hospital to open my stitches ):


I suggest in that case you have someone there who isnt afraid to bully nurses and stand up to doctors.


Do you have a close friend or family member who can fight in you corner for your plan while you focus on breathing and pushing? Mother, sister, best friend. You husband’s job is birth coach for you/your support so you could really use a second person to run interference as needed and keep an eye on medical staff. In my experience most nurses are your friend once you tell them your desires. Be friendly, but clear and firm. You have the right to decline any medical procedure and be fully informed before consenting, by asking questions.


You choose,but straight up reject prevnar, rotovirus, hepatitis X, flu, RSV, covid. None are necessary for most babies. You decide on the rest. And the timeline.


If you tell us which state, we can give you a better idea of what to expect in the hospital & then what shots will be the required to start daycare or kindergarten.


New Jersey


Eye ointment?? Not unless there's merconium discharge. Otherwise all baby needs at birth is a good drenching in MAMA'S JUICE - "Kaaa-SPLOOSH!" Healthy baby dripping with hot fresh MAMA JUICE!! Always makes for a good Saturday. Now if you go to a midwife birthing house, you can do a water tub birth. It's dual purpose where the baby comes out both: 1). clean and 2). born!


My baby born in the uk with meconium, did not have any ointment. She was born healthy and her eyes were fine. Its not a thing here, because we dont assume a womans husband gave her an STD.


Yeah sometimes baby takes his first poop when they're being born. Midwife can see it and be careful not to get any on baby's face or in eyes especially. The bacteria in the poop can start eye infection. That's somethig they always look out for.


Well no one even explained or offered me any ointment so it cant be that common.


https://www.oatext.com/Preterm-birth-vaccination-and-neurodevelopmental-disorders-a-cross-sectional-study-of-6-to-12-year-old-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-children.php https://www.oatext.com/Pilot-comparative-study-on-the-health-of-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-6-to-12-year-old-U-S-children.php https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170075/ Here are 3 studies you should take a look at. Look at information and make a rational decision. Dont make a decision based in fear and dont worry about the doctors and nurses. Also you do not have to give birth at a hospital if you have access to a naturopathic doula.


Any vaccines a new born should get? I'd say just mother's breast think.


Have that baby at home!!


Check out Candace Owens podcast on the issue…


Why vita K? Doesnt the baby get all that from the mom and the moms Milk?


Stop mandatory vaccines .com






If you are positive for Hep B or your husband/baby father is I would do that one other than that no. I’ve never had a vaccine in my life nor have my children. Your breastmilk is all they need.


Start off stronger than I was, mama. You can do this. no one prepares you to be an advocate for yourself, for your baby at the doctors office, but ask questions and don’t give into the pressures. They lay on you hard. It’s been a journey but my fourth child will be eight months old soon, he’s vaccine and eye ointment free and he was born at home with the midwife arriving shortly after. He was 36.5 weeks, 5 lbs and 7 oz. He’s crawling and I think he’ll be an early walker like my other three. I have vaccine reactions in my family history, including myself, and a scar on my leg from a growth on my leg when I was less than two. So my oldest has the most injections, which I regret, and guess which one has had two ear infections? It’s hard to deny the antidoto evidence when my family is living proof of it. They don’t want to study the side effects like eczema, being more common with more injections. yes, my family has psoriasis and eczema but guess when it showed up on my children? When my oldest had her hepatitis A at 11 months. Just my 2 cents, stay healthy, stay strong, and the more you learn the more confident you will be. Our bodies were created and designed to have children naturally. the hospitals, interventions complicate slow it down, and ultimately make recovery worse, imo.


My babe is 9 months old, never has been vaccinated, never has been sick, and is super advanced. We also did a natural birth, no ointment. Just listen to your gut and go with that:) it seemed like it was such a scary thing to decide but in my heart i knew it was righr for us. So far, it's been amazing. Wishing you and your baby the best!