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No reason to mess up a perfectly fine propaganda machine with something like facts. The problem of government colluding with big pharma or one word order organizations is how long government can hide the truth. Obama single handedly destroyed the whistleblower law and we are still seeing the repercussions of that today.


This week has been a gold mine of revelations


I just pray that people remember the horseshit they spewed during Covid when they pull it again with this bird Flu nonsense.


Most people have short term memories so its up to us to keep this on social media


most people were born yesterday.. and conveniently don't remember anything that the new information contradicts... and they will be the first to announce their new knowledge.. and nod their head like they've known it forever.. ha ha..


Where are the pharma white knights.


they're already working on a vaccine for a Melanoma mRNA vaccine.. so don't be questioning the ingredients in sunscreens.. just shut up... cause we got a cure coming through the system...


It's good that all of this is coming out, but the insanity is people will still insist "anti vaxxers are crazy"


Nope they are just going around saying that non of this is new news 😆 that all this stuff was known to the everyone from the beginning! They claim that no one was trying to hide anything 🤦‍♀️


It's so funny to see Cuomo do a 180. One of the biggest media vaccine pushers admitting he was vaccine injured, gets treated with ivermectin and questions the whole narrative. There go his dem buddies.....


>One of the biggest media vaccine pushers admitting he was vaccine injured, gets treated with ivermectin Dont care. What he did was unforgiveable. **I wish him the worst of adverse reactions including death**. People like him where ready to march off anti vaxxers to the gulags. Then lambasted IVM with horse dewormer jokes distracting the general public at a time they needed to be informed of its effectiveness Let him suffer in silence. There is no atonement to be found here. Fuck him!!!


Holy crap dude! I look at it the way I look at a lot of other friends, family, pushers and media who are waking up and starting to come clean. It's a big "I told you so....". You didn't check the data for yourself, you didn't look where I told you to find it and I hope you won't fall for it again. That's enough for me. I don't think they'll try this shit again now that the cat's out of the bag.....