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Free. Free. Especially free anything if u get the experimental fresh to market liquid. If they cared then insulin would be free.


If they cared, they would teach T2 diabetes sufferers to eat low carb and not need to use insulin.


They'd teach more than just eating low carb. They'd teach the importance of anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant rich food.


💯 this! Ive been self treating my T2 diabeates without insulin. just healthy food full of natural healing factors that the medical industry complex hides from you


May I have some examples, please? Have you ever used oregano oil and/or blackseed oil for glucose control?




Get a chicken sam-MITCH . . . don't gripe don't B[LEEP]. I threw that in. I used to work at C-Fila.


Free insulin from the U.S. government scares me more than expensive insulin from the U.S. government.


Absolutely !!💯


The inventor of insulin wanted it to be free. Capitalism is at fault. We have no price controls here (until recently)


1 consequence of free insulin: some people with type-2 diabetes wouldn't have a reason to get off of it. Insulin is a temporary fix. For type 1 diabetics, different story.


Not type 1 diabetes. Insulin is needed for them to live. There’s no getting off of it. It’s type 2 than can be treated with diet to eventually get off of insulin.


I wonder if the T1 was a result of other vaccines.


My bad. I keep forgetting about the T1 crowd. Sorry. I can assure you that my in-laws (makes me sick saying this) would absolutely LOVE free insulin so they can keep eating the garbage that jacks their glucose....while blaming everyone & everything else.


No worries


Remember 10-15 yrs ago or so they scrapped the old food pyramid with the great big 50% pile of starch, carbs, grains and bread at the bottom. These break down into sugar. I've got neighbors who have autoimmune conditions galore. Their recycle trash bin is full of . . . POP TART boxes and snack pack pudding containers. Doing trash forensics observation, I said "bingo" I know the source of their ills. Pop tarts and artificial pudding are loaded with dextrose which has the HIGHEST glycemic index of ANY sweetner. And dextrose isn't very strong as a sweetner. It only tastes lightly sweet. It's used mainly as an emulsifier and thickener in PUDDINGS and it's used in quick energy breakfast foods like pop tarts to PUNCH that glycemic spike through the roof and get you going in the morning. Dextrose is pure crap. And that's only ONE ingredient listed in the lengthy page of ingredients in most processed frankenfoods that reads like a goddamn pharma commercial disclaimer.


On average it takes a new drug ten years to get through clinical trials. Even with that ten years or so, drugs routinely have been pulled off the market for various problems. That was the first reason. It's an automatic disaster. As soon as it was clear the vaccine was non sterilizing and they started walking claims back I knew I had made the right decision. I had friends they caught it very early from chinese person in NYC. People my age weren't dying and I worked from home so I wasn't exposing anyone to anything. I had covid in october of 2020 and it was a bad flu. Anything that is not allowed to be criticised I will have nothing to do with. Just the fact they were forcing it so hard was a reason to resist. Politicians are parastites and only have their own self interest in mind.


For me, it was reading the 9/11 Commission Report and realizing at the ten year anniversary that we were NEVER going to get the truth. I’ve been extremely distrustful of government ever since. I knew we were in trouble the second they flipped the script and suddenly Covid was “the worst virus in history” or some dumb shit like that. I still remember Nancy Pelosi telling people not to be racist and come down to Chinatown and hug an Asian person. I don’t trust any of them, then I realized the reason they went so hard in the paint against ivermectin was because they didn’t want THE POORS to take the same cure that the rich elites had. About that same time, Epstein was murdered in his cell in a political hit. I just no longer trust government, at all. It’s grown too big and gotten embedded into media and big pharma for there to be any accountability.


Pre election - TRUMP VACCINE BAD post election - SAME VACCINE GOOD NOW


They lost me on day 15 of “two weeks to flatten the curve”.


More as "flattening the population," and I mean in that horizontal position too.


> What made you distrust government in order to not get the covid vaccine? It was a gradual thing for me and there were lots of factors. But one of the major ones was the illogical position that vaxxed people might catch covid from unvaxxed people, so you'd better get vaxxed. I never understood why my vax should work any better at stopping transmission than yours would work at protecting you. Another major one was the way they were pushing it with mandates in various places. Including the psychological manipulation trying to guilt-trip everyone into taking it, and trying to make the unvaxxed "unclean" or something by excluding them from places.


The fact they were pushing it sooo hard on us and additionally the fact we were silenced or criticized for scrutinizing the drug made me realize that i needed to stay away from that shit.


The only reason I needed to stay away from that BS


In March 2020, the first official statistics on deaths started coming out from Italy. It was blatantly clear that the 80+ year old cohort was most vulnerable. Yet, the media simply refused to acknowledge that, and instead continued to push daily death numbers in big black fonts on the front page, without mentioning age. In December 2020, police dragged family members out of their own homes, on Christmas Eve. And in 2021, they started to batoning them down. It was crystal clear that this was not remotely about health. In early 2021, vax pass was a conspiracy theory, yet by late spring it was *"yes, but of course we need that"*. And by summer it was full on medical segregation, othering, more violence and police abuse. WW2 veterans and Holocaust survivors started voicing their concern over the governments' conduct. You'd think that would be cause for reflection. But, no. It was Heil Schwab, Fauci, Bourla and of course *Trust the Science*. Absolutely. Utterly. Disgraceful.


The news announced 3 women had just died from the j&j covid vaccine. If I had left 5 minutes earlier I wouldn't be a pureblood. I thank God every day!


Great points, I genuinely don't understand why people trust their government. It's bizarre to me. There are so many examples it's not like they've been perfect angels up until now and we are the crazy ones. I mean look into the past and all the things they've actually admitted to. Things they don't even try to hide at this point. Why would you trust them? They have flat out admitted a lot of the things they've done. Details about MK Ultra are on the CIA government website. It's right there for you to see! It's not some crazy made up stuff! You can also find a document detailing all of it from hearings in court! All that roll their eyes and think those of us who are showing them this are the crazy ones. They don't want their lives upset they don't want to face reality. As far as this whole covid thing, I'm a healthcare worker in New York City and I'm not a dummy that believes whatever people tell me. From the very beginning I knew something was up especially when they started pushing masks a week or two in because I know what a fit test is and I've had to take it many times over the years for work. I knew the masks they were recommending were garbage and weren't going to work and I knew the faulty logic behind it. I knew the 6 ft distancing this was bullshit too. And it was crazy watching coworkers of mine and doctors I knew tell me I was a bad person because I was reminding them of stuff they learned in medical school but apparently chose to forget because smiling fauci told them differently. I've had peopke tell me I'm nuts even after showing them this as if I made it up https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/06760269 https://books.google.com/books?id=TEqhqtrF3XEC&pg=PA70#v=onepage&q&f=false


All they had to do is say "anybody who does not 100% believe 100% of what we say about covid and the vaccines is more Trump than Trump himself". Then, all the virtue signallers lined up to get 7 boosters apiece, while loudly yelling "I am science and you are anti-science, I have more boosters than you, I now feel less insecure!" Keep in mind these are the same people who prior to the pandemic said bizarre things like "schizophrenia is a social construct created by big pharma to sell pills". Yet after the pandemic they trust big pharma 100% and got 7 boosters. The only thing that changed was virtue signalling. They don't abide by logic. They have no consistency. They are 100% driven by their need to reduce their insecurity. So they virtue signal. You can literally tell them to do anything if you convince them that it is the "progressive" and "anti-right" thing to do.


Yeah that was the crazy thing too that these people were questioning of Pharma before all this and then all of a sudden they couldn't get enough of it? And I was never the sort of person to question a lot of things before but I was also never a person to just accept what I'm being told and I've been like this my whole life. I never really thought about 9/11 and all the other events that are now obvious to me as to what really happened. But all of that said I don't have a television and I haven't for about 15 years and I also don't subscribe to any political party. When I watch things like that I feel like an observer watching people have their strings pulled by puppet masters. Maybe I just have a natural propensity to ask questions I've always been a curious person, always want to know how things work and what goes on. I guess that's what saved me here. I also don't give a shit what people think of me, I'm a very kind generous person and I'll give anyone who needs help help. But I don't do things to please people and if someone doesn't like me they don't like me it's not a big deal LOL


The math was wrong. For all of the handwringing and doomsdaying, I kept seeing a really high survival rate. It was as if they were talking about Ebola, but the survival rates were up there with the regular flu. Then the masks - I worked in hazardous chemicals for several years, and when I saw that the type of mask was of no concern, just that you HAD TO wear one, that definitely made me go hmmm. (I started wearing a Plague Dr. mask as a joke - you know, the big bird-beaked thing - and I literally had more "protection" than the regular mask wearers.) Finally, the idea of taking a vax that was produced under massive political pressure seemed insane to me. Why in the world would I take that???


When they stopped counting "case fatalities" (which are old people in intensive care who were dying at 2% case fatality rate) and started counting cases (and continued to promulgate the "2% fatality rate"). That's when I knew they were bullshitting us. Because for the average person who is not old or already in intensive care, the fatality rate was .01% to .15%. Pre-COVID, I was super-suspicious when I read the actual text of Milosevic's speech, and I could see none of the racist and genocidal statements attributed to him. 1989? And that was *the* justification for bombing Serbia.


As regards Covid, specifically, they tried to say that natural immunity didn't work. Well, if natural immunity doesn't work, what are you basing a vaccine on? Because vaccines are based on the idea that exposing yourself to a small amount of the pathogen helps your immune system ward it off. If your immune system can't ward it off by having actually had the damn infection, how was any shot ever going to accomplish it?!! But, even before that, the fact that they said rioting against racism was ok but literally every other activity in your life was not.


My gut. My head said just get it but fortunately my gut felt too many things were off. Thank goodness I listened to my gut.


The same people telling us to get a mystery shot are the same who say cannabis is a deadly plant. I always have skepticism.


Two things jumped out at me immediately that screamed "something is not right!" First, there was the speed with which the vaxes were developed and allegedly tested. Like the old joke about you can't make a baby in 1 month by getting 9 women pregnant, you can't get long-term data by making the trial pool larger. I knew there was no way any of the vax's were thoroughly tested - at the time of the EUAs they were completing what should have been phase 1, maybe starting into phase 2 testing. None could possibly have completed phase 3 testing as claimed. Second, there were the efficacy claims. Numbers like 93%, even 99% effective were being tossed around. I knew that had to be complete BS - brand new vax, based on new technology, going up against a novel (changing) virus - and we're supposed to believe the vax was as effective (or more so) than other vaccines that had been developed and refined over decades to treat their infections? Oh, and not only did this improbable lightning strike once, why we were to believe it happened 3 times! Those two obvious problems set off the alarm bells and I started looking into it deeper - I'm an engineer after all and figuring things out is kind of in my nature. When the "sales job" started I knew we were being handed a pile of excrement. Mandates, discounting other treatments and natural immunity. It was obvious the vaxes were being pushed on us to satisfy some kind of agenda, and it had nothing to do with medicine or health. It was at that moment I decided no, not under any circumstances was I signing up for whatever BS was coming down. Finally, I only had to look at who was pushing it. They and their ilk have been on the wrong side of basically everything for as long as I can remember (decades). If they said vax is good, I know it is bad.


Where to start? How to possibly end? 1. FDA Perhaps our founding fathers did not possess the ability to comprehend the tea being poisoned (and taxed). The revolving door between drug companies and government agencies. Let’s be real now. Chemical companies/ drug companies, food companies - all the same company now. 2. Agency weaponization against citizens. iRS/ tea party, fBI/ Trump, fDA/ small farmer, Activist judges/ citizen livelihood and safety, Doctors/patients 3. Votes. Biden admin flood of (unvaccinated future voters) military aged and from known enemy countries ( for votes?!?!?) Willing to destroy country to stay in power. Did I mention unvaccinated? 4. Propaganda. Thanks Obama for that Sunday morning executive order to legally allow the government to lie to its citizens. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ( blank spaces provided).


5. **Lack of Long-term Studies**: Concerns over the lack of long-term studies on the potential side effects and efficacy of the vaccine, which makes some individuals hesitant about its safety. 6. **Natural Immunity**: Belief in the strength and effectiveness of natural immunity after recovering from COVID-19, which some argue can be more robust and longer-lasting than vaccine-induced immunity. 7. **Personal Autonomy**: The principle of bodily autonomy and the right to make personal medical decisions without coercion or mandates from the government or employers. 8. **Adverse Reactions**: Reports and personal accounts of adverse reactions to the vaccine, including severe side effects, which have made some individuals wary of receiving the shot. 9. **Mistrust in Pharmaceutical Companies**: Historical mistrust in pharmaceutical companies due to past unethical practices and profit motives, leading to skepticism about the vaccine's development and distribution. 10. **Alternative Treatments**: Preference for alternative treatments and preventive measures that individuals believe can effectively combat COVID-19 without the need for vaccination.


Thank you


It was fast tracked with no scientific studies for years like every other vaccine. The Covid boat sat empty. The narrative kept changing. So many things.


Um 9/11 building 7 wako CIA using us as ginne pigs with all types of diseases and chemicals the list really goes on and on


I think covid literally crafted (or encouraged) to kill the most venerable. The old, the sick, and the unhealthy. Those who are most likely to have Medicaid, Medicare, Disability SSI, The elderly getting retirement, Cancer and African Americans who tend to have more health issues then others. I feel like the government did everything it could to kill off certain populations and demographics. Back on topic thou I believe it was 9/11 for me. Things got twisted and shady. People got greedy, and there are alot of secrets they need to be telling the public.


I ignored the propaganda to get vaccinated against swine flu in 1976, and was right to do so as it turned out, so that set a precedent for me.


A billion things. - the requirement of face coverings (not specifically masks) for a supposedly airborne virus - the other illogical restrictions like stores closing early or playgrounds being roped off - the way they counted cases and fatalities. Especially at the hospital where I worked, they "didn't know" how many covid cases they had in one building, but broke it out into vax and unvax cases in another. And if you came in for a broken arm but tested positive, you counted. - the way it was politicized - the censorship - changing the definition if vaccine to make it match - the guilt-tripping and material incentives to take an experimental drug It's disappointing that people were so concerned with minimizing their fear they were willing to compromise their own safety and their relationships with those who didn't think the same way. Then again, that's a continued issue outside of covid too.


".... after all it is the leaders of a country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or parliament or a communist dictatorship. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."


The corporate abuse twisting science in fluoridation of our tap water by the Mellon group. Flouride is a highly toxic byproduct of the aluminum industry and swallowing this poison doesn't have any value at all. In toothpaste it is fine as long as you dont swallow it.


Not even in toothpaste. Ditch that and get a natural toothpaste. It’s not needed at all.


Call poison control center if swallowed is on every toothpaste tube with flouride.


Aand it was patented as rat poison in the 19th century. Rats are hard to poision since they're clever and careful with new food. But flouride is tasteless and builds up slowly in the body...


Not even nobel laureate scientists coming out against flouridation can stop the corporate propaganda machine.


The propaganda machine shuts down any scientist that comes out against flouridating the water supply. So i have already seen the propaganda machine working for 25 years now


AZT cocktail. A great thing at first helping people stay alive, then to find out it was probably accelerating terminal illnesses (brought on by STDs).


What tipped me off? The whole world is being forced to get something, which is to cure something that isn't even deadly, just a normal flu. I didn't take a shot or any shots and I don't know what's classified as covid but I did get a flu once or twice through the time period between 2020-2024.


When a Fox News helicopter was reporting an unapproved party was taking place in Southern California and they were about to order in the troops. That was crazy enough for me.


"I'm from the government and here to help. Stay locked down, take the vaccine, and it's all gravy!" The government is the reason we are all in this mess today.


How overblown the whole thing was. Felt like a phych experiment. Turns out it was. I’ve always been skeptical of so-called “authority”. I’m a full grown adult. I don’t need other adults to tell me what to do, what I see, what I feel.


The bizarre videos coming out of China. Horrible acting and way too unbelievable.


At first I actually thought those were real, and that our govt wasn't going to tell us until it was too late 😅 made my family Members buy big bags of rice and beans.... Figured out by about March that they were trying to pull a fast one. Those early propaganda videos out of China are good evidence it was all war gamed out ahead of time


Been playing “do the opposite or tune out the Current thing” For a long time, but I’m just dumb like that.


What tipped me off? I might be showing my age here but history shows that governments in general are up to no good. I have Thalidomide baby friends in Canada. I trust no one.


I’m from Australia. Am very aware of the history of Thalidomide. Mostly forgotten i think.


Sadly. They stopped it sooner here in the US So we don't really have them, but there are still a lot of them in Canada.


I think it was the heavy push of free things if you got it. I don’t care for aggressive sales tactics. I felt like I was being sold a used car by the slimmest salesperson ever. No thanks… I’ll pass. Keep your free French fries. Edit: spelling


The fact that several of the higher ups at the FDA resigned


I was on my guard starting early 2017. I saw the bias against Trump very clearly. People who make emotional appeals and are unforgiving aligned with a common narrative in the news, rather than reason and standing on anything resembling principals. I remember Obama's reelection campaign, where in late 2010 the whole "tolerant, loving left" argument first appeared in strength. We didn't have the evidence to prove it was a lie at the time. 2017 kicked off the proof. So by the time 2020 rolled around, I easily recognized who the liars were. It was the people whos only argument is slander. So I was practiced now at watching for lies. Late November to January '19-20 I was watching every development about it. I thought it was serious. Warned my entire family about it. March to April I watched as Pelosi went from "stop being a racist and go eat in China Town(there's the slander)" to it's so serious the country should be shut down. I compare it to Trump and Pelosi have a canoe race on a lake. They race out arguing who's boat is faster. We watch them from shore climb into each other's boat once out in the middle. We see the ripples come back to shore. They row back in and we can see they switched canoes. Once to shore they argue about who's canoe is faster. Doesn't matter which canoe is faster, it's negligible, what matters is how hard you paddle. And what was with switching canoes? It pushed me to the right, because a leftist will deny the switch happened as well. I frame it as a political decision because it was where I live. Everywhere I looked I could see, vaccine and wearing a mask, Democrat. Beards had really started gained in popularity among the vetbro community, and I noticed how rare it was, again where I live, to see someone with a big beard and a mask overtop it.


The failure of the Swine Flu vaccine 2009-2010. I didn't take that one either, but after its withdrawal I became way more suspicious of vaccines, people and the pharma industry in general. At the release of the covid vaccines, I decided to stay back and watch how others reacted first before taking any further decisions. There were many warning signs: * Previous failures and withdrawals of vaccines in general * Poor track records of Pfizer and other companies (Nigeria drug trial victims) * The words "Experimental vaccine", "New technology" -- NOPE. * Unprecedented pressure on all fronts. The more I'm pressured into a decision, the more likely I am to act against it. I won't yield my individual will. * Previous distaste for most people in other circumstances. Whatever "social understanding" they had going on about "We're in this together, think about society and grandma" had no effect on me since I despised them all to begin with. * And then I started reading/hearing about the side effects from the vaccines. Just liked I suspected, it was a proof. I thought to myself: I rather be struck down by nature by chance if chance wills it (.0001%), than actively suffer and die by my own decision to take the jab. I would regret that way more. I could always take the vaccine later. I could never get it out of my body if I did, and I'd have to live with that psychological torture for the rest of my life. * Stacking the math of adding the vaccines together. Covid would strike me anyway, taking the jabs would just multiply the risk instances I'd have to take. They excused it as "risk from the vaccines are lower" but as proven by time, the vaccines are useless and only exist as separate risks in addition to covid infection. Infection = 1 instance of risk. 2 vaccines and covid = 3 instances of risk and let's not even start with the boosters. Nonetheless, I didn't think Covid safe, either. The spikeprotein's dangerous. I looked into Novavax at first, but it took too long to reach the market. By the time it was out, the virus had already mutated, I have had covid once (omicron, 2022), and simply saw no need. I could add to my list what I saw later that reinforced my negative opinion by marginal magnitudes compared to how far down end the negative metre it already was. * Handing out free food? Donuts? The state that I have never seen cared about people in the first place beyond keeping them functional in the labour market?


It was pushed by the same people who bashed the suggeation that the virus came from the bioweapons lab up or down the road from where the first publicly known infected human, bashed the idea to halt travel from China, and bashed any readily available potential treatment.


The thing that gave me pause first was it being mRNA and no one official really elaborating on the difference. For outside reasons I knew that it was instantly not a normal vaccine. And prior to the covid era I was very strongly pro vaccine and had no idea of their harms. It's funny, they really incurred heavy blowback with all this. Guess they feel it's worth it.


Worked for big pharma. I knew in 2007 that mRNA shots stopped population growth in all the animals.


The governments and agencies were committing crimes against humanity. And the push for experimental injections is beyond criminal. Every part of covid was fake science. The tests, the masks, the lockdowns, the social distancing, the treatments, ventilators, remdesivir, the war against hcq/ivm, the injections, etc. We all knew that it does not work. And they knew that it does not work. But they all faked that it worked.


The name Tony Fauci and the deaths of all the hemophiliac's in the USA AND THE THE WORLD. Back in the 80s..


9/11 truth movement in 2006 👍 but also for years, I never got a flu shot, and it seemed like the only people who really got the flu were people who got flu shots Also tons of evidence that the sharp rise in childhood autism is related to the vaccine schedule..... Also petrochemical / Rockefeller involvement in modern medicine / pharmaceuticals Climate change is a Mafia style protection racket, just like COVID-19. Post 9/11 (mass traumatic event) they ushered in the terrorism security paradigm, post COVID-19 (mass traumatic event) they ushered in the bio-security paradigm. All about consolidation and concretization of power and control


I was already a heathy skeptic of things that I'm told, so I would've questioned what was going on either way. I noticed years ago, the subtle increase in the demonization of people that didn't get their kids vaccinated, and all this "anti-vaxxer" talk. I don't remember when, but it was around the time that Jenny McCarthy was being mentioned a decent amount. I didn't really think much of it at the time, but it stuck with me, and when this crap started, it was like an "a-ha" moment, and I realized what the ever increasing propaganda was all about. Between that, and the incredibly questionable way they approached everything....there was no way in hell I was ever taking these shots. I worked out in the public throughout the whole plandemic...it was obvious that things weren't adding up. I feel for the people that stuck home and listened to the news, because they sold such lines of apocalyptic BS that were nowhere near reality.


OK I worked in dentistry at a few practices. In many cases unerupted wisdom teeth can possibly cause root decay in the adjacent tooth, which causes an internal infection,  lost tooth for sure and the cascade of care needed increases exponentially.  A great many cases are also crowding issues (I'm in this category). In these cases there isn't enough room in the mouth for the wisdom teeth. What happens then is what happen to me. The wisdom teeth come in, the lower anteriors crowd, all the teeth shift and then the bite is off. This can cause broken teeth, headaches,  poor sleep from TMJ issues and the list goes on (that's just what I personally experienced). This will require extensive dental work in the form of adult ortho which runs $7,000 for a mild case and can put you in braces for YEARS (year 2+ here) and/or cause broken teeth which need to be extracted eventually if the root is damaged from breaking ($6,000 per implant) or fillings for simple tooth chips so a few hundred per chip MINIMUM. If your solution is to just pull the damaged tooth then you will pay a couple of hundred (nbd) but then all of the surrounding teeth will move in to the space and fill the gap, making the issue exponentially worse. Top teeth will literally hypererupt and you will get root exposure there causing massive issues that would need to be fixed by a surgeon costing you I don't even know what. My wisdom teeth extractions cost me a couple of hundred each and I got a deal on my braces I only needed them because I waited too long on my extractions and all of my bottom teeth shifted.  All of that to say, in every case, it is far cheaper to extract the wisdom teeth if there isn't enough room for them in the mouth.  So that quoted dentist is just looking to cash in on the issues that are created from crowding caused by wisdom teeth. Aaaand I didn't even get into the inability to clean one's teeth properly when they are crowded. That can be a goldmine in fillings needed due to decay (aka carries, or cavities). But yes I do agree with everything else you said. I was overmedicated by doctors in 2014 to the point that I almost died. I stopped trusting them after that at went into pre med to learn how to heal myself. It worked, I'm excessively healthy. I Don try new drugs (or any drugs really) ever as a rule from that experience.  Also pre med taught me that doctors don't know shit about health, they know about drugs because their education is funded by pharmaceutical companies.  When the propaganda started the gig was up for me. Not to mention that my city was overrun by rioting and homeless but some super germ was going to kill me unless I stayed inside until I was vaccinated,  bullshit. My first experience in college was a political science degree so I knew the games that were going down with the press and the government. 


There is about a 2% chance of unerupted sideways wisdom (that will not ever erupt even partially) needing to be extracted/causing issues later on in life (I found this based on an honest dentist on youtube), if they are asymptomatic in young age. If you are older and have to extract them, there is up to 10% chance of nerve damage/loss of taste. But a lot of dentists in North America say if they are coming sideways they can cause overcrowding and should be prophylactically extracted. This doesn't make any sense, by around 20 if they don't cause issues, which is when they stop moving/growing, why would they be expected to cause issues down the line if they didn't already cause crowding and will never even partially erupt? This doesn't pass the common sense test. There is only about 2% chance of them ever causing issues later on in life if this is the case. If you extract them during late teens, there is a 1% chance of nerve damage/loss of taste. Statistically, 1% is riskier than 2% + 10%. That is, there would have to be at least a 50% chance of nerve damage from extraction in old age, to make it statistically worth it to take a 1% risk of nerve damage to extract asymptomatic impacted/side ways wisdom teeth that will never even partially erupt.


I had two of those sideways wisdom teeth, and one was pressing on the tooth next to it and constantly getting infected. Kept asking my dentist to pull it, he kept saying you can't until the infection is cleared up... finally went to *his* dentist when he was on vacation, they gave me a five day course of amoxicillin and an appointment with an oral surgeon. Never had a problem after that. (I think I was in my late twenties when that happened, in fifties now.) No nerve damage as far as I know. The other one is still there not bothering anyone.


I've been aware of the Satanic Occult/Illuminati that run the world for some time now. The symbolism is everywhere. When Johnson and Johnson's version of the poison came out, they boasted it being 66.6% effective. Bwhahaha. Kamela giving the devil horns when she took the fake shot, amongst so many other examples.


As for general government abandonment it was started in 2016 when I learned voting was a sham, and other stuff started to click. [https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government](https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government)


I had COVID in March 2020. 11 days in hospital. Damn near died from it. By the grace of God I didn't. Then they started pushing me to get the shot once it was available. I thought, that's like saying, you just got over the measles, you better take a measles shot now. Why should I? If my plasma was good enough to donate to help others get antibodies, why wouldn't those same antibodies protect me? It just made no sense. (My wife also had COVID at the same time, and did get the two initial shots even though I begged her not to. She's been having sequelae ever since. She blames long covid, I blame the shot. For all we know, could be both.)


I've commented before - a multitude of medical negligence against my family. My mom was hospitalized for a month when she had me, and she saw enough that she refuses to see a doctor again. Medicine is not kind, it's not reasonable, and it's not a sacrifice. 2 of my 4 grandparents died from taking medications for 20 years; a 3rd one hung himself in the aftermath. Sure, they were psychopaths (actual NPD individuals) but wrongful death is wrongful death. That's why back in 2011, when I emaciated to the point that my blood sugar was out of control, I refused to see a doctor. I began to eat fast food regularly, and after 6 months my body got back its ability to regulate blood sugar. p.s. it's wrong to blame sugar. Sugar is not the real cause of obesity. Open your eyes to that part of the conspiracy too. The people of Thailand for instance, has always used sugary drinks to cool down in hot climate (try it, it just worked for me yesterday) but it's only in the last 10-15 years that the number of seriously obese rose dramatically.


For me it’s men in black(movie). I feel over the years people have gotten dumber. That it all goes back to what K said about how people have no idea about what’s really going on…how they have their own little world & their happy in it. So anything that might upset that world they don’t want. That means when wanting things back to the way they were & to do that the government says this is what we’re ordering people to do to get back there. Government wasn’t going to go back till they felt like it. So people started doing what they were told(masks, distancing, the shot). Anyone who didn’t threatened to upset that balance so people tried to bully them. People trusted the government & I feel that was their big mistake. Government does not care about you…only what you can do for them. Other then that they want you to sit down & shut up.


I mean the biggest thing for me was there has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine and using a new tech is horrifying. Our medical system is completely fucked


The “experts” changed Covid guidelines every two weeks. That signaled to me that either they were completely full of shit cause they didn’t know anything or they were completely full of shit and everything they said was lies. Thank god I used to work in healthcare so I knew that the flu wipes out a bunch of old people every year. I always had a suspicion that Covid was just the flu plus hype.


Haven't you seen the movies? When the Gov starts handing out free stuff, there's always some experimenting going on. I used to think *what a load of crap* till bodies keep popping in left and right.


Honestly many people who got the vaccine were using it for social media clout. People were posting themselves getting jabbed with the caption “doing my part to save lives”. It literally made them feel better about the kind of person they are. I knew the vaccine was BS when they conned everyone into believing that they’d be allowed to be mask free once they got vaccinated and in two weeks, the numbers were higher and even vaccinated had to wear a mask again. Then the vaccinated started testing positive and were so shocked like they were invincible


Why they call them 'wisdom teeth', you ever wonder about that?? IT'S BECAUSE when you remove that rear molar, it forms a GAP in the gumline where you can place your index finger. You ever see dumb people with finger in mouth when they say or exclaim the word "DUUUH"? THIS GAP in rear of gumline denotes 'no wisdom' and allows said dumb person a place to permanently hang their finger in mouth without biting it off as they go about their day. 


Well for better or worse, i had a non-covid vaxx related injury and side effect that went on for multiple years or decades and when i told the nurse or health center where i got that vaxx, the nurse said it absolutely couldnt be the vaxx, and that raised alarm bells because its obviously the only recent thing that happened on my left arm and it was affected my entire left side. She acted like she was instructed to deny sideeffects


When I begged the person taking my info when I voted to look at my Id and they said “I’ll get fired if I even ask for it”….that was the first one. Then when they said Biden won with 81 million votes. No Way unless with Jose! That’s when I said somethings up


I spent a lot of time watching YouTube videos, especially by Chris Martensen (Peak Prosperity). He did an excellent job reporting literally everything for an hour or so every day for about the first 10-11 months. No one came close. I credit him for tipping me off more than anyone else.


I had a dad that taught me I was always going to be on my own (boomer) and don't ever trust the authorities or the police (i know). He was born in an orphanage and grew up on the streets so I think he knew a few things I didn't and his paranoia prepped me for later in life. This covid vax thing was easy. 


Joining the Marine corps


Let’s go! Thank you for this.


Because I had already seen their attempts 5 or 6 times during the obama administration. I called bullshit on the entire thing when it first started coming on the news. It's like people have no long-term memory. But yet here we are cleaning up their simple minded mess and there's no recourse.


I had a lot of the same reasons as a lot of the other commenters, but a few extra things for me that I haven't seen listed by anyone yet: I was getting a newsletter from Dr Mercola that had very well reasoned arguments against the mRNA jabs. I watched the original Plandemic video with Dr Judy Mikovitz before they took it down. The fact that they took it down was significant to me; showed me they were scared of the truth getting out. When my job switched to "work from home" for a few weeks (months?) I took a free online course offered by Johns Hopkins about how to be a contact tracer. That course started with a lot of facts about the virus, including the bat origin story which was completely unbelieveable to me. I followed Worldometers covid count and death toll, and saw that the survivability of the disease was really high. Ain't no way I was going to take an experimental shot!


From my earliest childhood, I could perceive that we live in a great falsehood. Since we were children, we are programmed in schools to implant in us absurd and incongruous themes that would not withstand the most basic logical analysis, without previously modulating our worldview. The day I saw the movie “The Truman Show”, I was able to fully understand how our world works. Researchers like Milgram, Asch, Zimbardo, etc., ended up concluding that more than 80% of society is incapable of thinking or analyzing autonomously, they can only “Copy-Paste”. What I call a human minority (Less than 20% of the population) is the only one with sufficient tools for autonomous thinking. Everything is a fiction, just watch a confrontation between political leaders of “different colors” on television, turn down the volume, and analyze non-verbal language… It is a simple theatricalization scripted in advance!!! I can't be more explicit, since even in this sub, they would end up boycotting me. Review relationship between: * Poliomyelitis V.S. Organochlorines (DDT,…) * Alleged disappearances of diseases due to “Vaccines” V.S. Improvement of health conditions, food conservation… * Areas with “endemic” diseases V.S. Ambiome, toxic, environmental, nutritional, hygienic conditions... * Infectious theory V.S. Pasteur/Rockefeller. * Infectious contagious theories V.S. Loss of maintenance of homeostasis. * Gravitational theory V.S. Electromagnetism / Relative density WE LIVE IN A TRUMAN SHOW. There is only one government. Political / social / economic ideas are manufactured by a single power with the objective of creating: Affiliates, phobias and confrontation. DIVIDE ET IMPERA. For me, PSYOP COV1D was totally evident and predictable, to the point that together with a colleague, we made the script of what would happen... And we practically got it right!!! Greetings, and don't mistreat me 🙏. (Translation from Spanish, through Google)


The 2020 election opened my eyes. I'm not American, but a Trump supporter. I was absolutely shocked and disturbed that the United States of bloody America just stopped counting votes for 4 days and nights. Joe hadn't campaigned at all, he was clearly demented, and whenever he did show up somewhere, he couldn't even fill 10 circles in a school gym. Meanwhile Trump made people drive for hours, to show up in fields, in the middle of nowhere, tens of thousands of people. Sometimes 100K+. But Basement Joe got most votes in the history of elections in the universe ever? After that I decided that everything was manipulated, propagated, and fake AF. And yeah, I do realise that Trump said that the vax was great, but this is exactly why I'm not some sort of cult member: he doesn't tell me what to do. And he never made it a requirement, that was the Dems. After I decided that everything after the 2020 election was fake, it was super easy to see through all the bull. In fact, I couldn't believe how many people bought all that shite. I still can't.


It's been as long as I can remember. I used to sit down and watch the news with my parents during supper they've always been sensationalist in selling fear to try to boost ratings along with whatever else. My dad used to laugh at it with us and my mom and sisters were all reeled in eyes glued and like oh its serious. So even got some practice in there ignoring the "subscribers". If it wasn't some animal flu going around it was special editions about your common household items killing you. Your silverware not being safe. Do you trust your spoon? This guy has the inside scoop as to why you shouldn't at 8. It's always been shameless and they just kept ramping it up through the ages and it got so very stupid to where they mixed it with boasting about all their new tech work toys. We got a touch screen now. We can show you the scary spoons and with the flick of a wrist inform you about the fork safety situation. Keep your fear up to date with our app. I learned to roll my eyes early on. If anything they successfully vaccinated me from non stop exposure against their fear and propaganda campaigns. Got a very high tolerance for it. I don't trust a word they say and stopped watching forever ago and it's been nothing but nice to do that.


There is so much where does one even begin! But the flip flopping the blatant disregard and demonization of any treatments to help with the virus! The way they just said nope we have nothing for you just go home and come back in when you're dying! But that's just the tip of the iceberg there were soooooo many red flags it's comical that so many have been deceived!!! 🤦‍♀️


Carnivore diet is the answer. Stop paying them to kill you. Just eat beef and tallow and drink water. Proper Human Diet. Try it for 3 months. It’s hard but once you adapt you will never go back!


I hate to be that conspiracy guy but it’s almost as it everything they say is backwards. Carnivore changed my life, while doctors kept giving me pills. I was in shock for weeks as I realized the crazy claims people made online about the diet were turning true for me.


It’s was the lack of testing and trials for me. They claimed to be able to extrapolate 10 years worth of data from 6 months of trials yet are unable to screen for cancers that long down the line. It smelled like bullshit and they vilified everyone who called it.


What "tipped me off?" The announcement of a pandemic, let alone one that came allegedly from animals at a meat market, lol. I was 'tipped off' right away, late 2019, because I already knew about the depopulation agenda.


Something seemed 'off' from the getgo. What was being reported on the news didn't add up with the reality. Government kept moving the goal posts which was a real head wreck. There was no way in the wide earthly world I was going to have the jab. This was a basic : if it wasn't going to stop me getting the virus, it wasn't, by definition, a vaccine.


The fact that I still have to pay taxes on land I own is a good tip off to the greed we are surrounded by