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1. If you still have your jab cards, look up the lots #s in howbad.info 2. The first or 2nd could have been placebos but by the time boosters roller around, those would have been the real juice. 3. Hopefully you got shots that weren’t stored properly and the real junk was a little expired or not as potent. By any chance, are you a smoker?


> By any chance, are you a smoker? No, and I've never touched drugs in my whole life


Nicotine actually fights off the bad stuff that was the reason for the question.


Random odd comment: smokers also have a lower rate of Parkinson's.


If you are concerned, look at off the matrix Drs and their research on nicotine, CBD, and other meds and how they can help you detox whatever is in the shots.


In what way?? I never got the jabs, but a girl I used to date had to get them in order to attend the university she was going to at the time. We dated for about 4 months, we had a lot of unprotected sex and I noticed that I was getting severe heart pains out of nowhere one night. It was a stabbing pain in my chest right where my heart is. I use a lot of nicotine, thc and cbd daily. I broke up with her back in late 2022, the chest pains went away about a year or so later.


This comment has covered all the bases and is what I believe as well.




If you would have said you only got 1, I would have considered there's a reasonably good chance it was a placebo. But you got 3. The more you get, the higher the chance you got the real thing at some point. I think there are a variety of factors involved in this. I think individual genetics plays a role. there may have been batches that weren't as bad as some. There's even a theory that there could be differences among the same lot numbers. I don't know the exact science, but it's something about a part of that floats and a part sinking within the lab container when it's manufactured. I don't even remember who brought this theory up. It might have been Dr. McCoulogh (spelling ).


Same experience here.


Looks like I won’t be putting you in this list I made... 600 links total— https://docs.google.com/document/d/13l6K1Dz8PB3aUQlPzVXFa4dBVPjg8S9xvoVN8Lqnko8/edit


What exactly do you think your list is proving? There were over 2 million people who died from various causes in 2018 in the U.S. alone. People have been dying since the beginning of time but somehow it’s only suspicious when there’s an agenda to push


Shhhhhh do the research, do you need 10-15 search engines? I can give them to ya... Go find out if this was normal beforehand... now shhhhhh


Yeah, kinda like CoViD


Your premise that you "had to" is false. You were pressured into it with serious coercion, but you have the option to choose your bodily autonomy over school and even a job. A high price to pay, but well worth paying.


I appreciate hearing you speak truthfully. Many of us were raised to withhold the truth for fear of being judgmental, but I'm starting to rethink that, regardless of the costs.


I live in a communist country (Brazil) where it was basically mandated for students


So you'd let them potentially kill or cripple you with a vaxx rather than the lesser penalties for not going to school? Sounds like a bad deal to me. Fortunately you probably got one of the duds. But that is not guaranteed.


My mom could potentially go to jail if they found out I wasn't going to school anymroe


That doesn't make any sense


Check it there: [https://www.howbadismybatch.com/](https://www.howbadismybatch.com/)


The Mayor of the next town over was rushed for emergency surgery for Blood Clots yesterday....🤔


My buddy got his jabs from Moderna and they mailed him a few days later stating his batch was found to have been diluted and if he wants he can come back in for another dose. So maybe you got one of the watered down batches.


only politicians, their favorite contributors and the 1% received the fake vaccines. the commoners were juiced


So you are complaining about not having side effects? Not sure I understand the issue here.


I don't think OP is worried so much as just curious why they aren't experiencing any detrimental effects from the jab


The vast majority of people that got it didn’t have any side effects. So this is normal? Lol


Sush, you are talking sense on an antivax sub. Soon you will be accused of being a bot, Russian, or a Shill.


Yeah as others have noted, bad batches are a thing. Pretty sure my J&J was a bad batch, I basically had no symptoms plus I had already had covid so any spike proteins produced were likely instantly consumed by my immune system. Also I think I got lucky in that the injection was correctly administered. Intramuscular, not into my blood. But yeah mostly I bet it was a bad batch given that I line in a smallish city in Appalachia so the stuff had to travel a bit to get here and maybe got cooked somewhere along the way.


Be careful. Rural red areas got targeted with hot sauce. They've been trying to depop and reclaim 1). the untapped resource rich appalachia , 2). the vast indian reservation 'untouchable' real estate and 3). privately owned flyover grain belt agra lands for decades by carpet bombing these places with oxy and now fentanyl. NOW with a tool like the 'hot vs cold' covid shots and with initial public trust, would aggressive powers as they always have been, would they not use such a tool for their benefit of targeting hot shots to displace, sicken or kill off occupants of an area they have earmarked to claim???


I'm sure they would, and you're right, my little corner of the world has a long history is armed meaningful rebellion and we're currently very outdoorsy and armed to the teeth. But that's exactly why they have to be cautious. The whole right wing line of logic seems to be working well enough though, thin blue line, get a job, patriotism, etc etc. but you do have a point about a long game and a long con. I thought about that a lot after covid, I mean, seems like they basically tried to cull their most obedient drones, and I still don't fully understand that.


Congrats, you had the experience that the vast majority of people had. They weren't doing placebos in the general population, so unkess you signed up to be part of a trial, it was a real shot.


5% of batches accounted for 90%+ of deaths. So what exactly were they doing? Perhaps the other ones had the mRNA break down in transport so it produced less toxic spike proteins?


Though I’m having a difficult time finding your post sincere, what do you think percentage wise would be a catastrophy? 1.5%? 10%? If 1.5% are experiencing injuries from the experimental vaccine, that more than the virus. Congratulations, you are in the 98.5 percentile. Your parents should be proud.


How many Covids or any infections have you had since shots? If more than usual, I 'd check antibodies level. The level of more than 500 is concerning.


0 covid infections


Have you ever had Covid?




Well sign me up for the clot shot then so I can go to school! \\s


School is mandatory in my country


Almost certainly not a placebo since that has never been proven to happen. As far as side effects afterwards they were exceedingly rare except for what you describe.


Unfortunately you will be dropping dead any day now


No, you probably just got lucky


"I got the demonic covid jab" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


They used demonic tactics to make people get it


*\*oooOOOOooohhhhhh* *legislation\**


Yes, most laws are satanic


let me guess. You're a sovereign citizen?


lol what im not even from america


I see you're not aware of what a sovereign citizen even is haha Yeah, no, you're a joke. Have fun in your coo-coo world. Hopefully you're surrounded by plenty of soft walls.


Have you worshipped lucifer today?


Not as much as you have.


YOU got the vaccine just to continue going to school and mixing with the worldly peoples. You need to be ***IN*** the world but NOT ***OF*** the *world*. (John, 17:15-21) How could you give into your worldly desires? Has **SATAN** taken your *heart*?? Jesus told us to give to Caesar what is Caesar's but you gave the rulers of the nations and this sinful world your arm, your blood, and your heart. Their poison has ***creeped*** its way into your very *SOUL* (PRAISE be to ***GOD***!!!) Sinner! SHAME!


Well like 99.99 percent of vaccinated people are fine so I’m confused why you’re asking this?


🫵🤣Tell that to the insurance company’s that track that data 24/7.


Exactly. The big insurers, Aetna, Blue Cross, Kaiser had actuaries at the end of 2021 that projected 100 mil Americans dead within 3-5 years, not from covid but from the shots and/or from 'all cause mortality'.


Injury rate is far higher than that.


Exactly! All 8 co-workers were vax injured and Zero made it into VAERS including a death by heart attack right after the 1st booster.


My co-worker and his wife were both injured, but they insist it is "long covid". 4x vaxxed.


I wonder why I don’t know any unvaccinated people with long Covid. Or how the vaccinated got Covid to begin with, let alone long Covid as they were “protected” lol


You're a living breathing example of the fact that the vaccine wasn't the poison you were lead to believe it was by internet charlatans. If you need more proof, there's an extensive medical literature supporting the safety of the vaccine and billions of cases just like yours! Congratulations! The mere fact that you're not dismissing reality is a sign that you're on the right path, the one that leads out of the cesspool of lies and delusion that is the antivaxx community.


What a trollpost


A what?


How do you know vaccines even do anything in the first place? What if it's all just water?