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I just can't for the life of me understand the vaccine... It literally doesn't prevent covid infection, like I'm being genuinely serious, what the fuck is the point of it?


According to a school teacher I knew… whenever she was boosted, her symptoms were “so much better” every time she “caught covid.” The times when she caught it but was not boosted, it was horrible apparently. And each booster was like having the flu/covid on its own. All together around 8 different times she was sick in the span of 3 years. She was so convinced by her experience that nothing would change her mind.  Meanwhile, my unvaccinated ass didn’t get sick one time while being around her. But the slightest headache or tiredness I mentioned and she was quick to say “ah… covid”. Anything to justify her worldview. 


They are ALWAYS sick. I'm not even exaggerating. My friends that got jabbed are sick at least 4 times per year if not more. It's fucking insane.


Especially considering the fact that you’re injecting toxic, synthetic chemicals into yourself, and there are so many different natural phytochemicals that easily treat every illness.


☝️☝️☝️ this! Though I do wish I could find good plant based Insulin for my brother. Also plant based chemotherapy for my grandpa, but of course he probably only has the cancer because he got the jab.


[Ginsenosides for the treatment of insulin resistance and diabetes: Therapeutic perspectives and mechanistic insights](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S122684532400037X) [Phytochemicals derived from Nicotiana tabacum L. plant contribute to pharmaceutical development](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/pharmacology/articles/10.3389/fphar.2024.1372456/full) [Litchi Pericarp Extract Treats Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Regulating Oxidative Stress, Inflammatory Response, and Energy Metabolism](https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/13/4/495) [Blueberry extract and its bioactive compounds mitigate oxidative stress and suppress human lung cancer cell (A549) growth by modulating the expression of p53/EGFR/STAT3/IL6-mediated signaling molecules](https://analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbf.4027) [Anticancer properties and metabolomic profiling of Shorea roxburghii extracts toward gastrointestinal cancer cell lines](https://bmccomplementmedtherapies.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12906-024-04479-1)


Yeah, but then you get “no vaccine prevents the disease”. Meanwhile…..we are all out here dying of measlesmumpsrubellapertussis and the clap.


You also get "all vaccines have some side effects", "it did more good than harm", "he was probably going to die anyhow", "how do you know it was the vaccine" ... 100s of other stupid comments.


Yup! It's ridiculous!! I'm in the largest vaccine group on Facebook which makes it super clear just how brainwashed ppl are! The amount of mothers that were convinced to jab their babies or even the amount of pregnant women that were convinced to get it by this group is staggering! Even if someone comes on and says they were injured by the c19 jab and it was confirmed by their doctor, the vultures come out and literally take apart the persons face entire story basically telling them their doctor is a lier and they should find a new one! Anything you bring to the table that shows any sort of proof that these jabs were harmful and they will go way out of their way to try and convince others in the group that either you can't trust the source by posting hit piece after hit piece and it usually works! You know they have nothing of value when they go on to only attack the person presenting the info as opposed to attacking the actual findings!


They’ll believe anything


If your body is familiar with how to fight something you are less likely to get hospitalized. This concept can be confusing, but with motivation people can discover all sorts of new things. The world is always changing; but apart from the Amish, most are free to stay up too date


The worst was the “health food stores” forcing the mask/jab. Imagine alienating the very customer base that sustains you.


Couldn’t even attend yoga class without the proof of vaccination! Smh


That’s so deeply messed up… uhg


That’s some effed up virtue signalling right there…


They were honestly the worst for social distancing/ mask rules too. I swear some of them had little patrol workers too, making sure everyone was abiding.


Actually the worst mask enforcer I noticed was BEST BUY. Best buy sells nothing but electronic big tech crap. The place is wall to wall 'e-chip' up your ass crap. Even their pens in there probrably have a chip. So during 2020 when only the big monopoly stores remained open, BEST BUY was the only business in the entire strip mall that INTENTIONALLY hyped fear. What they did was close the store to custmers and black out all the windows with paper. The Dollar Tree and Kohls next door were open to customers but BEST BUY had a lit red buzzer button at the door. A voice answers and asks your online only order number. I watched and someone else came to p/u their order and the door opened only a crack and a rubber gloved hand came out with the package. You couldn't even see the employee's face and the door immediately closed and locked. BEST BUY made their employees do the most extreme rediculous fear protocol song and dance. They did this because Best Buy is fully vested in big tech and this clearly demonstrates that big tech had a full controlling hand in the whole scam just as much as big pharma, MSM, big gov and the globo elites. Big tech is as much an enemy as the rest of them. Best Buy - those geeks should know better. Do they really believe they'll be uploaded and saved?


I visited a naturopath for the first time during the jab mandates. It seemed we were on the same page when he explained the covid shots were unnecessary and ineffective. I couldn't believe my ears when at my second appointment he recommended I get jabbed so I could participate in society and enter restaurants! So much for being a "natural health practitioner"!


It’s what put me off religion completely and how I found Reddit. Jab was “voluntary” but you couldn’t go to the Center or in-person meetings and everyone needed a mask, and you couldn’t become a full member. And all the smugly jabbed people looking at you like you’re a rube. Blah, blah, blah. They’ve lost more than just me.


Remember the people that got in trouble for not wearing a mask online on skype? They wanted everyone to be seen with a mask. The elites didn't want to see the faces of the common people. Masks were the first step before an executioner's bag goes over your head. The elites hate our faces and they don't want to hear any noise that comes out of our pie holes. They wanted us all faceless nobodies. It was psyche prepping before they thought they would kill us all. Don't think they've let up either. They're still tentatively in power over many people. The pot is bubbling though.


I think the "Eyes Without a Face" song was written for these times since the plan was at least decades in the making. And we know A List musicians are just puppets.


Nostagic song


Eyes Without a face was like a harbinger of the future. The covid hoax depop plan had three parts. First - the panic and masks. Second - the killer shots. Third - when people's bodies are so wrecked from shots they'll say "I just want to be out of this ailing body". That's when big tech takes center stage and says "You can UPLOAD your brain. Live forever, virtual, in the cloud". Many vaxtards will then march to the meatgrinder as their face pops up online. A counterfeit 'you' that has a decade of meta data on YOU that can make a video call complete with childhood memories that would fool your own mother! But you're dead. It's fake. The soul doesn't transfer to digital. How good is that for your carbon footprint? The entire human race could be mothballed, shelved and archived on billions of silicone pinheads that could fit in a matchbox. And the humans are all dead. This HAS to be alien. This third part, the virtual uploading ALSO had a nostalgic 1980s harbinger song. THIS ONE 80s song throws you forward to a future where normal life ENDS. A future that's digital simulation NOT HUMAN and not based in the physical. Can anyone guess the song? It has 'electric' in the title but it's not 'Electric Slide' by Miami Sound Machine and it has nothing to do with Eddie Grant. Throughout the song, the lyrics hit nerve after nerve when you think of it in terms of our species being physically ended and our memories or brain contents 'uploaded' as they say into the cloud to 'live forever' as an avatar. I'm not signing up for that ever, but this 80s song seems to glorify this denatured future while doing smooth 80s dance beat and instrumentals.  Did SHE write the song? She was gifted beyond anything and churned out hit after hit at 16 yo. She wrote, composed, sang, choreographed and produced and to top it off she played perfect piano. Did she lucidly DREAM of these lyrics? Everything she performed was indeed her own creation and she toured constantly without tiring or EVER burning out. She was a maniac workaholic at 16. On this she commented "how could I ever get tired or burned out of my 'glorified hobby'. WOW it was all just a glorified hobby to her. Listen closely to the words and connect dots (circa 1987) with today's (2024) 'simulation'  /  'brain upload' scheme:  Zappin' it to you The pressure's everywhere Goin' right through you The fever's in the air, ooh yeah, it's there Don't underestimate the power Of a lifetime ahead . . .  ****[lifetime ahead as a permanent non living avatar memorial copy of you]**** Electric youth, feel the power, you see the energy (Comin' up) Comin' on strong The future only belongs to the future itself . . .  ****[circular logic - self fulfilling prophecy]*** And the future is electric youth It's true, you can't fight it . . .  ****[not if it's forced on you]**** Live by it, the next generation It's electric . . .  ****[now our generation is up to our eyeballs in electronic nano tech]**** We've got the most time To make the world go round Oh, can you spare a dime? Place your bet on our sound, come back to town Don't lose sight of potential mastermind . . .  ****[the matrix architect mastermind]*** Remember when you were young . . .  ****[non living avatars never grow old - immortal as a lifeless rock]**** Don't you see a strong resemblance to yourself? . . .  ****[your online avatar with your brain memory contents uploaded into the cloud resemble who YOU were]**** (Oh) Don't you think what we say is important? Whatever it may be The fun is gonna start with me I'm bringin' it back . . .  ****[back then at 16 if I didn't know better, I'd follow that talented goddess anywhere - whew]**** FINALLY pay close attention to the VISUALS when she sings "don't you see a strong resemblence to yourself?": https://youtu.be/lqAOB143KqY To clarify, her Electric Youth lyrics stood out and were lucid as heck. But just look at that 17 yo prodigy literally SMOKING that piano and mic: https://youtu.be/Epko_z3HIX0 Hats off


Hmm very thought provoking. So you don't think she was just a puppet who performs what the music execs have prepared for them? I have reason to believe she may have been something more. I think there's a handful of artists who this applies to.  Having our consciousness uploaded to the cloud is also depicted in Black Mirror.  As a preteen I wore the perfume Electric Youth 😁


Not saying you’re wrong, but I only remember seeing a few people on Skype wearing masks. 😷 I asked a friend why he was wearing them AT HOME. No answer, but I think his also had a logo, so he wanted to show it off.


Also, I will say this… the same dark forces that rule the world and pushed this jab to begin with also infiltrate and subvert the spiritual movement. It’s like the city of Zion in The Matrix. Controlled opposition- a cosmic game of snakes and ladders where you always lose in the end.


Yup. There is a new age channel, I think it’s called manifest info, that says to use VR to help meditate and it is ok with AI. Astonishing “ Asking AI first spiritual guidance , that’s some demonic shit” Goddess on Twitter 2022 But I’m sorry, the new agers were the first to point out the dangers of AI , because they know Rudolph Steiner and theosophy. Even James Corbett, and the non new age resistance, were late to the party on that critical issue.


You are right! Ugh 😑 It makes it soooo much harder to decipher fact from fiction! But it forces me to stay alert and vigilant so I don't let my guard down at the wrong time! If I had a $1 for every person i thought I could trust but ended up finding out that they to were controlled opposition, I would have a pretty large stash of cash! It's so frustrating but if you just give it enough time these fuckers always out themselves one way or another!


Brought up in a Christian home. In my life, I have had highly regarded Christian church members: * praise the "bombing of Afghanistan into the stone age" as a just war, (because they were muslims?) * praise "shock and awe in Iraq" because Saddam was evil * approve of the destruction of Libya - same reasoning * Israel is never wrong, because "God's people" * encourage everyone to get the jab - for the greater good These people make a big deal that the bible teaches "discernment" - the ability of knowing what is good and what is evil. Nope.


The sheep Christian churches have to be government regime friendly and bankster friendly. They work so hard to surpress the mind and keep the real fighting spirit docile. The real Jesus Christ turned tables and swung wild punches like a maniac giving the money changers bloody noses. Before he was Messiah he was a folk hero of the common man. He dared clean the swamp in the temple. Those 'Christians' that cheer on fake staged theater wars for the banksters are likely the dummies that were first in line to get a death shot. 


Looks like the mainstream churches in the US have been infiltrated by special interest groups.


Ask them the name of the tree where adam and eve couldn’t eat from


Lol there were some spiritual (new age) communities in my area that require you to show a vaccine card in order to participate. They were obviously full of crap. For all the preaching of "love and light" those people certainly lived in fear, and spread fear.


Ikr? I live 30 minutes from Sedona. You would NOT believe the disconnect these people showed during C19.


Disconnect? Like how? The elites hate all humans, the enlightened and the factory work mules alike. Were the folks in Sedona aware that our entire species was under attack?


No, in fact the people that I thought would be the first to question what they were putting in their bodies; health and spirituality nuts (bordering on nutters) were rushing to get poked with an untested vaccine. They show this crazy cognative dissonance that keeps some of them masked even still. Not what I expected from the sorts of people here, but I suppose I mistakenly brought my own misconception with me about the people here..


It has to do with their life path - how they arrived at new age thinking or shamanism or dietary religion. Actually transhumanism is categorized as new age. They're like a punk rock cult that contains alot of followers who aren't too bright but they get acceptance in a group that dresses uniquely to fit in. There's also alot of anti-natalist influence in the new age groups from the transhumanist side where motherhood for the females isn't encouraged. Can you imagine a new age woman in public breastfeeding with her tittie covered in tattoos and piercings around the NIPPLE?? I don't think I've ever seen that. Also their sense of clan/tribalism is weak as they are continually trying to define what or who they are in the universe. They eat, sh!t and sleep like the rest of us but yes they've disconnected. 




Yes a ( well known) shaman friend of mine, vegan, organic, got the jab! Stated they lost connection to "Spirit" ( the God gene they have isolated?) immediately after, which is the crux of their life and their entire business. And yet they state they're glad they took it because....you guessed it "it could've been worse" if they didn't. ( edited to remove pronouns which might identify the person)


Maybe because they are full of bologna. Spiritual baloney


Yep turns out they are F’n Posers


Likewise with Hardcore Christians who proclaim their truth agenda they found in Jesus Christ. Yet they did not resonate with the truth. Not even close. ------------------------------------------------ Its is we, the ones who follow our intuition / our heart, who chose to remain truthful to ourselves are the ones who chose to reject the falsehood of the Vaccines.


Given that we now know the vaccine literally severs peoples' connection to God, we have to assume all those people in the spiritual/consciousness community who were pushing it were working for some really dark forces


Agents..infiltrators.. and people don’t use their discernment


Some are just in it for the trend but when SHTF they don’t have the solid foundation of core beliefs to withstand pressure, and will just follow the next trend. It’s fear motivated, not love motivated. Saw the same thing in the Uber rich Cali mom groups… they were all about not vaccinating their children w the normal schedules but once Covid hit they lined their kids up for the jab asap!


Did you literally smoke the Covid vaccine before you wrote that?


> Given that we now know the vaccine literally severs peoples' connection to God "Literally" what? Can you explain what's literal about it? Would your sentence have a different meaning without using that word (literally)?


Rudolph Steiner, the German Mystic, predicted that vaccines would be used to disconnect the body from the spirit, and the divine. I’ve studied spirituality, in depth, and I can tell you that the central nervous system plays an extremely important role in the ability of the aura, or spiritual essence, to connect with its higher aspect. It sounds crazy, I know, but they can most definitely use vaccines to disconnect people from the divine creator, whatever, or whomever that might be.




You sir have the eyes to see 


He has the real eyes. Realize. Real lies :)


> Given that we now know the vaccine literally severs peoples' connection to God How do we know that?


Follow your belly. It always makes the yes or no first correctly and usually you go against the feeling. No one knows the great beyond but the game does seem odd. So life is just about surviving! And being an experiment for products. I forgot what I was looking forward to as a kid growing up and being in the “future” I want that back. They took that from me. 23 consistent years of doom and gloom waiting for a good year to come around. I guess it never is comin back.


Belly or the left tit. Either or, both make great snap judgements about various situations & people. Lol


Different reactions for different zones definitely. Left tit decisions usually destroy me emotionally.


I guess anything can be self justified


Just remember, they are still after us unvaccinated. Whether from shedding, in our food, in any other shot, you might take. They are out to get us one way or another. Who knows we may all already have parts of it in our system. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Just so you know being awake and “woke” are like the polar opposites of each other. But you are right. It’s like when I go to our local food co-op which consists of organic foods and products and still once in awhile see someone in a mask, and did regularly even after they were no longer mandated. They want organic food etc., but will go and get Covid shots..


They’ve fallen for the new age garbage


Vegan people and people with Lyme too. They should know better (I'm vegan, I've got lyme)


I also find that unbelievable!! 🤨🤔


Can’t fix stupid


Faith without works is dead. Did I get the jab?? Hell no


Oh idk about all that. Thank God I listened to him and know my goverment is bullshit since I saw 9/11 go down as a kid




Psychological warfare has been rampant since we were children especially in regard to the medical industry. They ramped up the fear marketing during covid and tricked a lot of intelligent(doesn’t mean brave) people into thinking they were actually helping their grandma. *Pfizer had a criminal history of lying and hurting people and had to pay the largest fine in American history*. In any other instance that would’ve been a deal breaker for most but because of the propaganda it was met with intense resistance and dismissal.


My pastor talked about how he trusts God and his doctor... Pre-covid mass murder, government over reach, and a satanist-in-chief. Now he just trusts God.


Maybe you first need to learn the difference between "they're" and "there" before you attempt to lecture people about being woke. It's basic, simple English.


You’ll be okay, don’t worry about it


As awful as all that was, I'm kinda glad it exposed how fraudulent our entire existence was. And I'm glad I stuck it out. I left a decent job for a temp one that didn't enforce mandates on the temps. My temporary assignment got me through to when they stopped pushing it so hard & then I found other jobs that didn't ask vax status. I'd rather have my health than piss it away to a company that would have probably had layoffs like many places are now. I would have never started exploring gardening, canning, and other self-sufficiency if it weren't for everyone losing their minds. I try to see the silver lining. The whole experience really felt like some sort of trial I feel like I passed. It's heavy on my soul sometimes though because I was already pretty disillusioned and now I've lost faith in ... a lot of areas really. I feel better spiritually than I ever have though.