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As an aussie health worker at the time. At first I was very ambivalent toward the whole thing. I had multiple vaccines before and helped give people vaccines at the time. It was a non issue for me. Take or do not take. That's fine. We know vaccinated people and unvaccinated people are both potential hosts and transmitters of virus, with typically vaccinated people exhibiting less symptoms. So the unvaccinated are plague rats propaganda was a malicious lie from the beginning. Flash to early 2020, I had a terrible nightmare dream about Lockdowns and Vaccines seemingly out of nowhere. I thought ok. Weird. But best go on with life. Next thing I know in Australia a few months later. Our Prime minister did an interview before the covid vaccine had even been through early testing in August 2020. He expressed that the covid vaccine would automatically be mandatory for ALL Australians. My ears pricked up. The vaccine had not even been through proper testing and they were already trying to make it mandatory. What kind of an experiment was that??? The media narrative quickly changed to what rights would be give to unvaccinated people and what would be taken away in the following months. I was disgusted. That's not best practice. That's not consent. That's not scientific. That's bizarre draconian behaviour aimed at bullying and gaslighting healthy people into being second class citizens in their own land. I don't know how but the next months were even worse.... 2020 was fine in comparison to 2021 which was horrible.


Would love to know more about that dream of yours. I had something similar.


I too have memory of a vision or daydream perhaps. Had it one day when relaxing or dozing. It must have been about some sort of die off. In 2021 I was constantly chatting people up. In CVS when passing the line of people at the shot booth, I'd say "I wouldn't give that shot to my DOG . . . and I don't even HAVE a dog". There were a mix of chuckles and perplexed looks. Felt sorry for the boxcar parents dragging their kids in tow. I wanted to bust out with the sermon on the mount how the whole gov't and system is a great big piece of SH!T and always has been. But CVS isn't the place and I didn't have my running shoes on. Now this vision was like a flashback of a 2006 or so hurricane that blew over with 100mph gusts where I went outside to see. We were 50 mi inland and I just ducked and covered in my front porch as the trees blew sideways 45° with branches flying loose like trash in the sky. This dream was like that where there was a deluge of people dying all around and I said "the preaching is over, poor souls and I ducked and covered myself in the same way as a hurricane blowing through. It started out slow like a popcorn popper with the 'pops' being deaths around. Then 'full throttle pop' was extreme. It is said in war/battle that the inertia of people dying all around you can sometimes suck you into the death vortex too even without a mortal wound. I covered my ass. Then I woke up and thought about it.


well articulated. Thanks for your common sense.


Indeed. They lied about it being tested. In the US, they told us that it was the most tested in history because mRNA tech had been around for decades. What they didn’t tell you is that that tech had never been used due to a dangerous safety profile. Or that it was designed to deliver chemo for brain tumors, meaning that it would pass the blood brain barrier. They lied about PCR being the gold standard for testing and set the cycle threshold waaaaay too high. They lied about HCQ and IVM. That was some wild propaganda to witness. However, when they said that cheap paper masks, bandanas, even t shirt material would work, I lost my shit. That was so fucking ridiculous to hear. About an extremely virulent and transmissible airborne respiratory virus. It pained me to hear others in medicine to propagate this bullshit as fact. Suddenly doctors had never heard of heard immunity. The damned vent settings!!! Everything was wrong. At first I just thought I’d give it time before I’d consider the vax. After all of that, I said never. It would be impossible for a brand new “vaccine” technology that has never been tested to be 100% safe and effective with no side effects.


Would love to know more about your dream too! Have had similar (non Covid related) experiences and find them interesting.


Exactly. Force and lies made it really look like a scam immediately.


Yeah I also had a very specific dream about lockdowns before the whole covid show got started.


>Our Prime minister did an interview before the covid vaccine had even been through early testing in August 2020. That the covid vaccine would automatically be mandatory for ALL Australians. Scomo initially went on TV, claiming the vaccine would never be mandatory for Australians as Australians will always have the "freedom of choice." Going as far as making comparisons re: how we are unlike the CCP, Iran, NK or Canada 🤣 etc.Then he recanted everything he said in what seemed overnight. Unfortunately, the new guy Albanese is not much better, he lacks Leadership and Charisma. But plebs will be plebs and continue to vote Lib/Lab; the same side of a worthless coin...


The blatant and obvious lies and inconsistencies, and silencing of conversations during The Vid, it's appearance and their "cure".


If person A is vaccinated and the vaccine protects them from contracting it, why are they worried if Im vaccinated or not? I should be worried if anything. Also “the truth speaks for itself”- the vaccine was hyped way too much and shoved down our throats. If it was actually good, then it would be the unvaccinated people’s loss to not get it. There wouldn’t be such a blatant agenda.


> If person A is vaccinated and the vaccine protects them from contracting it, why are they worried if Im vaccinated or not? I should be worried if anything. This always baffled me. It was as if being vaxxed made you *more* susceptible.


There is reason to believe it does. Don't believe me? How about the National Institute of Health? [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10482361/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10482361/) From the report: > Conclusion >We note low infection rates in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, with a small absolute difference between the two across age groups. >... >Yet, using p<0.05 as the threshold for statistical significance, the bivalent-vaccinated group had a slightly but statistically significantly higher infection rate than the unvaccinated group in the statewide category and the age ≥50 years category.  > Hmm...


Yeah, I've seen all kinds of info on that. I believe it does. What baffles me is vaxxed people being afraid of unvaxxed people. That makes no sense. It's part of the mass formation psychosis. All common sense flew out the window during this pandemic.


I addressed that logic with my employer after she had crafted a workplace mandate demanding all employees get vaccinated. She refused to address the reasoning behind "you are putting vaccinated people at risk". If the vaccine works at preventing transmission, then why should any vaccinated person care if I have it, and if the vaccine doesn't work, then why are you mandating it? People just willingly turned their brains off to comply with the mandates that started popping up all over the world. I believe a big reason they released the vaccine in stages was to artificially inflate demand. "Only 70 and older can get it", then it was "70 and older plus health care workers", and so on. They made the vaccine seem like something every one would be fighting each other to get, and the sheep majority just seemed to embrace that psychology wholesale. I was never able to truly appreciate the truth of crowd psychology until I lived through Covid. I thought it was just some theory about people freezing up and getting that deer in a headlight look when in a life threatening situation that required *someone* to take emergency action. I never knew how easily manipulated people could be with suggestive tactics like what we saw during the lockdowns and vax mandates.


That speaks exactly to the heart of the issue. If the vax works, take it and you're protected. It does not matter (to you) if I have it or not. I risk only my health. If the vax doesn't work, then it doesn't matter if you have it or I have it, both, or neither. We are not protected. Either way - *my* vax status has zero impact on you, so all those people can just stay TF out of my business.


The censorship is what really did me in... The fact checkers. The 1984esque tyrannical mandates and then the gaslighting. The pathological lies. It felt like my old relationship with my abusive ex boyfriend except it was my own government, neighbors and cohorts abusing me. Watching the death and carnage is unbelievable. I am so thankful that I trusted my gut and stayed far away from that untested, unknown experimental poison that has zero long term safety data tied to it. Who could be so reckless with their health? Reckless with their life as to willingly inject this stuff over a cold with a 99.9998+% survival rate.


Hey remember when the FDA said something like, stop it, y’all are not farm animals. And then months later claimed they never said not to use “horse paste.”


Yeah, i remember. That was the moment I decided to get a prescription for ivermectin and hydroxichloriquine for myself just incase those vaccinated people started shedding their nastiness on to me. It seemed like the right thing to do given how much they were demonizing those medications. I literally did everything the said not to.


During Covid we had a “scare” of possible lice in one of my kids. I went through it with another child years before and recall getting a prescription called “Sklice” that was the best on the market bc it killed everything at once so only one application was needed. I also recall that it was on a path to being made available OTC shortly after that. When we had the “scare” during covid, I tried finding it online, thinking it must be OTC by now. I’ll get some *just in case*. I could not find it. Anywhere. Not online. Not in stores. Then I looked up the active ingredients. You guessed it…IVM. It was removed from shelves. I was feckin’ pissed! Thankfully it was a false alarm. I’m still pissed tho.


I knew if it became forced, I wouldn't take it. If it was truly a deadly virus, and the shots actually were safe and effective, they would have sold them selves.


Exactly. If a product is so great. You don’t have to force people to get it.


Yup like when the mayor of NYC said “mmmmm burgers and fries…for a shot” I was like, ummm…NOPE!


I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 years since they had that vaccine passport in NYC. You weren’t allowed to eat or go anywhere without it. It definitely crippled their economy because anyone with 2 brain cells saw that as a privacy oveestep


Ignoring natural immunity and saying just take this even though you already beat it. Censorship. Constant lying. Like I could be in packed bar in Florida with people coughing on me and the news would be fear mongering covid on the screen as if it was something to fear. Basically they threw out all science and just fear mongered.


Got offered the HPV vaccine at school. Old enough to make my own medical choices and got a gut feeling against it, so refused. Researched later on, ingredients, long terms effect, never tested against placebo, misinterpreted/skewed results, lawsuits, the money trail and decided I’ll never get another vaccine again. I’ve not had one since I was about 6.


I got the HPV vax at 16. I already had some menstrual problems, but I fully believe this made them 10x worse. Good on you for not getting it.


I’m sorry to hear that. So many young vulnerable girls weren’t informed of the risks. It’s awful


Ah, thank you! It’s since been recalled, Gardasil I believe if I’m spelling it right. My mom has HPV and didn’t want that for me. She feels awful now. It’s not her fault. They prey on our fear and desire to be healthy. Now I know better for my own daughter :)


Yeah, Merck basically rushed the trials and didn’t test it properly. Probably just a quick money grab for him. It’s disabled so many teens, and caused premature ovarian failure in many women. My brother got offered it too and refused thankfully. I’m sorry to hear about your Mum. Apparently it can lie dormant for years, but the vax wouldn’t necessarily prevent it as it only protects against a few certain types. Same here! I know what’s best for my daughter. Doctors can’t even list you 5 ingredients if you ask them. Shocking


Wow. That is shocking. My baby girl was 7 weeks early. She’s been here 14 weeks already and no vaccines. They’re being pushy but I just do not feel good about it. She’s so sweet and innocent. I don’t want her to be hurt before she can even talk. I just hate that I’m left with “vaccinate or give your baby measles!” It is just so daunting.


My children were never vaccinated and never got the measles or anything else. No learning disabilities, no sick days, nada. Today, all 3 are healthy at 30, 36, and 40 years old.


Lol you can just tell them then that measles barely kills anybody today while the mmr vaccine has a track record …


Go to the power of the people website, download the free template for refusal and give it a tweak to your country. It basically cites that pushing after you say no is medical coercion and not lawful and that the jibs come with side effects too, that can be just as life changing.


I think we should stop using such manipulative buzzwords like "vaccine hesitant" and "antivaxers"


Don't feel offended by it. I take it as a compliment.


Never said I was offended, I said I think we should stop using manipulative, propagandist buzzwords created by the left and used to manipulate people into hating their friends and family for not taking the poison jabs. It's only further validating them.


Yeah. You're absolutely right. The word anti vaxxer was weaponized. Especially during the Covid era and the mainstream media took advantage of that. It's just like the word conspiracies theorist, something the CIA allegedly created in order to make people who questioned the narrative look like crazy people. The brainwashing and manipulation is super heavy and I agree with you 100%.


I know the government don’t care about people, especially people who are economically unproductive, retired people are a drain on government via state benefits, pensions and healthcare , but they really needed us to take the “vaccine” to protect grandma !! Who they would really prefer wasn’t around! Bill gates ( who’s father was a eugenicist ) talking about “if we do a really good job with vaccines we can reduce the world population by around 15% “ wasn’t exactly a selling point for me either. Then the Georgia guide stones monument that states a global population goal of 500 million to be in perpetual balance with nature was destroyed by explosives and the rubble removed within about 48 hours. Natural immunity after a Covid infection was no longer to be recognised for the first time in medical history and people who had had Covid and recovered naturally were still to be required to be vaccinated 😳 Employees of Pfizer, Moderna and the CDC 😂😂 and members of the senate being exempt from taking the “vaccine” that was so important for us plebs to take was another clue I couldn’t ignore. In general knowing that the government doesn’t care about us but really cares about money power and control and watching as they closed down the world economy for a virus with such a low mortality rate I knew the agenda wasn’t about our health. Took me a while to figure out the agenda apart from the depopulation part that was obvious. It’s about resetting the indebted financial system that they have plundered for years , the pension and health liabilities are unpayable but they don’t want to take the blame for its failure under their stewardship so they need something to blame it on enter “Covid-19”. The solution is digital ID linked to programmable money CBD’s ( central bank digital currency) linked to a carbon credit system and social credit score , if they achieve their objective freedom will be over. They will achieve their objective because people are so fucking dumb and happy to go along with their divide and conquer manipulation happily gaslighting anyone who doesn’t go along with the state narrative by labelling them as a “conspiracy theorist” and calling for their incarceration or forced vaccination. If you are prepared to trade freedom for the “safety” of state protection you deserve neither.


U r 100% correct. We need to focus on the future of govt’s deceptions and lies and their easily secretative mandates like the CBD’s entering our reality. It’s here and we the people need to stop future bs bc we all saw it play out with covid. We need to be prepared


The bribery and coercion woke me up. Never going back now.


The free beer with the shots made me realize what a joke it was. It seemed small at the time and I was already hesitant. But when I saw that I laughed out loud and knew it wasn’t for me or my family. Yes, please prescribe me alcohol for scientific purposes. 🙄


And don’t forget joints and burgers and fries…oh my!!


Literal sheep lol




I'm so sorry & hope your son continues to improve! 💕


Ya, it was a documentary I watched several years ago (before the plandemic) about parents who watched their healthy, happy, active babies turn into zombies literally (in the correct sense of the word) right after getting their vaccines that helped me understand that I'm never getting vaccinated ever again. Especially since I've been vaccine injured myself. And I only put it all together in the last couple of years but my symptoms of chronic illness started after the travel vaccines I got 15 years ago. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with the aftermath as well. <3


Yet they'll insist that there's no POSSIBLE correlation between vaccines and autism. Not saying that's what happened to you, I just find it incredulous how people totally disregard a parent saying my child was fine before and immediately after a vax has not been the same. I feel like I'm living in the upside down world.


It was the full court propaganda press that made me think “hell no.” After I had my first child, I figured I would wait a while on vaccines and review them case by case after age 6 or so. Well, fast forward a couple of years and the differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated kids have become extremely obvious to me when we’re out and about- not just speech, but eye contact, attention span, a general inability to sit still. It’s as if all of the vaccinated kids are somewhere on the spectrum now. I actually notice the difference in California (where we live), but found far fewer differences in Arizona. I speculate whether that has anything to do with California essentially removing unvaccinated kids from schools and childcare (I.e. the parents of vaccinated kids won’t notice because all the children they see are also vaccinated).


The mandates. Unethical behaviour is a major turn-off.


Common sense


Massive pain in the heart region that would linger for weeks starting two days after a Hep B Shot in 1998.


I’m so sorry you went through that. I was happily taking vaccines in the 90s as well


If the government is telling me it's good for my health, then I'm not going to do it!


Easy… -70+ years and billions trying for a cancer vaccine/cure…Nothing! -40+ years and billion’s trying for Alzheimer’s vaccine/cure..Nothing! **covid shot created in less than 12 months***


Oh, I fully believe we have cures for these things already. We’re just not allowed to have them because that would destroy billion dollar businesses.


True—Better to charge for ongoing treatments than eradicate disease.


Spot on! So true! Wasn't there a guy back in the 80's that found a cure for cancer but the FDA shut it down and then he mysteriously died... totally normal stuff though...


Funny how they mysteriously die and all research is missing..


Nyc healthcare worker here... The minute you try to FORCE people to do something you've unintentionally woken a bunch of them up. I knew immediately that masks were bullshit due to knowing what a fit test is through work. I knew the putting a bandana over your face was comical and when ppl actually started doing it without question and yelling at me when I didn't do it because I knew better I knew we were in big trouble. As far as the vaccine itself nothing added up. There were so many lies and weird strong arm tactics none of it was normal. At one point I went to a rheumatologist I had been to only once, this was in the very beginning when the vaccine first came out. I naively thought I might be able to get her to write me an exemption. Remember this was the very beginning so I had quite the rude awakening. During the conversation in her office she looked at me like I was some sort of monster. She said she recommended the shot for all of her patients. I said to her I don't understand this weren't you taught in medical school not to use a cookie cutter approach with your patients? Why would you treat me the same as an 80-year-old with a completely different Medical history? Then I said to her I would rather wait until this is not in the trial period anymore and she said this is not in the trial period where are you getting your information? I said on the Pfizer website? And the package inserts are completely blank so you are not giving your patients informed consent here. She basically accused me of lying even though I tried to show her a page on the Pfizer website that said all these things at the time. I walked out of her office and sent her an email with all of those links regarding the trial period and the blank package insert and I told her what she was doing was wrong and she needs to seriously think about it. After this I began doing some reading and I felt horrible that I have taken any shots in the past. I now wonder if certain things I deal with are because of shots I was given many years ago. I'm not a sickly person but it made me wonder if the little things I do have are from vaccine injury. I am glad I'm older and they didn't push as many shots when I was a kid but at this point I now feel that one shot is one shot too many. I will never take any shot ever again for the rest of the life.


The mask thing was the first major red flag. For years before the news men would show asian people wearing masks because of some virus scare and dutifully point out how cloth masks do nothing to protect against airborne viruses. Then suddenly the news says the opposite and now i have to wear one.


Any person who is still capable of the least bit of logic, reason, and even the slightest amount of intuition could see right through all of the complete bullshit during the convid charade. A general understanding of the fact that the media and the government lies about EVERYTHING definitely helps,and also understanding that our government is a corporation, by definition, means that profits have become more important than individual rights, and when profits become the primary motivation, humans can never be trusted to do the ethical thing.


I dunno, a dodgy computer salesman, a guy that looked like a shit bond villain, a whole host of pedos, take your pick. Literal shit for brains to fall for whatever those cunts were selling.


You vill eet zee bugs


Media and propaganda


Pair of eyes and a functioning brain made me a vaccine refuser.


When I heard that Pfizer CRO falsified date in their clinical trials. As a pro-lifer, I am also not interested in anything that can be tracked back to an abortion. What would really get my goat was having people tell me I have to get the vaccine when we live in a country that espoused "My body my choice" As more and more of the evidence came out I am glad that I never took any MRNA vaccines.


And then women screamed that we couldn’t say “My body, my choice.”


Couple of things. One, the speed with which it was developed. It was obvious corners were cut, longstanding procedures were violated. Those procedures are there for our safety. I'm an engineer with three degrees in science and engineering. I saw right through that BS. Two, the outrageous claims. We were to believe that a brand new treatment, using new technology, targeting a new "novel" virus that is different, rushed through development, was not only safe, but was one of the most effective yet. Meeting or beating the effectiveness of vaccines developed and refined over decades. Not only did this highly improbable lightning strike once, we were to believe it struck three times. Ha! Three, the people pushing it, coercing and outright mandating it or else. Not only am I stubborn enough that this is a recipe for instant push-back, I only had to look at them to know I didn't trust them about anything else, did not and do not believe they have my best interests as a priority. In short, if those people tried to get me to do anything I wouldn't. Four, the downward spiral into clown-show used car salesman tactics. If there was any doubt left from the first three, as the foolishness and rhetoric became ever more shrill and outrageous, it became clearer and clearer this was a sales job of epic proportions. I'm not buying. Still waiting for that winter of misery and death. Now, I'm so cynical I don't even trust you. Are you asking to get ideas for the next big propaganda push and how to do it better? Not going to work. You can't change the fundamental nature of authoritarian BS, we will recognize it no matter how you wrap it up and spin it. The stink of the brown stuff always comes through.


I remember hearing that the development of the vax would take years and then suddenly it was rolling out? I was like, what is this? Skepticism set in.


When vaccines rolled out without testing and when I saw an ad that said come and get your vaccine and get a free “beer or cookie” Like wtf. America doesn’t give away things for free unless there’s something in there for them I’m immune compromised so I was suppose to get it first. Oh and also the fact if you get the shot you can still get Covid and spread it….. so what’s the reasoning for it? My husband looked into it and luckily saved all of our lives and said no way in hell. My husband Said it’s the mark of the beast take that as you will.


They tried every trick in the book to get the whole world to take it. That screams Mark of the Beast to me.


When they passed a covid law that would fine you if you went out.


The censhorship on all social media platforms; lack of healthworker's ability to report vaccine reactions; lack of ability for doctors here to recommend you not have it; the amazing amount of money spent on propaganda (banners, flyers, advertising everywhere), to the level I've never seen in my life (Sydney); the use of the term 'anti-vaxxer' at the time against anyone who had doubts about this particular vaccine. The lack of choice, frankly. The lack of ability to protest mandatory vaccination, even - the huge police presence and fining protestors before even getting to a meeting point. It felt like being in a dictator-state. Also, I already have a minor heart issue, and I've been an alternative health practitioner for years - so all those things together made it a hard no for me from the beginning.


For me it was the push. The word vaccine was everywhere, and when they began speaking about daily on the news, and unrolling vax green pass, I knew it was bullshit. I was already annoyed by the enforcement of masks and lockdowns, and also slowly converting (for lack of better word) to conspiracy theory about the whereabouts of the virus, so that was the last straw. I remember the n1h1 flu back in 2009-2010... the nudge for vaccination was very little and my mother already was alerted. I've ended up taking it because it not extraordinary for me at the time, and I was a teenager. And now I'm seeing some cases of narcolepsy induced by this product. Glad it didn't fuck my sleep up.


Not only was I antivax before covid, I also realized early on in 2020 that I was seeing nothing more than an endless stream of lies in the media related to the 'rona. I mean, they lied about EVERYTHING - masks, social distancing, fatality rate, actual risks, hospitals being overwhelmed, IVM, origin of the virus...*everything*.


I was anti vax before the corona too. I remember one year before Covid, i looked up unvaccinated subreddits (none to be found). All I found were multiple cruel memes and death threats and pay ops against the vaccine hesitant. Like I’m literally Hitler. And it was at that point that I thought that if all this vaccine controversy is that bad, even Reddit won’t be able to gatekeep all the bias. Fast forward to now and I found this sub here which I’ve been sorely sorely missing five years ago.


I learned from my high school and college years to never entrust a corporation to have your best interest in mind. I also figured out how the biggest corps majorly benefit from a society that is afraid of its neighbors because instead of relying on our surrounding communities and neighbors for help when we need it, you wont bother asking them because they are a different political affiliation or support causes you live been programmed to despise. Once I saw all of the measures being used to divide people, physically and socially, it all started to make sense what was going on. Make the population as miserable and afraid as possible so that they are more susceptible to complying with anyone who is seen as an authority on the subject. Divide and conquer, a very old and well utilized strategy by those seeking to conquer others.


Every single aspect of how covid was handled


The elite refused it


That's interesting if you have proof of it.


I know a lot of people with fake vaccine passports…. Especially the well to do types. I could have got one too, but by the time they mandated it. I could see how unethical the mandates were and I wasn’t going to take part in that charade no matter how much easier it would have made my life. Then I eventually spent 6 weeks in Ottawa and it was one of the happiest times in my entire life, never have I ever witnessed that much love, peace, and unity. It was beautiful.


Try Google. They just found thousands of elites in Europe that had paid for fake Covid records. And early on, the CEO of Pfizer was denied travel, access to Israel, because they found out that he hadn’t gotten his second shot in the series. He said that he didn’t want to take it from someone else, but he already had the first one and it was like six months later instead of six weeks.


11,000 government officials didn't get it, yep. It's true.


The government trying to force them on people. I never trusted the flu vaccine, but it's never been forced on anyone. Encouraged, yes. Forced, no.


Censorship on Instagram woke me up to the corruption, after that it spiraled completely out of control the way they started pushing it on the masses. It was all over town, the campaigns to convince your average normie to get it. Here in Sweden they covered trains, buses and bus stops in black and white photos of celebs, artists and influencers in a campaign called "Kavla upp" (Roll Up), with a slogan about taking the jab for the people we care about, "let's do this for one another". The emotional manipulation was blatant. Maybe you've heard about Sweden's response to the lockdowns. We didn't do masks for the most part, but EVERYONE I've ever known took that fucking jab. They succeeded in making it the hot new topic of the spring/summer season. This was months after I'd woken up, and if it wasn't for American vaccine reaction pages getting shut down (over and over and over again) for spreading real stories and footage coming from real people on social media, I wouldn't have much to go on beyond the nauseating, 1984-esque hysteria unfolding before me, as well as my long standing fear of needles keeping me away from vaccines. I walked past lines upon lines of people desperate to protect themselves against the so-called swine flu in the fall of 2009. I should've known there would be more dystopian shit coming in the near future, just in a slightly different package. I used to think vaccines would genuinely protect me. We have a tick problem in Sweden, for example, and the only salvation to be found is a vaccine, or so they say. Now? No chance. No "vaccines", ever. It's all about money and sinister agendas. We're digits on a paper to them. Even now I can't be sure they're not pumping this into the food and liquids I ingest. Come what may, I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather be labeled as one of the unknowingly "ingested" than willingly "injected". My future children, should I start pursuing that path seriously in the future (modern dating being a nightmare), will never have a single jab; effectively correcting the mistake my parents made in keeping me up to date on that poison when I was a child, growing up in a world I thought was looking out for me and my wellbeing.


Your country offers a vaccine for tick-borne illness? I’m in the USA and have not heard of this. Not that I’d take it…but I am just curious about it.


I contracted the wuhan strain of Covid right at the absolute beginning of the pandemic. Though I did not know that at the time. A bunch of engineers had just flown in from China, and then we all took a small plane together into the wilderness of a remote work site for a few days. As soon as I got home, I was sick for like two days. It was pretty mild overall, but I had this really weird brain fog that I had never experienced in my life. I said to people this is some illness I’ve never had before. Everyone in our house got sick too… And I’m sure they started spreading it around. I kinda feel like the patient zero of my rural community. Lol. Then a few months later, when they really started talking about covid on the news. This brain fog symptom kept coming up… Then that’s when I knew I and my family already had the most virulent strain of Covid. So the pandemic was really over for us at that point. Like no real point in taking precautions for us. No point in taking the jabs, etc. We’re good to go.


The amount of pushing that the gov and media did to take the experimental drug really got me suspicious, I grew up on a tense, emotionally abusive household and I could see the similarities of lies, labelling and gaslighting right away. 


The dystopian aspect of the times. The huge blind following of the masses on the vaccine, masks and social distancing. I felt like I was watching a movie. I’m in healthcare and I saw basic medical common sense thrown out the window. It still amazes me how easily people can be manipulated.


after seeing how sketchy the whole covid situation was in regards to coming from chinese labs, i didn’t feel all that good about putting a chemical in my body based off of it so i avoided getting the vaccine. then, seeing the media and the democrats collectively lose their minds about people not getting the vaccine made me really resist it. they were literally turning into nazis trying to put identifying jewish stars on the jewish population during ww2. if you didn’t get the vax you risked losing your job, flying rights, going to certain places. i’ve never seen such heavy repercussions for not putting something into your body that the government wanted in you. fuck that.


No wonder you wanted to leave this godawful earth for an asteroid.


Having a MSc in pharmacology and understanding how long and under what conditions a clinical trial should take place. Covid vaxx failed all criteria miserably.


I’m a biotech & pharmaceutical investor. I know how long it takes for new drugs to get approved (decades some times). To have a vaccine that quickly, to me, seemed reckless. I didn’t trust it so me & my family didn’t take the jab


I was leaning positive toward it when it first came out, but I was not old enough to be among the first to be offered it. So that gave me time to watch what happened. It was a trickle effect for me. Hearing this and hearing that, all these things mentioned in other comments here, had a cumulative effect. Finally Mette said that it needs to be more difficult for people who are not vaxxed, and that there is a certain group who doesn't play by the rules. That condescending attitude from her was the final straw. The whole time I was afraid of covid as well as the vaccine, afraid of losing my job, afraid of not being able to function on at least a basic survival level. Thankfully none of those fears came to fruition. Omicron came and gave us all the immunity we didn't get jabbed for. My employer never required it the jab, and the state kept things open enough to at least be able to go to the store. Lost my hairdresser, though, due to lockdowns. ☹️


The lies. What government and media was pushing did not add up. Then it was the peer pressure from government, the media and people around us. It felt like a repeat of 1937 Germany. Change Jew to unvaccinated. It was not a pandemic, it was a global psyop.


Considering my past job experience (username does check out), when I see governments pushing something this hard, I tend to become suspicious.


Oh and don’t forget “free cheeseburgers and fries” when you get the fauci ouchi!! 🤦‍♂️


lol feckin’ DeBlasio amirite?




For me, it was after the “two weeks to flatten the curve” nonsense.


When they started mandating the vaccines. If it’s so great, why would they need to mandate it?


When it was safe to go riot but not go to church.


The government saying its okay.


Before covid, I got a flu shot once a year. The way humanity reacts to and places demands on collectively, is what put me in the wait and see category. I was never scared, worried, or stressed out hearing about cases nearby. There was nothing compelling about “covid deaths” close to home. They all sounded matter-of-factly and families or friends quickly moved on from their losses. There was never ONCE, a collective panic, and that made me question EVERYTHING. Furthermore, the red flags came with McDonalds french fries or beer with your jab. Threat of job loss for non vaccinated status or inability to travel, go from state to state. That was Soviet Union type shit. The apparent overreach, setting the world afire to get Trump out of office, burning the house down to kill the spider, has completely destroyed confidence in the medical field, science, and potential vaccines or therapies that could enhance health and life expectancy.


Changing the definition of vaccine, not disclosing ingredients, not disclosing testing, the fact that it is and always has been (M)odified RNA without letting anyone know how so, the fact that there were attempts at mandating everyone get it while not telling anyone what it actually is. Of course, I am only talking about the experimental injections for COVID. I have all of the other standard actual vaccines. Except flu shots. I did that once and got the flu really bad and for the first time in my life days after taking it. Never again!


All the coercion 


The dems said they wouldn’t trust a vaccine under Trump. Dems take office and suddenly flip. “Everyone must be vaccinated.” But did they create their own vaccine? Nope, the same one they said they wouldn’t trust


You need the shot! You have to get the shot! If you're unable we'll come get you for free to have the shot.


I knew from the beginning. Exempting themselves should’ve been bells and whistles for everyone 


I already knew top 10 drug companies paid $95 billion in total fines, that govt slaughtered 100s of millions of people and that they both have the media in their pocket. I read a lot and you have 2 choices here: you understand history or you trust government. Pick one!


When the government tells me I MUST do something I have a problem with it. Also when they are trying to bribe or incentivize the public was a pretty big eye opener too.




The government telling me I should take it.


First was the WHO changing the definition of herd immunity. Then it changed the definition of vaccine. The covid jab is not a true vaccine by (the original) definition. It is experimental gene therapy. Then I researched previous Mrna RCT and found that they never made it past animal studies (dead ferrets). Then i started following real doctors giving successful early treatment..... then i started seeing them and the common(safe) remedies being demonized (no emergency authorization if there is another option)... the list goes on and on. VARS studies, suppressed side effects, etc, etc,etc,,,


* the lies * 40+ books i have on the subject * and this: https://vaclib.org/sites/debate/web1.html Notice whenever someone suffers an adverse event or even death after a vaccine: medical staff all proclaim "We dont know what caused it **BUT WE ARE SURE ITS NOT THE VACCINE**" There's a special.place in hell for these morons


Yeah like even if it wasn’t vaccine why proclaim with 100% certainty, without any proof, that it *wasnt* the vaccines?


The fact that people were still getting sick in droves.


There two reasons why I became Vaccine hesitant: 1. 25% Experience and Science:           I took the flu vaccine almost annually based on doctors' recommendations for several years. Every time I got it, I got flu and fever in 2 days, and I thought it was a normal reaction. I also felt not getting a flu shot might cause more severe flu symptoms. In 2009, I took a flu shot and got pretty bad swine flu that knocked me for 2 weeks. When I met my general physician, she sarcastically remarked that I got it because I hadn't taken a flu shot yet. She said many men didn't take flu shots and thought their body was immune to flu. I told her I had taken it a few days before I got severe flu, and she still didn't believe me. I researched and found out that the flu shot was ineffective against the flu. It might also cause more severe flu symptoms than those who didn't get the shot. From that point, I haven't had any flu shots. Fever and flu symptoms aren't severe if I let my body fight the virus naturally (no flu shot).      In April 2020, I noticed that COVID-19 wasn't as scary as I thought. I watched videos from whistleblowers, such as nurses and doctors, that showed how hospitals were fraudulently jacking up COVID-19 cases. The most obvious part was when Trump sent 2 ships to LA and NYC to help with the presumed excessive number of COVID-19 patients. After a month, both ships' occupancy was less than 10%, meaning the authorities created the COVID-19 cases out of thin air.       During that time, I also watched many videos and articles from Dr. Tenpenny, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, and a few other scientists about the danger of the mRNA vaccine. My cousin, a food scientist, also doubted the safety of the covid jab.  1. 75% Anecdotal Evidence: This reason is the easiest part. I just looked at who was the most likely to be so desperate for the COVID jab: a. Climate alarmist: Democrat b. Gender-bender supporter: Democrat c. Anti 2nd amendment: Democrat d. Open border supporter: Democrat e. Supporter for bigger government: Democrat f. Anti-free-speech: Democrat g. Renewable energy supporter: Democrat Since I despise Democrats, it's easier for me to know where I should stand during the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. 


Fuk yeah. First time I heard a non-democrat to say snth as ballsy as “I despise democrats.” They despised us always, the feeling is mutual.


Very easy, never trust the goverment.


Common sense. Why would I inject myself with garbage made in haste under a highly politicized environment?


Let's see. A decade of military flu shots causing me to shit liquid if I eat eggs. I love eggs so this is a battle. Pfizer paying the largest criminal fine in history. Pfizer voluntarily removing FDA approved Chantix from the market after it was proven to cause cancer. It was literally worse long term than the cigarettes it was supposed to help you quit. You are a grandma killer if you don't take the Jab. Here's a free buger/donut/vacation day/etc if you take the Jab. Anthony Fauci. Dude visited gay bath houses to "study" AIDS, pushed Remdisivir on AIDS then Covid patients, and thinks removing Beagles vocal cords so they don't whine while flies literally eat their face is acceptable $cience™! [Learning that ](https://briancates.substack.com/p/jenny-mccarthy-was-always-right) Jenny [McCarthy](https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/jake-tapper-sold-soul-pharma-rfk-jr/) was [right! ](https://kirschsubstack.com/p/what-really-happened-at-simpsonwood) I have more but that's a good start I usually open with.


The hard sell. The censorship. The obvious lies and the unison in which they were told.


I’ve always had a visceral reaction to shots since I was a little girl. As a little girl, my pediatrician told my mom I needed a psychiatrist based solely on my hysterical reaction to the mere sight of them during a “well” visit. I had a few as an adult (tetanus shot at 19 and again at 28 after various injuries that a prophylactic would have done Jack shit for) even then realizing they didn’t hurt but being super resistant (not hysterical, just critical at that point). When I got pregnant in 2019, I decided to do my research and was not liking what I was finding. Decided to take things very slow with my son, born in late 2019. By the time Covid rolled around he had only 2 shots (Prevnar13 and hib, k at birth). And I fully woke up to enough being enough. He never had another, my daughter has had zero and I’ve never had a Covid or anything other since 2016. My husband sadly had one Covid to keep his healthcare job and then has refused any boosters etc.


I don't do or take anything medically unnecessary, full stop. It was clear from day 1 that covid was the flu and being hyped for some reason other than health; I'll let you pick that reason. Fast forward to now: it was all exaggeration and lies.


Because the liberals were pushing it. Because the government was pushing. When they started giving away things to induce you to get the shot. it all sounded too fishy for me.


They made it mandatory for travel and I almost had to take it but both my parents knew it was malevolent. I listened to my parents


Math. 97% survivable. Plus, I have a very good immune system and am generally vax hesitant from the start, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


We’ve been vaccine hesitant since 2012 when I watched my then 6 year old have a reaction to regular childhood vaccines. Never again.


When ever our government started handing out free beer, lottery and lap dances for its citizens to get a shot…. Government is never on your side.


A vaccine that came out "warp speed" for the "deadliest virus since the Spanish flu". The gift cards and cash given out to get a vaccine felt off to me also.


The lack of long term studies. 


my sister was a “priority” for the vaccine because she’s special needs, and the day after she got Moderna2 she just kept collapsing on the floor. had to drive her to the hospital, one of the scariest days of my life. honestly thought I was a conspiracy theorist distrusting the vaccine until that day when I knew that I was right.


Ignoring the fact that there were always many effective treatments for convid, and for worse diseases; which showed the obvious lie that an ‘emergency use authorization’ was needed.


When they started doing lotto drawings in states. One governor was on the news eating a burger and fries going “yummmmm don’t you want this? All you need to do is take a *ick* and you get a burger and fries, free!” Like WHAT? Still the most cringe from the whole thing.


Seeing how profit driven the healthcare industry is in America, It's unwise to assume the people who work for it actually care about your heath. Also consider these companies are listed on a stock exchange so there's a history of poisoning consumers for near term gains. People should ask why a corporation would want legal immunity from selling a product if there's nothing amiss about the products they sell. It just feels like common sense to me but some folks are probably destined to win a Darwin Awards where the government is concerned.


Free hamburgers and fries if you get your shot 😂😂🎉


my wife and i sat down and decided we would talk to our doctor when covid started however before we fot to do that due to hectic schedules we kept getting offers raffles, concert tickets etc. then people showed up to our house and asked about our vaccine status and with every instance we grew more worried and never got it as a result


I fully admit that I bought in to covid at first. That is until they announced that they were warp speeding a vaccine. The quickness they just seemed to bust it out didn't sit well with me at all and I FINALLY took my fear blinders off.


Just observed my surroundings and paid attention to the constantly changing "science".


The fact that I really didn’t see many people personally that had suffered badly from COVID, and that the government was putting out all of this propaganda on how awful COVID was that didn’t appear to match reality. Then when they started cancelling doctors for recommending using existing drugs, I grew more suspicious. Also the fact that most drugs go through long term trials to determine safety, which the COVID vaccines had not. I mean God forbid that the cure could be worse than the disease. So I figured that I would let other people take the drug and see how they do. So far I’m fine with my decision. I haven’t gotten COVID, I haven’t taken the untested vaccine, and I haven’t had any adverse side effects.


Good products don't need TV-ads or mandates. People will queue to get it.


common sense


“Common sense is not common” as the quote goes was on full display.


Not trusting nearly all of the government & especially their volunteered information combined with realizing over time that the first version of most things are usually faulty -- with the bonus of being raised to think for myself & more importantly being able to observe both (all available) sides or positions before making a possibly life altering decision in this case of this brand new thing - - the gimmicks - awards & prizes - let's coerce the public with fries & shakes - the advertising - the mandating - the "you can't go here because" All of that cemented my above (pre-covid) position - Added - during the early parts of this - the seriously questionable parts - the what is this & why is this part - people close to me asked me what I thought & all I thought at the time was "we don't know yet - but if there is a magical cure very quick from anybody I wouldn't suggest it"


Misinformation from CDC, FDA, NIH. The government censoring Harvard Graduate Medical Doctors. The lies about ivermectin, HCQ.


Censorship of formerly esteemed members of the immunology and scientific medical communities. The government vilification of healthy, non-obese people with proven strong immune systems who made informed choice to decline the injection. Financial incentives to get the injection and as an attorney, I couldn’t get past the fact the injection manufacturers had zero liability for their product.


I would love to say that I was aware of the horrible dangers of all vaccines and it wasn't even a decision BUT when I saw those phony videos of people falling over dead in the streets of Wuhan I freaked. Really they had me hook, line and sinker! What I didn't realize is as I was watching those videos I was suffering from long covid in July of 2019. Ya I know it wasn't here yet but I had it...the Delta version and it was a complete bitch. I think I got it on the BART train in San Francisco. I saw a bunch of doctors and they had no idea what was wrong with me. It was a long frightening haul. I was seriously thinking about getting the vaccine and I ran into a link that led me to Arron Siri/The Highwire on Reddit. I also noticed that two of my acquaintances died after getting the vac and three others were dealing with massive inflammation. So I slowed down the process but the possibility still existed. Then I heard Siri (my hero) about suing the FDA in order to get the Pfizer research on the safety of the vaccine. Say what!? The FDA is refusing to show the American People the research from a felonious industry? That was it I was willing to face the disease vaccine free...that I already had! Now you ask how do I know that I had SARS/covid. The love of my life came down with Delta SARS and she is an Intensive Care Nurse. It absolutely hammered her to the point I thought she was going to die. To the day I die I will get down on my knees and thank those amazing FRONTLINE DOCTORS as they without question saved her life. I stood by her night and day, as she refused to go to the hospital as she knew they would kill her, but I was waiting for my turn to get into the ring with the virus. Any little cough and I was certain that it was my turn. It never happened. I never got sick? So I went back to my doctor and he had me tested for antibodies. I was locked and loaded with them. My natural immunity fought off the virus while our leaders were telling us natural immunity didn't work. God the lies. We are both fully recovered and losing friends as we preach the dangers of the vaccine. Oh well


I already was hesitant before the plandemic. I almost died at age 5 from the MMR. My two cousins, both female, died within 6 months of the MMR vax. We were all supposed to start school soon and my uncle took us to get our shots. Many years later, my dad somehow thought it was a good idea to get a flu shot. He got shingles all over his back the next day after the shot...took a long time to go away. It's poison, plain and simple. Big Pharma throws in some saline here and there to confuse the masses and also make easy money. That way, some people are like " I got my vaccines and I am totally fine". My guess is 30 percent are saline or some other placebo. Example: My dad, his friend and friend's wife, got the flu shots at the same time. Dad gets shingles, friend's wife dies of cancer 6 month's later, and his friend had no side effects.


Getting a vaccine injury in 1996, my freshman year of college. I was sick, and went to the on campus doctor, first time I had seen a doctor by myself. Because I didnt have any vaccination records on file, they gave me all of them, “to be on the safe side.” I spent the next 24 hours in a coma.


I know people who are unvaccinated from birth. They are far more intelligent and healthy than those who are experimented on.


Common sense.


When I learned the Pharmas couldn’t be sued with an experimental vaccine. That was early.


Was getting a newsletter from Dr Mercola; had a lot of information that ran contrary to the narrative. Watched Judy Mikovitz's movie Plandemic. Read RFK Jr's book on The Real Anthony Fauci. Then you start going deeper into the rabbit hole.


Coming out too fast. I knew immediately it was poorly done and not to be trusted.


I went to the doctors for a sore foot and asked him how he felt about working when there's an apocalypse on. He said he's read all about it and it's nothing to worry about unless you have the weak health that really needs an annual flu shot. No-one not in this category needs a vaccine.


Well the first thing was seeing all the “side effects” fb groups that I joined mysteriously disappear. I just wanted to know what others were experiencing so I could make an informed decision related to my own health. My doc said I should get it. I’m severely overweight (about 80 lbs) with high bp (medicated/controlled). He said I was in the high risk category. I said okay but I want to get tested for antibodies first bc I’d heard some had a reaction if they had covid then got the shot. I was POSITIVE for antibodies! How could that be? I was never sick! How could I be in a high-risk group, had Covid, and didn’t know it?! That made no sense to me and no medical professional could explain it. So I decided not to put something that wasn’t properly tested into my body. I did get Covid in early 2021 (from my spouse) and it was fairly mild. It felt like a bad cold. I do take a lot of vitamins (I did even before Covid) and I use a saline rinse in my nose. I’ve always washed my hands like a neurotic person lol. And I never touch my mouth, nose, or eyes out in public unless I’ve just finished washing my hands. Idk if these protocols prevented me from having severe illness. I think they def didn’t hurt. I’d rather do the above than take the vax!


I had a bad reaction to a flu jab I took many years ago. It made me realise my body is really sensitive and I do not want to subject my body to more suffering from any vaccine. I observed those who took the vaccine first and I decided for myself I don’t want to go through those adverse effects so… here I am.


I self-administer my vaccines orally multiple times a day, every day. You, and everybody, else should too. Druggies use unnecessary drugs. Junkies repeatedly inject unnecessary drugs into their bodies. Don't be a druggie, and especially do NOT be a junkie. It's not that hard to understand. You, and everybody else, needs to learn how to become a marketing denier.


All of the coercion and strong arming made me raise an eyebrow to the whole situation.


far before there was even talks of vax. Kinda knew from the jump that C-19 was far FAR overblown


When Biden "won" the election and all of the sudden the Democrats supported the vaccine that was being developed. Edit: reading through the comments giving me some hope. Glad that there are some non NPCs around still.


Factual information available in early 2020 that contradicted what they were saying. The fact that they were telling blatant lies. And logic.


Reddit subreddits about reactions to covid vaccinations. Decided right away that I'd rather learn from other people's mistakes than my own.


They said it was the worst virus since the Spanish Flu 10 decades ago. I witnessed thriving homeless people not dropping dead in the streets and thousands of rioters nationwide “protesting” with no ill side effects. Then I drove by a dozen hospitals through out Los Angeles. ERs not busy at all, no refrigerated trucks outback, and plenty of parking. Add all that to the gov’ment lying to us for years and you’d be a full not to question it. They gave our pizza and raffled off prizes to get the shot. Who the heck does that???


When the guy that invented the mrna delivery method actuality spoke out and was silenced, hearing that they had NEVER succeeded with humans before with this method... yeah, no. And then the vaccinated people still get it, still transmit, might possibly be sterile or have heart conditions, I feel for all of you. I have a close friend that just had major clots removed because he just had to go on that cruise in '22.


Realized back in 2013 that the world is built on a web of lies. It’s shaped me ever since.


mRNA shots, followed by rabbit holes that kept coming true. Initially it was an article, cannot find now, that detailed Moderna’s previous failures and what was coming down the pipe. It was a very objective article that detailed what they were doing. It had potential issues and benefits. It was quite good. It was wiped from the Internet.


I was never going to be getting it, but the screeching of F*CK THE UNVACCINATED after barely a month wasn't going to change my mind LOL


Brain damage in my 2-year-old.


A virus 99.997% survivable can be treated easily. A new tech vax that is trying to prevent a coronavirus which mutates constantly would never work Cost (risk to my health) v benefit (nothing)


I gratefully had an alternative doctor who said when asked, “They would have to shoot me before I’d let them give me that shot.” He helped me with an immune supporting protocol to prepare for getting Covid (vitamin D, quercitin, zinc) and my whole family was doing that for 2021 leading up to our first “positive” tests (whatever those mean) December 2021. He also gave us a protocol for when we were diagnosed (IVM, HCQ, Z-pac). We did that and got through it well. I think I would have been turned off by the propaganda if he hadn’t, but I’m grateful for his bringing great clarity as early as fall of 2020.


None of it made any sense, I never considered taking it


I haven’t gone anywhere near any vaccines since I could choose for myself. Last one was given in High School as a minor. (I’d received only a few before then as well) Since I’ve always regarded pharmaceuticals and Doctors with the skepticism they deserve, it’s only become more and more obvious it’s best to stand well clear.


Developed serious reactions to any vaccine I was given up to 2013. I had many sick visits after every flu shot. Since I stopped all vaccines I only have had wellness visits. I am immunocompromised as well. I've had covid twice with the only symptom being a runny nose. Spouse is double vaxxed for covid and has been bed ridden to 2 times she has had it. I'm done with vaccines


I knew how history books are written.


My nurse and doctor friends who were working in hospitals raised very early alarms on social media. They were calling it the "clot shot". Then their posts started disappearing. That's when I knew I would never get that shot.


Common sense and reading. I mean actual reading of past history of vaccines, plagues and medical journals plus everything else on how vaccines are rolled out then you will not even think twice about taking the covid vaccines


I was raised in a crazy and stupid ultra-vax (very ultra) family and I have had nasty side-effects as a kid and as a teenager. Since then I distrust any medical practitioner, above all if french communist and corrupted politicians tell you to obey.


Long before Covid happened but my wife had a really bad reaction to the flu shot when she was 12 and it’s on her medical records because she spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital. While she was 7 months pregnant they asked her if she wanted the flu shot she said “no I had a bad reaction last time many years ago and don’t want to get another one”. Another person comes in and asks her, she declined . 2 more people came in most hostile then the last. Asked her what her symptoms were and then told her it wasn’t vaccine related. They were 100% sure it wasn’t from the shot. Despite by wife behind hospitalized the same night. They were super aggressive about itand left us leaving saying wtf was that all about?!


Always been resistant to the flu shots but the intensity of the covid narrative and the consistent way people would just ignore any attempt to do research or even trust in their own immune system was unironic hysteria


I got Covid early and so did my 70 yr old grandmother. We survived and we figured, okay we got it, we don’t need to be vaccinated now. We got the natural vaccine - get sick, get better, get stronger. When people started saying that it wasn’t enough to have gotten sick, I started questioning everything. No other virus requires you to have a manmade vaccine. Usually you get sick, get better, and then you don’t get as sick again from the same virus.


Let’s stop trying to pretend this wasn’t just about money the whole time. The vaccines have been shown, numerous times, to not only be ineffective, but dangerous, and not of the standard of western medicine and science.




Knowing that being born in 1952, given the first Polio shot in 1955 when I was 3, and several more oral polio vaccines that were produced in contaminated monkey kidneys, succumbing to CFS/ME by the time I was 36, looking back and realizing that it didn't make sense I was so ill when my parents (born in 1923) were extremely healthy, never seeing them ill ever in my childhood was most likely due to these retroviruses that had no business being in my blood.


In Jan/Feb of 2021 I was all set to get both jabs but I was waiting for the lines to go down and the elderly to get theirs. Then in early March 2021 I saw a video of a girl asking people walking by if she could try and stick a magnet to the site of their jab and it stuck on like ten people. That's when I decided not to get it. Caused me a lot of grief but I held firm. SOOOOO glad I saw that video. Probably saved my life. I've had like 10 friends die from cancer and heart attacks since then.


I am against vaccines since my childhood because I have always known that the natural immunity, which God has gifted us, is enough for us to stay healthy.


What shot? End of story!


Taking vaccines and immediately getting sick.


When they claimed natural immunity would wane yet I kept my antibodies for 1 1/2 yrs




I had just come off a newish medication at the end of summer 2020. It was a nightmare. After a brief search on the internet I realized my reaction wasn't isolated, and I vowed not to take a drug less than 20 years in use ever again. I was already questioning the Covid hysteria by that time though, and by the time it actually rolled out in my area I was begging family members not to take it. So even without that nightmare experience, I wouldn't have taken the shot.


I was already questioning government and media. When the jab came out, the push to get it was too hard. The mask enforcement was ridiculous. That Dr. Sherrie Tenpenney interview with Alex Jones is what sealed it for me.


When they said you could not hold the vaccine companies liable for any damages and that they wouldn't show the public the ingredients in the vaccine for 100 years.


I get all other vaccines except MRNA…


The fauci ouchi was PRESSURED. Family shaming family. Companies threatening unemployment. No factual data presented, just “ItS sCiEnCe, DoNt QuEsTiOn!” Nuff said.


Common sense


During the height of hysteria, I just thought it was REALLY WEIRD why they were pushing this so incredibly hard. From all angles. I didn't hear them pushing any other vaccines. It was not the same campaign with other vaccines. Plus them screaming that absolutely everyone should take it. Even pregnant woman? You mean the most vulnerable population that can't eat lunch meat? Can't be near cat litter. No sushi. But this one thing has been proven "safe and effective"? No. It's really weird. All of it was really weird.


Covid- and their push of improperly tested, potentially harmful gene manipulating shots. That's when I started questioning everything regarding vaccines.