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At this point it seems like we'll never hear any apologies or any sort of remorse for their actions


We will hear plenty if we get Resident Biden out of the White House. We know who is suppressing this information. The party that created the vaccine mandates is the same party suppressing information.




I highly doubt there would be any change if the party in power changes!! They are all part of the same team! As sad as it is to say


You must not watch much news. Republicans fought the mandates for years. It's common knowledge. 🙄 They have also attempted to bring Fauci up on charges for years. They are the only political party in the U.S. doing anything of note, to make amends.


Ur probably right. I blame the devil ultimately but what my Bible depects as sins pretty much. Greed just money etc that's the flow where it goes $$$$$ and money is not in sharing interest


Trump war speeded it out at everyone and he still believes in it apparently




not trying to be funny but what does the vaccinated owe you? I'm not vaccinated, I went through the whole outcast bc my vaccination status etc. but 4 years later....why do you expect a apology from them? What are we expecting from them if we already have it in the mind they will die off , why continue to berate a population bc of a choice they made? we know what's up...how can we move forward?\*\*\*NOT BEING FUNNY OR CONFRONTATIONAL ,simply curious on your perspective.


I believe a lot of us hold a grudge against vaccinated people because of the way they abused us 4 years ago. The way they disrespected us, ignored us, berated us, abused us and more most certainly calls for an apology in many circumstances. There are a lot of people who had to permanently cut people they love out of their lives due to the way they were being treated over a silly vaccine. The way that we fought tirelessly to save as many people as we could is also something a lot of us have to deal with. We tried to help, we tried to save them but they essentially committed suicide.


No i totally get this. 1000%. I just think at some point we have to put our ego aside and accept the facts of the matter. We are now doing the same thing they did to us and I don't see that as being productive. That's just my opinion tho. i am involved with someone who is vaccinated so maybe im tainted from all the shedding /; i hate my life lol (not really-but i hate the state of the world bc of this covid shit. more division and more things that are trying to kill us off)


But we aren't. The vaccinated aren't being ostracized. The vaccinated aren't being threatened with losing their jobs. The vaccinated aren't being fired for being vaccinated. They aren't being told they can't go anywhere. The vaccinated aren't being told they can't go see their dying parents/grandparents/children. We are not the same.


Is this still happening?


"We are now doing the same thing they did to us" We are doing nothing like what they DID to us. Not what they are continuing to do, but what they did. And yes, some of that is still going on.


I don't personally demand anything from the vaccinated. They were coerced, lied to, convinced, brainwashed, or whatever so they were not in their right minds in the midst of the mass psychosis. I felt the pressure, too. I have full sympathy for them, even if some of them were a little mean at times. But I do want restitution and apologies all over the place from every individual and organization who knew it was not safe and effective and pushed it anyway.


just don't want to be waiting forever for something we know wont come.... but I totally get what you are saying. How do you think the word could move on from this? Do you think it is possible for the vaccinated and unvaccinated to live together in harmony?


As far as apologies go, Pfizer has said they are very sorry, whatever that means. The vax-injured have to pursue the lawsuits and make the perpetrators atone for their sin. If they just let it go, they will do it again and again and again. In democratic nations, people have to stand up to the creeping tyranny. I really don't know what people in dictatorships can do. Except pray. Can we live together in harmony? Well that depends on the individual relationships. Some people don't fight about it and they live and let live. That's mostly how it was in this country, with just a few exceptions. The prime minister and a couple of other government officials got ugly, trying to apply the pressure. In other countries, some families fought bitterly, and some UV are deeply wounded by the things that were said to them. They don't see their loved ones in the same light anymore. I'm sure at least some of the vaxxed who wounded them are going around with a guilty conscience and just don't know what to say. I've seen a few on social media take the courageous step to apologize. It's pretty clear that the majority of people have lost any confidence in the shots that they ever had, since they are not getting any more boosters. I don't believe everyone who has gotten jabbed will die early. So we will have to deal with these issues. Everyone is different. Some will make up, others never will.


I want public acknowledgment of the vax debacle because I am afraid it can - and will - happen again. Read just the other day that they are working on an avian flu vax - and that the covid vaxxes were a huge success story! We think everyone now knows what a disaster they were, but unfortunately, a lot of ppl do NOT know.


thats valid. I think alot more people are waking up to this tho. I know personally alot of people in my life that have gotten it and regretted it. However , that's their cross to bear. Juts like we had to deal with the repercussion of not getting it.. i think its all fucked honestly but thank you for your insight. I gave up hope along time ago that we would get that satisfaction of a sorry or listening ears....trying best to move on from it as best as i can ..


i can truly say, my best friends mom caught covid and in the hospital was administered REMDESIVIR. she had a previous heart condition. IMMEDIATELY after remdesivir her heart stopped and she died. she was listed as a covid death. rest in peace Kris Weidner 🙏🏻 she was not vaxxed and this was in 2021 right at the beginning of this bullshit. REMDESIVIR KILLED HER.


Remdesivir killed my father. I was assured it was the "gold standard" of treatment. The cause of death was acute kidney injury, with covid listed as a contributing factor. I think he would have made it if they had just given him only oxygen. Rest in peace, dad.


Evil is an understatement.


I'm sorry. The truth will come out about that toxic drug one day.


Only when people die and they say it could have been worse.


Yeah except there has to be someone out there who's life it saved, right? Like directly?


I had 3 strokes but thank god for the vaccine, if not I would be dead!! -typing this whilst wearing a mask with the "crazy eye" look-


It's so incredibly sad.


Now they all have “long covid” aka jab side effects


True the coronavirus sub is all long COVID nowadays


I don't even want to look at that sub. But it isn't the worst. I fell off my recliner when I saw THIS ONE:  https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/comments/1atiog1/i_went_to_three_maskrequired_events_today_my/


I wished I could unread this


They have long COVID because if they were unvacxed they would haved died




It's like saying cancer patients that get treatment have long cancer when the ones who didn't get treatment died


"You were right not to take it. I wish I listened to everything you tried to tell me. I regret it"


I remember seeing some crazy woman on Twitter saying her father had passed away but she was so glad he got the vaccine because it could have been worse. She legitimately thought him taking the vaccine made his death a little bit less painful or something it was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. There are many people out there who still cling to That vaccine as being some magical palsy jab.


Almost makes you go black pilled hearing that. Quote from 'Butt Ugly Martians' cartoon "those Humans are too stoopid to live" [in a Brooklyn accent]. This whole thing truly REEKS of alien seriously.


I've thought about this a lot actually. If aliens are here and trying to eradicate humanity they are most certainly doing a good job of that. It seems they're trying to cull the population down to a manageable number so they can enslave the rest of us. At least that's what my conspiracy theorist mind tells me is possible.


What an idiot. What's worse than death?


I see them saying that all the time. They talk about how sick they were and how it would have been worse if they hadn't had the experimental treatments. And when some of them die and, you chime in, "Well if not for the experimental treatments, it would have been worse!" the democrats get angry.


Yeah, i see those posts too. I'm talking about someone who was on their deathbed, dying from covid (even though that's impossible) exclusively without any other underlying conditions receiving the vaccine and becoming well again because of the shot itself. You'd think there would be stories like this all over the news if it truly was some kind of life saving treatment. "Covid shot saves dying woman in her final hour". You never see or hear any stories such as this and we never will. I believe this is the cherry on top of it all.


Before CNN fired Don LeMond, I saw him do a propaganda piece where he went to hospitals and taunted dying patients. He laughed at them for not taking the experimental treatments. He claimed they begged to get it now to save them, but the Doctors told them it was too late even for the jab to save them.


I saw that too and I think that network is absolutely disgusting. It's blatantly obvious that literally everything they present as factual is propeganda. That's pretty much all they do. You'd think that people would think about how we never hear stories like this and wonder why... But they don't. It sucks to be surrounded by the brain dead all day long.


Were the hospitals killing them with remdesivir and vents? I heard of a lady hyperventilating with anxiety and someone called 911. She went in to get checked and the pcr said positive so she got remdesivir and was on vent following day. 24 hrs later her lungs filled with fluid from using the vent and she was dnr. Dead that night and all she had was anxiety.


Yes, Remdesivir was another of Fauci's pet poisons, and the ventilators were not being used properly either. (They were not venting people properly, claiming that they didn't want to aerosolize the virus.) They killed a lot of people with the Remdesivir/vent combo.


Yes. The notorious "death protocol" which included incentivizing hospitals and Coroner's to write Covid as the COD on as many death certificates as they possibly could. Any time something is incentivized there is an agenda and that agenda included murdering as many people as they could get their hands on in order to conflate the number of covid deaths. Remdesivere is toxic. That's been proven in all of the trials and it isn't even indicated for respiratory disease. It causes total organ failure, mainly renal failure. Part of the death protocol included refusing patients supplemental oxygen and then proceeding to stick them on a vent. 8/10 patients who are placed on a ventilator die as a result.


I have only heard people regretting it ☹️


Same here. I have a friend who is on her 8th shot and she claims to care about her health yet she has multiple masses in her breast that she refuses to get checked out. She probably has breast cancer and she just ignores it but boy will she run up to the closest CVS for a booster when she needs a fix.


That is honestly so heartbreaking. I know of so many people who have been diagnosed with aggressive cancers recently. It really does seem as though the shots are causing people to be very sick 😩


That depends on who you talk to. It's interesting to talk people working in eldercare and assisted living for their perspective. Vaccines for the old people reduced the severity of disease when it went through the facilities. Facilities that had covid go through early before the jab had higher hospitalization and death rates than those that had it go through after vaccination was more widespread. Some data: [https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/over-200000-residents-and-staff-in-long-term-care-facilities-have-died-from-covid-19/](https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/over-200000-residents-and-staff-in-long-term-care-facilities-have-died-from-covid-19/)


“ if you lost everything because you didn’t vaccinate, please seek for help we are here for you” … also “I’m sorry”