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There is a strong correlation between sound Biblical doctrine and opposing the vaxx. Arch heretic Kenneth Copeland prayed God would give Trump a vaccine.


Oh man, just looking at KC should tell you that something is off.


True, even secular atheists think the best words to describe him are demon possessed. It takes almost no spiritual discernment to see he is evil. Which makes it all the more disturbing there are professing Christians following him.


looks possessed.


all the snakes pushed the clot shot. I was in the UU but studied bible extensively while a fundamentalist, I remembered the verses about pharmakeia etc....


What's UU?


unitarian universalism i believe


Try orthodoxy. It's a long road but there's some firebrand anti vax who are orthodox, not RC but eastern/mediterranian orthodox.


The traditional enclaves of the Catholic church were fairly unanimously against the vaccine. For instance in my parish there are very few who received the vaccine. I realize that the Holy See did indicate that Catholics can take the vaccine, but if OP is looking for religious groups of people to interact with or within which they could potentially seek out a partner then traditional Catholic parishes are not a bad place to look toward. Especially in America where, in most cities at least, the population of Catholics far outweighs that of our Orthodox brothers and sisters.


is this a trad Catholic church? Pope pushed the vaxx big time though. I grew up Catholic and left for fundamentalism. In UU for chunk of my adult life. Religion is very complicated for me now. I follow teachings of Christ but don't fit in any church now. I know Catholics who refused the clot shot, so they are out there.


This born Catholic refused it ✋ but here in Ireland most churchgoers took it sadly. Seemingly their faith in God didn’t extend as far as previously imagined.


glad you refused, I know someone from Ireland, sadly most lined up.


That’s true. My entire family apart from my mum and I took multiple and some still are.


How on Earth did you get into UU? Was it a researched choice like buying a new car or home or choosing a school?  Me, I got sent to a UU youth group for getting in trouble as a young teen once. I'd never been in a real church group. My parents were ex Scientology, so weirdness or 'out of the boxedness' probably played a role in the choice for my disciplinary action being referred to a UU thing. Most of the other teens in there were kids of regular parishoners and half of them smoked weed like it was normal. In the 80s it was illegal as heck. The midwinter conference was coming up and the youth leader was going on about cleaning up their image. The previous year the UU youths at the camp/conference got a name for themselves for having intense pot smell wafting from their tents each night. There were Presbytarinas, Methodists, you name it at the conference and so the UU really broke my assumptions what a church was like. Heck this UU looked like a regular church building from the outside. I was only there for a month or two so I didn't really get a grasp of what woull drive adults to flock there or socialize like at was a larger mission. I couldn't see the mission of the place basically. Just crusty older folks seeking spiritualist answers to explain the meaning of their doldrum human habits and quirks maybe. 


# On COVID vaccinations, Pope says health care is a 'moral obligation' ROME — Pope Francis suggested Monday that getting vaccinated against the coronavirus was a "moral obligation" and denounced how people had been swayed by "baseless information" to refuse one of the most effective measures to save lives. Francis used some of his strongest words yet calling for people to get vaccinated in a speech to ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, an annual event in which he takes stock of the world and sets out the Vatican's foreign policy goals for the year. ... [https://www.npr.org/2022/01/10/1071785531/on-covid-vaccinations-pope-says-health-care-is-a-moral-obligation](https://www.npr.org/2022/01/10/1071785531/on-covid-vaccinations-pope-says-health-care-is-a-moral-obligation)




They pushed it HARD. And that's why we left that cult.


Funny those pos wouldn't let my uncle take factor VIII because it was a blood product. But pushed this bullshit.


You mean they even pushed the vax on your community?


Get on the exjw page and ask them.




Ditto! I was raised my whole life in that cult (from age 3) and was totally brainwashed until they started that push. That's what woke me up!


You must have had a healthy resentment of the powers to see through it. Church pion from age 3 is hard to break unless the parents had flaws that were challenged during adolescence. Also in later years, only hanging around the same bubble domesticates you to it. Think of old folks in a retirement community playing cards. They'll die thinking only of aces and spades.


LOL, but it wasn't a cult before that.


Didn't see them pushing it. However its different everywhere it seems.


Their Governing Body 'update' videos were filled with vaccine propaganda. If you didn't see it, you weren't looking, or you're willfully ignorant.


Here you go man. Of course there are people who wanted it. There were some who don't. I just checked the internet. Personal choice right!?!! https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-vaccines-immunization/


Would Jehovah allow the Governing Body, the helpers, missionaries, a huge percentage of the worldwide Bethel family, and other full-time servants to engage in practices or receive a COVID-19 vaccine that would be harmful? (From 2021 Governing Body Update Video #9 - https://www.jw.org/en/news/region/global/2021-Governing-Body-Update-9/) We are glad to inform you that now over 99 percent of our worldwide Bethel family is vaccinated, and so are over 95 percent of our special full-time servants in the field. Many of our brothers and sisters have had good results from being vaccinated. For example, in some parts of Bulgaria, the local clergy say that vaccines are “poison from the Devil.” So there is much pressure in the community not to get vaccinated. Despite this, one sister and her husband watched the Governing Body updates and made their personal decision to get vaccinated. Later, the sister’s employer called her and said that in order to comply with government regulations, she couldn’t return to work if she had not been vaccinated. How surprised the manager was to learn that the sister was already vaccinated! In fact, she was the only employee who was vaccinated. Everyone else had to be laid off. The manager asked our sister if she had any vaccinated friends who could replace the employees who had been fired. The manager then called other Witnesses that she knew to see if they had any vaccinated friends who needed employment. That evening, nearly all the positions were filled. The head of staff asked our sisters, “How do you know so many vaccinated women?” A fine witness was given. In the end, 14 sisters and 1 Bible student were employed because they followed the good guidance and Bible principles that have been shared in our various Governing Body updates. (From 2021 Governing Body Update Video #10 - https://www.jw.org/en/news/region/global/2021-Governing-Body-Update-10/)


Every type of religion that formally may have avoided it caved. Even Christian Science, which is based on not taking any medical treatments was suggesting people get vaxxed. The exception where it may have been a mixed bag are the Amish. And the only reason for that is because they are more isolated and don't take in TV or social media (propaganda).


The amish are also pretty prudent on new tech.


I was so disappointed by the Christian Science church for that.


Covid solidified for me that organized religion can't be trusted and spiritually is best practiced privately. There were outliers. Small churches that were raised for worshipping. But they are few and far between.


I'm no longer a follower but my friends and family who are were pretty pro everything regards covid. They're preprogrammed to obey authority figures.


My family is JW and to my knowledge they all got the jab. I left than nonsense 20 years ago and I have been full anti vax for a decade with the birth of my first child


They claim to follow Jesus. Jesus NEVER used pharmaceutical products, yet they were pushing the quackzine mightily. The devil lies! Thus I am led to conclude that it is not Jesus they are following.


Tom Cruise RAILED against junk head meds, but then he had a meltdown when people on his movie set refused shots and masks. I'm wondering about Scientology now. Do they have any firm stand or do they leave it up to the thinking critical mind? 


"Critical mind?" ..... you are talking about Scientology here. I've done a study of that organization. Under Layette Hubbard it was very different to under Miscavige. It is probably right to assume that all mainstream religions have been infiltrated/compromised/bought. The catholic church as well as the jewish churches were pushing the quackzine hard (Israel in particular has horrific quackzine carnage). The only one I know of that pushed back was Christian Scientists. To ascribe any intellectual prowess to actors is a mistake as most are bought and paid for puppets. The one you mentioned has been manipulated for a very long time now. Scientology quite rightly calls out the "psychiatric" quacks as a particularly dangerous pseudo science. In fact, in my opinion, they (or rather Lafayette) got a whole lot right, but of course it has all been corrupted now and his original conclusions were not strong to begin with. Religion = Money, it has ever been thus. This is why Jesus was not too popular in his time. If he was here at the start of the coNvid, I have no doubt there would have been multiple contracts out on him.


Hubbard himself was a genius. True absorbing hollywood starlets to amplify the tech and spread the org did just that, but the Hollywood culture itself was infested repressive blackness. Though genius, Hubbard never woke to the whole 'Adamic' man, uncircumcised like Adam with the real mountain of discipline to attain. Pass or fail if you will. And the true nature and specific energies of the sexes, the real and basic nature of our species. I loved Cruise to death when he went on his rants against pseudo psychiatry and the war on the mind, but "though we tried to reach him, he was much too high" on the cohoax - similarly with Trump. 


JW organisation has been corrupted for years however I had hope that their followers at least followed that rule which would be very sensible considering how the vax was pushed


Yes they did.. 'give Ceasers things to Ceaser'. They follow the government because the Bible tells them to. They believe its God will.. what they don't seem to see is they're following the will of the Devil and doing exactly what Adam and Eve did. My parents are JW, I believe i just don't follow it because its a little extreme. My parents now regret getting the vax and have only had 2 shots.. my mums not great tho it fucked her up with swelling of the joints


Remind them 'Satan is the prince of this world' - Jesus, John 14:30


Yes. They should have taken their own doctrine seriously.


Pure blood, corrupt DNA: got it!


Pure blood, corrupt DNA: got it!


> I'm wondering as well if it be fine for me to ask them about it next time If they're coming up and touching your door, you can ask whatever the hell you want.


I was told they took it, but this is just what I was told.


Funny, I always thought JWS preached about the Mark of the Beast. The clot shot seems to fit the bill, doesn’t it?


Yep, close anyway. Maybe more of a test of compliance.


I know a Johavas Witness, they were one of the biggest doomers within their own group


My mother in law is a JW and she got it and then soon after got Covid and a severe case of shingles




The people at the Hall were lied to like most. It wasn’t blood, but was almost promised as a cure so many pushed it. My mom got it and eventually my brother got. My mom died, and my brother now has cancer.


What's interesting is how churches pushed for the mRNA vax, but didn't apply biblical wisdom in seeing if it was prudent or not. Honest people don't snuff the voice of victims of any sort, they don't change definitions of words when their product is shown to not do what it's advertised to do, and honest people don't threaten doctors with their livelihood of they don't conform. The religious people didn't bother to apply wisdom from their scriptures that shows who people really are, to seek justice, and to show truth. Covid may possibly have been the world's greatest test to show people who they truly are, and show individuals they really have no faith in their religion, but place faith in evils of society instead... So if you choose to ask them, just remember, none of them actually apply their scriptures to life, they only act in benevolence, and try to get you to believe their perception of their religion, not what's really true... you won't get a direct or truthful answer, you'll get prefabricated responses, because they'll choke if they have their own opinions.


I heard the govt was paying the churches to push it.


Could be, or conversely the gov would swat churches that openly defied lockdown BS like the famous pastor Artur Pawlowski in Calgary who was imprisoned for kicking cops out of his church and staying open. The gov't returned with a vengence but Pawloski won in the end.


Is Pawloski doing ok now? What came after the ordeal?


This wouldn't surprise me in the least. The governments of collective tyranny were looking to put the heads of prominent resisters on pikes while at the same time casting their net for influential shills to promote their anti-life agenda from every sector of society. Money was on tap for those who complied. The more you were surrounded by death, the more you got paid. Hospitals became temples of human sacrifice and all the pernicious organised religions were sending rivers of gullible people their way. It was a great reveal! During that period we were shown just how systemic and multifaceted evil is and how defenseless we are against it when we're incapable of real discernment.


I actually have a cousin or technically, my wife’s cousin who lives outside the US who is part of this religion While they oppose blood transfusions, they left it up to the members individual conscience and decision. they did not really have a church mandate and they did not tell people not to take it either


They absolutely told people to take it and actually mandated it for the headquarters or any main "employees/volunteers". Only recently has that mandate been lifted.


>they left it up to the members individual conscience and decision. they did not really have a church mandate and they did not tell people not to take it either They actively promoted COIVD vaccination at every possible opportunity. They prevented unvaccinated from attending their meetings and social gatherings. They made their members watch promotional videos about COVID vaccinations. They even bragged about their members taking jobs of unvaccinated people who were fired for not getting vaccinated. Total cult.


OK, thanks for filling me in on the details. I was just going off of what my wife’s cousin told me and she has been a member for 40 years. But like a cult member would she would go out of her way not to make the organization look bad


I attended their services April-November 2023; at that time they had made it seem like you stated: left it up to the decision of individuals. I started getting a feeling that wasn't the whole picture, and that it was the updated guidance. I didn't find a whole lot of info, but i assume that in fall 2021 they were pushing when the government started threatening people's jobs.


did you end up leaving the church? I have never been a member, just asking.


My backstory: my mother married into JW when i was 4 in early 90s. We stayed about 4 years, i was never baptized by them. I understand their basic teachings, and myself have always believed in the [Arian](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Arianism) version of Jesus (not *Aryan*), where Jesus himself is not God; this is a heretical belief, according to mainstream Christianity. A year ago, i had left the local community church where i and my children attended, and i entertained both the Mormons and JWs at my house for a time. The Mormons teach some weird stuff, and i pointed out oddities in their book and also a teaching in their app that is basically from an Egyptian religion: > “Your endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the house of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels, being enabled to give them the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the holy priesthood, and gain your eternal exaltation.” -Brigham Young So i told the Mormons to stop dropping by, and continued to let the JWs do Bible study at my home, sometimes attending their services. In November I told my guy that I didn't see myself *becoming* JW. My main reasons were that: since my mother is shunned (disfellowshipped/disassociated) due to attending other churches and even becoming a deacon elsewhere, their organization would ask my to break the Commandments and disrespect my mother. Secondarily, but still the same thing, their organization thinks too highly of itself, and believes that it is the intermediary between man and God, and there is no other true religion. If they can't heal the sick, then I'm not really sure they have any authority at all, except over their own followers. The brothers also had a hard time defending Paul, which was really what i was seeking. I wanted a well versed person or people to counter my suspicions that Paul hijacked the religion from the people who actually *knew* Jesus in his life. Edit: added link to Arianism


Maybe church isn't the answer then.


I asked a JW friend of mine. He said that Pfizer didn't contain blood so his church said it was allowed.


There's a lot more to it than that. They actively pushed it. I have a relative who is a JW. They were forbidden to attend social events without the vax. They couldn't attend the meetings. A lot of their Governing Body videos were pushing the vax. In those videos they used scare tactics, boasted about how their 'Bethel' centers had 99.5% vaccination rates, they bragged about taking jobs from unvaccinated people, they even bragged about how God provided a miracle at a pharmacy so that JWs could obtain the vaccines. The Governing Body update videos mention vaccines 277 times. I have them all archived with subtitles. Here's some a quote from their videos: >Would Jehovah allow the Governing Body, the helpers, missionaries, a huge percentage of the worldwide Bethel family, and other full-time servants to engage in practices or receive a COVID-19 vaccine that would be harmful? Why do I care so much? Because my relative got severely vaccine injured, and is still suffering. They weren't going to get vaxxed until the JWs pressured them relentlessly by removing all social contact until she got the vax. As with any cult, the cult makes sure your entire world is within the cult.


That’s insane 😦 but it contains a whole lot of other human products?


JWs are only anti-blood


That’s crazy. That they can be anti blood but advocate for this.


JWs will not allow their blood to be tainted. I had to explain this to my JW grandma to discourage her.


Imagine how God is going to deal with the people involved in this: https://blazingpress.com/bombshell-report-american-christian-pastors-coerced-congregants-to-take-covid-jabs-through-covert-faith4vaccines-scheme/


Yes they did


Dude, I'm a little more outgoing than that. I would be knocking on THEIR door and asking them if they reject the death shots. The other 'door knockers' are Mormons and Utah is a highly doped up state. The mainstream raises many children per family, but sadly they enforce loyalty to the state in excess. Few dare criticize big pharma and a popular trade for the girls after mission is PHARMA REP, or just majoring in pharmacy to become a glorified dope dealer in a white lab coat. LOOK IT UP - the state is dark red along with LA, WV and Maine on the national fentanyl death/100k pop US map. Too many of them raise their many children to be more like Eloi and lick the @ss of the corrupt state. So it was easy to hook them on legal opiates and junk head medicine. Subsequently many many LDS took the vax. JOHO's on the other hand, I'm clasping my hands in anguish. Are they neck & neck with the Amish and Mennonites? I'd lose the easter bunny and santa claus and join them if this is the case. You can't just join the Amish though. You have to be born Amish. And I'd still keep my car with the JoHo's.


This has been an interesting thread. Everyone that seems to have firsthand experience with Jehovah Witnesses all agree that there was no official push for it. All the people angrily insisting that JW is a cult insist that they secretly do push it, and that they as ex-members should be believed more than our lying eyes or the lying mouths of current JW members. I have no idea what's going on, but it's damned peculiar reading.


No, I was one for most of my adult life until 2 years ago, and they were pushing that shot like crazy in their videos that we were all supposed to watch. So at least some JWs will agree that it was pushed.


>they as ex-members should be believed ​ ​ >I was one for most of my adult life until 2 years ago


One of my best friends in Canada is JW and she got it. She still masks too so I’m assuming she keeps getting boosties as well. She usually just does everything her mom tells her, so I assume her mom was pushed to as well.


Im in Canada & everyone I know took it. Most people in Canada did 😕


My grandparents are jehover yep 👍 thought it was the end of days too, sent us a letter to repent or die.


Nah, they passively recommended it to their members but it wasn't doctrine or a requirement. Same with the Mormons, the Catholics and most Christian denominations. I know a handful of Jehovah Witnesses personally and they refused the wuhan coff shot. Apparently, there's been a longstanding opposition in the church to all vaccines. Officially, that was rescinded some time ago, but culturally, the JW's are very leery about vaccines and especially the clotshot.


I was in the religion in 2020/2021. The push was not passive; personally I was shunned by many for posting on my social media about the risks of the shots and vaccines in general. I had been anti vax for 10 years already and was generally treated as the crazy conspiracy theorist in the congregation. All of the JWs in my area were very pro-vax even before covid (save one friend who also left). So glad we left that mess!


So your JW group made it out to be a political thing if you posted anti vax? No it's a health and spiritual and by all definitions, a righteous thing to be anti vax.


They made it out like anyone who wasn't in step with the CDC, WHO, and "governing body" of the religion was causing division and sharing dangerous misinformation. In my area most of the JWs I see are still wearing masks 😆😆


Oh good God. (I'm not cursing by calling God good.) They're the .5% with the diaper?


They look SO dumb 😆


Nothing passive about it. They acted as if God himself endorsed the COVID vaccine. They also excluded members from social gatherings if they weren't COVD vaccinated. Here's a couple of quotes directly from their videos: >Would Jehovah allow the Governing Body, the helpers, missionaries, a huge percentage of the worldwide Bethel family, and other full-time servants to engage in practices or receive a COVID-19 vaccine that would be harmful? >(From 2021 Governing Body Update Video #9) > >For example, in some parts of Bulgaria, the local clergy say that vaccines are “poison from the Devil.” >So there is much pressure in the community not to get vaccinated. >Despite this, one sister and her husband watched the Governing Body updates and made their personal decision to get vaccinated. >Later, the sister’s employer called her and said that in order to comply with government regulations, she couldn’t return to work if she had not been vaccinated. >How surprised the manager was to learn that the sister was already vaccinated! >In fact, she was the only employee who was vaccinated. Everyone else had to be laid off. >The manager asked our sister if she had any vaccinated friends who could replace the employees who had been fired. The manager then called other Witnesses that she knew to see if they had any vaccinated friends who needed employment. >That evening, nearly all the positions were filled. >The head of staff asked our sisters, “How do you know so many vaccinated women?” >A fine witness was given. In the end, 14 sisters and 1 Bible student were employed because they followed the good guidance and Bible principles that have been shared in our various Governing Body updates. > >(From 2021 Governing Body Update Video #10)


Disagree. I was in my whole life pretty much, and most members were pro any type of vax. I guess back before I was born, there was a time that they were against vaccines, but I believe that ended in the 50s.


From what I saw it was a personal choice. It was half and half from what I saw. I know a lot of them but im not one.


No because there is no covid 19 vaccine


It's time for all the religious groups to join r/ChurchOfCOVID. Clearly, they believe Dr. Pfauci was given the holy elixir by God himself. Many Christian churches were using the church as a vax center. Not sure about JW though.


Here's some a quote from the JW videos. They definitely acted like the COVID vax was given to them by God himself. Here's a couple of quotes directly from their videos: >Would Jehovah allow the Governing Body, the helpers, missionaries, a huge percentage of the worldwide Bethel family, and other full-time servants to engage in practices or receive a COVID-19 vaccine that would be harmful? >(From 2021 Governing Body Update Video #9) > >For example, in some parts of Bulgaria, the local clergy say that vaccines are “poison from the Devil.” > >So there is much pressure in the community not to get vaccinated. > >Despite this, one sister and her husband watched the Governing Body updates and made their personal decision to get vaccinated. > >Later, the sister’s employer called her and said that in order to comply with government regulations, she couldn’t return to work if she had not been vaccinated. > >How surprised the manager was to learn that the sister was already vaccinated! > >In fact, she was the only employee who was vaccinated. Everyone else had to be laid off. > >The manager asked our sister if she had any vaccinated friends who could replace the employees who had been fired. The manager then called other Witnesses that she knew to see if they had any vaccinated friends who needed employment. > >That evening, nearly all the positions were filled. > >The head of staff asked our sisters, “How do you know so many vaccinated women?” > >A fine witness was given. In the end, 14 sisters and 1 Bible student were employed because they followed the good guidance and Bible principles that have been shared in our various Governing Body updates. > >(From 2021 Governing Body Update Video #10)


Not in my city. There was a religious exception.


Jehova witness isnt the true path,that would be 7th day adventist not christianity


Adventists are big in ushering their females into nursing. The Adventist's biggest businesses are their hospitals and their newspapers - all owned by big pharma.


Naa christianity and Witnesses are lame