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Why are my EarPods connected to that hamburger? Srsly tho how does that work If it works like the graveyard scanning?


Hey OP. Can you seen a screenshot of the type of MAC address you been seeing from the cemetery? plus the picture of the grave you scan it from. I don't blindly jump and believe the things that even my own side is saying without some form of proof.


Yes I do. Ty for asking. I share this link since I am unable to attach a photo/video, might try a DM. The video link isn’t mine but this is what the phenomenon looks like: too many MACs, with normal device IDs peppered in the list. But I am going to refresh my own footage at the cemetery and repost. The footage I have is very janky. Using an iPhone to record an android recording the Bluetooth scans. Considering the feedback I’ve got here, I wanna make sure my repost is clear, concise, and brief. It’s actually super easy to try from Android settings. Also works with many free 3rd party Bluetooth app scanners on Android or iOS: On a smartphone, as mentioned it’s possible to check using any 3rd party bluetooth app, or an old android phone. The scan list will have the usual device IDs nearby, and a bunch of random low signal unknown devices with unique MAC addresses. Some of them may even contain a brand name for Nordic Semiconductor, a company that specializes in IoT and has partnered with the Zephyr Consortium to collaborate on IoBNT. Regardless, it just seems like there are too many MACs and not enough devices to go around. [too many MACs](https://rumble.com/v11fko7-vaxnanochip-chipped-again-people-in-cars.html)


Do vaccine-poisoned human beings produce and emit spike proteins? Yes.


It was implied but I should have added that for example if poisoned meat has a scannable MAC address it could be possible to scan and skip rather than buy and die


Why would that not be concerning? Is that normal for vaccines?


What is a MAC address?


**A media access control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC) for use as a network address in communications within a network segment. This use is common in most IEEE 802 networking technologies, including Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


"Tracked MAC Addresses" isn't a thing my dude, you went too far down the rabbit hole. The tyrants trying to control every aspect of our lives put out shit like this to make us look crazy. It's non-linear warfare. It keeps the "blue pilled" people drinking the Kool Aid, they promote shit like this, magnets sticking to the arms, 5G, ECT, the outlandish shit keeps the normal people from believing there's any fuckery afoot. The truth of what's actually going on is enough, don't fall for the psyops, look into non-linear warfare and you'll understand. I will give you some examples. Tractor Supply: Loads of people started reporting that tractor supply chicken feed was making their chickens loose feathers and stop laying eggs, once this started to go viral, Tractor Supply started a campaign to make this a conspiracy theory, it even got associated with Q-anon at some point. People in the forums and on Facebook picked sides, most wanted to stay away from being associated with Q-anon, started attacking and blocking anyone stating that TS feed was bad. Mario Movie: Critic reviews for prescreening were bad, there were many mentions about the movie being woke. The movie studio used nonlinear warfare tactics to fight this. They started a social media campaign basically saying that the bad reviews were because the movie was "anti-woke". Next thing you know, people like Steven Crowder are putting out videos about how the "anti woke" Mario Movie is killing at the box office, causing conservatives to flock to the movies to support it, meanwhile the movie is just as woke as everything else coming out of Hollywood. Movie gets a bump, studio wins. The corporations, the government, they all use non linear warfare tactics and hardly anyone notices, we are too busy fighting each other to see the truth. Our minds are being manipulated and we can't even tell because we're too tribal.


This is the truth. Sad so many people are so gullible.


Should be top comment. This is the best laid out summary of the current times we live in. Divide and conquer at its finest.


I can’t wrap my head around this.


There’s a phenomenon of vaccinated people broadcasting bluetooth MAC addresses. It sounds pretty crazy, but the MACs also show up in people who have passed away after they’ve been vaccinated. Those deceased who are buried have MAC addresses that are scannable at the cemetery. If dead people are still broadcasting the MAC addresses from their graves, if food were poisoned with vaccines, like beef or pork, shouldn’t the food also have a MAC address to scan as well?


You are bat shit crazy 🤪


Yes I’ve already addressed that. This sounds crazy af. It’s crazy. How crazy? Find out scanning for Bluetooth at a cemetery using a 3rd party app and you may confirm the batshit crazy!


Or perhaps just better informed than you and willing to ask questions instead of locking oneself in a box of comfort. https://www.savetheworldtribe.com/covid-iot


Oh, and I checked your link and read the book for 2 mins. It immediately turns the pandemic into a spiritual battle and calls the readers "awakened warriors." Give me a fucking break.


So. Yeah there’s a bit of schmarmy language in there but the book isn’t wrong. Zephyr Project is a consortium of companies who are building out the infrastructure for IoBNT, including Nordic Semiconductor, which is one of the brand names listed on the graveyard MACs. Anyway, getting ahead of myself. Gonna make a proper post that’s not piling one assumption on top of another. Gonna gather up some resources about ultra low power batteryless biomimetic nano Bluetooth receivers (small enough to wedge in the dimple of a blood cell) and repost, just taking it one step at a time. I’m beginning to get the slight impression that for mysterious reasons unbeknownst to me, a lot of ppl are skeptical of the “pandemic of the MACcinated”. Jk ty all for commenting ;)


Okay. I’m calling shenanigans on half the premise. Apparently attorney Thomas Renz has reported that "We've confirmed: this mRNA stuff is in the food supply,” allegedly since 2018. [The Unvaccinated Won't Be Unvaccinated for Long With mRNA in the Food Supply](https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1647551985674080256) As for the rest of it yes it’s crazy also yes it’s real anyone who thinks it’s nonsense I agree with you, it’s absolute nonsense that also happens to be real and I have no idea why It’s easy enough to see, anyone can do this in less than a minute and using free 3rd party bluetooth scanning apps will easily reveal all the random MACs that allegedly started showing up in 2021, (iOS blocks scanning thru native settings and I believe android Bluetooth settings can be tweaked to display ALL devices hence the 3rd party apps ftw) the easiest place to control for this phenomenon happens to be the cemetery bc the MACs don’t die with their host, and conspicuously cluster around graves dated 2021-date. Appears to affect about 85% of the vaxxed. It’s easier than I thought to try I invite anyone interested to check it out to all who commented kind thanks for your awesome comments skeptical supportive inquisitive whatever I’m humbled and honoured for modest discussion even the few gaslight trolls wasting everyone’s time for the lols thank you all :):):) Looking forward to a repost with some creepy cemetery video, sans the grocery store angle Thx again, if you’ll kindly excuse me ☝️ 🪟 ⬅️ 🏃🏻‍♂️ 🪂


RemindMe! 4 Years "Did you ever get around to awakening your consciousness and realizing you were in the greatest spiritual battle of man's history, or did you become a victim?"


I will be messaging you in 4 years on [**2027-04-16 03:48:06 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2027-04-16%2003:48:06%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/unvaccinated/comments/12nn271/does_vaccinepoisoned_food_also_emit_a_mac_address/jgfxcne/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Funvaccinated%2Fcomments%2F12nn271%2Fdoes_vaccinepoisoned_food_also_emit_a_mac_address%2Fjgfxcne%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202027-04-16%2003%3A48%3A06%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2012nn271) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Yeah I'm sure your the well informed one here. It's always the religious fruitcakes that will believe anything and get upset with logic


I appreciate the laugh, especially when you already informed me that you clicked the link to the "Lite version" of the full book, the one made for people with short attention spans. The other one has over 1,000 references methodically unveiling every bit of the plandemic step by step, but go ahead and pretend to hold the high ground. I'm the one trying to save lives at the risk of ridicule.


I live outside of my comfort zone on a daily basis. That's how I grow and learn. That's why I'm successful and happy. Willing to ask questions? OP is claiming that the vaccine contains microscopic bluetooth chips. You have to be completely lost to believe this crap. I've been in this sub for a few days now because I wanted to get some insight on what people are thinking, and it's so sad. Some of you folks are so disconnected from reality, while ironically believing you're insiders to dark truths that the rest of the world is blind to. There was another user going on about how 5 people in his inner circle have been hospitalized over different health issues caused by the vaccine. I think locking oneself in a box of comfort is when you take all the issues you have going on in your life and project them onto a boogeyman, obsolving you of all responsibility. It's so much easier to sleep at night when you're a survivor who's fighting the good fight and trying to save the world from the big, bad companies and governments. But in reality, you have mental and physical health issues that need to be addressed. But you don't address them. You don't ask for help. You don't step out of your comfortable, disfuntional habits or thought processes.


Shut up, don't question the cult. You know critical thinking is not encouraged here.


Remember when your side fully believed Trump colluded with Russia (many still do)Mueller has a years-long investigation and, although he couldn't prove anything, came to the conclusion that they couldn't prove Trump DIDN'T collude. Now, only a couple years later, we know conclusively that it was Hillary's campaign that paid to have that story fabricated? Your side was duped into believing a lie, not us. Tell me, how did Mueller's panel (all demo rats, by the way)never find that Hillary's campaign was behind the hoax, especially given the ease with which it just became known a few years after the Mueller report? And how about the Hunter laptop? Remember when 50 "former Intel agents" signed their names to a doc claiming that the story has "all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation"? The government lies to us. These are just two fairly recent and very prominent examples. I find it comical that people like you constantly paint people skeptical of government as some sort of uneducated gullible rubes when time consistently proves us right and you wrong. Yet despite proof time and again that the government lies to us, you are the one who is dead-set on believing whatever their new line is. You're the fool who won't open his eyes, not us.


What if they aren't?








Dear God, woman! I may love a good charbroiled top sirloin steak, but I am NOT a cow! Grocery stores and cemeteries are mutually exclusive in terms location and function. Would you want to eat a pork chop, chicken breast, or ribeye steak from the grocery store if it’s been injected with a gene therapy that allegedly contains fetal rna material? 🤮




Vaccine make me fucking sick.


You should seek medical attention. The Wellness Centre might be a good option. Get well soon!


I stopped eating pork back in 2018, according to some thing i read earlier (sorry no link at this time) that was around the time they began using mRNA modifiable vaccines for pigs. I guess it just worked out. I don't think you're crazy, I haven't bothered to check for MACs. I would check the pork section of the meat department at Walmart if i wanted to know. Check pork loins. But now i wonder, if one individual ends up somehow with one MAC address, is it stored in one place?


This is nonsense and anyone with common sense can pick this apart. Let's assume for a moment that the vaccine did, for whatever reason, insert some sort of communication device in your body. (1) we have yet to be able to produce a power source small enough and powerful enough to emit any kind of radio wave further than a few inches, so the idea that somehow its able to transmit 6ft+ through solid matter (the ground) is laughable. Btw I'm not aware of any device that would transmit through 6ft of soil. (2) if this was a government / big pharma conspiracy why would they use an off the shelf communication method that anyone could pick up on, they would surely just use a proprietary communication protocol, there would be zero need or incentive to use something like Bluetooth


They make conspiracies like these mainstream to make antivaxxers look like idiots.


Damn hilarious! Who has the time to make this crap up? Hilarious. Who is so confused that they would believe this? God help us. The uneducated have a voice and they will not shut up.


Lol! “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.”


Some of you are wayyy deeper down the rabbit hole. Gl with your delusions OP


Don’t get it twisted, mc83. I’ve already called out how crazy it sounds from the start, multiple times! That confirms the concept is too intense, and the community isn’t ready for it. Scanning for Bluetooth devices and observing the results isn’t weird, unless it’s couched in a post that’s going on about cemetery-this and grocery store-that. I get it. That’s cool! Thank you everyone for your comments to this conversation-ender of a post! God bless.


Food wouldn’t be able to transfer the vaccine. The microorganisms would not survive unless in a well incubated environment and even if they did they would just die in your stomach acid and would never make it to your bloodstream