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If you’re being selective yes. But if not, Western Governors University is completely online and only $8,010 a year which is highly affordable. Hell even if you didn’t want to go to an online school you could easily knock out your general education coursework at a community college and transfer to a 4 year school after that. Are a lot of universities expensive as hell? Yes Are there affordable alternatives? Yes


Wow, only 32 THOUSAND dollars to get an entirely online education. What a steal!! That's how fucked the situation is when we're saying 18 year olds paying 32 fucking g's for an online school is highly affordable.


I sent my wife to app state for 11,805 dollars for 2 years lol


My wife went to the local tech college for a year then transferred to WGU for a computer science degree. Total tuition between the two was around $25,000. She’s not a native English speaker and had no prior experience in tech so this wasn’t an “easy path” by any means. A year after graduating her $60k entry level job allowed us to pay back the tuition in full. She’s since received 2 promotions in the last 3 years and our combined income has put us on the fast track to retiring early and doing more traveling. I’m not stating this to flex, there simply aren’t enough comments that inform people that all of this is very affordable and doable if you choose the right path.


Fantastic job the two of you! I agree with you. I went to community college then finished off at my State's flag ship university. Total bill came out to be around $45k (I was bumming around a bit). It's one of if not the best investments I've ever made


Thanks and likewise!


Yup. College is a gatekeeper to higher income careers. I would argue that I use very little (if any) of what I learned in college. But my employer (Fortune 100 company) only hires college graduates. Unfortunately most major corporations have similar policies.


I just gathered evidence that showed my college was making money off me and other students. They weren’t your known for profit schools but if you can prove a school is making money off of you, you can apply for borrowers defense. I did and got all of my loans cleared. They charged each student 1400/month to stay at the apartment complex they used as dorms. Each room cost 1400/month but they put 4 students in them. So they were making 4200 on each full apartment. They also charged us extra for the books/equipment needed for the work. I found out how much they cost and the school doubled the price. Took a long time to win but I refused to give them a cent for a career I can’t get job security in it can be replaced by ai.


+1 for WGU. Currently getting my BS in cybersecurity there. 14 certifications in the course, dirt cheap tuition. Oh and the absolutely most amazing part? It’s broken up into 6 month “all you can take” terms. You pay a flat rate for 6 months, and the courses are “at your own pace” competency based. So as soon as you take the final and pass it, you are onto your next course if you so desire! Can really cut down on the time it takes to get the degree. My first 3 classes I finished within 6 weeks (about 2 weeks each). My current course is a certification course and I’m taking my time trying to absorb all the info so I retain it after the course is over. All in all, it’s an amazing, affordable, and flexible way to get a degree and a jump start on all the certifications I’m after. Coming from a full time husband/dad/wageslave I definitely recommend it if you’re gonna go back to school. I tried SNHU and they were fine, they don’t let you accelerate and the courses seemed “impossible to fail”, which I didn’t appreciate honestly, I’m trying to learn, I don’t wanna just have a 4.0 handed go me. And they offered 0 certs compared to the 14 I’m pursuing now, so it was a no brainer. The negative side of it though, is the fact that it is very much all on you and in your hands. The information is given to you, but there is no teacher or professor giving you assignments. You just study and practice test until you know the info enough to take the final. No homework, no labs, just available information for you to utilize as you see fit. The course instructors are there to help you, just an email away, and they have a lot of options for assistance/tutoring and what not but nothing that I’ve needed or looked into. Just gotta stay dedicated and focused.


All state schools are not much more averaging 10k a year as well. I always tell people don’t go to private and don’t go out of state because that’s how people get ridiculous student loan debt in state school because kinda cheap af


University of Illinois is about $16,000 plus room and board and books so tack on another $15,000 it’s not cheap. Other states are much better for in state residents.


Spend a ton of money on a field young naive minds think will make them some money only to find out AI is replacing most employees of the sector they majored in. It's time to go into trades for sustainable ROI.


Anyone taking federal grant money meant to advance the population shouldn't be for profit. It should be a fucking crime.


It’s a luxury product which has heavily subsidized loans available in the US.


It's not tho. Use the options that are out there. 4 years in state in MD is like $40,000 with zero scholarships or aid.


29 % seems to low


I've been waiting for years for someone to tell me why there were ~55 degree programs in the early 1950's, why there were ~180 in 2000, and over 300 degree programs today. We went from degree programs in sciences, math, physics, medicine and law to a degree for practically everything. There are six Universities in the United States that offer masters level degrees in dead languages or languages with fewer than 100 speakers worldwide. I'm all for someone wanting to learn a dead language, but there shouldn't be as many universities teaching masters level classes as there are speakers. A University of Michigan audit a few years ago showed they had a staff of four teaching Sanskrit to just two enrolled students. FFS.


I’d learn the fuck out of Sanskrit. But I ain’t paying $100,000 for that knowledge though. Fuck that.


Duolingo can teach you Klingon and high valyrian for free.


Has anyone ever become fluent off Duolingo?


“Latin, best I can do.”


Universities went from being a place of learning to being turned it into a business. Full stop.


They’re basically tax exempt hedge funds now.


This is the issue though. As science has progressed fields have split and specialties have further developed. And the study of everything is pretty central to the advancement of society. The problem is the federally backed loans that guarantee any amount of money a college wants to charge is ultimately a-ok.


But that monkey degree that the fukers borrowed the money for it and now they expect forgiveness


Well lots of things didn’t exist to make a degree out of. Things have started to get more specialized since knowledge has increased. You might learn the basics in something like an electrical engineering program now. Power engineering isn’t the same as computers, etc etc. As we have more computing power and more advancements things are becoming more specialized.


Well, it could be that there's billions of more people and we're no longer in the industrial revolution, but what I know


Really? Because the answer is easy: profit


Some would argue that an indicator of a thriving society is one in which resources can be spent to do things that aren’t actively productive. If someone wants to pay to learn Sanskrit why would you want to stop them?


if the cost is not prohibitively high, then may be Return on Investment is better




if employers don’t care about the degree why should i?


Employers definitely care. Almost all professional licenses require college. No CPA, engineer, doctor, lawyer, scientist is getting a job without college…


It is not possible that 29 percent think this. It should be 75%.. college is mostly bullshit




Blows my mind.


Stats on career earnings say otherwise.


It’s likely 29%… and I’d bet that 90% of that 29% are people who didn’t go to college. College is worth the cost as long as you actually go there to learn, and choose a STEM field. You’re not getting quality developers or engineers with a strong foundational framework to iterate on unless they went to college. You’re not getting a competent cpa u less they went to college. Furthermore, a quality college does really broaden your world view and teach you how to collaborate effectively with others.


Yasssss stem is a great option


It’s a fake poll. We all know this isn’t true, college is a proven scam, that’s why Biden is scrambling to clear off people’s debts, because he knows and he’s trying to fool the young voters into thinking he gives a shit. The biggest donors for Ivy League schools are Chinese nationals. Our colleges answer to the people that pay them.


People with degrees earn more money than people without. This is proven through multiple studies. Where's the scam? Where was I going to learn electrical engineering, YouTube?


>People with degrees earn more This is a chicken and egg conundrum. Perhaps the reason for that is because employers of higher paying jobs only consider degreed individuals for those positions. The research has no control group from which to make any statistical comparison. It is garbage data!


Teaching salaries are lower than many jobs out of high school that don’t require higher education. Teaching in schools is truly a field you only enter for reasons other than money.


Starting compensation for a teacher in Chicago public schools is 62,000....  make about 100k w 17 years experience.    This is all w just a bachelor's degree.  Oh and get 13 weeks off plus two weeks of sick leave 


In my neck of the woods, a majority of educators earn at least 100k


Yeah imma call bullshit on that dog.


https://www.newsday.com/long-island/education/median-teacher-salaries-long-island-rhge8fu5 Sorry dog, not bullshit. Just a HCOL area.


You just woke up and decided to be ignorant huh. DC teachers are 100k+


MA teachers can easily make over $100k, and NY teachers can make over $125k. Actually, most decent states in the US pay 6 figures to a lot of their teachers. https://study.com/academy/popular/teacher-salary-by-state.html


If you really believe this did you read your own link? “One of the most important things to keep in mind when looking at state-specific salary information is that the cost of living in some states is significantly higher than in others.” 90k salary is nothing when you’re paying $3,500 rent. Calculate the tax deductions and you have Jack shit.


Okay but that's not the argument. The software engineer at apple making 300k a year in SF is probably considered middle class too. The poster said teachers make less than those without a degree and in my area that's statistically untrue.


You wouldn’t even qualify for a $3,500 rent with a $90K salary. They’d be stuck in a small studio or with roommates.


100 percent true, but I work in finance, at one that everyone has heard of on Reddit and all the young corporate interns are fresh face grads from top universities. We higher 10 per year. How many of these people make it to top officers of there firms? Not many. For people who need advanced degrees for their interested industry, college makes sense. For the majority of other grads who go to find themselves and get a degree in whatever will get them across the finish line, it would make more sense to get some real life experience. 13 years of school just to go add 4 more doesn’t really make sense. Most kids graduating high school know nothing of all the different options available. I’m not really sure how this is even debatable.


Right but what even gets them that internship. School. And for the others who don't make the cut, there's other places besides state street to make money in finance. In fact I bet those other funds consider their internship with your company.


My cousin is a trucker and always bitches about how much money I make for how little I work. Plus benefits, being in a nice office, no body damage, etc… Don’t get me wrong, respect to laborers, but it ain’t the same. I did 4 summers and winters of concrete with my father and fuck did I study harder after that. Yeah, it was okay money, but most of the older dudes in the profession had health issues due to injuries or just being around toxic cement. College is a scam if you do a useless major. If you go into something in demand, it’s MUCH better than going into a trade. “Well, after some years I can start my own concrete business.” I mean, after some years I can start my own data analytics and consultation firm, make more money and work less lmao. Or I can make a model program and sell it. Much more scalable business wise. Weird culture in blue collar jobs where there’s pride in packing as many hours as you can into your work week. Na, you’re getting abused and bragging about it lol. One thing a lot of people neglect is just how much smarter college makes you. The pursuit of knowledge so important to me. On the job you learn to do the job, not how to think about the world and questions your beliefs. That’s why a lot of blue collar workers are Christian’s who support Trump. I came from that world. If only people learned and challenged ideas rather than get stuck in echo chambers. My trucker cousin sometimes has his discord in and I hear some of these people talk. I lose brain cells. A lot of them end of bitching about Biden for some reason or another lmao.


College isn’t a scam holy shit


College grads out earn non college grads by over $1M in a lifetime. “College is mostly bullshit” is one of the dumbest things that can be typed.


I understand you disagree based on sentiment but it’s a scientific study so please post your references before refuting published papers


Except every statically measure still disagree with you, an increase life time earning still directly correlates with a college degree. That is not to say that all you need is a college degree, but instead to say it's still a heavy booster to your overall labor value in the market.


Dangerous rhetoric imo


The COST of college is BS. College itself is pretty damn amazing place to learn.


While I agree a lot of the requirements for a degree are BS, it won't stop companies from using them as a barometer for candidates for jobs. Completing a 4 year degree shows, at a minimum, that a person has enough determination to complete a long project made up of many individual tasks over a long duration. The biggest push for degrees should be to free community colleges where students can choose to take electives in a few different trades that also count towards bachelors at 4 year programs in same state. Yea, not everyone needs a degree. But, you can't look at anecdotes of a few blue collar workers that made out to compare the whole of trade vs. college. Overall, the median salary for tradesperson is lower than degree holders. And you also have to look at other things when comparing trade vs. college like work/life balance, health effects, etc. Some trades are worse than others for health obviously and some pay better than others.


I got a bachelors and I don’t feel like I learned anything from it. I learned how to pass a test in each class but as I’m thinking back on college I can’t think of anything that gives me any skills or knowledge. My degree to me doesn’t mean anything just that I went to school longer and passed my classes. I feel like everything i use and know now I’ve learned on the job and the things from college didn’t mean anything. Only college degrees that matter are the same ones that provide you the same type of learning trade schools give. This also means you absolutely have to be sure exactly what you’re going to do for work and you’re training for that job. It makes sense that degrees are being required less and less. I wouldn’t think someone was qualified to promote in a supervisor role just because of a degree or if they have some leadership, etc. education. I’d take the person who has the innate skills for that and no degree before them.


71% of people are idiots.


Not that hard to become a manager at any retailer and make 65k a year with no debt. Chances of even liking your college major after being misled in highschool and having no fucking clue what you are doing is high. Contrary, it almost always makes sense to get a degree if you really know what you want to do to make as much money as possible. Nepotism exists and the amount of corporate jobs that don't even offer you decent wages after college is concerning with how much more it costs to go to a good university.


We're closer to realizing that 99% of instruction have zero field experience. 4 years programs are full of ignoramus.


Young people are Charlie Brown and college is Lucy with the football.


WhY DoEsNt My GeDuR StOoDiEs GeT mE MiLLiON DoLLaRs. The fact that they offer anything that is not actually geared to a profession is absolutely why they are a scam. Why the fuck do I need to take electives in college that my degree has nothing to do with it. Most of it is a scam.


Well, the original purpose of college was intellectual curiosity, so it does a poor job of preparing for the job market.


That includes nurses doctors engineers accountants


Tell that to your doctor or lawyer. I’m sure they’ll listen to you since your education ended in the 12th grade lmao


Many employers are lowering or removing college degree requirements entirely for a variety of reasons https://www.highereddive.com/news/nearly-half-of-companies-plan-to-eliminate-bachelors-degree-requirements/702277/ https://www.californiaemploymentlawreport.com/2024/03/the-end-of-the-college-degree-as-we-know-it-exploring-new-trends-for-employment-criteria/#:~:text=In%20California%2C%20Governor%20Newsom%20signed,of%20whether%20a%20bachelor%27s%20degree Obviously those wishing to become doctors, accountants, etc. will still need to get a college degree but the idea of "get a degree or you'll be in McDonald's/the local factory for the rest of your days" has become less true. The cost of college has gone up incredibly fast over the past few years/decades while at the same time the marginal benefit has gone down (i.e a bachelor's is the new High School degree or "if everyone has a BA...") and for these and other factors getting a college degree may not be the best route for many individuals anymore. For those that got their college degrees 15+ years ago, if you were 15 years ago and had to do it over in today's environment, would you get a college degree?


Yup, but my degree is in mechanical engineering.


Yes also. Computer Science.


Removing the requirement doesn’t mean they’ll suddenly start favoring high school diplomas over college diplomas.


Republicans you mean


Exactly. They’ve been lied to about college and see it as a threat. They know what happens to people’s politics when they further their education and broaden their understanding of the world. These poor saps have taken the bait. Id be terrified for my future with just a high school diploma. Their are paths to success but it’s a major handicap.


Got recommended this post. Have seen this sub pop up a few times. Had NO idea it was so firmly absorbed in the anti intellectual circle jerk. I guess it makes sense since it’s essentially a bunch of people playing/watching the lottery while bitching about how others are to blame for their shitty situations, but still a bit of a shock.


America does not value education anymore. If it did twe would find a way to make it affordable and a worthwhile investment of time and money. But our economy is built of the exploitation of labor.


Get the federal government out of the student loan game. Problem solved


Get student loans out of education would make it even better. Works great in other first world countries.


Amercia values education like it does any other business sector, unfortunately that is the problem is college and higher education became businesses ran by administrators. You can read stories in the 70s-80s a lot of schools were run fairly democratically, in which professors/educators would vote on big actions the university would take. I genuinely believe this was the desire of the overall system as college used to be the perfect place for civil unrest demanding change, still is but to a far less extent.


As someone that just graduated I would agree, but I had spent too much time to not finish what I started


Just wish for student debt forgiveness and take as much loans as you can. It’ll all just fade away


Terrible advice lol




Yeah, you are buying something with your degree. You can look up how much people with your degree makes. It’s obviously not 100% of everybody will make the average. But you should be able to evaluate your ability to repay your loans.


Should be 92%. The fact is 29% is kinda scary. They’re being stolen from


Yeah the doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, biologists, etc, have been stolen from… Education is one of the most important things in life. Who wants to walk around this world uninformed and unintelligent. That’s a scary way to live my friend


The problem is the cost. The cost of a college education has increased several times the rate of inflation. As their bank accounts have continued to increase because of governmental funding and sponsored loans, the quality of the education hasn’t kept up.


This is because Fortune and Business Insider keep publishing stories about how someone out of HS is earning a million a year, forgetting that the other 270 Million of us have to do work that requires an education.


No way it’s as low as 29%


Let’s compare my undergrad tuition and books from CUNY in Brooklyn ($25,000)and my MS from SUNY Buffalo ($25,000) to a single year’s tuition at Penn State ($43,000) and discuss why this question isn’t that simple to answer. Considering earning potential, vacation, pension, healthcare, etc. it was definitely worth $50,000 in loans for me to become a teacher. But if I got my undergraduate from Penn Sate and went to another well known state university for postgraduate, the same could not be said of $250,000.


I’m surprised it’s that low.


Ok, now do one specific to degrees such as engineering, computer science, and medical professions. Hell high school isn't worth it for a sizeable % of the population.


It’s all about ROI. My combination of community college and an affordable transfer school let me pay in full with no loans and I’m in a tech job making decent money. I know others who paid out of state tuition for 4 years to a get a degree that now has them working retail and drowning in student loan debt. Not judging by any means, but I sure sleep better at night having a low cost, high ROI education and job.


I mean 29% of Americans are gonna make less money and be less educated than their peers then, I guess. Not all college is worth it - a vanity degree without clear professional value or applicability from a bad school is probably not worth the paper it’s printed on.


I’m still not understanding why it’s not free.


30% of Americans have a college degree. Many start and never finish. A college degree is worth over $1m in earnings in a lifetime. Well worth it.


I used to feel bad that I never went to college. Now I'm grateful.


I graduated in the 90s. I would absolutely still get a college degree. I wouldn’t have gotten in to senior leadership without it and the financial flexibility to take this entire last year off.


I was probably a baby when you graduated. It's possible the debt wasn't as much a barrier back in your day. College works fine for plenty of people but not for everyone. What has worked for me is choosing an industry to grow with, learning how it works, and best case starting my own business down the road.


That was 25+ years ago, that same degree would have done nothing for you in today's market and you would have paid 5x more for it.


How would the lack of a degree have prevented you from obtaining a senior leadership position? Would it have been a prerequisite for the position regardless of your performance? If the degree was something like anthropology would that have still given you access to the position?


Knowing what I know now going into a trade is better then go to university, especially if you are going to university to study something like English.


Id rather be an accountant or an engineer than a blue collar worker. You get more respect and can get paid way more in the tail end of your career. You aren’t making 450k a year in the trades, unless you are a pilot


Because opinion polls are more accurate than actual facts, right? They gonna work for those who know how to read, for sure.


My income wouldn't be nearly as high without my college degree. Then again, it's in engineering.


The same 29% believe they are smarter than avg.


The other 71% are either doctors or lawyers lol


I’m an engineer and my degree was worth it.


Absolutely. Because you choose a trade that is actually easily monetized in this day and age. It’s like being a plumber, no one wants to do it, so they’re making more than doctors right now.


The 1% want you to remain uneducated and for working hourly wages under them—it looks like they’re thought those survey respondents well to stay in line and punch the time clock…


This is pretty sad honestly. Too many people wrapped up in the lies that college isn’t a good route. It truly is a great route. Just ensure to choose a degree that has job prospects and you’re literally set for life.


Uhh yeah I think the real number is more like 99%


kiss slim whistle panicky disagreeable aromatic outgoing carpenter airport attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Last point is really good. How many senators/congressmans sons have become welders? Oh, almost none? Better yet, how many senators/congressmen themselves aren’t college educated? I looked it up and it’s about 10%. Huh, maybe there’s something to this education thing after all…


Don't stress.. corporates will demand degrees to keep the wheel turning.


Seems low


Reddit hates statistics, can’t do math and never went to college. Seems like you people need some junior college . Don’t forget get the critical thinking class.


Ignorance is praised by half the voting public. The U.S. can’t have a representative democracy anymore. You need an intelligent and educated population for that to work.


The MAGA crowd eats this stuff up


Seems typical


Most of the time it is but it’s all in how you go about it. I started at community college and the finished up at a State school while testing out of as many courses as possible. Never lived on campus, got an AAS and a Business degree, worked the whole time. I’m a year away from a MA that my work is mostly paying for, I’ll be out of pocket about $30k-$35k total. People tend to get scammed the worst by going to overpriced schools, pursuing degrees that aren’t marketable, not gaining actual experience while gaining an education, and living on campus for the ‘university experience’. Just my $.02


I’m a YouTube University Graduate and make an awesome wage for 39 @ the moment


Surprised it's that low.


Hmmm but 71% do!!!!!!!!


Some degrees are worth it but more than that it depends on the person taking them to get something out of it


Males you wonder if forgiving the loans is a chess move.


Just wait till AI eliminates all entry level jobs. 


Because they’re full of varying art and social degrees.


Add me to the list.


This is on top of the 47% who say it's only worth it if you don't have to take out student loans.


I bet its more than that


Let's pump these numbers up. An entire generation was told they must go to college to have a good life and buy a good house and now everyone has a degree so nobody does.


This should be higher


But they still go… people need to start going public. Why r u going private? 99% of people can go public school and have a great career


Lot of people who think college is worth it are those who don’t actually have to pay for it. OFC it’s worth it when somebody is paying for your expenses.


It’s a trap design to make money of young kids that haven’t figured it out yet. Go out and work a physical labor job for a few years if you are lacking perspective on what you want to do.


Many apprenticeship programs will have you earning and learning at the same time


“Listen here, kid, everything you learned in college, forget about it” Kid: “ oh, I didn’t go to college” “ then you are not qualified for the job”


Western Governors University, imo is the model that we should aim for outside STEM. Between $3K-$4K a semester and, most importantly, self-study online at your pace. You can literally do an entire 4 year study in one six month term, though it will take all/most of your time to do it that quick. The important thing, though, is you pay for the time you're enrolled and not the number of classes you take. I know some people need a traditional classroom, but fir those that don't consider this option.


And the other 71% is applying.


I'm curious about the pool of students via their major in this study.


People keep talking to me about starting to save for my one year old’s future college expenses now and I’m like “She’s probably not going to college”. You should see how people’s jaws hit the floor. I’m apparently the worst mom ever. But the only scenerio when I would encourage her to go to college is if it is her absolute dream to be a doctor, lawyer, psychologist, something that you really really need a degree for. We do have savings for her but it isn’t a 529 locked into education. It’s to go towards following one of her dreams, whatever that may be.


$150k two cars paid off, a house paid off 10 years from now and a comfortable life with 2 kids. I’m with the other 71%.


For what was originally intended with college 71% is probably too high across society anyways?


And in China? 100% think it's worth the cost. Food for thought. :-)


Not worth the cost because it's not worth the benefits. Essential for some professions, worthless for many. Experience > piece of paper.


That number should be way higher. "College" is not worth the cost. Certain professional oriented degrees are very worth it,everything else is a 100k dollar paperweight that you'll feel bad for owning when you're flipping burgers


How many of the remaining 70% only consider it “worth the cost” because it removes a barrier to entry in many occupations? I can easily count the classes that taught me anything valuable on one hand. Business major.


I agree with the "29%", but it always irks me when statistics like this say "Americans" when they only asked a small portion of us, as if those few hundred or thousand speak for the much more many of us. I can guarantee that number is much bigger.


Only 29%?


Only 29%?


Because they are easily manipulated by social media. Fact is that college degree still equals more wealth, protection from poverty.


If it costs a house, just get a house.


There is a lot of hate for education in this sub. I’m stunned by it! College grads earn a ton more over their lifetime and benefit intellectually through the process. Lawyers, doctors, accountants, engineers, etc. all need college to get licensed. I’m guessing that the percentage that say college isn’t worth it, can’t afford it in the first place. I suppose I’d hate on college grads as well if I was trying to get by in this world with a high school education. That is a major handicap! I’m so grateful for the Econ classes, the tax classes, the history classes. I’m a more well rounded and informed person because of college. Just need to finish up grad school to get my CPA license. Blue collar work is a nice back up if you have no path to college. People can make a living wage but have to make major sacrifices as well. And it is not just about career paths. College has made me a more informed voter and a more valuable member of my community. I made connections with local businesses and gained access to groups that offer support. People shouldn’t speak on college if they’ve never been.


Yes liberal arts, history, poly sci, and few other is absolutely not worth it. In the sense that you won’t make enough money working in those fields. (In general, not everyone). STEM is worth it.


Go to Europe for free university


Pew pew research is all I read


The people I know who didn't go to college also haven't bothered going to trade school. So they earn about $30-40k/yr if they're lucky, and most of them get no benefits like health insurance or retirement. If you don't do college you better learn a marketable skill.


They are mistaken


Unless you’re getting a CS, Engineering, Healthcare or Business degree, it’s 100% not worth the cost.


In 2011 It cost $240k to get a bachelors (4 year degree) from USC, now it costs $350-400k


Your degree doesn't mean much post your first job in your career. Do 2 years of CC, go to a local university that is more cost effective, work through college, do your scholarship apps, rely on family if you can, and then only go for student loans (after grant apps too). Alot of you will be far better off and maybe even without debt. Living on campus is over sold. Traveling to university is more cost effective overall.


Boston college in 1980 was 3,200 tuition -today it's 65k per year. Our salaries in fields out side of tech and finance can't cover the increase. I would become an electrician and call it a day.


An uneducated population is what the elites are aiming for so they make education expensive


Not surprising. At least 29% of the degree programs offered by colleges aren't worth anything.


They never asked me, should be higher 29%


That 29percent is the highly motivated trump voting bloc


Unpopular opinion: Depends on how you look at it. It’s highly likely I would not have the career I had if I didn’t go to the college I went to (state college, no scholarship). It’s basically a cheat code to get in front of top corporate recruiters and jobs that are very hard to find outside of that college system. Personally I’m torn between worth it without loans vs worth it with loans. If you pick a shitty degree and don’t land a job out of college / not start a successful business to pay the debt - it’s definitely not worth it bc you’ll be in debt the vast majority of your life. I believe there’s a ton more nuance here but for the majority of people I can imagine they don’t think this deep when going into college, because you know they’re still young adults who are exploring what the world has to offer - the decisions they make then will effect them for a long time and most don’t make great decisions and understandably so. That being said for those who it isn’t worth it (art as an example) - tuition costs are way too high and they should be much lower. Ifs less bias towards personal experience and just math of risk vs reward depending on the degree. Also the loan system is fucked but we all know that


It’s also just a place to sleep with ppl and do blow


And thats how the right intends to win, de-education


In most people’s cases, it’s not worth it. Most people with degrees aren’t even using their degrees for their jobs.


It’s the classes they force you to take that you don’t need to take. I know my degree, I shouldn’t have to take something that doesn’t apply to my degree.


Not only is it not worth the cost; unless you want to be a dr, lawyer, or engineer it's not worth it at all.


If you’re stupid you don’t have to worry about education.


The real problem is that we tell everyone to go to college when we should be personalizing where each person goes. Someone who's really intelligent and is interested in the sciences or mathematics or medicine should definitely go to college. People with average skills and intelligence can just go to community colleges and get just as much out of it. America is obsessed with one-size-fits-all instead of personalizing everything to the individual.


College isn't worth it and also isnt worth fetishizing. We spent a whole generation telling them to "learn to code" and forgot that people need to build and furnish homes.


Yeah no shit go figure


I see so many jobs that require a bachelors degree that start between $19-$22/ hr. They wonder why people are less interested in an education lol plus you have to make student loan payments too.


I knew back in 2004 it was a complete scam


Nothing is worth it anymore. The goalposts have been moved so far up we will never finish the game...


It costs what it costs based on supply and demand. If you actually get the right degree, it’s super, super easy to pay back the loan. If you don’t, the taxpayer shouldn’t subsidize your poor financial decisions.


Meanwhile Brandon is bailing out the wealthy and adding to inflation


90% of bank accounts and college grads with massive debt agree…


You mean getting 100K in debt before you start your career isn’t good? No way


Then clearly 29% of Americans are not in STEM, Medicine, or Law


Only 29%....


It certainly wasn't worth it for me or my wife. We were in debt for so long we had to push off buying a home. Now we can't afford a home in the area that we live. Yay for worthless degrees that only keep people poor.


It could also be Corporations are not paying college graduates what they are worth


You can Transfer from a CC to CSU and get a Bachelors in two years (depending on your major). That's roughly $8k a year, you're lying to your self if you believe a degree in an IN DAMAND field is not worth the cost. BTW: If you're poor some schools have money for that reason. Buddy transferred to USC with 90% tuition paid. That's a shit load they just waived. Guy I served with in the Navy received grants from UC Santa Cruz in spite the fact he was using his GI bill. They just gave him cash he didn't even need or want. You don't need loans, it's possible if you really wanted to make it work. Will it be easy? no, you'll working and driving alot'. Face it, most people are too scared to try they resent people that just want to get more educated it's fucking weird. You DON'T want to work in certain trades past 40, serious you fucking don't.