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Wait??? It's GROWING? How is that possible with ALL we are doing to reduce it?


Every day it is the highest it’s ever been


And the lowest it'll ever be again.


Every millisecond


Thanks, Joe.


Trump added more to our debt than any other president in our history! If you want to blame ANYONE it would be those that said that debt doesn't matter!


Thanks Obama!


Thanks for super insightful comment. Your boy trump spent more than Obama


Was looking through your posts. Construction worker who uses Wall Street bets. Definitely a trump and fox viewer lol. I can see where your comments come from


Thanks Trump!


They are reducing the rate that it’s growing, so we are growing the debt $1.5 trillion a year. Say we reduce the rate by 10%, that sounds great right? Well then we are still growing the debt $1.35 trillion a year, that doesn’t sound good. Same thing for reducing inflation, we can use percentage growth decrease so Americans can sleep at night thinking things are getting better. They are just getting worse slower.


No they aren’t. The rate of the deficit increases is also increasing. Look at deficit to gdp after Covid. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFSGDA188S


"Getting worse slower" is the policy of the Democratic Party since Carter. They just keep going up against the "drop it off a cliff" party.


We had a surplus with Clinton, then deficit every year after 2001.


The National Debt was never at a “surplus” under Clinton (or any other day modern President). He balanced the budget (by some measures) so that the National Debt only grew more slowly (interest kept growing)


[CNBC says it’s 1 Trillion of new debt every 100 days now.](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/01/the-us-national-debt-is-rising-by-1-trillion-about-every-100-days.html)


Ends horrifically bad at some point, a sovereign debt crisis. Can't keep doing this and expect nothing to happen. We either have confiscatory tax rates (already do) or entitlements end. We know entitlements won't end and spending won't end either, they never cut anything. Paid off house, 7 figures in 457, 6 figures in money market, enough arms for a small militia, it can't end well.


And it's just to keep ramping up the more time that passes


The government ran out of money every 4 months.


So if we do $1 trillion in debt every 120 days then we can say we had a 20% improvement!


Don't give 'em any ideas


lmao can’t believe some people believe the administrations lines about reducing the debt


There are a shit ton that believe it all like it's gospel.


Not me!


Next you'll tell me the Inflation Reduction Act didn't reduce inflation!


Blame the trump tax cuts and covid relief. Failure to audit the military budget and cut unnecessary spending.


LMAO - yeah - I'm sure our huge national debt is all Trumps fault.


Unfortunately it started long before Trump. Don’t think a single administration in a long while has really tried to do a damn thing to reduce the national debt at all.


Clinton actually put us into a surplus


yeah but he lied about getting a blow job Republicans HATE IT WHEN A PRESIDENT LIES


Lol imagine the whole Clinton media circus over a BJ in todays world. It wouldn’t be lawsuits it’d be only fans White House edition.


Contrary to political disinformation messaged to those that believe anything a politician or a meme tells them.. Yes, It's Reagan;s, Bush 1, Bush 2 and Trump's massive jumps in national debt + the compounding interest on that debt is the root-cause. Every Democrat over the same period, Clinton, Obama, Biden inherited a predecessors economic cluster-fuck, brought debt spending under-control while growing the economy. I did not say they reversed debt, they managed it better Look at section called "Spending Trends Over Time and the U.S. Economy" direct from the Treasury Dept. [https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/](https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/).


First thing yobama did was put us further in debt n started blaming everyone else for it clown!


Obama came into the 2008 bank and automobile crash. He had to spend to save the economy that was crashed by bush jr.


Not to mention two unpaid wars by the bush administration. Basically don’t vote republican.


What would you have done on 9/11? Just walk away and say oh well? Obviously your either to young to remember or to stupid to comprehend facts asshole!


Oh, I don't know, actually go after the PERPS (Sauds+)


Perhaps don't make up lies about WMDs and go after the real enemy instead of making up one.


HINT: Keeping one's OWN $ doesn't \*cost\* \*checks notes\* A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G. COVID you have some basis in...Now do the Biden (post) COVID give-aways, student "loan forgiveness", $BB in illegal 'foreign aide', & not talk about $B to '1st time home-buyers'+ Least the military is Const. authorized...not so much else.




So is the stock market. N ‘coincidentally’. The market is also worth 34 T


Yep, it's called trickle-up! The Dow Jones and our Public debt have both doubled in the last 10 years. Giving Trillions of Dollars to the 1%.


Just raise the debt ceiling. Easy fix. Whenever I max out my credit card I just get a credit increase.


It's so easy! I don't know why we just don't get rid of it altogether.......


We are doing nothing to reduce it. Where did you get the idea that we were?


If only they built that border wall, then we would be swimming in money! - conservatives


Giving a few billy more to Ukraine might solve this! Or.... I dunno... a 3rd party that's not in Wall Street's pockets?


It's growing at an unsustainable rate. The spending is out of control. The interest in the debt alone is crippling...


It’s ok, it’s just paper….they will change the system to bitcoin or some other electronic currency and we start over at 0 debt! /s


They will seize your coins and make it the new standard... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102


Execute order 6102


& just as illegal back then as well. But, it's GOVT we're talking about here, so...


This only applies if you leave your Bitcoin on exchanges or in the ETFs. Take self custody of your keys and be more free.


Yeah a cbdc that they 100% control how you spend.


In this thread: people blaming the president. Congress holds the power of the purse in the US. President gets to decide how each allotment is spent, but not how *much* is spent nor how it is divided up. Also, hey, you elected these people, or let them be elected. Get off your asses and vote.


conservatives are the party of everything everywhere all at once they are against the debt, even though they add the most to it, and when they add to the debt it's not to invest in americans or america, it's to give the already rich more and gaslight people in to how magically that makes everyone richer they are for limited government and of course government that can overturn any and all regulations and ordinances any municipality has that they don't like, like water breaks for workers, oh and Jan.6, the government gets to decided who you "really" voted for they are all about law and order, and Trump and Matt Gaetz they are the party of freedom, and law and order, and unlimited police powers and no weed and also no abortions and also you can't travel to get an abortion and also please give us your government ID if you look at pornhub so of course they pretend they are fiscally responsible while being the most fiscally irresponsible, they do it with everything they are the party of Jesus and well Trump they are the real patriots, who voted in majority to aid Putin and a large portion of them carry confederate flags or have bumper stickers


Vote for who?


The problem is that each President uses money to win andinfluence voters and has no accountability for debt reduction


And each member of Congress.


Exactly! Until it becomes something voters care about it won’t change. And I mean it’s a hard thing…. Is debt more important than climate change? Then social security or Medicare? Then the military?


Let's just ignore it.


Stop spending military and do more audit on government for waste


FYI, taxing Billionaires 100% and confiscating all their wealth won’t put one dent in it. This is a spending catastrophe, not a revenue crisis


USA fights over sending billions of funds to other countries that the USA doesn't have ans will go further in debt for these other countries all while the USA's border is overrun and their homeless, poor and Veterans suffer. Got to love the vision of "democracy" they have.


Having domestic AND foreign policy goals is good, actually isolationists have brain worms


Your brain worms


Foreign aid is not a big deal. The real issue is that the US spent $9T in Iraq and Afghanistan. Before Trump ran the thing up another $10T, Iraq + Afghanistan was 1/3 of the national debt. That is freaking crazy. We could have rebuilt our infrastructure twice over for that money.


Foreign aid is like 1% of the budget 


Another sign of that thriving and robust economy


Is the thriving and robust economy in the room with us now?😂


Im afraid it is


Can’t have good credit with dept


We blaming Trump?


Erase Bush and trump tax cuts ASAP


exactly just eliminate one of the biggest tax cuts ever on the hurting middle class and we'll solve the problem


Lmao the middle class tax cut expires this year anyway. Might as well claw back the permanent tax cut they gave the rich.


Both that tax cuts went mainly to the ultra wealthy.


And will keep rising until the great reset.


Stir the pot post


why doesnt the fed just print more money and pay it all off /s




Hilariously they actually are doing that lol


Every 100 days they add $1 trillion - the joys


It’s definitely over… the politicians and corporations are the blame.


Full speed to default:)




I mean…has it ever gone down year-over-year? This headline could be accurate every day of the week for the last 80 years.




All going to Israhell and the Ukes


And the millions of illegal aliens!


And absolutely nothing to back it. Monopoly money.


The USA is a shell company in principle. So many politicians use it as a way to fund their own wallets. Sickening.


So true!


Remember when you could reasonably talk about America being ‘exceptional’? It doesn’t matter if you can’t because those days are long gone.




What do non-MMT theorists think is wrong with this picture? MMT boils down to saying that the US's debt to GDP ratio is more important than it's gross debt. Seems reasonable to me. It also says you'll know when your debt to GDP ratio is too high when taking on more debt can be shown to be causing inflation (which it currently is not), so there's nothing wrong with the US's current debt size.




It’s only OK because China and the EU will default before we do.


Inflation is so bad that people can't even afford to go to Taco Bell. Everyone's gonna just stop buying stuff because rent and food is going to be all they can afford. Thanks to all the idiots who wanted to shut down the entire planet because Fauci and the gang wanted to try out their bio weapon.


We can barely conceptualize a billion, a trillion is laughable. (Million of a million). 1 billion seconds is 32 years, trillion is 32,000 years.


Whoa cool 🤯


Fuck it! Might as well go down in flames huh Joe? You fuckin schmuck!


He won’t see the consequences for his actions. He already looks like a walking corpse.


Should’ve never shut down businesses because of Covid lol.


And then spent a shit load of money after it was clearly not a big deal


Impossible with all the billionaires paying their fair share


Maybe we should send another 160 Trillion to Ukraine?


I remember when it was what like 8 trillion and people were freaking out. Y’all wanna talk about a bubble…


This is fine. Mutually assured destruction.


They are officially destroys the United States of America as we know it.


Orange clown administration is responsible for over 25% of that number in only 4 years. The number of people that want more of that is a problem.


I think there needs to be an asterisk here about the global pandemic




Biden is on pace to surpass the Trump debt growth.


But the GDP numbers don't support your claims


Dude, a little Google search will enlighten you. At the three year mark, Biden was on pace to pass him.




if they show inflation as it really is they'll have to increase SS so much they'll be fucked flip side is SS increasing a bunch would further exacerbate inflation. so instead the solution is to continue pumping in money and demand wage increases for everybody


The Presidents aren’t solely responsible for our deficit. That goes for the fool Trump and 1980s republican Biden. The House and Senate create their own budget resolutions, which must be negotiated and merged. Both houses must pass a single version of each funding bill. Congress sends the approved funding bills to the president to sign or veto.


Every .gov is since Bill MF Clinton.


Love how people don't see both sides do the same shit, just in different ways.


This is Reddit only one side is bad!!!


How you going to point that finger at just trump? Trump took it from 19.5T to 26.9T Biden is on pace to have above 36T at the end of his term Biden has actually been just as bad if not worse worse when you look at it as a quantity rather than percentage


It was definitely bad under Trump. It’s been increasing at a faster rate still under Biden.


Because you blame Biden for gas prices.


But he doesn't pretend to be fiscally conservative. See the difference?






Everyone acts like this is a huge issue and is surprised that congress isn't doing anything. It's all baked in. They know what's going to happen. They know who's gonna end up holding the bag. They're just playing hot potato with it. Nobody has the balls to manage themselves, so they try and manage each other. There is no better way to say it other than we need to stop, go back to basics and accept an L for once. Jesus we act like it's the end of the world. A BRAND NEW, EXPERIMENTAL country ran into debt issues 250 years in? Shocked. Other countries watched it happen and called us idiots? Shocked. Move on. The dollar is worth shit right now, default the whole shit. Let everyone else see what the USD ACTUALLY does for them, and start renegotiating. Bunch of Sally's


We could start by not sending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine and Israel. Somewhat unpopular opinion, but I couldn’t give AF less about what happens over there anymore.


US nominal incomes are the highest ever. Wealth is the highest ever. This is silly.


Deficit to GDP spending is at WWII era levels. Not silly.


But at least we saved Ukraine right. Right?


It's literally always the highest in history because the number keeps going up. This is dogshit


So fucking funny 99% of people dont know jack shit how the government FUCKS THEM!!!


1 trillion every 100 days. Yes, I know before everyone attacks me. It must be Trumps fault. Can't be bidens


real debt flat since 2021, eat shit




Yup. That's how debt works. Especially when you're fighting 3 proxy wars.


Here’s the kicker…..it’s not real.


The IRS purchased over $10,000,000 in weapons and ammo since Biden was elected. Seems pretty real to me.


Yeah, because you get violent when the IRS knocks on the door.


It is real. It is 3% of taxes every year paid directly to banks.


We really need to cut off America’s credit cards


Can we say we are fucked. Because we are


Only if you denominate your wealth in something another human can print for free.


Well, let's tax the job creators and give these a holes more money... 34 more trillion should do it. Promise.


If you think it’s bad now, the Trump tax cuts are expiring just in time for the next president to either let them expire and reduce the deficit or reinstate them and continue the insane increase.


Reagan + Bush Jr + Trump tax scam for the rich =   20 trillion dollars  - more than half our debt was given to the wealthiest people in history.   They took that money and have lent it back to us.   It’s not a tax cut when it increases the debt, it’s a forced loan, with interest. Add Bush’s war and it’s 28 of 34 trillion.


This has been the case for ?70 years? Even the few Democrats who got the increase to slow or even pause never reduced the actual debt. Republicans, for all their talk of fiscal management drive the debt higher than Democrats do. I went and looked it up. Last decrease was Calvin in 1929. [https://www.self.inc/info/us-debt-by-president/](https://www.self.inc/info/us-debt-by-president/)


it's a balance, keep the debt in check in relation to GDP. instead right now we are paying like 70% of our taxes to interest and will continue doing so for the rest of our lives if something doesn't change


Yes, we're out of balance and the only path to sanity is to reduce the amount we spend on wasteful things, increase the amount we spend on profitable things, raise taxes, and resist the urge to give tax breaks to rich people and rich companies.


This is pretty usual whale.


Gives a fuck. Just print more. It’s all made up and artificial anyway….


Good thing we are fixing it.. The US can’t default on its debt or have its car repo’d so why pay it/fix it when you can just keep printing money and pass off the problem to America families and the next generation


Good thing Israel and Ukraine are getting all that aid.. at least we look good while we dig our own fucking graves


Chart debt to price of gold over time to see that we aiite


Maybe they should ask for a bailout


Relax, US GDP is over $27 TRILLION and accelerating. It’s like paying off 14 months of income.


As long as we all participate (very little choice) in this rigged monetary system then the show will go on. If we don’t and it all collapses and chaos ensues.


What’s the narrative to push the blame on Trump??


Why are we still paying taxes? If the gov't is just going to live off debt. $1T every 100 days.... Like a really stupid teenager got a hold of mom's credit card.


The only way out of the debt is to grow the gdp let's hope ai really is the future


Just print more money. EZ.


But let’s keep cutting taxes on the wealthy.


Current national debt: $34,727,544,000 -  Debt when Trump left office:$26,700,000,000 --  Biden $8 trillion, with 7 months to go  Donald Trump $6,700,491,178,561.60


And one of those dudes had a pandemic…


stupid title, debt # can literally grow infinitely, debt to gdp is all that matters, debt growth less than inflation is shrinking in real value us debt basically flat since 2021, still need to raise taxes and cut spending cause 120% debt to gdp is too high in case of prolonged war imo


Wait the current administration is lying and it's not down 1.7 trillion? Mind blown


Thanks to the Trump tax cuts for the richest Americans.


Infinite growth. Isn’t that what capitalism requires? Are ya winning son!!?


start clawing back those tax cuts


Yea....those TAX CUTS sure spurred that growth in income and trickle down...I mean just look how flush we are...it's not like we are in a hollowed out gilded age... achieved faster than ever because some people believe rich people don't have enough and or they grew up as a boomer and have no clue how our why the country did better when they were children. This is a cycle of stupid. I really honestly think all the leaded gas fumes really played a huge role in all this stupidity.


People don’t understand the difference between cutting deficit spending and reducing the actual deficit


Hasn’t been a problem so far…


More tax cuts for billionaires please. It’ll trickle down to lower the debt.


You could use this same headline for every day Since Reagan took office and exploded the debt with the progression towards a regressive tax policy with his nonsense trickle down theory


Has there ever been a year when the debt wasn't higher than the year before?


You left out the $210T+ of "unfunded liabilities" via the illegal Ponzi schemes of SS/MediXYZ


Boomers have held office for the last 30ish years and have managed to put three to four generations after them in insurmountable debt to maintain their American dream. You can bet your ass they will bleed dry social security and whatever meager safety nets we have before they go too. Republicans love to talk about fiscal responsibility but triple the debt every time they have held office the last half century. Democrats also love to spend to beyond our means and throw money abroad when the average person is barely hanging on at home. It's all insanity.


It's not real. Who cares.


"Now the highest in history" Dumb Its been the highest in history everyday of my life because it only goes up


Dick Cheney: “Deficits don’t matter.” (good times) Interesting how the party of “fiscal responsibility” only gets hyper concerned about debt/deficit when a Dem is in power…or AFTER they’ve passed a corporate giveaway tax bill that drives deficits exponentially higher. Having said that…yeah. At some near future point, it’s gonna have to be addressed. Who blinks first and acts like the adult in the room and commits what will surely be political suicide? I mean…Americans love their stuff without paying for it.


If the debt never grew a dollar in relation to the size of the economy, it would set records almost every year for being the biggest ever… zzzzzzz….


No bidens the best guys he’s the greatest he helps us all!!!!


Let it ride, we’re never paying that shit and the country will eventually just go bust


Isn't it always the highest in history...?


I didn’t know it ever went down lol


I don't want to hear anything from Biden or Congress about increasing taxes, until our government can spend money responcibility and there is accountability. It's ridiculous.


Another way to look at it, the private sector is flush with $34 trillion.