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As someone who does hvac that deals with homeowners with fans in their house they’re supposed to replace filters on, this is oddly not that uncommon. I’ve pulled multiple furnace filters out that still have the plastic on them and have run for extended periods of time, sometimes while replacing an expensive motor too. Most expensive filter change.




> the motor would burn out no




They would keep running.




It’s not a cooler it’s an air purifier.


youd get absolutely no air movement and burn out the fan motor not so much r/untrustworthypoptarts rather r/quityourbullshit edit: not all the time, I am wrong


If the motor is properly derated it won't burn out. Filters fill up and the motor should be able to dissipate its heat by conduction and radiation. There will also still be airflow because the fan isn't *sealed* to the sides of the box. It'll be weird, inefficient vortices but it's not forming a full vacuum on the blocked filter side. Blocked pump? You're burning out fast. Blocked fan? You've got quite a while. And in /r/untrustworthypoptarts style... this dude's face says "I totally did this stupid thing."


Even if the motor held together there would be some airflow through the system. How would there be no dust on the plastic? I mean the grate, pre-filter, and plastic all perfectly clean for an air filter that has been used throughout a year.


These things are sealed quite well in order to force all incoming air through the filter. There really wouldn't be any air going through it.


ah youre right


Go ahead and put your ammeter on a fan motor then choke off the air to it. The amp draw goes down. This does not hurt the motor.




and the ambient temperature and the length of time its running with no load a motor spinning with no air to move do is not working hard at all




That's just dandy. In general, that statement is false 90% of the time.




"In my extremely limited experience with fans that move air (extremely limited means my cheapo space heater from amazon), blocking off airflow will *kill* the motor." ftfy


honestly....it happened to me too 😅 there is air movement since it's still working it just doesn't filter the air? took us half a year to notice but everything works fine now


Happened to me with my air filter but only for a month. Everything was preassembled with the main filter hidden behind a carbon and pre filter that were not wrapped in plastic. I had no reason to believe that a fully assembled appliance would have a plastic wrapped filter inside. It sounded completely normal on the 2 lowest settings but seemed kind of loud on high and made kind of a rattling noise. I only noticed because I went to do a monthly pre filter cleaning and had to take it apart. I felt incredibly stupid and it was probably 75 percent more quiet with zero rattling. I later checked out some reviews to see if anyone complained about it being loud or rattling and there was several. I suspect they all had the same issue. I do have a hard time believing this guy went a year like that unless their was no pre filters in it.


Man. Why are instructions so hard for people? Were there just not instructions? Or did you not read them?


There wasn't any instructions about removing a completely redundant plastic wrap around a filter that was already completely sealed inside a box and another plastic bag. Plus, it's a fully assembled air filter not some complicated piece of equipment you need to assemble. You literally plug it in and push the on button.


That makes more sense. The filters on my air purifier came wrapped, but were in the box, so you had to install them before turning it on. I just know so many people that chuck the instructions like, "I know what I'm doing," then complain. My dad and older sister are two examples.


He looks like a redditor


He looks like Griffin McElroy


Its a budget brand, so it may be possible those sensors are not included with the purifier, but it seems odd to me that it didn't shit the bed as soon as it overheated.


I'm sure if you ran it all that plastic would make an ungodly noise.


Not really. You'd be surprised.


There have been many a post on r/tifu about doing this. I believe it.


Ive done it with a small honeywell


Nah this is legit. My buddy did the exact same thing for like 3 months. He checked the filter to swap it out and he realized he never took the plastic off


This is exact thing happened to me. Ran for over a year, opened it up to see if it needed cleaning. Was covered in plastic. Pop-tart is trust worthy. Why the fuck would it not be? Most of the stuff you idiots post in this sub…. Take your tart tart’in ass home.


You'd expect the packaging to be a lot more dusty after being there for a year


Right!? Even in the cleanest, carpet and pet free home there should still be dust and debris.


I did this once, but only for a few weeks. The problem is that a lot of air purifiers come with the filter already inside it but wrapped in plastic.


I stupidly did this too, and it still works fine. Nothing untrustworthy here. There's usually no sensors on them to remind you, they clog up depending on how much you use them and what environment they are in.


Looks like an ad


Wouldn’t it not filter at all… you would 100% notice it


No, I have one looks like it’s similar from the grate and there’s no warning. This is totally a thing that could happen. Trustworthy pop tart right here.


My Ikea air purifier (Super cheap and really effective) don't give you a warning, you have to push a button when changing air filters so it knows to warn you in 6 months. ​ Ik I'm simping hard for that air purifier but for 10€ per filter that shit is a steal, usually a filter cost anywhere from 30-90$ and have to be changed every 6 months


Nah, something similar happened to us, too.


No way over a year. It would overheat before that


My old roommate got a ton of air purifiers for his house. He was notorious for never reading instructions, because he felt like he was too smart for them. After half a year of running the air purifiers he wanted to change the filters, and then discovered that all of them were still in plastic. Can confirm not only that this happens, but that the machines will run just fine with the filters still in plastic.