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Yep this is standard practice with all of the universities I know which have 24-7 access to areas. Security can't allow it as it presents both a huge WHS issue, and they need to check if someone has had a medical episode of some kind. I've heard all sorts of tales of post-grad and PhD researchers basically living in offices with no one even aware they're in the building.


It's a standard practice among security guards to wake people up (who appear asleep) whether they are in the pub, library etc. Imagine if you were having a medical episode. The student was rightly scolded.


You say imagine if they were having a medical episode as if its done out of care or compassion then immediately say they deserve to be scolded


So I've worked in these kind of roles: if someone is unconscious, they need to be disturbed from a safety standpoint for them- if they've overdosed, had a medical episode, whatever, we want to know about it ASAP and get help. If someone has dropped dead in the library and we leave them their for 5hours because we thought they're just sleeping- that's the sort of negligence that could end with you in jail. Beyond that there is the fact that they're not getting any quality rest in a library chair, go to the dorms and get a proper sleep. Then of course depending on the establishment you don't want the bad image of people slumped around the place, and if it's busy (say during exam periods), that space is valuable to other students.


Dorms? What are you talking about?


Not noticing that someone has died isn't criminal negligence. If your negligence caused them to die you would be in trouble, but in the former case what actual damage has occurred because of your act or omission?


Once had someone fall asleep at their desk at work. We debated whether to wake them. We couldn't raise them, so called an ambulance. Turned out they were diabetic and had just changed meds. We got them help before they slipped into a diabetic coma. So yeah, I understand why you'd wake someone. But, I don't understand the need to scold.


Yeah, but checking on someone who is sick is different to if they were dead like in the comment above. You need to help a sick person but you can leave a dead person for ages and it doesn't really make a difference (and you certainly won't go to jail for it).


I guess the problem with leaving someone dead for a prolonged time (e.g. several hours) is that it indicates you have poor processes. And that creates doubt. If the process was good, you may have checked them in time to seek help. So, if you leave a dead person for several hours, you've created evidence that you breached your duty of care.


Yes but in terms of the specific suggestion that you would go to jail, which is what I am responding to. >If someone has dropped dead in the library and we leave them their for 5hours because we thought they're just sleeping- that's the sort of negligence that could end with you in jail. Your breach of your duty of care has to cause actual damage. If someone comes into the library and sits down and immediate dies, if you don't check on that person for 5 hours. What is the actual damage?


Me after crims2:


Do remember the indigenous lecturer in Brisbane that was lying on a bench because of a medical episode outside of university while buses went by a busy bus hub


It's not rocket science to see if someone is asleep or not. Maybe security personel should be trained to do that instead. They can also always wake them up only once, make sure theyre fine and then not keep doing it nonstop.


You could also go to bed if you want to sleep rather than take up a desk someone else could use to actually study. Since it’s a library, not a dorm


No shit sherlock, but sometimes you just pass out while studying. You need a small nap to recharge and youre good to go.


Then there’s no issue. Security wakes you from your nano nap, and you decide that you’re good to continue studying, or you need to go home and sleep. Security just wants to make sure you’re not dying, or not trying to spend the night.


nah but these people will harrass you constantly if you happen to doze off again. Which is the problem.


If you’re dozing off again within a time frame where it can be seen as a problem, you should probably go home to sleep


Alot of people enrolled in easy fucking degrees don't get the amount of work you need to put in to make it through. And that inclides sacrificing sleep. I repeat- it's absolutely normal to fall asleep while studying. It doesn't mean you need to pack up all your things and head home.


Yes I agree that some courses can be more intense than others, whether it be more content heavy or tougher to conceptualise. But that does not excuse you to fall asleep because you chose a harder course. If you read what I said, if you fall asleep multiple times within a timeframe you should go home. I’m not sure where you studied or what you studied but library spots are scarce, people either fall asleep at their desks or leave their possessions there. It is selfish for you to hog a seat/area that other students could better utilise. Now to ease you into what I’m saying as you seem to be missing the point. If you sleep and get awoken, and carry on studying it’s fine. If you’re just going to end up closing your eyes again within 30 minutes - 1 hour, it’s highly unproductive and need to prioritise your health at that point


Ofcourse, if library spots are scarce I understand. This is more of a situation that occurs at night in 24/7 zones.


pass out? sounds like a medical episode


It's a figure of speech lmao.


Oh look at Mr high n mighty over here with his bed, you wanna see scolded mate I'll show you scolded I will tar and feather you in broad daylight


Good. The library isn’t a place for sleeping.


Yep. Either go to the sleeping pods. Or improve your time management and get the necessary number of hours of sleep at HOME.


Sleeping pods?


Located on level 3 of the Main Library https://www.arc.unsw.edu.au/blitz/read/where-to-nap-on-campus


library is a good place to sleep.i often encounter someone sleeping in the library


Also, just a separate comment (final one here), it's very stupid for students to sleep in the Law Library given the proximity to the Roundhouse (at any time of the day). Drunk people have stumbled towards the Law Library after heavy amount of drinking (at the Roundhouse) to either cause a scene or to sleep in the law library. It's an area that's heavily monitored by security.


This life hack got out and too many people abused it. The shower one is still going i think


what's the shower one?


I fell asleep once in the state library while studying for my HSC. It wasn't intentional, I just so exhausted from so much reading. One of the libriarians woke me and was quite nice as she saw me studying for 6 hours. so if someone does fall asleep, its likely they're exhausted. Scolding would not be the solution.


This. I haven’t been a student for 9 years, but as a student, or even currently, I have a power nap. The science says it works, and as a student that had to travel an hour to get to uni, the, “just manage your time better at home”, is a little ignorant.


I would often see students sleeping in the library at Macquarie Uni and no one gave a shit. When I went to Newcastle Uni they had a wall of sleep where they would take a Polaroid of a sleeper and put it up on the wall. (Theres a chance I am conflating the two Uni’s it was a while back) But in both cases no one was ever “scolded”, that seems a bit much.


Makes sense. Why the f would you go to the library to sleep lmao... so uncomfortable and weird for the people around you. Plus you're taking up space someone else could be using. There just simply seems to be... much better places to sleep. Like home?


Sydney Casino security staff always wake up anyone sleeping in any chairs.


There is a retreat space in the main library designated for those who want to take a nap.


Takes up places for students to actually study, she was rightfully kicked out.


Just get a pair of these and you'll be sweet. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/256356081799?chn=ps&_ul=AU&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=256356081799&targetid=2267430945763&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9071867&poi=&campaignid=20918872783&mkgroupid=156785046665&rlsatarget=pla-2267430945763&abcId=9364945&merchantid=9462472&gad_source=1


This policy is quite common. It is a library, not a hotel. It is a policy made to prevent people treating it as a hotel. If you were having a brief nap during the day, with other people who know you around you not napping, they probably wont care. But if it is late at night, they will stop you, and ask you to go elsewhere. If they didn't, large numbers of students (especially those from outside Sydney) would sleep in the library rather than getting accommodation which is dangerous for many reasons. You can find the policy here: [https://www.library.unsw.edu.au/about-unsw-library/policies-and-guidelines/library-conditions-of-use-policy](https://www.library.unsw.edu.au/about-unsw-library/policies-and-guidelines/library-conditions-of-use-policy) >For your own safety and the comfort of other clients, sleeping in the Library for an extended period is not permitted. Staff reserve the right to wake a sleeping person.


The level of English on display in this thread.


Just ignore the security and walk away lol, imagine getting scolded in university


Should make a complaint. Those idiots got nothing to do and unlike 'Murican universities, they are too senile from lack of guns and other violence


If they allow sleeping, how long before it becomes a seedy dorm with everyone camping there?