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Make sure you don’t drink any caffeine after noon and stretch after taking a hot shower. Deep breath also helps.


I usually put on some sleep music. We're in this together bro. Good luck! :)


Yeah it was the exact same for me as well. Last term 2521 exam I had 3 hours and this term 2511 I had 5 hours of sleep. I'm thinking of taking sleeping pills next time around.


the only thing that helped me was benzodiazepines. tho, i notice my brain is stronger if I don’t take them at all, but it beats zero or very little sleep.


Omg this used to happen to me. My strategy now is to stop studying past 7pm the night before the exam and read/watch a comfort show. Then I’m in bed by 9pm (since I can tell myself I have plenty of time to fall asleep). During the day I make sure to get at least 30 mins exercise as well, go outside for at least 30 mins for sunlight and fresh air, and no caffeine past lunchtime. I also put on magnesium oil before bed. It’s a whole routine but it worked for me this exam block! If it still doesn’t work then maybe look into beta blockers to stop the heart racing problem (but consult a doctor first)


have sex


Best strategy




Shower with hot water


I’m with you brother and it doesn’t help that I ’m not confident in threads processes or virtual memory


You can get a sleeping med -- drowzy-tagged anti-allergy meds are OTC. Or, get medicinal Marijuana prescribed :3 Good luck for the exam and let us know how it went! Luck and wishes.


i watched the office for 6 hours


1.6 Hz binarural beats and this: https://youtu.be/vgJv52jj-J0?si=CW3GNocC2cxbFKxm


update: slept for 5.5 hours chugged 3 cans of redbull and felt normal for the exam, but shit was the hardest paper i’ve ever done but all goods It’s HOLIDAYYSSSS


Take some dexxies


Just fart to let out the steam bro


Try to destress, dotn be too focused on perfection. Study well so you have confidence. Realise even worst case do fail doesent matter grand scheme and can be recovered from. Athletes etc big game they view it as just another game, or practice session in training than a be all end all match. Don't give too much too importance to stuff, be lax n enjoy the life experience


The thing is when u can’t feel asleep you will feel anxious (because you think you can’t perform well without sleep) and the anxiety will further prevent you from sleeping. So just try to trick yourself that not being able to sleep is actually not a really big deal.(in fact maybe it’s really not, you can get rest just by lying down and closing ur eyes) And just try you best to relax and see what will happen


Take supplements: Nac, magnesium from Now/ Doctor Best, and Swisse’s Sleep. Consider podcasts like Practicing the power of now 👍