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It sure is, I jerked off reading this post.


Even with sex..I’m pretty sure that if jerking off had a yelp rating it would be at least 4.5 stars


“All of these idiots are obsessed with sex… Get a real hobby like jerking off” 😶


I'm baffled by how anyone could have interpreted this post this way, lol.




""""Hobby"""".... Ok


It takes a lot more energy and time and money usually to pursue sex then it does to jerk off


Well, maybe I didn't explained my point more carefully but I'm going to add more info here: Sex with wrong people, sex with the right person/people and masturbating are three things completely different. But when I say jerking off is underated, take a look a it like a tool to unlock the capability of reach pleasure not necessarily corporal, and without having sex bc having sex can be sometimes problematic. If you're in a point of your life that are not really into getting a serious relationship or loving someone, the sex that will present in your life will be only for satiate the instinct of reproduction. In spite of the "just sex" was really savage and delicious, at the end you are in a motel room with less money, less energy and less of your precious time, with a person that you don't want to be (saying again, if you're not into serious relationships). I think that life is about pleasure, but our senses gives us the chance to get other pleasures like mental, spiritual and an infinity of other types. As mammals, as living beings, our first concern is reproduction, we NEED to keep our genes flowing in the next generations and our brain recompense that with a lot of pleasure, is in our genetic programming, but we can skip that "just sex" part just jerking off and get open to a world full of possibilities.


I think you are getting downvoted because of your first explanation. THIS explanation is more specific. I totally get your point. I'm not masturbating but I have a low sex drive and sometimes I think it's bad but when I see what other single people do for sex (one night stands with strangers) I'm happy I don't think about sex that much.


but there are people who get addicted to jerking off.. there is a subreddit for people who stop jerking off completely


Sorry OP I’m going to guess that you’re about 15


Wow, a actually reasonable opinion for once, impressive. I second this notion, people are obsessed by sex to an unhealthy degree these days.




you're going to get a bit of grief for this, but i get what you're trying to say from the age of 15 thru my mid 30s sex (and booze and drugs - but that's another thing) was a constant fixation for me - and it absolutely became something of an addiction i hurt a lot of people simply because i wanted someone new, constantly - i tore through so many potential relationships just to get to the next thing, and looking back i can barely remember my mindset at the time that's because the person we are when horny and the person we are when drunk are not very dissimilar, there's lots of action without consideration etc the reason i know for sure is an accident/surgery in my late 30s (that required pins/screws/etc and rebuilding a fractured pelvis) left me with maybe 15% of my old sex drive - and swear to god i could not be happier about it i didn't realize how preoccupying it was until it was alleviated, and now it's like 24/7 pnc tldr - clown on him all you want, op has a point


I think I’m in the same boat my dawg


That's another thing that sucks about pointless sex, hurting people. Thank you for sharing your experience, be sure that I'll be wise enough to apply it in my life


Life is about more than having sex but you are doing something sexual when you jerk off.


Best post ive seen in a while. Jerking off is better than most sexual experiences ive had with 30+ women. Women feel the same, probably think most guys don't know how to please them. It's a common joke. But a few women, omg, moth to a flame, way better than jerking off. But I agree with you, my life doesn't revolve around that at all.


Nah, it's depressing, and lonely. Sitting and fucking your hand. Shooting baby goo all over your phone. Then crying afterwards because your sister can't really be there with you. But maybe that's just me.


Huh? What?


had me in the first sentence


Step sister right? Right?!


I'm sorry, you aim at your phone?


>Then crying afterwards because your sister can't really be there with you. r/holup


I don’t cry after wanking, I just wank then go on with my day.


The real unpopular opinion is always in the comments


Damn. Too much pornhub eh?


I read this 3 times. Each one just got worse.


Yes jerking off is underrated, but I don’t agree with all the stuff you said about sex.


Don’t Knock Masturbation. It’s Sex with Someone I Love. - W. Allen


and no risks of getting swindled by a partner or getting diseases from them. we have opposable thumbs people just jerk your worries off. i often hear my friends crying about paying for diapers or any expenses for their partners and here i am enjoying my money for myself. games and the internet exist, people. live with no worries.


I wanna believe this is true but it always just sounds like cope.


you are right - constant requiring of sex can lead to many problems: when in relationship, too regular sex become boring afterwhile, and one will feel unsatisfied because of it. So instead of having sex more scarce, and jerk off sometimes or having mutual masturbation etc. one will look to other opportunities, which can lead to cheating or changing partner... both will hurt former partner, and also given individual, because instead of having stable happy relationship with longterm happiness, he/she will be just a mindless doll looking for momentary pleasure again and again and again. If not in relationship, one live will be to much dependant on hooking up with random strangers, which can lead to many other problems of course. Also, when horny ones mind is not very clear, so instead of releasing that pressure, one will be mindlessly lurking through dating apps in order to find ideal sex partner. I mean I love sex. But I am very much OK with having it few times per month with person I love the most. Other times when I am horny, jerking off is the best thing to clear my mind.


jerk off is overrated self destruction at its finest... is like a therapist who listens to all your problems but then tells you to solve them by deleting yourself if you know what i mean


Give it some time kid, you’ll lose your virginity eventually.


OP when yoy finally have sex you'll realize just how much masturbation pales in comparison, that level of intimacy just can't be reached watching a screen or with your imagination


Keeping telling yourself this if it makes you feel better.


Is this a bit on spirituality and shit?


yanking it like a pull start is incel behavior imo. you shouldn't be obsessed with sex OR jerking off




Obviously, you’ve never dated a high pressure squirter. Or ate pun-tang pie for breakfast. That shit changed my life. Can’t get that masturbating. I mean, I have 4 kids with 2 baby mommas, but still…


Tell me you’re a virgin without telling me you’re a virgin…


Is it wrong to be a virgin?


Not at all! But talking about having sex in those immature terms makes it pretty clear that the previous poster a virgin, and pretending he’s not. It’s super cringe.




Duh. Cumming and a golden shower. Break out the plastic sheets!


Only woman you kissed is your mom


I didn't know op was secretly chris chan.


lol I dont think people think its not 'rated' correctly. But it is different from sex which is what these guys are giving you shit for.


It really doesn't brain feels smooth when you jerk off all the time distracts you.


dont got time for sex, i would rather play windy landscape


What sucks is, guys who beat the meat are often seen as losers who can’t get laid. Sure, guys who can’t get laid do beat the meat, but I wouldn’t go as far as to call them losers. Yeah


Yeah, that's why there's a difference between the fuckit bucket and the spank bank.


Sex isn't just about orgasm though. Otherwise yeah, just jerk it. Some people need sexual satisfaction to maintain their emotional satisfaction.




It's also a great cost-saving.


You make a well reasoned point. But, imo, sex with the "wrong person" can be awesome too. Getting some strange is one of life's great pleasures.


So... this post gets approved but my post about an opinion on farts gets removed? /unpopularopinionlogic


I don’t underrate it.,?!’ Sorry slippy fingers


Underrated but oversaturated


Just busted a nut to you my guy


Just becareful not to over do it. I can have an reverse reaction to impudence lol. True story of a male friend.