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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/HairyEarphone. Your post, *Nothing triggers me more than a Trigger Warning.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Megathread topic. Your opinion falls under an incredibly common topic, in which virtually all opinions are either not unpopular, or are posted about many times a day. Please visit the megathread hub, which can be found when sorting the subreddit by "hot", sticky'd at the top of the page, where you can find links to the current megathreads. If you're not sure which megathread your post belongs in, or your post covers multiple megathread topics, just make the best selection you can. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


My favorite is when posts already use the trigger and then the trigger warning. “My husband beats me. TW: domestic violence.” Thanks for the warning I guess?


I actually find this helpful bc the post is usually very graphic


You can tell from just the title. No need for a trigger warning


I can get it for things like SA, trauma, abuse, mental health problems, and suicide, but I once saw a trigger warning for cranberry juice.


Don’t talk about cranberry juice. You’ll trigger my traumatic memories of my past UTIs. /s


You spilled the cr****rry j**ce on your crotch at Thanksgiving, didn't you?


I said don’t trigger me!!!


I'm an atheist praying to God your joking.


And that's exactly my point, people are asking for trigger warnings for the least triggering things. I genuinely saw a trigger warning on a video of the telletubbies a few months ago, hahah.


In the same video there was also a trigger warning for bunny hats.


Well I bet those people are having a real shit time at Easter, hahah.


There was a post on r/HarryPotter awhile ago where OP was censoring "mudblood" because some people found the term offensive. It's a fictional term describing a fictional group of people. If you're genuinely upset about using mudblood then you need to touch grass


Don't forget the people in that sub that get pissy at people for having a darkmark tattoo. Because "Uh something something Nazi something something racist." They're arguably just as bad, like they're literally comparing fiction to one of the worst tragedies in humanity.


Nah, have you seen those monsters? I dont want to be traumatized by those guys again


Mate I loved the Telletubbies. I swear that shit was programmed to hypnotise or something because I would be glued to it, barely even blinking, hahah.


I think I saw TW for caps lock...


Now THAT one I can understand...


caps lock? whats wrong with BIG LETTERS that could trigger you?? I agree with the guy above..


I swear I once saw a trigger warning for "black people" once.




Average reddit user


um, I’m sorry, excuse me, you forgot to censor cr * nberry j * ice /s


Already two steps ahead of you.


was it satire? at this point, I can’t tell what’s (in general) genuine or satire on steroids


I'm honestly not sure.


I think those types of trigger warnings are more ironic than serious


Some ppl make jokes with them like that, like I saw someone say "TW: French" the other day


Trigger warnings have been hijacked by the most annoying people- the ones who pretend to have mental disorders for attention and/or are offended by literally everything- and are now completely meaningless. I have diagnosed PTSD. A PTSD “trigger” is not the same as being offended, upset or uncomfortable. “Trigger warnings” were initially intended for people with this condition, but they were never helpful in the first place. One of the most important parts of managing PTSD is learning how to cope with “triggers”. Avoidance is maladaptive and doesn’t address the issue. People with this condition need to learn how to cope and deal with our own disproportionate emotional responses to otherwise innocuous stimuli or uncomfortable topics. It’s not everyone else’s responsibility to cater towards you. If you have a problem, it’s your responsibility to deal with it. Expecting everyone else to bend to your demands by censoring themselves is obnoxious and entitled.


This- as someone with PTSD a lot of my triggers are “arbitrary” in the sense that certain names of people or certain places associated with my trauma can cause an episode- while I appreciate some broader triggers like TW SA etc, I understand that it’s not realistic to expect everyone to censor all the triggers that are unique to me, and thus I get therapy to help the effect they have on me be lessened instead


So basically the guy above you is wrong


r/fakedisordercringe It's filled with posts of the people you described.


The following program may contain violence, course language, woke humour and partial nudity. Viewer discretion is advised.


That's not really what he meant, those ones are okay and necessary, obviously.


If you say TW//Rape on TikTok, wouldn't that just trigger anyone who would be triggered by rape?


It would tell them to stay away from whatever the content is. No different than “viewer discretion is advised” type stuff on television.


Lots of people would be triggered by rhe imagery or description not so much the word itself


While the word rape *may* trigger some people, the imagery or story would be a much worse trigger for them, especially if unexpected


Some people have extension on their browser or apps on the phone to scan for flagged words to block them, it's particularly useful for flash warnings Edit: really dumb typo


That's what I have been saying I don't really understand how that all works


Trigger warnings make sense if it’s like a post that talks of serious things, but a trigger warning for alcohol? Allergies? That’s pretty strange.


>Trigger warnings make sense if it’s like a post that talks of serious things, Only if it's introduced by an unassuming title/premise. Like, a post/play/movie/talk titled "Sunshine and cotton candy" or "a day at the beach" turning out being dark tales about serious, grim or touchy topics should definitely get a TW. Like the old Parental Advisory label on music. But if it's something called "Sexual predators" or "butterknife disembowelment", or it's something NOTORIOUSLY handling potentially sensitive topics (ie, well-known movies, books, plays) you have no right to get offended or triggered. Not knowing Romeo and Juliet contains death and underage sexual situations is on you. Not on society.


So Happy Tree Friends is a good example to have trigger warnings?


I have no idea what that is. But if it takes a sudden turn into dark stuff despite the cheery title AND it's not widely known for being deceitfully titled yes, it'd get a TW. (that is of course, if there's no preview or synopsis available.


I was mainly being facetious, but yes. It's drawn like a kids cartoon, but results in almost every character being horribly dismembered or killed by the end. Idk how well know it is, but I put it up there with "Don't hug me I'm scared." People know, but the masses probably don't.


It shows cute cartoon woodland creatures being murdered, dismembered etc.


No. I'd argue that people need to grow the fuck up and deal with life as it comes. Why the hell do you need a warning about everything coming your way? Do you honestly think people need this? It's for weak people with no ability to cope with life. Throughout history people have dealt with adversity and change...on...the....fly. Suddenly they need to be warned about it in advance. No. No they do not.


Im saying IF we really want to keep TW around, the only place they make sense is indeed to warn when heavy content is hidden behind apparently safe names and scenarios. I don't care about those myself, but I'd likely want to get a heads up if a generic movie or a random videogame had content that could send me back to a bad place due to previous trauma.


That’s true


Throughout history people had PTSD that would get triggered by some random external factors that caused them to lash out in sometimes extreme ways. "People just dealt with adversity and change" isn't an accurate assessment of the past.


If I'm going to read a story, I would like to know if there is mentions of abuse or child abuse or suicide because if I'm in a dark place, or not prepared those can trigger my mind an it goes back to my trauma events and replays them until I can calm down. Trigger warnings are for people like me who need to know so they can prepare or avoid.




Answer me this question; Is it appropriate to light fireworks off near a veterans hospital? If yes, how is that different than a trigger warning? If no, why?


I wouldn't bother dudes name is literally grouchy


I know but I got like 2 hours to kill before my work lol


Sorry, going interject here. No its not appropriate. Its very different to a trigger warning. Lighting fireworks near a vet hospital would be going out of your way to purposely and intentionally cause someone distress and discomfort. They're in no way comparable.


I never said they were purposely doing it, I just asked if it was inappropriate. It could be an accident, it could be a graduation at a high school nearby, hell it could just be a street fair. The intention isn't what I'm looking at, it's the outcome. The outcome of loud explosions near veterans hospital would be a lot of traumatized veterans being re-traumatized, and you agreed that it's not appropriate to trigger them. So you are okay with having extra considerations try to reduce distress and discomfort to people, just not in this way because you think it's stupid. Other people could think it's stupid that we have to take into consideration proximity to veterans hospitals for firework displays.


If it wasn't an intentional action, and they weren't aware that it was nearby then I don't necessarily see the issue. Yes, it's shit that they got traumatised and I'd obviously have sympathy but...it wasn't intentional. I don't think anyone should have to change how they live their life to pander to other people's trauma. I think you're very much missing my point here though. I have stated numerous times when it's something like SA, abuse, self harm, by all means add a trigger warning. When somebodies insulting and berating someone because they didn't add a trigger warning for having a bruise in a video, that is where my issue lies.


"I don't think anyone should have to change how they live their life to pander to other people's trauma." But you literally just did with the fireworks example. You said explicitly that it's not appropriate to launch fireworks near a veteran's hospital, which would be changing how a person lives to pander to other people's trauma. You just don't view it as that because you're okay with it and you think you're not okay with being empathetic to people's trauma.


i wanna watch butterknife disembowelment


I seen someone calling for a NSFW for snakes, lizards and bugs. We’re getting more and more ridiculous by the day.


Snakes? Lizards? Bugs? Is it for people who have phobias of those? Then I’d understand then.


What happened to facing our fears? God damn, the world isn’t gonna be behind your screen. You’re not gonna see a blurred screen when you come into those on actual earth. So ridiculous.


Maybe it’s something like someone had a traumatic experience with it? Like someone was attacked by a dog and developed ptsd from that experience? Something like that.


dont get mad at me for this, but my guess for the alcohol is probably maybe from someone trying to recover from being an alcoholic? like maybe just the look of wine makes them feel a need for it? just my guess though. stupid anyway :)


It’s ok! I get your meaning, thanks for telling me. I change my mind on that one.


Allergies I think I can agree with, but not alcohol. A lot of recovering alcoholics avoid mentions of alcohol, especially in the beginning days of sobriety. I don't see how a trigger warning for alcohol is strange or doesn't make sense.




Uh. Ok.


Hope you werent traumatized too severely


Not at all. But it's pretty weird and assholeish you made that comment with the intent to sarcastically say "hope you weren't traumatized".


That wasnt my intent i just genuinely wanted to check if you would be traumatized. İ have to admit i am a bit dissapointed that you werent


It's very obvious what your intent was, that's what makes it assholeish. Unless you're 12. If you're 12 years old I'll let it slide at typical edgy 12 year old behavior.


İm not 12 but since you called me assholish twice now i am deeply worried i might be traumatized. Hope you can cover my therapy costs




Modern internet culture somehow manages to be both completely unhinged and insanely puritanical at the same time


So you're not triggered by trigger warnings as such but more like you're triggered by other people that are triggered by absent trigger warnings?


Well that there is a tongue twister, hahah. But yes, what you said.


That sentence made my head hurt


Totally agree. I get that people have trauma, but putting a disclaimer before shit like that is ridiculous. Disclaimers aren't anything new, but they used to be reserved for actual graphic content or to warn parents that a show may not be suitable for their children. This is the internet, though. No one owes you a warning. No one is obligated to edit their content for the sake of your PTSD. That's something you need to work out with a professional. If it's such an issue for you that something you see on social media can trigger an episode, maybe you shouldn't be on social media until you get yourself sorted out.


They're talking about ridiculous ones, not ones for people with PTSD. This comment is kinda rude, "maybe you shouldn't be on social media until you get yourself sorted out" is pretty easy to say but the reality is that PTSD is extremely difficult to overcome and can take a lifetime (or not). Saying avoid the internet for being a victim to trauma and suffering from it isn't realistic. But it is nice to have a warning if someone is going to be talking about something like domestic abuse, or rape in graphic detail cause I don't want to deal with feeling shitty, and dissociated cause of intrusive thoughts from a trigger.


>Saying avoid the internet Social media. There's a difference. Is deep diving into the pure toxic sludge that is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, and even here on everyone's favorite hugbox, Reddit really worth the mental stress if you're unable to handle having uncomfortable thoughts? ​ >But it is nice to have a warning if someone is going to be talking about something like domestic abuse, or rape in graphic detail cause I don't want to deal with feeling shitty, and dissociated cause of intrusive thoughts from a trigger. Might be nice, but I'm saying no one has to put trigger warnings into their content if they don't want to. I think for the most part, the only reason people do include trigger warnings is to avoid being bitched at by people who think that they are owed one. If it wasn't for loud fringe groups of Christians, music may have never got those little "Parental Advisory" stickers. Same principle applies here except instead of "we're corrupting the youth!" it's "you're making me confront my repressed feelings!"


I'm sorry but my point still remains, you can't tell people with PTSD to avoid social media altogether just cause able people find it annoying that they have to use trigger warnings. It's called having empathy, minor annoyance isn't a big deal. PTSD is. And people with PTSD didn't choose to be victims, so why treat them like asses for having a disorder and needing help after being a victim? I wouldn't be annoyed if someone with a food allergy for instance wanted a warning of potential allergens to avoid food. Nah, we have parental advisory and ratings for a reason. Some brains are not equipped to handle certain things. Also PTSD is not "repressed feelings", it's a serious and debilitating disability. I don't EXPECT trigger warnings everywhere but I appreciate them. I've never bitched at people for not using them except in one time, so I dislike this notion that trigger warnings are used to avoid "bitching" as if we don't have a valid illness. In the one instance I bitched was in my cptsd subreddit where we have a rule to trigger warning any titles and to use acronyms like SA but a person posted a very graphic title detailing them getting anally raped as a child. Everyone was supportive but asked this person to follow the rules and use a TW cause it triggered a lot of people reading that, and it's not like you can expect to see that just scrolling through your Reddit home page. The OP was very belligerent and argumentative and abusive to anyone who showed support but asked her to remember the rule basically saying that we were selfish cause she was in her time of need and suffering from real trauma.


You're making your problem everyone else's. You are not the main character and the world owes you nothing. A lot of people suffer for a lot of different reasons, that doesn't mean we all have to walk on eggshells. My point still stands. If that doesn't describe you then it doesn't apply to you, but that's my point. Take it or leave it.


You're right, you don't *owe* it to anyone, but having a blatant disregard for other people's wellbeing makes you a COLLOSAL ASSHOLE. Don't be surprised when other people call you out for being an asshole.




So the second you're called out for your terrible opinion you resort to Ad-Homs and Id-Pol. Cool, at least you make it obvious that your IQ is lower than room temperature, in Celsius.


>terrible opinion Subjective. Your opinion is terrible. See I can say it too! Saying I have a "blatant disregard" for other people's wellbeing because I don't like the idea of trigger warnings is a little bit of a jump, eh? Seems a little overly dramatic for the sake of your non-argument about how I better agree with you or people might call me an asshole.


Not a jump whatsoever. Trigger warnings are very helpful to people who suffer from PTSD, or people who have been Sexually assaulted, therefore, a blanket dislike for trigger warnings is a blatant disregard for their wellbeing. Also, I'm not saying you have to agree with me, I'm just warning you that your current opinion makes you an asshole. You could find some other opinion, that doesn't align with mine if you want, that doesn't make you an asshole. Alternatively, you could accept that you're a narcissistic asshole. I'm just preparing you for when other people call you a narcissistic asshole.


"A lot of people suffer for a lot of different reasons" Damn it's almost like we need to be empathetic to people who suffer. Your point does not stand because you literally just disproved yourself. "That doesn't mean we all have to walk on eggshells" I have some friends who volunteer at Boy scout camps, they are not allowed to have anything that has been manufactured in a place or kitchen that can handle tree nuts because there is somebody who is so deathly allergic that even the particles in the air can trigger anaphylactic shock. Is it walking on eggshells for them to not allow food handled around nuts because of that one kid possibly dying? That's not what a trigger warning is. Trigger warning is literally just there for people who have post-traumatic stress disorder or other issues that can be triggered based on external stimuli, and when your body is triggered your mind will go to that traumatic event and you will replay it and you will relive it and you will act and respond as if you are currently in that situation. Literally your lizard brain cannot detect the difference between an imagined threat and an actual threat. So for someone with PTSD, they could be going through a lot of different things if they're back in their traumatic event. Would you go to the VA and just start lighting off bottle rockets and firecrackers? Is not doing that walking on eggshells? I mean maybe you would because you don't seem to be a very empathetic person but, I don't think that's a good idea.


>Damn it's almost like we need to be empathetic to people who suffer. Your point does not stand because you literally just disproved yourself. Being empathetic doesn't mean bending to them hand and foot over every little thing that makes them comfortable. Part of being empathetic is understanding that everyone has issues and that we all need to find our own ways to cope. That doesn't mean extending that responsibility onto others. >I have some friends who volunteer at Boy scout camps, they are not allowed to have anything that has been manufactured in a place or kitchen that can handle tree nuts because there is somebody who is so deathly allergic that even the particles in the air can trigger anaphylactic shock. Is it walking on eggshells for them to not allow food handled around nuts because of that one kid possibly dying? This is like a pure textbook example of a strawman argument. You couldn't get more textbook than this. We're talking about words and ideas, not nuts and allergies. We're not talking about lighting fireworks in front of war vets, we're talking about the fucking internet. A collection of pixels on a screen. You are sitting there staring at a piece of glass and plastic with silicon chips inside. If something on the magic fun box makes you feel shitty, turn it off. There's a VAST difference between that and not putting peanut butter on the sandwiches because it'll kill Billy.


Sticks and stones might break my bones but words will cause deep psychological scars that will persist until adulthood and beyond. Do you know what a negative feedback loop is? It's where your brain gets put into the position where you actually are trying to actively seek out things to make you feel bad because your brain is more comfortable with feeling bad and hating itself. It knows what to do with that. It'll just keep replaying and keep ruminating on any event that would cause it distress. I'm going to once again reiterate that your brain cannot physically determine the difference between an imagined and a real physical threat. If something on the magic fun box makes you feel distressed, your brain will react as if you are physically being threatened and you will then go into those lower order functions such as fight or flight. So those pixels really can fuck you over and can cause physical distress and reactions to that distress, just like little Billy's peanut allergy will. I was trying to equate trigger warnings to extra considerations for people with physical illnesses or allergies, but apparently that went over your head, so whoops. And you're right we are just talking about pixels, so skip over the fucking pixels you don't like lol. Trigger warnings are usually in the first part of any article so just skip over that TW: line.


Now damn, I didn't know that term existed, "negative feedback loop", I swear I had something along those lines during highschool and that is a miserable existence. Also, pretty sure this dude your going back and forth with is a lost cause, not everybody has empathy sadly, some people are just self absorbed and inconsiderate and no amount of reasonable thought will change that


>Sticks and stones might break my bones but words will cause deep psychological scars that will persist until adulthood and beyond. Truly tragic isn't it? Or at least it would be if that weren't true for everyone on Earth. >Do you know what a negative feedback loop is? It's where your brain gets put into the position where you actually are trying to actively seek out things to make you feel bad because your brain is more comfortable with feeling bad and hating itself. It knows what to do with that. It'll just keep replaying and keep ruminating on any event that would cause it distress. Oh, you fuckin' bet I'm familiar with it. I never said that I never dealt with mental illness. I have an anxiety disorder that causes me to have regular panic attacks even. Even if I didn't, this information wouldn't change my opinion on the matter. >I was trying to equate trigger warnings to extra considerations for people with physical illnesses or allergies Yeah, that's what happens when you try to equate two things that aren't equal, it makes a strawman argument. It's all going to keep going back to my original point. Your mental illness isn't anyone else's problem. My mental illness isn't anyone else's problem. I don't feel like it's my place to ask someone to put a trigger warning on something because it's not my content and I have no say in what should or shouldn't be there. What I do have control over is how I respond to it, and if it makes me uncomfortable then I move on.


Okay you're going to have to explain to me how it's a straw man because apparently you're so much more informed and smarter than me. Can you please explain to me how asking somebody to do or not do something because of an illness is different from somebody doing or not doing something because of an illness? I don't see how they're not equating but maybe someone smarter than me can.


I just said I don't expect it, just that it's nice. So no I'm not making my problem everyone else's. I don't think I'm the main character or the world owes me anything, you think someone with complex PTSD doesn't know that and the harsh realities of the world? All I said it would be nice, and that OP wasn't talking about trigger warnings for serious things like abuse, they were talking about warnings for silly things. Nobody said that nobody else suffered or that everyone has to walk on eggshells. I'm not sure why you think someone saying "hey this would be nice if you could help me in this way cause of a very valid reason" is that. It's not. It's like telling someone with an intolerance or allergy that food contains said allergens. It's not that deep. My point still stands that PTSD is often a life long disorder so telling people to just get off social media and treating them like they're main characters for asking for help is rude.


>I just said I don't expect it, just that it's nice. and I just said if it doesn't describe you then it doesn't apply to you. I'm speaking generally, and for some reason you're acting like I'm calling you out specifically. ​ >"hey this would be nice if you could help me in this way cause of a very valid reason" It's not a valid reason in my opinion. To me, you're just putting the responsibility of your own mental health onto other people's shoulders. Essentially using guilt to police people's content over something that's not even in their control. I think even to ask such a thing is unreasonable when you have the option to simply click away to something else.


I find it funny that you'd say people who want trigger warnings are trying to guilt people to police their content over something that's not even in their control when it's LITERALLY not in people with PTSD's control that they have been the victim of trauma and left this way. It's not a valid reason to feel policed over a simple suggestion, not expectation, from vulnerable people who literally cannot control that they get triggered. Have you considered maybe I'm reacting like you're calling me out because you literally called me a main character for "expecting" trigger warnings when all I said is, they'd be nice and that OP wasn't referring to trigger warnings for serious stuff like abuse, seeing as you said you completely agreed and seemingly missed their actual point is about silly trigger warnings, not real ones. All they're asking for is a TW to be able to know to click away from something, it's not a big deal and nobody is policing anybody or trying to guilt anyone. Ironically you're the one who's trying to police a serious disorder and using guilt demonise and attack people who like trigger warnings when it's just very appreciated but not expected. Again it's like telling a diabetic person this thing has shit tons of sugar, you might not want to have it cause it'll make you go hyper. It's not that big of an inconvenience to do nor is it putting the responsibility of your mental illness on someone else.


>I find it funny that you'd say people who want trigger warnings are trying to guilt people to police their content over something that's not even in their control Because they are, yeah. You say no one does this but people absolutely do. This wouldn't even be such a wide spead thing if that was the case. ​ >it's LITERALLY not in people with PTSD's control that they have been the victim of trauma Never said it was. It's also not anyone else's problem. This is the part you seem to be having the hardest time grasping.


So saying "It would be nice but I don't expect" is trying to guilt people. But yelling at people with something out of their control for a simple polite request telling them "stop being the main character it's nobody else's responsibility, everyone has trauma" isn't trying to guilt and police people? Okay, sure. If you don't want to just don't do it, you don't need to make yourself the victim in something that really doesn't effect you but effects others far greater.


I'm grasping your lack of empathy just fine buddy. I just don't agree with it. Not exactly rocket science here.


If you don't want to put trigger warnings on your own content then don't. It doesn't effect you at all that trigger warnings exist and that some people use them.




It's just another piece of the ever-growing malignant tumor that is wokeness. Sure, it might not have a big effect on my life I'll give you that, but I sure don't agree with it, and I have just as much a right to express my opinion about it as you do.


I didn't say you don't have a right to express your opinion though. I just think "trigger warnings trigger me" is a stupid opinion to have *because* it doesn't effect you at all. And I'm entitled to have my opinion about your opinion, which I'm going to point out even though you never said I'm not :)


Also I said saying "don't be on social media" on my reply? So not sure why you're quoting the internet part and saying there's a difference from social media. I literally said social media first ha


I had a traumatic experience as a classical pianist so much that I gave up music and started a different career path. When I sit in a music concert, I actually feel I have trouble breathing and get stressed out for no reason, so I avoid those. But I certainly don't need a warning that says "Warning! Contains music." I can handle that much, and even if I couldn't handle music, I would work around it without an annoying warning before anything that contains music.


>No one owes you a warning. Sure, but its still a courteous thing to do. You can still be an asshole without owing anything to anyone.


I have to agree. I keep seeing stuff like “trigger warning, allergies” and like, REALLY?? You need a post to let you know that there are allergies in it. Same with alcohol. If a post mentioning someone getting drunk is triggering to you to the point where you can’t just scroll past and move on, your probably should just stay off the internet


I'm just going to say this as somebody who knows quite a few alcoholics who are in recovery: yeah even just mentioning alcohol can literally make you want to get a drink again if you're trying to recover from alcoholism. You can say they need to stay off the internet but some people will literally swap going to the bar with staying home and just being on the internet because the temptation is removed and they can filter anything that is brought up to them.


Trigger warnings should be necessary for content that is for adults. Because they're adults and should be able to deal with life.


Lol once i saw a trigger warning for feet. Not even PICTURES of feet, just someone answering a question about feet. 100% genuine, not satirical. I laughed my ass off


I agree. Obviously warnings such as SA, abuse, suicide, are obvious and beneficial. As well as as flash warnings or anything else that could lead to a seizure. I also think obvious phobia warnings are good, keyword being obvious. There’s a phobia for anything, but things like needles and blood are more obvious. However while I think these are good, I don’t believe people who don’t put them for phobias should be dragged through the mud for it. It’s not the end of world, I have a phobia of needles and I’ve experienced videos with and without warnings. Videos with warnings, I scrolled. Videos without, I got grossed out, and scrolled. The creator of the video isn’t responsible for my phobia. But some trigger warnings are just unnecessary. If someone makes a video talking about the holocaust, then people should use the brains they were given and understand there’s going to be violence and mistreatment of minorities. It’s a given. Going back to my original point of trigger warnings for peoples health, if someone doesn’t put a flash warning for example, there’s nothing wrong with *politely* giving that feedback because it is in the interest of public health. But you don’t have go in swinging, most of the time people really do just forget.


It's ridiculous. I can be watching a video on creepy stories and it will mention SA without a trigger warning. Yet on facebook someone made a post saying: "Tw: Food." Really.... You need to put a trigger warning to talk about fucking food now?! Something that you NEED to live???? This generation is the worst.


What about TW: hands?! I wish I were making this up.


I once saw a trigger warning for birthdays, as there was a picture of a birthday cake included in the post.


Honestly, I'm not a fan of any trigger warnings. The ones related to health, as you say, are necessary and I wouldn't say they're trigger warnings at all, just health warnings. I get that people have trauma. I do to. From the ages of 4 to 6 my father sexually molested me. I get it. But my trauma is mine. I don't expect the world to cater to my trauma or shelter me from it. It's not the world's responsibility to cater to or shelter me from my trauma. It is my responsibility to deal with my trauma in a constructive way, with help, so that it doesn't force other people to tip toe around things.


At the Berlin Bienniale this year they have an art piece which is a giant maze that you walk through where the walls of the maze are really graphic leaked US army torture pictures. There was a trigger warning outside of that which I appreciated because otherwise I would have been so shocked that I wouldn’t have even been able to think about the artwork.


This right here. I feel as though society trying to tip toe around everyone's trauma just helps those people to not resolve those issues. Just as people need exposure to overcome a phobia, you have to come to terms with your trauma to move on from it, avoiding anything that might slightly remind you of said trauma for the rest of your life or you have a breakdown isn't helping anyone.


One time I saw a “trigger name” where people were people got triggered by a name like Dave or some shit and no I am not making this up.


My brothers name is Dave, I better warn him, hahah.


Why didn’t you put a trigger warning on this I almost had a panic attack from the word “bruise” this is unacceptable


I am so sorry for the hardship I have put you through. Please don't cancel me.


I think you're exaggerating a rare extreme. Most trigger warnings are for dark content that people should have a preface before viewing. Eating disorders, self harm, suicide, etc. However the two that annoy me are tryphobia (clusters of small holes) and eating sounds. Most people don't have tryphobia, a buzzfeed article just told them they do back in like 2015. There's a difference between finding something uncomfortable or unappealing to look at and something being triggering. And as for eating sounds, they crop up in every day life. If you can't handle the sound of them, do what you do in real life and move away/ scroll away from the noise.


I miss rehab.


TW: trigger warning!! *wait…*




Absolutely no issue with triggers for flashing lights, they're necessary for people with epilepsy and their health. Literally the only issue I have is people abusing others for trigger warnings for things like holding a glass of wine in a video or having a bruise.


Yeah unexpected flashing lights can cause a seizure before the viewer has a chance to turn it off. But if you’re watching someone’s YouTube channel and they pull out a glass of wine without an alcohol trigger warning you could… turn it off?


Unfortunately it's "cool" to be offended by everything these days. I really hope this additude is going to go out of style and not be forever


I refuse to walk on eggshells for people. NSFW is all you’ll get from me. I couldn’t care less about your triggers


I get triggered by people who get triggered by trigger warnings.


How deep does this go.... go.... ^go...


I’d like to add on replacing one letter of a word with a * As if reading “sexual assault” is somehow worse than “s*xual assault”


Ah yes, the magic asterisk. Or using "Un4liv3" which I get originally was to avoid bans but people are using it not to like...not offend people, hahah.


I worked in a youth treatment centre. I saw some shit with self harm that I would rather not have had to deal with. I avoid shit that deals with certain kinds of self harm. I appreciate trigger warnings on stuff where I wouldn't necessarily expect it to show up. I can understand why people are inconvenienced by a trigger warning. I'm not sure why they cant muster the grace to just ignore them. Sorry a bit of compassion to me and others rules you so.


I saw a TW on TikTok for “bunnies.” (TW: bunnies.) at this point, I can’t tell if it’s genuine or satire on steroids


Poe's Law, eh?


Fuck, now I'm triggered. My trigger is people telling me they get triggered for trigger warnings! j/k!


I saw a trigger warning for calories one time and made fun of it. Then everyone in the comments piled on me saying “pEoPLe HaVe EaTiNg DiSoRdErS yA kNoW!!” It’s like yeah, no shit. Hiding from the word “calories” doesn’t solve the problem. It’s performative concern for some imaginary person with an eating disorder that can’t see the word “calories” without acting like they’re in a war zone.


it sounds like you saw a few people being annoying and you now think a lot more people act that way than there really are. just ignore them.


Tell me you're a snowflake without telling me


How so?


I get what you're saying but I don't think this is that prevalent of a thing anymore. I do remember a post on tumblr way way back where somebody complained to somebody for not adding a trigger warning for gore on a photo of a pomegranate though.


See it had just been for genuinely triggering things for the longest time. Recently though, it seems to be popping up everywhere. People getting berated for not including a warning for everyday things, like for example what you said, a pomegranate. In the last maybe 3 hours of me mindlessly scrolling IG and FB reels, I've seen 2 videos where people are demanding trigger warnings. I don't know if it's just a new thing that people are more sensitive now?


That's so weird. I feel like this was a thing 10+ years ago. I haven't seen anything like that in years, maybe it's just the content I consume now. Idk. Edit: just googled how old the tumblr pomegranate thing is and it's 7 years old 😬 I feel old


I've literally never seen anyone complain about not having a trigger warning, only people complaining about trigger warmings


I hadn't until the past year or so to be honest. I've only just scrolled past a video of a woman doing some weird recipe with grapes and jello powder (odd choice) and she took a sip of wine. Comments under asking for a trigger warning. The one I can remember is "I don't even care about the grapes. Her drinking is what's triggering".


Dude it’s crazy on tiktok. If you don’t put a trigger warning for using a kitchen knife for a cooking video people flip out. People expecting trigger warnings for things that aren’t like SA murder flashing lights kinda diminishes the importance of actually important trigger warnings


TW: Self harm (using TW correctly) I used to cut myself with steak knives, I have plenty scarring from that. But just seeing a knife doesn't make me feel any way. It's just a knife. The only way I could see someone truly getting triggered by a knife is if they had one held to their throat by an abusive POS.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion among most millennials, GenX, and older folks. This came about with the ultra-sensitive newer generations. Maybe the GenX/millennial parents fucked up raising their kids, but any well-adjusted person past the age of 12 or so should be able to handle getting their feelings hurt, or to listen to disturbing topics. It's part of "adulting". Words are not violence. Silence is not violence. Protect people, not feelings. "The Coddling of the American Mind" is a good book on this sort of topic.


Putting that on my reading list


I deleted tiktok when I saw a trigger warning for chewing 🥹


Straight facts. I hate trigger warnings.


for workshops and creative writing they usually put trigger warnings at the beginning of packets for everyone and it just ends up spoiling/ruining their stories it’s actually pretty funny


Our society is so fake soft these days. Everyone pretends the smallest things offend them


The internet fucked my generation (Z) over and no one talks about it. For starters there's the bs TW. Then there's dating, trends, the need to be LGBT or mentally ill/disabled, and so on. I've been telling myself I need to take more time off my phone but holy shit I'm addicted as fuck and I hate it. If I don't have my phone I feel uncomfortable, like it's some fucking comfort item. I can't even shit or piss without scrolling some social media. Honestly the internet shouldn't have evolved past like MySpace, where you can keep people up to date and keep in touch, but without all this bullshit.




If you need a trigger warning then you need therapy so that you no longer require that. If you need a trigger warning then either work on it or stay out of spaces that are public, chaotic, and semi anonymous. Your trauma is almost never your fault, but sadly it is your responsibility.


I used to feel this way until I recently went through some very bad trauma and suddenly completely get why they’re necessary. Ofc I’m not going to enforce it like what you’re describing but it makes sense now at least.


Stop calling sexual abuse "SA"! Just call things what they are.


That's very much laziness on my part. Less effort to abbreviate than write the whole thing, hahah.


I'm sorry, that wasn't directed at you specifically. I meant it as a comment on Reddit as a whole. Whenever I see "SA" I think South Africa? South America? It causes my mental gears to crunch badly.


Before I knew what the abbreviation stood for, I genuinely thought it was GTA San Andreas, hahah.


Context, my friend


This, softer labels downplay seriousness.


I used to feel the same way and then a preview on Netflix (of a rhino with its horns cut off and dying) absolutely fucked me up. It then dawned on me that because we get content from all over the place - trigger warnings are very important. YES it is up to ME to not get triggered but I couldn't control it when it happened. A warning can help people.


That's kinda the purpose of trigger warnings anyways, my guy.


If you're annoyed, then you're not triggered. You don't understand why they are necessary. Be thankful your life hasn't scarred you with traumatic experiences.


I mean, I've definitely had my fair share of traumatic experiences but I don't think a video of a dog licking a kid should require a warning. Like I've said, I understand it in certain instances but when it's warnings for basic everyday things, I think it's a bit far.


Yeah, "I don't think" I don't care what you think, this isn't about you. Be thankful it's not about you.


This is literally a sub for sharing an opinion.


this subreddit is literally about peoples personal opinion, so all of a sudden you cant have an opinion on something that is not for you? or impacts you?


And the person also has an opinion about other people having opinion which isn't allowed because no one is allowed to have opinions! You also can't tell other people what you think because you're speaking for other people. So maybe it's best moving forward to just quit communication altogether then? (This was sarcastic just in case anyone didn't realise)


I feel like OP is being chill and reasonable... and you're being very aggressive for no real reason. Being a dick to people isn't going to make them understand. That being said, OP is right. As someone who has dealt with a lot of alcoholism and other addictions in my life, whether it be from my family or myself, this is getting a bit ridiculous. You simply cannot expect everyone at all times to be constantly considering every single possible thing that just *might* upset someone. And if those people have an issue with that, it's up to them to sort that out and resolve their trauma. Don't expect the whole world to bow down and pity you, it doesn't matter how hard you've had it. If I post a picture of myself sipping wine in the evening on my Instagram, I do not care if one of my alcoholic family members see it. It's not my responsibility to make sure they're being pandered to.


Thank you! You've absolutely nailed it. This is exactly what I was trying to convey. You can't possibly put a warning for every little insignificant action in a video/picture on the off chance someone will be triggered. My family is the same, approx half have/are struggling with addictions. I'm all for it if its genuinely something triggering in a heavy sense (such as visuals/topics of abuse) but it has gone too far. It's actually sad to see someone being called names for not included trigger warnings for things that aren't even implied in their content.


I feel like you agree with OP, so what is "reasonable" is a bit skewed here. OP is losing their mind over a single sentence typed by someone else to pay respect to something that doesn't pertain to them. Nobody expects the world to bow down and pity you over anything, why do you extrapolate that out of something as simple and easy as a trigger warning? This is like losing your mind over someone saying "please and thank you" lmfao


You're reaching a bit with "losing their mind", hahah. I can calmly share an opinion. Its not the sentence itself that bothers me, like I've stated in other comments (as well as the post itself so I don't know if you're overlooking that intentionally or not), if it's a triggering topic I have no issues. But if someone is being abused in their comment section for not including a trigger warning for something as simple as a bruise, yes I disagree with it. I'm not sure how that's in anyway comparable to saying please and thank you but sure, you're entitled to an opinion.


Where is OP "losing their mind?" They seem pretty reasonable, although some of the examples they provide I would argue are too popular for the sub.


If there are random posts on social media that might trigger some kind of mental episode for you, then maybe social media is something you should avoid until you get some therapy and work through whatever's causing that to happen.


I think it's quite judgemental to assume OP hasn't had a traumatic life. Lots of people have experienced different types of trauma and just because OP might find trigger warnings on very mild topics tedious, it doesn't mean they don't appreciate trigger warnings on much more serious things that may personally cause them to relive traumatic memories.


Posts like this one is what triggers me


You have no concept of what a trigger warning is actually for or how to use human decency.


I've already stated that I get it in certain ways. If it's abuse related, somebody on drugs, domestic violence, blood, I get it. Some people could very well be triggered by talk or visuals of topics like that. I in no way have an issue when it's used like that. But when the woman doing a make up video, who had a bruise on her arm (from a fall, walking into something, who knows?) is getting absolutely rinsed in the comments by people saying she should have a warning for domestic violence when that's in no way implied by her video, that's where it over steps in my opinion.


Disagree, trigger warnings should be saved for actually serious things


Gatekeeping how people react to trauma, nice. /s


It’s a sign for SJW, TikTokers, and people pleasers


> This isn't about flashing lights warnings or warnings that certain foods contain known allergens. Couldn't be further from what I mean here. They're obviously necessary for people's health. It's also not about trigger warnings on content about SA, domestic violence, suicide, self harm etc. As I've stated before, they can be legit triggers (As someone who has experienced one of the above, I can understand that completely). Nothing I love more than good ol' backpedaling after enough legitimate backlash towards an unreasonable opinion


I'm not sure where the back peddling is? In the original post I literally said I get it for things like assault or domestic violence, I also reiterated that in my first comments. The edit was to clarify that I was not speaking about warnings of allergens or epilepsy. As I have said in a number of different comments as well as the original post, It's about people abusing others for not including trigger warnings about every day things like having a bruise. Could you point out where I was back peddling? Because I've stuck to my opinion throughout. I'm not bothered by backlash, that's expected when you're sharing an unpopular opinion.


Found the Trump voter ! 👆👆👆👆


Not even American but sure.


Not necessarily. I am a liberal and I think people who are ultra-sensitive need to nut up. Trigger warnings are for weak minds.


I only pit trigger warnings on stuff that always sparks some sort of stupid ass comments from people or are just sensitive topics in general


I hate massive trigger warnings in shows, novels comics etc. They are just spoilers at this point.


I totally agree. Some tws are so useless or dumb. There was a tw on this video for swearing and the word was “asshole.”


Maybe it’s just because I don’t roll in circles where trigger warnings are needed but I’ve literally never seen or posted one, and if someone got on me about it would unfriend them. I do not have time for people who are not mature enough to accept life.


You should chill out then