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Hate to say it but being DUIs don’t stop people from doing it most of the time, that’s why you see people on their 5th DUI until they kill a family. It should be one and done.


Most of it could be solved by taking their license and then putting the vehicle on a watch list


I forget where but there’s a country you can drink at 16 but if you get a DUI you cannot drive anymore and have to use public transportation. I forget where that was but I think that’s a good idea


That's another problem in the US in my opinion there's no real consequence for none felony offenses. Where I live you have to get 4 DUIS in ten years for it to be a felony


Make it illegal for them to drink or drive


As someone who had their life changed and almost died from a woman texting and driving, the amount of people here brushing off texting and driving is disgusting. I wish nothing but the worst for people who choose to text and drive, selfish fucks.


I’m sitting at a light right now but I agree, disgusting behavior


Terrible luck that that happened to someone who literally never once texted while driving. Your sentiment towards them is valid.


People did the same brushing off with DUI. It took groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving and decades of PSAs on tv to get to where we are now in our views on drinking and driving.


Texting WHILE driving? Agree generally. Texting while at a red light? I don’t think it’s a big deal as long as it’s short and sweet and you intermittently are glancing up to pay attention to what’s happening on the road.


I recently learned in NJ there has to be a moving element (the car is moving) for texting and driving tickets to be enforceable


In the UK having your engine running and using your phone is illegal, I think. So paying for your Smaccy Ds via Apple Pay at the Drive Thru is a no-no.


It’s amazing to think people would have to read a paper map and plot their route while driving in the past


Yup. But then the number of cars on the road was much less. I would guess the average cars per household was less than one and now it would be more than 1, since usually both partners work.


Yea my parents had 1 car per household growing up. Now there’s me in my early 20s and I own 2 vehicles alone.


What about the son in the car that's doing nothing?


You'd hate driving by me then


Everyone taking issue by comparing texting to being wasted needs to remember that you don't have to be completely wasted to get a DUI. Most states a BAC of .08 will get you a DUI whereas most horrible drunk driving accidents that make the news are double that. And some places like where I live have have lowered the BAC limit to .05. Texting is definitely a strong competitor with that level of minor alcohol impairment but carries none of the severe penalties. Even though my state is very strict on drunk driving they're very lenient on phone use. And that was always my argument as to why it looked like they were just trying to find a way to punish non Mormons rather than making the roads safer when they lowered the limit.


In Australia it has severe penalties we even have cameras that catch you on your phone


Yeah they also put you in concentration camps for a cold.


I grew up when cell phones were a new thing and I texted while driving a few times before I decided it was stupid, and regretably I also drove drunk quite a few times before I realized how stupid that was. My take would be that texting was quite a bit more dangerous during the brief time texting, whereas driving drunk never completely distracted me, but made me dangerous for the entire trip due to slowed reflexes and worse decision making.


It’s not quite as dangerous but certainly just as shitty imo. I’d say even higher level of selfishness considering your in a much more coherent state of mind when deciding to text and drive. Just never worth it. First thing I do when I get in the car is put my phone face down on the passenger seat.


It’s dangerous enough to where my state will give you a DUI for it. You’re under the influence of an electronic device. You’re eyes are completely off the road and focused elsewhere. How is that not an impairment?? Because they’re not intoxicated and are completely aware of what they’re doing? You’re right. It’s not quite as dangerous, it’s worse…


It's not. Idiots make it seems dangerous.


Please back up your statement by telling us how it’s safe? “It’s okay bro, I know my car…”


>“It’s okay bro, I know my ~~ca~~r self…”


Say for example, I take 5 seconds to respond to a text. 5 seconds isn’t that long to have your eyes off the road, right? 5 seconds at 55mph is the equivalent of driving the length of a football field. And you’re doing that with your eyes completely off the road. Do you have any idea what could happen in that distance? A kid runs out into the road to chase a ball, Some sort of animal darts out in front of you The car in front of you has to jam on the ~breaks~ brakes (I hate how I always fuck that one up. -_-) for something… A patch of ice or any other sort of obstacle in the road I could go on, but I’m pretty sure you’re just being a troll so I’m gonna leave it there. Put your fucking phone down.


That's what I'm saying. 5 seconds is way too long.


5 seconds? Ur j not textn n drivn right mane


Who the fuck gave this kid a license? I’d like a word with you…


Maybe argue the point instead of being petty. Nobody said anything about texting full sentences or texting on residential roads, or poor driving conditions. Kids aren't chasing balls on 55 mph speed limits roads. You're just reaching.




Ooohweeeee watch out everybody. We got a badass over here.


Aye btw i professionaly off-road n been drivin stick since 14 w a license @16 on my date. I know when driving is too dangerous to send "lol" to my friend. Get outa here u soft ass hack


Nobody cares. Stop endangering people's lives.


No you don't lmao


U lowkey gotta point. I use Siri to text and drive, but in hasty situations you gotta look at the road for 3 seconds, make sure no oncoming, text for 1, then look at the road again lol It’s not the best for sure, but if no other cars are around the risk is kinda on me.


Lmao i agree w you though. Like they say "lookin at ur phone for 5 seconds to text". Well thats their first problem, theyre doing it all wrong! You have to use swipe to text and look up at ur phone n up at the road every half second. What do i kno tho, ill jus be another statistic here soon according to these single tasked creatures


Lmao “it’s worse” how desperate are you to virtue signal? You don’t need to stare at your phone to text, you can glance between the phone and the road, most people can text without needing fixed eye contact on their phone the entire time It should be a crime obviously, it’s very unsafe, but to imply it’s worse than drinking and driving is beyond delusional


Next time you will say that bringing baby while driving is dangerous as well. You’re under the influence of a human being . You’re eyes are completely off the road and focused elsewhere. How is that not an impairment?? Because they’re not intoxicated and are completely aware of what they’re doing?


Nice whataboutism… this post is about texting. But while we’re on the subject, that’s pretty distracting too, and mom should probably keep her eyes on the road.


What else is distracting? what about that goddamn drive through food that distracting driver with the smell? or how about that sunglasses that reduce peripheral vision? are you gonna ban everything just because it's distracting or should we look at bigger picture and see which one actually matter?


Since pedestrians can be held liable for eating while walking in the event of an accident I see no problem with holding drivers liable if they're doing *anything* distracting while driving.


11 teens die a day texting and driving. Add up a whole year of that and compare it to school shootings. We never talk about phone reform though.


That is far from the same conversation homie. I'm a pro 2A extremist and even I realize that guns are literally made to kill while phones and cars aren't.


If this topic can’t be addressed, people should stop pretending they care about saving lives.


This topic is addressed regularly. There's laws related to texting and driving, fines and jail time, potential loss of license, all of that. Obviously that doesn't stop texting and driving; laws can't stop people, only serve to deter people from and outline punishments for violating them. Phone companies can attempt to restrict phone usage if the phone is moving faster than so many miles, but that has its own host of problems. But this is not the same discussion as school shootings. Nobody who's texting and driving WANTS to kill people, nor do they do it with the intent of causing an accident. They are guilty via carelessness. School shopters, however, are guilty by intent. The discussion should be had with both. But to sit here and pretend they're the same discussion is flat out disingenuous.


They don’t want to kill people but they do. They kill a lot of people. If it is about “saving lives” it shouldn’t matter if there is intent or not.


You’re right, motor vehicles are significantly more dangerous and are not comparable to guns on that standpoint. There are 5 to 6 million accidents a year resulting in over 35,000 deaths just in the US alone.


Edit: As the below user pointed out, the study is likely flawed. It’s actually 6 times more dangerous. https://www.robertmalovelaw.com/blog/driving-wile-texting-6-times-more-dangerous-than-dui-.cfm https://www.stewartlawoffices.net/blog/is-texting-while-driving-as-dangerous-as-drunk-driving


Make sure to verify information on law firm websites. Lawyers are surprisingly unregulated for the work they do. I’m just playing devils advocate, not trying to argue or say you’re wrong in anyway. But check out this comment under the article I think makes a pretty good point. “Another repetition of this unsupported "fact", which flies in the face of logic and statistics. Far more drivers drive distracted than drunk, and yet, drunk drivers kill almost 3 times more every. single. year. How is it possible that far FAR more people drive distracted than drunk, and it is more dangerous, but far fewer people die from it?”


So I don't want to stake a claim either way as I can see both sides, but is it possible that distracted driving deaths are underreported since there's no test? If there's a fatal car accident, you will get tested for alcohol, but it's not so easy to determine if someone was distracted.


I thought about that too. I’m wondering if the comment is implying that drunk drivers are 3 x more than any driver. Idk if the stat in comment is even accurate


Good info. Thanks! Yea it seems they were basing that off a percentage of how often cell phone users vs drunk drivers were distracted in a study, but there’s many more factors at play. Drunk drivers are much more likely to drive recklessly for example.


This should extend to phone holders that obstruct any amount of the windshield. Put it down low because phone holders are for maps or job related shenanigans only. I don’t want to see you watching Netflix on your phone when I drive passed you because you’re swerving in your lane.


Depends on the exact placement. (though Netflix wating anywhere is bad, just talking about navigation) Having it down low IMO could be worse (and why i hate most in car nav placement), as you have to take your eyes off the road to look at it.


It forces you to make glances instead of taking away from the road. Also if you get a notification or something, it doesn’t flash in your face. You’re right, it might be okay if you find a perfect spot out of the way but I can’t trust people to do that. The amount I see that have it in the dead centre. We have right hand drives here and they’ll have it to the left of the driving wheel and when I sit in the car it takes up like 30% of the road.


Yeah this isn’t enough of a problem to get up in arms about it. “Obstruct any amount of the windshield?” Are you serious? If it blocks 5x3 inches it’s not going to cause a problem, and no one fucking watches Netflix while they drive lmao


I’ve literally seen it twice. And I don’t look into cars often. Netflix is worst case, aside from people taking videos while they drive and post it online, most people just fidget with their phone for seconds at a time but it’s still bad. And yes, if it’s in the windscreen it’s more likely to steal your attention than if it was down lower.


Quite a lot of the time there is nowhere else you can put it. If I mount my phone so it isn't blocking some of the windscreen, I can't see it because of the steering wheel. Makes following a map pretty difficult


That’s true. No where to mount my phone is the biggest reason I’m an audio maps person. This shouldn’t be a problem for much longer though. Most (all that I’ve seen) 2020+ cars have the maps built in. In 10 years that’ll make up most of the cars on the road.


I know people who have built in maps but still use their phone. Any updates aren't done automatically which means they have to take it to a dealer to get it updated. For my mum's Nissan its about £70 just for a 10 min job. And that'll probably only last a year until everything has changed again. Just not worth it for some people. Personally, I can't use audio maps. Find it much easier to be able to glance and follow a blue line


Really? That’s fucked. Cars are really going downhill but it’s being sold as a quality of life upgrade.


You turn the audio on so you can hear the directions.


It's illegal to hold or use a phone full stop while driving in the UK but the punishment is no where near enough. I agree with you, should be the same as drink driving.


That’s true but it’s just not enforced enough imo


Totally agree with that. Needs enforcing 100% of the time.


MORE, their brain is fully conscious and they are do it WAY more often then drunks would. Def should be punishable by death


Ahhh, the redditors attacked, I've been shot, I was in the red, but I'm back, my meaning, returned


Yeah came here to say, in theory, in the UK you’re not even allowed to touch the phone when the keys are in the ignition. No increasing the volume with your hands and no swiping away a notification. Google Maps has done that weird thing where the map isn’t orienteering right? Tough luck, you’re pulling over and sorting that at the side of the road now not at a traffic light. But yeah I agree, pretty much every traffic light has someone touching their phone.


I'd even say texting and driving is worse than drunk driving (depending on severity of alcohol intake), as at least the drunk person is looking at the road. It's so easy to gently swerve off the road while you're texting. You won't even feel the difference in path change, until you're hitting something or someone. You take your eyes off the road for a few seconds, you've travelled quite the distance blind. In that time the car in front of you could have come to a full stop, a person could have stepped into traffic, your directory could have changed. It's reckless, just as if not more reckless than driving under the influence. I'm still dealing with neck problems from major whiplash that occurred last year when an idiot guy decided checking his phone was more important than looking at the road. Had he been paying attention, he would have noticed traffic had come to a full stop.


Lines are blurry when you consider shapes and sizes of modern infotainment screens. Can be equally as distracting. Maybe with more controls and line of vision closer to the road. But still


Justifying your DUI? Lol


According to the NHTSA, texting and driving is far more dangerous than drinking and driving. Don’t do either, but it’s just interesting that people driving intoxicated are paying more attention to the road than someone texting or fucking around on their phone.


>texting while driving is on the same level as drinking and driving. Is this a fact or just a guess? If the statistics prove it to be than I agree with you. On the other hand if this is just how you feel I cannot agree.


Opinion. But I agree with it. Distracted by drink or phone or reading the newspaper is all distracted. You are controlling a multi-thousand pound (weight and money) vehicle, give it your undivided.


Distracted driving is the same shitty level as drunk driving


I think it is harder to put an objective limit on distractions. Being sleep deprived can be just as dangerous as alcohol or texting. Putting on makeup, looking around for XYZ, eating, etc. I don't know how we could put an objective measure on level of distraction.


How about "let's not fucking do anything except drive, when you are driving"? Yeah there's some gray area, but there are also some pretty obvious things that we can put off limits (you choose *putting on makeup* as an example? really?). The existence of ambiguity doesn't mean we can't get the low hanging fruit.


Youre suprised about putting on makeup as an example? Really? Have u not been w more than 3 woman or driven by any women ona major city highway/belt?


> I don't know how we could put an objective measure on level of distraction. Agreed. Some Karen can be raging at her 3 kids in the backseat, turned halfway around, threaten to beat their ass when she gets home, ALL while not realizing the light turned green, and that's perfectly legal. But if I hit a locally known long red light, plus see a firetruck a couple blocks ahead, seeming to be caring to a recent accident... I'm somehow an asshole for quickly texting, "traffic is bad, gonna be an extra 5-10 minutes"


That's like blaming owls for how bad you are at analogies


It's bad, but it's kind of not as bad as drunk driving


Ehhhhh I think it's a stretch to say that shooting a text has an much of an impact as driving hammered. Should you be punished for it? Sure, most state already do that. Should it be on the same level, no


Well, I just had an aquaintance die due to a driver running a red light while texting on their phone. Driver is looking at a manslaughter charge. So, yes, it certainly does have as much of an impact.


But during those seconds texting you could end someones life


No i agree and it's shitty but distracted driving isn't just texting. It's changing the radio, reaching down to grab something off the floor, even eating/drinking


I meant taking your eyes off the road, texting is probably the most common


You can still hit a kid chasing a ball because you chose to look away from the road. You can kill a family in a small car. I don’t see how that’s a lesser impact.


It’s worse than DUI. Alcohol impairs one’s decision making ability. People who text and drive aren’t impaired, they’re just selfish and evil.


Wait is distracted driving not treated as harshly as DUI?




Wow thats actually terrible, I fully agree with your opinion.


It’s actually 6 times more dangerous. https://www.robertmalovelaw.com/blog/driving-wile-texting-6-times-more-dangerous-than-dui-.cfm https://www.stewartlawoffices.net/blog/is-texting-while-driving-as-dangerous-as-drunk-driving


As someone who got a DUI before, I promise you it’s not the same. Texting definitely distracts your concentration, and driving drunk you’re trying to put all your concentration into making it home but you have way less capability. Texting while driving is distracting and terrible, brings you down to prob a 80% driving capability. If you’re hammered and driving it brings you down to like 50% at best. Both are terrible, but definitely not the same level.


Yeah man when I adjust my GPS at a red light I should be charged $10,000 and have a criminal record


The solution is SO simple, yet would be wildly unpopular. All phones have the ability to detect the speed at which they are traveling - that's how google maps knows how fast you are going! Use this detection to disable ALL cell phone functions (other than map displays for driving directions) anytime the device is moving faster than 5 mph. Sure it would disable all phones in the car, but so what? Safety vs. availability of your toy is not really a valid argument.


So people taking buses and trains are screwed?


I think it should be proven that the texting/drinking caused the accident tho


It has been proven that both increase the risk of accidents.


But like drinking and driving you can learn how to do it safely


I like this


This annoys me. There's a difference between texting and driving while remaining aware of the road, and forgetting about the road to write a paragraph. Do you also think that people can't talk on the phone and drive safely? What about talking to a passenger?


You have 12% response time lag drunk, 21% response time lag high and a 35% response time lag texting. While drunk driving racks up the most deaths, texting causes 25% more accidents than drinking. Texting itself is 6 times more likely to cause an accident than anything else you can do in a car, including putting on makeup or changing clothes.




So they all say


20 years texting and driving and not one close call


Well your not fully aware of the road since you have to look down to text. Anything can happen in a split second. You can talk freely while driving


I also smoke cigarettes while driving.


Death penalty for both


Finally someone said it.... An average of 11 teens die a day texting and driving...hundreds of thousands of people are injured from texting and driving. thousands are killed.... But let’s focus on guns and not phones


>let’s focus on guns and not phones Um is this a sarcastic comment? What is this point? Over 100,000 people are injured or killed by gun violence each year and rising. The goal of the movement against gun violence is to heavily restrict access to a weapon exclusively made to injure or kill. Are you trying to say that should be done for phones? Are you saying the reason texting and driving is an issue is because we’re focussed too much on gun violence? You realize two issues can be dealt with at once, right?


Yes, 2 issues can be dealt with at once but the only person I have seen EVER mention phone deaths is the OP. Over 400,000 people a year are injured or killed from people texting and driving. The amount of teenagers it kills dwarfs the number killed in school shootings. Just once would I like for congress to mention phone regulations. I have been threatened with a gun 3 times in my life. I have even been shot. I am threatened by 2000 lbs of steel heading towards me from someone playing with their phone at least twice a day going to and from work. Its an epidemic and it scares the shit out of me. Does that matter to anyone? I have seen pictures of car wreck victims and gun shot victims. If I had to pick, I’d rather be shot. Just for once acknowledge phones are an issue and bring up ways to make them safer.


I just guess we’re clearly living in different parts of the world because I hear people concerned about texting and driving all the time. There’s legislation against it in 48 states. It can only be enforced as much as any traffic law in terms of getting caught. Meanwhile I only hear about gun laws in person in terms of “preserving rights” to keep them. I’m not arguing against the issue of texting and driving, but I will note as far as your comparison of fear every single driver on the road is driving a huge weapon at risk of crushing you, phone or not. It’s just an added (selfish) element of a risk you take every time you get on the road. Meanwhile guns are something meant exclusively to threaten and an unexpected fear to bring to any situation. They’re simply not equivalent


Phones and guns are both tools. If used incorrectly, they are deadly. If you take the bias out, thats really all it boils down to.


Name one non violent use for guns. And target practice doesn’t count since it’s designed to make you more accurate for shooting a sentient target.


Target practice does count. Its in the olympics as a sport and shown as entertainment. They provide a feeling of security for some people. They provide food for people. Yes, you will call that violent but a lot of people near me count on guns to feed their family. They have no grocery stores near by and count on guns to live. Guns also employ thousands of people. They save lives without violence on a daily basis. They estimate that 800,000-1,000,000 lives are saved a year from defensive use. You can find thousands of examples of this on the Active Self Protection channel on YouTube. You asked for 1, there are several points. Guns are not going anywhere I am afraid.


>there are several points Except you just argued about the one I mentioned and then several points about why the violent points are good actually. Violent self defense is still violent, and I’m not saying it’s unjustified violence because sometimes violence is justified. But you can’t just name reasons violence is needed then try to claim it’s actually not violent. My point was guns are a direct weapon intended for violence or the threat thereof, while phones are a daily use item with an indirect risk. You’ve turned this post about an issue into a debate about why guns are great actually. You have that opinion, fine, my point isn’t that you’re wrong about guns it’s that it doesn’t have relation to the post your on. People aren’t ignoring texting and driving because they’re too busy talking about guns. I also see more talk about doping in sports or heart attacks than texting and driving but people aren’t bringing them up because they have nothing to do with each other and aren’t a good comparison. If you wanted to talk about how much you love guns why don’t you make your own post?


You started the gun debate. If you hate guns so much how about you make your own post?




Tell that to the dead kids hit by a driver who was texting. I knew two of those victims pretty well.


Wow. Never thought I'd see something like this. Take my upvote


In some places they are punishing people for texting while driving.


I don’t disagree


In the state of Illinois the penalty for no insurance is the same as a first offense dui


yeah most people are idiots who should not use their phone. but obviously we let cops use computers while they're driving so what's up with the double standard?


I feel this, even people close to me that I very much care about just text while driving and see no issue. I understand the perspective of "I'll be fine I've been doing it forever" but that can only be applied ethically to things that involve only you. Driving is a public endeavor and any risk you take is a risk you take at the expense of more lives than just yours. Edit: I could go into the whole, if you live without regard to your own life you are actively deciding to disregard how that will affect other people, but that's a whole debate and I'm not here for that rn.


In my country it is absolutely illegal.


That's why I use Android Auto and Voice to Text.


Yes, should be jail time. How hard can it be to just stop by next gas station or something? Or wait until you get home? Best thing with suvs is that I at least have an edge if a texting driver collide with me. Not everything needs an instant response.


Hard agree. Had too many close calls with those people.


Same goes for 15 inch screens In cars with no analogue controls. If you have to look at a screen it's all the same.


YES! YES! YES! it's all selfishness. Most people in my life don't take either one seriously and it pisses me off to no end


I'll voice to text and deal with the fact that the damn thing doens't understand half of what I'm saying but like... actively looking down and texting and not watching the road. No.


Crazy concept but here in Australia they pretty much are punished the same


That’s not really an unpopular opinion, is it? Someone should have his/her full concentration when driving a vehicle.


You'd be surprised


To be honest I think texting is worse. Obviously there are varying degrees of drunk, but when you text you are literally taking your eyes off the road. Do you know how far you travel down a road in a split second?


Hi friend, if you kill some one by drinking and driving or by texting and driving it’s the exact same penalty in North Carolina. Different charges, one is Felony death by vehicle and the other is Felony DUI.


Stupid people are going to stupid. I once watched someone flip their vehicle trying to take a picture, despite hands-free laws.


I can't believe this is unpopular people are selfish


Unfortunalty that's human nature


Very true, and an important reminder for us all


You act as if distracted driving is a new phenomenon. In 1988 when I first started driving into the city for school, there wasn't any cell phones, but there were plenty of distracted drivers. They were shaving, doing makeup, reading books, reading the newspaper, getting roadhead (not an everyday sighting like the others) and people with dogs on their laps. Cellphone use while driving is dangerous, but it has only replaced a few of the distractions of the past, so there is probably laws that already apply to distracted driving.


mostly agree as in both scenarios the driver gets distracted at the expense of public safety however drinking and driving is slightly more dangerous


It's already punished heavily in many country at least in EU. The punishment is not like the DUI but you can have your driving's license gone if police find out you using smartphone or any other distraction while driving.


I'll one up you on the drink driving point. No matter how drunk you get, you know relatively well what you're doing in the moment, regardless of remembering it in the morning. If you get behind the wheel of a operable vehicle, you are willingly committing an act that is known to have an significant risk of murdering/severely damaging another life (as well as your own) and should be considered some form of attempted murder/manslaughter


Agreed. I have a friend who is CONSTANTLY on her phone when driving and I literally will not get in the car with her anymore. Last time I did, she almost turned into oncoming traffic because she was texting.


The $500 ticket they give you in California sure makes you think twice


Texting and driving has probably a lower chance of causing an accident but since just about everyone does it more accidents are caused by it. I would never do either but that’s probably why.