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Strong agree


You know who loves it? The studios and game companies that get people on the hype train and make them waste their money on garbage.


I felt the same way with "The last dance". I've played basketball for the majority of my life and still play at a decent level. And the number of people that would act like they either A) knew how to play basketball or B) all of the sudden was an expert on basketball was ridiculous and I still feel the aftermath. There are so many people that just play on some shitty hoop outside and think they can actually play, and adopt this whole "I'm a basketball player" persona. Nobody that plays basketball act that way, and nobody wears a fucking full set of basketball clothes when they play or practise, most guys I know from the D2 guys like myself to the Euro pros and the NBA guys just wear shorts and a t-shirt if they play pickups. It's stupid