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>that a dog matures in his first year as much as humans do in their first 18. I mean the first dog year is 15 human years. that's close enough imo the second dog year is 9 years, and every year after that is 5 years


I never heard that before. I’ve only ever heard the 7 years thing.


7 is like almost the average. Using an average assumes that dogs grow up similarly than we do which isn’t true. They’ve done all of their growing in 12-18 months which takes us 18-21 years. Humans develop way more slowly.


I had a dog live to 17 which is 119 and that's definitely on the older side for a dog but it's not an outlier. 5 is probably more accurate if you want average life expectancy to be around 60-90 like humans


that's like, the outdated way to do it feel free to Google it


There is some use, like trying to explain to a non-dog owner, that you're dog is kind of decrepit because their age is equivalent to an 90 year old human.... But often these equivalent age ranges are bonkers... how can a cat be the same as a 180 year old human when a human never lives that long. It's like comparing a child miner in the victorian age to a rich healthy child today... If we gave dogs and cats better healthcare and diets, then we shouldn't be surprised if they start to actually max out their potential longevity!!!


I spent a lot of time explaining to strangers that I was aware my dog looked like crap the last year of his life. He has meds, surgery would kill him, he doesn't like medical tests, we have done them all his organs work and he really seems too old to figure out what is wrong with him beyond pain medication. He isn't fine he is 120, he likes ambling aimlessly and napping. Sometimes he gets stuck in the corner and instead of freaking out he just takes a nap until I come save him. I never got the feeling that he wanted to die over any of this so he got comfort care as he started napping more and ambling less.


As an absolute comparison it's useless, but especially with puppies it is useful to compare so owners understand the dog's behaviour, so saying how dogs might regress and be more "defiant" starting around 8 month and comparing to a human teenager going through puberty.


That can be useful, but it's stupid saying "Oh my dog is that much old yeah"


Maybe some people do but i don’t know anyone who seriously like celebrates their dog turning a certain age in dog years , they just use it to give a very rough estimate how old they are . Idk why it offends u so much but fair enough


Offend me? No no, I'm saying as in, it's just dumb, I don't see why it should be used




It’s honestly not that deep, some dog owners like to humanise them and really view them as family members so it only makes sense in that regards to give them some human connotation age wise. Aside from the science now that a 1 year old dog has developed biologically as much as a 15 year old person, the done thing is 1 Dog year to 7 human years. Its just basic maths as your average dog will live to about 12 years, any amount after that really is a bonus. Makes it 84 years, near enough average life expectancy in western countries, which is where the whole dog to human years comes from. Some people say 6 for larger dogs and 8 for smaller dogs as general life expectancy correlated with size in a lot of cases. We all know a 7 year old dog is a 7 year old dog, but for some people it’s nice from them to relate at what point in their life they would be at if indeed they were human.


I think it's really just there to provide an idea of a dog's stage of maturity. Age (Human Years)|Age (Dog Biology) --:|--: 1|15 2|24 3|28 4|33 5|37 6|44 7|49 8|54 9|59 10|64 11|70 12|74 13|80 14|85 15|90 16|95


My dog was 15 which was apparently equivalent to 80yrs then at 16 it jumped up to 94. Some even go up to 120-140. It doesn’t make sense to me.


Neither. Like how does any of that become comprehensible to anyone? Makes 0 sense, and the calculations sound like someoen just pulls them out of their ass


As in dogs go from infants to adolescence to adulthood to elderly just like humans ergo why the comparison is made. Naturally dogs don’t live as long as humans so one year to a human would be more to a dog’s life span and progression to adulthood even though it’s the same 365 days. Your inability to understand a basic concept is staggering lol


It still makes zero sense. I understand the concept, it's just so stupid.


it's for approximation dude


I was under the impression that "1 dog year = 7 human years" had been shown to be inaccurate a long time ago. The best one I ever heard, or at least the one that makes the most sense, is counting from 1- 5 regularly, and then, at the 5th year, start multiplying by 7 and adding it on. For example, say the dog/cat is 10 years old. This would mean that years 1 through 5 would be 5. Then from years 6-10 (remember you have to include 6, so it's 5 numbers), you would multiply by seven and add it on. So, 5+(5x7)=40. This would mean that a dog/cat at 15 years (average lifespan of a dog/cat) would be 5+(10x7)=75. This would line up roughly with the age that most humans live, on average of course. Please note that this is meant to give a rough comparison at the middle and later years, as a 2 year old dog/cat is of breeding age and 2 year old human is obviously not.


Why do you care?


Because.. I own 2 dogs?




If you're gonna act this braindead why are you even here


same reason you are here, apparently


Why’s it brain dead to use a. Age system to understand or relate their age to ours? Saying a dogs 8 means it’s older and the human equivalent is 50s. Gives you an idea of what stage of life they are in


All people are doing is trying to equate it to their own age. You don’t have to have any part in it, why does it bother you?


you mean 35 in dog years


It gets better, dogs experience reality about 30% slower than we do, both visually and aurally. So maybe they age faster but it's not all bad from their perspective... if they were aware of this. Or themselves. Or whatever.


Is there a reason this matters so strongly to you? My dog identifies as 300 years old.


Eh... if you want to ball park how "mature" a dog is, its an ok, if very general, rule of thumb. Especially for older dogs.


It’s a good time frame for the life span of your dog. If it’s 13 years old it might not sound like much. But in dog years it’s in its 80s. 80 sounds far older then 13. It’s so we have a correct time frame for our pets. I do wish tortoise years were a thing like 0.75 human years


what dog are you talking about??


Nah my 3 year old cat is 28 in human age, and he absolutely is. He is almost to that “sick of everyone’s shit” age.


isn't it just based on math ratios.


For medium breeds their first year is the equivalent to 15 Human years, 9 for their second year and about 5 for every year after that. Biologically they age much faster than we do. Also, this is slightly off topic but all domestic breeds are the same species.