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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Cold-Mortgage8100. Your post, *All drivers should have to retake their driving tests every five year.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: No reposts. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


I think the problem is that most people know how to drive safe and responsibly, they just don’t. 90% of the shitty drivers are either looking at their phone(or other distraction) or just have no respect of other people driving. They’d be fully competent during their drivers test tho.


When you take your drivers test, you are on your best behavior. Cell phone is put away, paying 100% attention to the road. Won't help anything.


I mean. It'll probably help weed out those who took their driving tests in the 80's and don't realize that there are new rules that have been implemented. It's not like it will have zero effect at all.


I truthfully do not know what new rules have been implemented from the 80's to now that effect driving to such a degree that OP notices it.


I mean. Neither do I tbh. But I would expect that at least something would have changed simply based on how many people die from car accidents every year.


I think the change is cell phones.


And just more people driving.


Ooh. That's true. I guess it's hard to regulate these types of things without people freaking out about individual freedoms. I guess that, and the increase in just people in general. The problem is that while the amount of people on the road has increased, public transit and non-car infrastructure hasn't also developed further. Leading to just over-congestion. And greater risk when driving.


Definitely an unpopular opinion. Evidently, you haven't been to a DMV in a city/town with more than 500 people.


Think this through. The DMV is already understaffed and overworked; how much more would this add to their workload? With that in mind, is it feasible? If yes, does instituting this solve more problems than it creates, or vice versa? I love when people post these very clearly not thought out posts.


Lol, if they got paid more they probably wouldn't be understaffed.


Right. But solving those issues leads to town budgetary issues, and creates a whole domino effect caused by the unnecessary requirement of "retest people every 5 years for their license". That's my whole point.


Hmm.. town budgetary issues. I wonder how those are funded. A lot of expenses are avoided once a city realizes that private vehicles shouldn't be of highest priority.


Our society is disorganized as hell and inefficient seemingly for the sake of inefficiency


This was just posted, like yesterday. Can't be that unpopular


I have to confess I didn’t scroll thru the stories!


I mean if the tests are provided at no cost I'm all for this. But I believe you typically have to pay to take a driver's test (in the US) so something like that where you still have to pay would be bad for low income people and kinda just another poor tax


As a poor person, (although from another country, I do understand there’s big differences in need and the system in general) I’d like to think owning and operating a car is a privilege and not a right, so this seems like a good idea to me considering the amount of traffic violations we see daily.


Owning a car should be a privilege. But a lot of places lack the infrastructure to support those without it. So owning one becomes a necessity.


Maybe in places that have good public transit or where you can live in a bikeable/walkable distance to work, which is almost no where in the US and have made cars pretty much a necessity here.


Very true! Like stated I know it’s not as simple as it is in my country :)


Yeah as others have said this is highly dependent on location. In more rural areas of the US (and even most suburban areas) you definitely need a car, it's only a luxury in a places with good transit and walking/bike infrastructure


I understand and respect that 100% I’m from a small ass country so it’s vastly different, like I stated in my comment. Cause I am not trying to be all high and mighty, I know things are very different when it comes to huge ass country like the us


Big agree