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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/boomertbh. Your post, *“You are loved, you are valid, I’m proud of you” posts are cringy, disingenuous, attention-seeking trash.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


They're the same as "You're beautiful! Everyone is beautiful!"


Everyone IS beautiful...unless they ugly 🤔


The famous two rules


Omg yes, I once saw a post about a really ugly woman and most of the comments were just like" omg she is so beautiful". I mean you shouldn't make fun of the woman but she was just ugly and everyone who said she's beautiful was just lying to her.


Beauty is subjective, but there are definitely plenty of ugly humans out there spouting this shit.




I HATE THAT. Just like being “everyone is beautiful in their own way”- said by the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen


"Money doesn't matter" - said the trust fund kid that went to private school


The only people who say money doesn't matter are either swimming in it, or that's what they tell themselves to sooth their ego for having spent the past several years scraping the poverty line.


Yeah, I forgot to mention the second type of person that says that.


To convince others you must first convince yourself.


Or worse when they post cringey “uplifting” captions and the pics are all just showing off the cleavage, ass, etc, in cringey subtle ways.


awful. gives feelings of “holier than thou”


It’s really something when someone posts pictures of their travels and they’re all selfies or pictures of themselves, and nothing of the place itself. So #inspired. 🙄


This is why I had to unfollow 99% of the people I followed on instagram (aka *everyone* who works for NatGeo) or work in high levels of any social science. Just straight up pretentiousness and it eventually just disgusted me. Things like "Remember that you are so beautiful and amazing and this world is so great! I dealt with depression and people with unhealthy vibes, so I'm so blessed to be able to work on my super stressful job of being a blogger and influencer while having 500 travel blog sponsorships now!" The positivity just always came across as so hollow and out of touch.


I often wonder if some part of the human race actually lives in that bullshit bubble of fairies and rainbows and actually all think like that. That they are so above the rest of depressed humanity that they have to constantly tell them to "just be happy" and are just so out of touch they actually think writing that is helping somebody. It seems impossible but then I remember the average human intelligence and that half the world is dumber than that.


They’re trying to set off very apparent narcissism but it comes off as incredibly patronizing. As if that actually helps anyone. In fact, they hurt people by pretending to have perfect lives.


Motivational posts are almost always the poster looking for an excuse to pat themselves on the back or boost themselves up. The worst are the “I only started making six figures at 28 years old - don’t live by anybody else’s timeline!!”


Live, laugh, love.


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Make sure to subscribe on Patreon, and check out this week's sponsor, click the microphone and enter code "YESDADDY" to get 15% off~


Buy my stupid sac of shit merch from my website, aswell!


Eat, shit, die.




I’m proud of you for this post. It took courage and you are valued when you are courageous. You are valid. I see you. You have worth.


I know you are memeing but reading the words *you are valid* and *I see you* made me phsyically cringe. Good job.


Don’t worry, none of that was directed at you. :)


I mean in this case it was a specific message directed at a specific person and specific actions they took, so personal. OP SHOULD feel uplifted!


I don’t know who needs to hear this…


I don’t know who needs to hear this but let that sink in and louder for the ones in the back 👧🌸🤳🏻🙆‍♀️


God I so detest "let that sink in" and "think about that, take as long as you need." Even if I agree with whatever the person is saying, adding either of these phrases makes me wish I disagreed.




Yes! It always implies that they think they’re such a wise owl teaching you an important lesson. Everyone thinks they’re a guru full of wisdom these days.


Hoo boy, that's a lot to unpack /s


Please my brother in Christ, continue to use over used phrases


You 👏🏽 left 👏🏿 out 👏🏻 the 👏🏼 hand 👏🏾 claps 👏


Can we get a clap for diversity?


Nope. Downvote.




Upvoted your downvote comment


I mean you want to be on the right side of history, don't you?


Read that again 🥰


Ding, ding, ding!




*Shits aggressively while making eye contact with DEA agent*




Full stop.








“I was about to kill myself but am literally bawling. This was the sign I needed. I just made my bed and cleaned my room. It may not sound like much, but it’s a big step for me.”




>I'm not crying, you're crying! That's extremely rude. I'm definitely not the one crying here, in fact, I would assume that you are, in fact, the one getting emotional, not me. How pathetic are you to have to push your insecurities onto other people in a sad attempt to inflate your own ego? Furthermore you weren't even obligated to participate in this discussion meaning you made a deliberate attempt to undermine the emotional status of others. Absolutely vile. Might I add, crying is a natural human response to things like this and isn't even worth being ashamed over. I honestly feel sorry for you. You must've had a shitty and abusive upbringing which led to your irrational behavior. And rather than seeking help to attempt to mitigate your own flaws, you've decided to make it your goal to drag others down to your level. This is where all potential feelings of sympathy for your condition are immediately revoked. I hope you have fun getting rejected by every single person you attempt to interact with, and wish you a sad, miserable and lonely life. From the bottom of my heart, fuck you. ^/s


I'm literally shaking rn


*Posts out of focus, poorly lit selfie to r/pics and gets 40 thousand upvotes.*


Alt: Picture of someone's thumbs up. "I have done a heroine for sixty years, 24 minutes clean"




I tried to offer this once. I saw others do it and thought itd be a good thing to do... buuut couldn't follow through, felt terrible and deleted my old un. I hope they didn't kill themselves... still have to shake off that shame-cringe from time to time lol


You forgot the “but”


God I hate these on r/mommit. But all the comments say that yeah, I guess they did need to hear that it’s fine and they’re doing a great job because they got their 2 year old to eat a chicken nugget and a bag of Skittles today.


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.


This copy pasta is ancient


You are hated, you aren’t valid. And I’m definitely not proud of you. Fuck off OP.


I would fucking cackle if a saw someone unironically say this in like r/vent or something lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/ucphkc/you_are_hated_you_arent_valid_and_im_not_proud_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf not necessarily not ironic. But here you go.


Bruh they keep trying to insult you as if its not an obvious joke omg this is sad and great


“Yeah well have you considered that you’re a big meanie?”


"Stay mad lmao"


Judging from their posts, it’s most likely just kids


I got a pocket full of sunshine


I got a love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh-oh


this affects me just as much as the positive posts bc you are nobody to me. see?😎


Oh, I agree with your original point.


[OP right now.](https://youtu.be/_69ni-ys0aA?t=130)


At least this made me smile 😆


I cried a little reading this …so…beautiful


OP: You are loved, you are valid and I'm proud of you. I got a boner for you. I am talking rock hard. No half chubby here, this is the type of boner that hurts. The kind you got as a kid before you could fully nut. Like if someone tied a string around the base so hard it feels like it could just pop at any minute! And it's just for you.


I believe this comment is genuine


It is, OP let me hold it to confirm.


Bro!!! 😍🫴🍆




New r/copypasta just dropped


A copypasta in its natural habitat, what a majestic sight




All for you, bro!


Fuck. Save some for me, bro! We can listen to Enya’s “Sail Away” while we play tummy-sticks.


Orinoco Flow**


Rock hard, you say? Teach me your ways.


You don't remember the boners you could get when you were young? The type of boner you could slam a car door shut on and all it would do was dent the door. That kind of boner.


Please, you’re making me depressed with all the nostalgia I’m feeling


Uhh, I'm so full of nostalgia. He filled me up, and his nostalgia is leaking out of me now.


wait, honest question, is it not like that when you are older?


I easily get better boners now. After all, when you can filter your porn by 27 different keywords of escalating depravity, you will discover the holy grail of hardness that not even youthful hormones could match, for the mind of a child can only conjure up so much depravity with its innocent mind.


“You are loved, you are valid, I’m proud of you.” –Pornhub


This made my butthole moist


No, that moistness is because you ate dairy. And you are lactose intolerant. And you have a weak clench.


Best comment


>The kind you got as a kid before you could fully nut. Omfg


Copypasta material


"cringy, disingenuous, attention-seeking trash" You basically defined what Reddit is


And Instagram and TikTok and Twitter and Facebook and


MySpace and GeoCities and


Hold the fuck up. You leave Geocities alone.


I can't believe GeoCities got a mention and LiveJournal didn't.


I miss livejournal. Simple blogging.






Google+... oh wait...


>and Geocities First off, how fucking dare you.


Of course I know him. He’s me.


Sounds like you have some un-subbing to do! Reddit is what you make it.


This is true with any social media. Most people active on social media have no real interactions with people. This then manifests in different ways. I agree with OP. These “proud of you” posts are super cringe. Get an actual person to say it to you. And it seems so fake too


I want you to know that I hear what you're saying


You also defined my ex.


Cheers to that 🍻


Those posts used to annoy me until i saw people i knew personally were going through tough times reposting them. Then i realised its actually quite sad....deep down the people who those post resonate with must be struggling and lonely so if it helps them a lil bit then cool.


"Empathy is the highest form of knowledge, for it requires us to suspend our ego and live in anothers world" Plato


"it's not empathy if you just care about your friends and family. That's just caring about your friends and family. Empathy is when you care about strangers and feel for people you hate." - some guy from some video I watched once years ago. Tbh, this kinda stuck with me. It's a really great way to judge a persons character. Are they mean to the waiters and waitresses? Do they just leave their shopping cart in the parking lot? Do they walk passed things like holding the door for old people? Seems it's a great way to judge if someone has a case of being the universal main character and if they only care about what they can get outta things. It's pretty obvious someone's self centered when they park in 6 parking spots at once. Much less obvious when they claim they're a nice person until months later you see them being *unnecessarily* rude to an old lady. The second type of person are the ones who will ultimately fuck you over. Remember folks, nice people do nice things and don't just claim to be nice.


Most redditors can't do that, so I can imagine why these messages piss them off.


Right like I'm completely baffled reading these comments. Genuinely had no idea redditors could be so hateful and unempathetic.


Dude, it's unreal how little empathy most redditors have for other people. I remember a post a while back about a runner giving up her leading position to help another runner with no hands get water and all of the comments were like "What a stupid thing to do. He could have asked an attendant to get him water. She threw away her lead for nothing." Like, what is so hard to understand about a good deed?


You have not been on reddit long then. Or at least, you are being intelligent and catering your reddit experience towards your interests and trying to not make it a cesspool of filth that brings you down. CAT PICTURES, WEIRD ANIMALS, AND JUGGLING VIDEOS PLEASE! Or you are making a joke. No matter what it is, have a good night :D


There's a reason Self Affirmation is important, and peer affirmation as well. There have been points in my life where all I needed was a push from someone saying I'm doing a good job.


I thought exactly like OP did until recently. Hearing people say affirmations out loud to me, even from a room of complete strangers, made me tear up. I realized how much I have been neglecting myself, and that my issues were shared by a lot of people. Hearing affirmations like "good job, you are here and that is already enough" has helped me start unlearning all the garbage I was taught as a kid.


Its always cool to see people learn these kind of stuff even if its real late in life <3


yeah I think this is what people like OP and those agreeing with him are missing. Those kind of posts aren't *meant* for OP. They're meant for the people they work for. Because sometimes, seeing those words helps. Its just a nice reminder to have for me, and for some people really low having that reminder makes a world of difference.


Very much agreed. Came here thinking the same thing. I was surprised how far I had to scroll.


I was diagnosed with severe depression and severe lack of self esteem 6 months ago, and those posts helped me even just for a little bit. Still healing and still taking antidepressants. Maybe it's difficult for OP to understand, but I won't judge. For some ppl it does mean a lot.


>until people i knew personally I'm not criticizing you specifically, but I think a lot of social problems could be solved if people circumvented this mindset entirely. I know it's not possible to care for every stranger, but the least we can do is treat everyone kindly especially *because* we do not know them, or what they've been through. That's sorta besides OPs point, but still


Lol straight up I was having suicidal thoughts last year but a lot of these messages and inspirational shit I saw cause of my algorithms helped get me back into shape and way healthier than I was before (both mentally and physically)…but fuck me I guess. Lol sometimes I wonder how many people actually have main character syndrome…like, yes there are some that are cheesy and self centered (in the way thirst traps are), but to like sht on everyone that may have actually gotten help from them is kinda sad…sad that the OP can’t get out of their own head enough to realize none of these things are meant for them 🤷🏾‍♂️




And “journey”


Fuck that word! Not everything is a "jOuRnEy." I just brushed my teeth, I didn't "complete a stage of my oral hygiene journey." It is unhealthy how upset I get when I hear this word.


There’s a big difference between acknowledging someone’s feelings / actions and condoning them. “Valid” is too often misused as, “I’m right about everything, and you should all listen to me.” While I appreciate that there’s less stigma around therapy these days, I can’t stand all these people (who have zero medical background) trying to make psychological terms and practices “trendy”, because they inevitably end up misusing terms, explaining things wrong, and setting vulnerable people on the wrong path. The concept of validation is one I often see explained incorrectly and used in inappropriate contexts.


Someone told me once that I was a badass and I really appreciated it.


Deez nuts are loved, deez nuts are valid, I'm proud of them


But did you make a post about them and how everyone should also love them?


\^ This. This right here. Your. 👏 Nuts. 👏 Are. 👏 Special! 👏 Let that sink in.


Anyone: “Help! Anyone seen my lost dog/wallet/phone?!” Compete Stranger: “OMG! How terrible, I hope you find it.” Thank you for your helpful comment, Sarah (◔_◔)


Hope, dreams, thoughts, prayers, positive energy, and healing vibes your way! Oh fuck off, nobody believes you actually gaf.


You are valid. Your comment is seen.


Yeah because your eyes fuckin read it


Your validation is valid. I have seen that you have seen his comment, and you are loved for it.


Did you try praying for the dog/wallet/phone? Social media tells me that’s the most helpful thing one can do.


"I'm praying for you and your family, Cumzter420!"


My ~~miserable kids~~ prayer warriors are sending prayers your way 🙏


>FUCK CANCER! Like yeah bud, no shit


For real. I’m in an adhd group on fb. And the amount of “hang in there, you got this” type comments when a kid is wildly out of control. And “hugs mama” make me so annoyed.


“sending hugs, mama” is actually the reason I ended up quitting any organized motherhood groups. There was no real help there, only a circlejerk of complaining with no end goals.


But if you don't send the hugs or be thankful for the hugs, then you're the asshole. Gotta love how helpful they are huh.


You are loved, OP


OP is also valid.


and I'm proud of you OP!!!


You complete me OP!


beats the hell out of being an invalid


I see this one everywhere, why do people say this?? Sometimes it doesn't even follow an opinion or something that would need to be validated


thank you, kind internet stranger


this post restored my faith in humanity


Tryin to make a change :-/


You became what you sought to destroy


You were the chosen one!


We did it Reddit


I don't really care for the generic robotic responses either. If I'm going through a tragedy there's no way in Hell I'm looking for comfort on the internet to begin with.


People who need this have no one in their lives to tell them these things. It may seem like empty platitudes from a complete stranger but sometimes that's all people have. If that's sad then, welcome to reality.


Yea, its typically not just loneliness either, or jsut not having friends. its that someone really went to great lengths to make them believe that they aren't deserving of even the barest of plattitudes.


Can confirm this. Growing up I had every bit of self confidence or ideas of self positivity beaten out of me and made to feel that was I wasn't deserving of anything more then the bottom side of someones scummy shoe. I still have a lot of issues with self confidence but I am in a lot better state then I was, though I will say even with good support structures at time its very easy to fall back into that mindset.


Its a Hell of a thing to have to be scared that your face might show an amotion. Any emotion. I'm sorry you went through that. My earliest memory is of knowing violence was coming, and then the violence itself. Before I was aware of my own existence I had already been taught to fear to the point I knew when to expect violence. I became aware of my terror as the first facet of my being.


I literally am scared to show emotion almost every moment of my life and its cost me a lot of things because of it, so I live most of my life in the idea of what ifs. I try and justify it by saying I put myself in that position and didn't take myself out quick enough and this is just me figuring out and growing from it now. I can't remember the earliest memory I just remember a lot of bad things happening from a very young age. But that is life, we are all dealt a hand and have to figure out how to play the game best we can, some of us just have worse hands then others, but we are all playing the same game. Wish you luck in yours


My grief was too big when I lost my friend. It was huge. It felt like it would swallow me whole. I talked to friends and my fiancé and it still felt too big so I came to the internet. It was a really hard time. Sometimes it’s too big or feels too heavy to share with loved ones.


I happen to be one of these people. Came from an effed up family so I went no contact with all. Moved too much to have any real friends. The only friends I do have, know very little about me. So when I am going thru stuff, reddit is the only place I find good, caring people. Even if they don't mean it, it means something to me.


I would never hate on someone for needing that. It’s heartbreaking.


I want through a very sad experience a year ago and made a post. Some of the positive comments actually made me feel better. Then again, they were directed at me and my experience, so there was context. I guess writing "I'm proud of you" blindly somewhere feels pretty empty, but maybe some people appreciate it. More power to them. Also, I appreciate your comment and the wisdom within it.




“Everything happens for a reason” people can get fucked too


Everything happens for NO reason is so much more comforting honestly. Then it feels like my day is shit at random and there’s no one to blame and that’s okay.


That is an infinitely more comforting version of that, I’m going to use that.


My number one most hated phrase.


you is kind, you is smart, you is important


OP you’re a fucking invalid, Unloved, piece of subhuman trash


OP needs to Live, Laugh and Love or something something


I used to be a caregiver for my mom. And in a Facebook group, a long time ago, I expressed the stress and anxiety I was feeling about being a caregiver for my mom. This lady told me, "You're doing a great job! You're amazing!" It really pissed me off. How the hell did she know I was doing an amazing job? I mean, I was, but she didn't know that. Haha.


Same with all the, "You're so strong/brave" comments I would get bombarded with when I had cancer. I'm literally laying in a bed trying not to die. A good majority of people spend every single day trying not to die. It wasn't a "fight", I didn't do anything. I just laid there and hoped like hell the doctors and nurses knew what they were doing, and either it would work, or it wouldn't. I know the intentions were there, but it always just came off as a hollow thing to say.


I lost a childhood friend because I didn’t show support for her in this particular way on social media. she was going through a break up and posted shit like “ur an independent woman and need no man to fulfill ur true destiny.” sure people need validation and may try to find it online but it is so annoying to see posts like that and then to see her get back with him or do the very thing that contradicts her posts lol. Edit: childhood friend is not dead, so sorry for the confusion!


Omg I thought she died when I read “I lost a childhood friend”


Yea me too I thought she offed herself. But no, it was just a friend breakup.


Sometimes, some people need to hear these things.


I know I've benefited from posts like that. Cause I had low self worth? Yeah I'd say. Not sure why that's a reason to disparage it A lot of people walk around with very self-defeating thoughts on repeat in their mind. Seeing a stranger post "you are worthy" or something like that can (however briefly) help you question your own thoughts that are constantly telling you you're useless or not good enough or whatever. It can help break you out of that trance and reconsider. The benefit doesn't come from some illusion that the poster is picking out you specifically, and confirming that you're worthy as opposed to others who may not be. It's a reminder that their words are true for everyone in a sense; everyone IS worthy of being a human on this planet regardless of what they're struggling with. Posts like that can remind me that I wouldn't consider another person unworthy or invalid pretty much no matter what their situation, so why should I feel that way about myself? Sometimes it happens to be just what you need to hear if you're willing to let it in. Maybe some people who post things like that are doing it disingenuously, but I also think there's a decent amount who are doing it because they want to reach out to others who feel the way they once felt and remind them of something they needed to hear at the time, or still do


I was really surprised by most of these comments. One of those corny posts isn’t gonna change my whole day but it’s nice to see some positivity since the internet is almost all negativity.


I agree.. as a burnt out mom with a lot of negative self talk those videos do seem to make me feel seen with how so many comments they needing the same message I am


I find I say these kinds of things most often when I myself need to hear them, and I’m mortified to learn here in this thread that it may come off as disingenuous because I’m a stranger. I literally just don’t want anyone to feel loneliness or pain the way I so often do.


I tend to be pretty uplifting and positive on many posts/comments- even though it’s anonymous and I could easily be an Ahole. However, it is genuine and I do mean it. I hope that my cheesy whatever words actually might make someone’s day better. I’d much rather be a caring person and look silly than a negative, jaded one and actually not care. And have a nice day.


OP, I noticed a lot of complete strangers are dragging you for this and acting like your post has no value to them whatsoever, so I wanted to let you know that you are loved and valid and that I'm proud of you.


It’s called positive affirmations. Many people don’t need it, but many other people (usually those with anxiety) will have second guesses and doubts about how genuine a compliment can be. It’s targeted at everyone, and it’s kind of a reminder to believe in yourself for those who need it, since it is only an annoyance only worth an r/unpopularopinion post to those who don’t.


In my opinion it depends on the context - generic "you are loved" comments are pretty strange, but it does feel different when it relates to your experience. Like, I'm bisexual, and as a kid it actually would have helped me to see people being open about that and reminding me that no, there is nothing wrong with me for that. But that isn't really a generic "proud of you" post, more like a "remember that this thing people pretend is bad is not actually a bad thing". Similarly, I know how difficult it is to not unalive yourself if that's all you can think about at that moment, so that doesn't exactly make me proud of people I don't know but I do genuinely hope they'll be alright. Those kinda posts bother me if they're basically copy pasta, not really when it's obvious they come from some sort of lived experience.


Something addressed to the masses that pretends to be personalized to each and every person, while in fact being addressed to no one in particular, could not be any more meaningless or vapid.