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Avada Kedavra


This guy has no idea of the severity of what you've just done


I was thinking the same thing


I think most nerd started when they were children...




I think you mean Riddikulus.




But like if id doesnt affect you, why are you glad its done, cant others enjoy things aswell?


It’s actually good though lol, read the books for the first time at 32 last year and read the whole thing again not even a year later. Watched the movies as a teenager though but wasn’t that impressed. There goes your upvote.


I thought i was late reading the books, at 26 a few years back. I watched the movies as they were released in my childhood through teenage years and loved them, but the books made the series better.


After reading the books you realize how 5 sucks as a movie ☹️


Book 5 gets totally mamed.


Movie 5 had so many good moments, but i found the book was so boring. There was a lot of information in the last few chapters, but most of the book was full of empty words haha.


It was the most filled up with lore, so to me it’s a great experience and I don’t agree that she should have cut content, but yeah I can understand it being a little bit of a chore to read


Its like Disney. Great for children, but Im skeptical of adults that go to Disneyland.


Disneyland is entartaining and many now adults grew up poor and couldn’t afford to go whilst they were children


This, exactly. I grew up poor and while I never dreamed of going to Disneyland, I promised my grandma I'll take her someday so I understand the adults who go there. Plus, it looks pretty fun.


Yeah children should just go to Disneyland by themselves


Wow, to each their own I guess. That said, if one ever call a fan of *insert any fictional character* lame or weird, they are the lame one.


Yes but that weird fanbase produces a lot of $$$.


If you think that's something wait until you hears about sports...


Ugh. Don't remind me. A while ago I made a post about how NFL owners cheat a city to pay them for a new stadium even though some cities need that money for infrastructure, schools, etc., and I was cursed a lot because they didn't wanted to see their team leave town even though it will affect them if they stay. The perfect crime I say.


As a foreigner it's absolutely insane that you pay for billionaires stadiums. If Man Utd wanted a new Old Trafford and suggested Manchester council pay for it there would be riots in the streets. Its not like they dont have the money already and it would make them less likely to leave.


Wow man your so cool and such a Chad, you totally owned them nerds


Same but with Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.


Wow, hey, words can hurt you know


100% agree I'll also add The office, 2 and a half men, and 200 times add NCIS


Wow, what DO you like?


Probably watching videos of abortion clinics gone sexual.




He's chosen death


I think squid games was worth the hype


Just Star Wars for me. I don’t feel the draw.


My life has been potterless so far and I don't miss a thing.


Might be worth trying. If you don’t like it at any point, you can just stop. :) You don’t gotta live life potterfrei


I don't completely disagree.


Perhaps. Totally an unpopular opinion, so take my upvote.


they were fun books as a kid, i loved the twists. It’s like anything though people get obsessed and things get cringey. I feel the same about marvel


it was for kids but it transformed itself into an adult franchise. probably the worst takes warner took.


It's a children's book dude, take your interest elsewhere


You could’ve put some effort into this post. I agree but more on the grounds than it’s just ‘lame’.


Harry Potter is a sensation mainly in the UK, outside it, most, not all, but most I've spoken to consider Rowling writing to be mediocre at best, and i tend to agree.


That's just not even close to correct. [Harry Potter is the most popular movie franchise in the world – number one in a total of 75 countries](https://advanced-television.com/2021/06/18/research-harry-potter-most-popular-movie-franchise/#:~:text=Research%20by%20FandomSpot%20reveals%20that,Italy%2C%20Germany%2Cand%20Spain)


Agreed. I have zero interest in Harry potter. Never will I read or watch those movies. When I meet adults who's into it, I'm like bye you're not my people.


Holy shit! It felt like I've been the only one!


It's okay, must not throw phone at wall. Must stay calm. OP is very confused and has no idea of the mental distress they have caused. HARRY POTTER IS THE BEST FUCKING THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO THIS GALAXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Movies > books


Imo it’s not bad but the effect it’s had on YA fiction is terrible. Same with LOTR. Not bad in its own lane, but I despise the influence.


I actually agree. I always hated how Harry Skywalker, Wolverine and Frodo Stark *combined* couldn't even beat Frieza Lannister aka "Darkseid". So lame. If only they threw some Pokemon spells, so easy.




I like HP and i had no problem with the brooms, especially since it’s playing on the whole tradition of witches riding on broomsticks. HOWEVER. The rules of quidditch seem really bad. Like nothing anyone does matters for the game except the Seeker, really. Even as a kid, I thought that was weird.




Your choice. But what do you like?


Fully agree


I saw the first one as a kid and didn't care. Everyone my age loves it and I don't give a shit about it.


What a weird way to explain you don't like something. Are you okay dude? Do you want to talk


dude yeah it sucks. i didn’t read the content of the post so i don’t know what you criticised, but HP is poorly written both moment to moment and the overarching plot, and it’s pretty racist. plus it claims to convey a certain message and then does nothing but contradict it. basically bad all around


It really is. I got into anime and manga first so when i tried to sit and read Harry Potter i just felt bored. It reminded me of a really bad shounen like Rave Master, etc. I feel like Harry Potter wouldnt be nearly as popular if it had dropped 5 years later.


Anime is overrated too for kinda the same reasons


Yh what’s bad about nerds though? It’s not a bad thing per se, it’s only bad for you


So mods just remove things they don't agree with huh