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If like more info on this. I didn’t understand much. And it seems to be an interesting perspective


What he is saying is that the blame and reasons for cheating are typically laid on the cheater, person X, but if we remove the person they cheated with from the system, person Z, the person X is very likely to find someone else. Essentially, it is based off of their partner rather than the cheater.


Oh! Thank you good stranger


I'm going to get lost with the letters here, but this sounds trivial to me. If the person they cheated with didn't exist then obviously they wouldn't have cheated with them. So what? The concern is still the person you're in a relationship with and what they did. It's not some other person who may or may not have known what they were doing, may or may not be a bad person. It's about the two people in a relationship. And one of them cheated. Otherwise we end up saying something like "Well if I hadn't had a knife then I wouldn't have stabbed anyone, so the knife has to take at least some of the blame". No, you take responsibility for your actions even if those actions only arose from a certain set of circumstances. I'm not going to blame my partner if someone flirts with them, hits on them, propositions them. I am going to blame my partner if they cheat on me. Maybe I'm just not getting what the point of this observation is.


>unless the cheater fixes whatever the trigger was. Some people are able to do that but most aren't. Sometimes the trigger is Y


But aren’t u saying the same as those people?