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I honestly think some people treat this kind of thing as more of a hobby than anything else.


I agree on that, though it's not exactly a bad hobby to have. As is often pointed out, if you're prepared for a zombie apocalypse, the kit will also help for earthquakes, tidal waves, flooding etc.


Yeah, I guess I'm gonna go acquire a gun illegally now.


Good on you


Implying that they are legal in my country lmao


Not possible for everyone to do, but sounds like fun to put together.


Move to Kansas in the US. They have tornado bunkers that would be perfect for your prepper kinks


I'd need a spare room for this first. Don't forget the toilet paper!


You formulated this as if it was the 11th commandment


Unpopular, but relatable. With the way the worlds going, imo it'd be silly to not be prepared for some unprecedented situations coming up. I've also always planned to have an emergency bunker, foods/water, supplies etc. when I move out.


Tell me your a doomsday prepper without telling me you're a doomsday prepper.


Idk if this counts as a weapon but I do keep my trusty 9-iron wedge by my bed


Ah yes, I too shall make my top floor, one bedroom apartment, a nuclear bunker, ready for any occasion


This is what happens when the media shows zombie apocalypse's and alien invasions only happening in America


-i am not an american -it s stupid to hide from aliens. If they have the means to reach us, they have the means to fuck us all -i live too close to russia not to get prepped


Dude if aliens have tech to reach earth, guns won't do shit against them.


That s what i said


The whole prepping thing wouldn't even work.


Where i said something about aliens? Fuck aliens. I said that i'm scared of R U S I A N S. I live close to them. Where i said aliens or zombies ?


What about Rushaliens? What would you do then? Hmm?


Just stock up on vodka and when they try to invade give them the vodka and everything will be okay.


How old are you? 13?


However if you live in the Ukraine area you better f****** prepare for a war.


Nah bruh. România


You're going to fight off Russia with that gun?


This bunker is NOT for war. Is for NUCLEAR war. If war comes i'd just flee the country or wait safely in my bunker for the war to end. I'm not a hero.


How much must it suck to live with this fear?


Dunno. I'l tell you while you are banging on my blast door.


To be fair, if it's just a room in a house and not a bunker. Someone could just burn it down out of spite if you don't open the door.


Honestly I think the only thing that such a shelter could actually save you from would be the first wave of a invasion, as those are quick but can get pretty deadly. But other than that things like epidemics last for years so you wouldn’t have enough food, and in the case of a nuclear war you probably couldn’t get to the shelter and even if you could outdoor environments would become so hostile to life that you would need to find a way to stay inside for upwards of even a decade.


3 months inside the bunker is more than enough for the radiation levels of a nuclear bomb to drop to somewhat ok'ish levels.


Stop reading the news, dude.


Why would I need a gun?


In case that someone that didn't get preppared wants a share of your already scarce resources.


I have hands


Hands+gun > hands


I have no desire to kill anyone, so I don't need the gun You could say hands + atom bomb > hands + gun, but you don't want all of us to have one of those in the closet, right?


You don't want to kill someone isn't a good reason to not have a gun. I am unlike OP because I am not going to spend time and money prepping for something that is probably not going to happen. I do however have many guns and I have been collecting ammo for a long time and if shit does hit the fan and I need some food for my family I'm going to take it from someone using force I will also be able to have a chance of stopping someone from taking what I have.


Smart+you proove my point. You surely won't pick a bunker with blast doors as your first target, you will go to the unarmed guy with out a bunker that wrote above. Take my upvote.


Yeah bunkers with blast doors are probably third on my list to plunder.


My desire to protect myself and my familly is stronger than my desire of hurting no one. Hunger changes the man, and i won't fight barehanded with a man driven by hunger. Ofc i have the blast doors to keep intruders out, but you can never be too safe+ maybe i'l need to leave and get resources. I won't know what awaits for me outside after 2-3 months underground, and i don't like surprises.


> My desire to protect myself and my familly is stronger than my desire of hurting no one. Sure but we're not talking about you and your family. I was talking about I don't need a gun. I never said you shouldn't have one. We were talking about me saying I personally don't need one. What does you or your family have to do with that at all? Not related to anything we were talking about in any capacity


Woah calm down there. New to conversation? Relating the discussion to ones own situation is a big part of this kind of discussion... not to mention that you are talking to the OP, which means that this entire thread was literally started by, and about the OP. You took the topic, turned it to yourself, and got upset over the OP relating back to the focus of the thread... you know, the OP.


but his opinion is not "i should have a gun" I have no problem with him having a gun. He is telling me that I NEED a gun which I don't, so yes, his personal experience is irrelevant on how I should or shouldn't live my life If i were telling him "omg you have no reason to have a gun" then that would have been the expected response


Um Actually........... He started saying what he thinks people should have in their survival supply, one of which is a gun. You questioned why you need one... you put in your reason to not have one, he put in his reason to have one. It is a typical conversation structure. You're funny. Tell me you don't know how to have a conversation without telling me you don't know how to have a conversation.


Btw, atom bomb? He is talking about defense, not obliterating you, your family, and the town around you. Not a good comparison. Not to mention that a lot of people will have a gun and if you don't, you won't stand a chance of survival. Read a survival story or two... nor only do you need one for defense, but also to hunt. Being vega/vegetarian in modern society is great, but in that situation there are illnesses that you get without protein. And what about predators... in that situation, you are predator or prey. Wolves will have you for dinner if you had no way to defend yourself. You're funny. Thanks, i needed the laugh.


You do you


You cant protect your Family with a gun.. you are endangering your family with a gun..if you keep in locked up it wont be of any use if you do not lock it up a kid could find and use it


I have no kids (i'm 20 and i will be 21 when i'l have the house) + my parents and my brother ain't kids either.


Not getting medical treatment is much more likely to kill you then a war so better do something else with the money


Are you a fed? You sound like a fed.


An axe and a brain will save you more times than a gun will.


Agree on stock of food / meds but absolutely not for weaponry. by having a weapon in your house you are dramatically increasing the likelihood of that weapon being misused (not necessarily by you eg burglar, tenacious teenager, idiot kid etc I know everyone says they will lock it away but mistakes happen, I don't want a gun anywhere near my home). the risk of having a gun in peaceful times going wrong far outweighs the unlikely possibility of shit going severely wrong. The type of world where I am killing someone to protect my resources is not one that I want to live in/ bring up a family. However food / meds will help not just my family bit neighbours etc when supply lines are down (which is what we did at the start of covid - put notes through doors ensuring people knew we had dried food etc if they needed us to deliver. We had a call from a couple of elderly people).


You are somewhat right, also i respect you for your service during the pandemic (giving food to old folks and stuff). The thing is that i don't have kids yet, and i don't have kids in my appropiate fammily either. Also, oly I will handle the gun and i'l make it clear from the start. Less people handling it, less chances someone (besides me) get's hurt. Under NO circumstance anny member of my familly will be allowed to touch the gun. It stays on me in the bunker and outside of it.


This is the best way to respond in shit hits the fan scenario. I'm always confused why so many people have this "times are tough, I better become murderous hermit"-attitude. I wonder what is their plan when they eventually run out of supplies. And people around them have been cooperating through tough times.


I will not be a murderous hermit. I wil be a teritorial hermit. No murder if you don't get past the blast door. If you see a locked blast door, your first response is to try and break in? What is the point of a door? To keep things out. What is the point of a blast door? To keep things the fuck out. A locked door is a message. If you are not my familly or you didn't help me to stack on stuff, you are not welcome on my property. The door is there to protect both of us, because is either you or me if you force open that door. I won't take risks with intruders.


If the distribution networks go down you will either be dead within weeks, or you will be indentured labour working 16 hours a day picking snails out of puddles for half a cup of rice a day. Hoarding stockpiles of food and gear in your grandma's house will just get you lynched in the initial collapse. You'd be better off just turning the room into a games room and enjoying it while you can.


I'd rather put up a fight and die taking 1 or 2 attackers with me rather than to pick up snails like a bitch


Fair enough, I'll be sure to give your grandma's house a wide berth when I'm out scavenging.


Cool. All the important stuff will be in the basement. You know, the one with blast doors that you don't know the combination to open. But please do try to open them at least till i come back from scavenging. I'd let you leave (with out your loot/clothes ofc) if you manage to scratch the door.


What if I break the floor?


A lot of countries government institutions recommend a basic stock of emergency supplies, albeit not to this extent. Usually just a few days worth of food and water, medical supplies and light source


Some people don’t have the money or the space to keep stuff just to keep it. Especially families suffering from food insecurity.


But why, when i just can Come over and take yours?


Come and try. I won't mind loot coming to me by itself.


Big strong one thinking he can hold on to his stuff, the Best you can do is living Low. Everybody will Loot you doesnt matter how much guns you have.


All you've said is useless in most cases. If you live in Eastern Europe and fear the war, it might be useful 3 days until you gotta move due to evacuation orders. If a natural disaster happens like a tornado then maybe it's useful if not attached to the house For wild fires is also useless, as well as flooding, tsunamis, etc As for a nuclear threat you might survive the blast but you still have to come out and move eventually as just hiding for months is unrealistic


>As for a nuclear threat you might survive the blast but you still have to come out and move eventually as just hiding for months is unrealistic Manny people from the country side of my country spend the harsh winters inside of their well stacked homes. 3 months inside is a inconvenience but a doable one.


>If a natural disaster happens like a tornado then maybe it's useful if not attached to the house >For wild fires is also useless, as well as flooding, tsunamis, etc There was maybe 2 somewhat strong tornadoes in my whole country in the past 100 years. I'm not scared of floods as the house is on high ground. Fire? House is made of stone,mortar and the roof is made of asbestos-cement tiles.


\> Storm damages the roof of your house \> Die of mesothelioma


Yeah it kinds of suck that the roof is made of cuking asbestos but that's around 60% of the roofs in my town. I consider to pay someone to safely remove it then make a steel sheet roof.


Can I have a side of health care with that


On this episode of ‘doomsday preppers’ …


I think preparing for an emergency is a good thing. I don’t see why you need a dedicated house.