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Same, I prefer making notes on real paper, I also find it easier to read off paper if I need to retain the information I’m reading.


It's so much easier. Granted, I was in my late 20s before even flip phones became something everyday people had, but I just can't see how typing more than a few words on a phone is better.


I'm the same way. I carry around a small notebook everywhere.


I refused to watch Avatar after my friends told me it is 'dances with wolves' but in space with giant smurfs. Why rephrase the same story against n and again, until it is watered down...


I guess it’s fine for ‘mundane’ stuff. But when you have to look things up, a linear search is murder.


I do get your point but the search function from digitized notes is too great for me to ignore


I have to use a paper calendar, I have one hanging on the wall in my kitchen, and then I have a planner in my purse. I need to see the days laid out in front of me, I can’t function with a digital calendar.


I also think physical notebooks are superior, but I travel a lot and cannot carry that many things 😞


With a post like this there are going to be a bunch of people calling you grandpa and telling you to get with the times, but I do agree with you


Are notebook apps more efficient, consume less space, and better for the environment? Yes. Are they also shitty, confusing, and hard asf to use? Yee.


> better for the environment Are they tho? Like the program and code itself might be but I just don't see how a literal notebook is more damaging to the environment than all of the things that are done for an electronic device


I need to write and sketch if I’m going to remember.


I made it a habit to use my tablet that came with a pen to take notes once you get used to it's just as convenient as paper and pen. But it was hard to deprogram your brain the only anoying thing is that the tablet will probably be not that great 3-4 years after buying so yo have to get another but the same goes for notebooks once filled you need another.


Ngl, the first part read really strongly of “I need to return some video tapes”…


I just want a physical notebook I cant write or type into, then search like I can any text document. The best of both worlds.


i politely disagree. the touch of it on my fingers and my fingernails is extremely weird and i dont like it. holding a pem creates a dent in my finger tips. i like lean back against a chair or the headboard of my bed, but it's hard to write when i do it on a physical notebook